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Research Work

Team Name – Team up

Team Members – Priya Singh, Yash Seela, Jyotirmoy Bhatta

Task – Finding 6 Tips and Tricks to learn your subjects faster with high

1. Start your study with mental peace

Hasty and unsettled mind can be potential barrier in understanding the
concept better. Hence, mental calmness is prerequisite for any study you
want to do. Undo the all uncertainties that you have earlier and start with
fresh mind. Avoid all distraction and choose your place of study wisely
where there is least disturbances and have quite and peaceful

2. Go beyond your curriculum

For learning a subject, the most important thing is your interest that can be developed only
when you try to explore more and go beyond your curriculum. You give more importance to
practical knowledge and try to apply your knowledge to real life applications.

3. Interact with your educators while they are teaching

While learning a subject from your mentor, teacher or
educator, interaction with them is really important.
Interacting with your educator not only lets you learn
faster but also makes you a better learner for life.
Interaction creates curiosity, curiosity brings knowledge.

4. Discuss with friends, classmates and try to

resolve their and your doubts:
Analyzing topic from the perspectives of others can give you more insights. Asking questions
from classmates and knowing their point of view can give another angle. And resolving doubts
of your friends and classmates can help you retain for longer period.

5. Teach what you are learning

When you study a topic try to discuss it with your mates, if they
want to understand it from you – teach it to them.
If you are able to tutor your juniors, it would be great. It can not
only increase your confidence in a particular topic of that
subject but helps you to do a quick revision and let’s you find
the mistakes you have been making when you studied those
things before.
“When you teach something you get to learn it twice”

2. Take breaks
Many times we get tired and feel that we should give up. This mostly happens when you do not
give yourself a small break in between. This not only affects your mental health but you can’t
give your 100% focus to your subject. So, taking a break works as a focus booster but
remember to not have long gaps(breaks), because it too can affect your studies. Therefore, we
should have scheduled breaks.

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