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Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

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Recent advances in DNA-based electrochemical biosensors for heavy metal MARK

ion detection: A review

M.R. Saidura, A.R. Abdul Aziza, , W.J. Basirunb,c
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Institute of Nanotechnology and Catalysis (NANOCAT), University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Keywords: The presence of heavy metal in food chains due to the rapid industrialization poses a serious threat on the
DNA environment. Therefore, detection and monitoring of heavy metals contamination are gaining more attention
Electrochemical biosensors nowadays. However, the current analytical methods (based on spectroscopy) for the detection of heavy metal
Heavy metal contamination are often very expensive, tedious and can only be handled by trained personnel. DNA biosensors,
which are based on electrochemical transduction, is a sensitive but inexpensive method of detection. The
principles, sensitivity, selectivity and challenges of electrochemical biosensors are discussed in this review. This
review also highlights the major advances of DNA-based electrochemical biosensors for the detection of heavy
metal ions such as Hg2+, Ag+, Cu2+ and Pb2+.

1. Introduction Schneider, 2003; Martin and Griswold, 2009; Panyala et al., 2008; Shi
et al., 2004; Smith and Steinmaus, 2009; Uriu-Adams and Keen, 2005).
Elements with atomic weight more than 63.5 and a specific gravity The side-effects and health impact of heavy metals on human
larger than 5g/cm−3 are classified as heavy metals. In small quantity, beings have encouraged different organizations including the World
heavy metals are co-factors and prosthetic groups of many enzymes, Health Organization (WHO) to set their safety limits (Griffiths et al.,
and important for human health (Bagchi et al., 2000). However, 2012; Organization, 2004; Pescod, 1992). However, due to rapid
excessive intake of heavy metals through dietary ingestion and/or from industrialization and urbanization, the awareness on the accepted daily
environmental contamination, poses a great threat to human and dose of heavy metals are overlooked in many parts of the world and
environment (Järup, 2003; Martin and Griswold, 2009). achieving the safety limits has become a challenge.
Essential biological molecules such as proteins and enzymes con- Many detection methods such as Atomic Absorption/ Emission
tain nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur at their ligand sites, which leads to Spectroscopy (AAS/AES) (Pohl, 2009), Mass spectroscopy (MS)
greater possibility of heavy metal complexation. For example, they can (Flamini and Panighel, 2006), Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
form a stable complex with the sulfur atom of methionine (–SCH) and Spectrometry (ICP-MS) (Ashoka et al., 2009), Cold Vapor Atomic
sulfhydryl group (–SH) of cysteine. Furthermore, a single heavy metal Fluorescence Spectrometry (CV-AFS) (Aranda et al., 2009),
ion can conciliate a crucial metal ion of similar size in the body's Ultraviolet–vis (UV) spectroscopy, X-Ray Fluorescence spectroscopy
metalloenzyme. In some dehydrogenating enzymes, Cd2+ can replace (Lorber, 1986) and Potentiometric Methods (Alegret and Merkoçi,
Zn2+, a prelude to cadmium toxicity. This process interferes with the 2007) have been widely used to detect heavy metal ions at parts per
enzymes’ and proteins’ normal functions, hindering metabolism and billion (ppb) and parts per trillion (ppt) levels. These methods are
delaying antioxidant protection, thus accumulating the reactive oxygen extremely sensitive and selective but time-consuming. They require
species (Barnham et al., 2004; Stohs and Bagchi, 1995; Valko et al., tedious sample preparation, highly trained staff and cannot be used for
2006). Reactive oxygen species irritate normal healthy cells and induce on-site detection due to the size of the analytical equipment (Jamali
toxicological and carcinogenic consequences mainly in the skin, bones et al., 2006). Therefore, the use of biological sensors or biosensors,
(Cr6+, Ni2+, Ag+, Cu2+, and Cd2+), kidney, liver (Cu2+, Hg2+, Pb2+, Ag+ especially deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) based biosensors appears to be
and Cd2+), and the central nervous system (Pb2+, Hg2+, and As3+) promising in heavy metal detection. This is because DNA and
(Hellström et al., 2001; Hughes et al., 2011; Järup, 2003; Lidsky and DNAzymes are biodegradable, highly selective, easy to obtain using

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.R.A. Aziz).
Received 10 September 2016; Received in revised form 3 November 2016; Accepted 15 November 2016
Available online 16 November 2016
0956-5663/ © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 1. (A) 1D 1H NMR spectrum of the T–Hg2+–T base pair: (i) in the absence of Hg2+. (ii) & (iii) in the presence of Hg2+(iv) Hg2+ and the duplex equilibrium system (Miyake et al.,
2006). (B) 1D 15N NMR spectrum of T–Hg2+–T: (b) the synthesized DNA oligomers with labeled thymidine indicated by color, and (c) 15N NMR spectrum of the duplex complex at a
molar ratio of 1:2 (Tanaka et al., 2007). (C) 1D 1H NMR spectrum of C–Ag+–C duplex formation: (i) spectrum of imino–proton region and (ii) spectrum for methyl proton region. Molar
ratio indicated at the left (Ono et al., 2008).

M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

in-vitro method and the analytical device is portable. Besides, electro- 3.1. The selective binding of heavy metal ions with DNA bases and
chemical detection of certain analytes offers direct electronic signals formation of a stable DNA-duplex
that overcome the use of expensive signal transforming instruments
(Drummond et al., 2003). It can be used on turbid or colored samples Some heavy metal ions have selective affinity towards certain DNA
because the sample components do not interfere with the electronic bases and form stable base pairs that are even stronger than the
signals (Ronkainen et al., 2010). Watson-crick base pair via coordination bond (Clever et al., 2007). Ono
This review describes the sensing principles of DNA biosensors in and Togashi (2004) first reported the specific coordinating ability of
heavy metal detection with a focus on the recent developments of mercury ion (Hg2+) with two thymine (T) bases. They also proposed
sensitive and selective detection of different types of heavy metal ions that Hg2+ could form a stable T–Hg2+–T base pair in a DNA-duplex
by electrochemical transduction. using mismatches between the complementary sequences, which
thermally stabilize the DNA-duplex. They later proved the existence
2. Electrochemical DNA biosensor of the T–Hg2+–T base pair structure using proton-1 (1H) and nitrogen-
15 (15N) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (Miyake
According to the International Union of Pure and Applied et al., 2006; Tanaka et al., 2007). Fig. 1A shows the 1H NMR spectra of
Chemistry (IUPAC), a biosensor is defined as “a self-contained the Hg2+ assisted duplex formation. Four peaks were observed between
integrated device that is capable of providing specific quantitative or 10.4 and 11.1 ppm in the absence of Hg2+ due to the resonances of four
semi-quantitative analytical information using a biological recognition imino protons of the T–T mispairs, in amalgamation with those of the
element (biochemical receptor), which is in direct spatial contact with a Watson-crick base pairing (at 12.5–13.5 ppm). In the case of Hg2+
transduction element” (Thévenot et al., 2001). A biosensor consists of addition, the resonance of the imino protons in the T–T mispairs
three segments (Liu et al., 2012a): decreased substantially.
According to Fig. 1B, the 1•3 duplex and 2•4 duplex clearly show
(1) The biological recognition elements (like enzyme, antibody, DNA the splitting of the 15N resonance with a dipole-dipole coupling (J-
etc.). constant) almost similar to (2JNN). At the same time, the 15N NMR
(2) A signal transducer that transforms the detected signal into a spectrum of the 2•3 duplex was analyzed by using one labeled and one
quantified, readable output. unlabeled thymidine, but no splitting was observed. This confirmed
(3) A signal processor to represent the transformed signal in an easy that the splitting of 15N NMR resonance spectrum for 1•3 and 2•4
and eco-friendly way. duplexes was due to the J-constant (2JNN) and the T–Hg2+–T duplex.
Fig. 1C shows that the silver ion (Ag+) selectively binds with
The single stranded DNA (ss-DNA) molecules in DNA-biosensors cytosine (C) and forms a stable C–Ag+–C duplex, which is enough to
serve as the target recognition element and are known as the probe ss- fully stabilize the duplex formation at pH 5 (Ono et al., 2008). The 1H
DNA. The principle is based on the hybridization of the probe ss-DNA NMR spectrum of the imino proton region shows new peaks after
with complementary target ss-DNA or the disruption of the structural titration with Ag+, where the intensities of these peaks increase with
integrity of probe ss-DNA by the analyte molecules. Both ways lead to the concentration of Ag+, which confirms the duplex formation..
changes in the mass transport, light absorption, emission, or proton Therefore, the discovery of stable T–Hg2+–T and C–Ag+–C duplex
concentration, which results in the generation of a signal. Then, the formations enables the design of selective DNA biosensors for heavy
signal is converted into a measurable response via an appropriate metal ion detection. Therefore, T-rich or C-rich ss-DNA can be utilized
transducer element such as optical, electrochemical or thermal ele- as a probe and complementary ss-DNA as a target. Hence, in the
ment, making the signal measurable as light, current, potential presence of metal ions, they can form stable duplex structure and metal
(Sassolas et al., 2008). ions can be detected by analyzing the hybridization event with different
An electrochemical DNA biosensor is a part of an electrochemical transduction techniques (Li et al., 2016; Wen et al., 2010; Yan et al.,
cell (Drummond et al., 2003; Ronkainen et al., 2010). Like a conven- 2012).
tional three-electrode electrochemical cell, it consists of working,
reference and auxiliary electrodes. The working electrode is usually 3.2. Heavy metal ions facilitate cleavage of DNAzymes
Pt, Au or graphite modified with the probe ss-DNA molecules, while a
saturated calomel electrode (SCE) and platinum wire are the reference DNAzymes are sequences that manifest catalytic properties such as
and auxiliary electrodes, respectively (Labuda et al., 2010). It is promoting DNA or ribonucleic acid (RNA) strands rupture (Fig. 2A and
needless to acquire extra instrumentation for signal transduction, as B). After the discovery of ribozymes in 1980 s, it has been assumed that
direct detection is accomplished by electrochemical techniques such as DNA can act both as a catalyst and a genetic carrier. The first
amperometry, voltammetry, potentiometry, and electrochemical im- DNAzymes was isolated in 1994 by an in-vitro selection method, which
pedance spectroscopy (EIS). Therefore, electrochemical transduction of was able to catalyze a trans-esterification reaction (Breaker and Joyce,
signals is a low cost, facile, and time-saving approach. 1994). Later on, many DNAzymes were successfully isolated.
Interestingly, most of the DNAzymes exhibit catalytic activity in the
3. Principles of heavy metal ions detection in DNA biosensor presence of metal cofactors with high selectivity of the metal ions
(Wang et al., 2002). The first isolated DNAzyme is 400,000 times more
In heavy metal ion detection, the DNA probe is utilized as the metal selective to lead ion (Pb2+) compared to other metal ions (Brown et al.,
ion recognition element and based on the following principles: 2003; Lan et al., 2010). Different types of highly selective metal ion
dependent DNAzymes has been obtained using the in-vitro selection
• The selective binding of heavy metal ions with specific DNA bases process or systematic evolution of ligands by exponential amplification
and formation of a stable DNA-duplex. (SELEX) (Hollenstein et al., 2008; Huang et al., 2015; Li et al., 2000;
• Heavy metal ions facilitate cleavage of deoxyribozymes Liu et al., 2007; Nelson et al., 2012).
(DNAzymes). The excellent metal selectivity enables the utilization of DNAzymes
as a biological recognition element in the design of improved DNA
• The switching of a stable G-quadruplex structure of guanine-rich biosensors for the detection of heavy metal ions. Fig. 2C shows the
probe DNA in the presence of heavy metal ions. typical reaction scheme of DNAzymes and the mechanism for heavy
metal ion detection. Here, in the absence of a selective metal ion, the
enzyme-oligonucleotide strand hybridizes with the substrate strand. A

M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 2. (A) Schematic illustration of DNAzymes. (B) 3D model of an 8-17E DNAzymes active site (Liu and Sen, 2008). (C) The principle of designing DNAzymes based biosensor for
heavy metal ions. (D) Hydrogen bonding between four Guanine bases and (E) a model of the G-quadruplex structure.

signal can be induced when the electrochemical redox reporter moves fully fabricated (Lan and Lu, 2012; Li and Lu, 2000; Liu et al., 2009b;
closer to the surface, or when the labeled fluorophore and quencher Liu and Lu, 2003, 2007; Xiao et al., 2007).
molecules come closer to each other. The metal ion then facilitates the
cleavage, which causes the melting temperature of the resulting two 3.3. The switching of a stable G-quadruplex structure of guanine-rich
strands to become lower than the ambient temperature and the DNA- probe DNA
duplex is de-hybridized accordingly. The release of the reporter-
containing segment changes the signal and is related to the metal ions Guanine (G) rich oligonucleotides and polynucleotides have a
concentration. Many heavy metal ion biosensors based on fluorescence, strong tendency for self–association and aggregation to form a model
colorimetric, and electrochemical measurements have been success- structure where the four strands are confined together by hydrogen

M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

bonding between the four-guanine groups (Fig. 2D). The polymorphic 4.1. T–T mismatches based biosensors for Hg2+ detection
four strand model structure shown in Fig. 2E is the G-quartet or G-
quadruplex (G4-DNA). In this four-fold helices, there is a central 4.1.1. T–Hg2+–T co-ordination based simple approach
channel which is a unique feature among the G-quadruplex structure Wu et al. (2010b) developed a simple T–Hg2+–T co-ordination
that distinguishes this particular DNA arrangement from other types of based biosensor for Hg2+ detection by immobilizing a thiolated
DNA (Balagurumoorthy and Brahmachari, 1994; Howard and Miles, polythymine oligonucleotides (PTO) on a gold electrode via self-
1982). assembly. Hg2+ captured by the T–Hg2+–T formation was initially
It has been reported that some metal ions such as K+, Na+ and Pb2+ reduced at −0.2 Volt (V) on the PTO/Au modified electrode. The
could influence the conformational switch of a G-rich DNA from oxidation signal of Hg2+ was analyzed with a detection limit of
random coil to the G-quadruplex structure (Guschlbauer et al., 1990; 60 picomoles (pM) using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV)
Smirnov and Shafer, 2000; Yang et al., 2010a). Some heavy metal ion (−0.2 V~1.0 V). Although it is easy to fabricate direct electrochemical
biosensors have been discovered based on the conformational switch- redox signal based biosensor, it suffers from large background signals.
ing by metal ions (Lin et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2009a; Zhan et al., 2013). Therefore, the use of electrochemical redox indicator is recommended
in order to produce stronger electrochemical signals. For example, Niu
et al. (2011) developed a novel biosensor, where ferrocene (Fc) was
tagged on the ss-DNA as an indicator. This biosensor was able to detect
Hg2+ in the concentration range of 1 nanomole (nM) to 10 micromoles
4. Heavy metal ion biosensors based on stable duplex (µM), with a detection limit of 0.6 nM based on the Fc signal. Later,
formation using DNA mismatches Zhang et al. (2013) used hexamine ruthenium complex [Ru(NH3)6]3+
where an increase of the peak current of [Ru (NH3)6]3+ was observed
When the T–T and C–C mismatches are present between two after hybridization. Graphene oxide (GO) has a stronger interaction
complementary ss-DNA, Hg2+ and Ag+ can form a stable duplex even with ss-DNA than ds-DNA (Varghese et al., 2009). Therefore, GO can
stronger than the Watson-Crick base pair by co-ordination (Clever be used as an alternative electrochemical redox indicator. An electro-
et al., 2007; Xu et al., 2015). Therefore, with a T-rich or C-rich probe chemical Hg2+ biosensor was developed by Park et al. (2012) using GO
ss-DNA and their immobilization on the electrode surface, it is possible as an active indicator.
to form a duplex with complementary ss-DNA. Then, the surface-
confined DNA metal ions can be detected by different electrochemical
4.1.2. Based on T–Hg2+–T co-ordination induce conformational
techniques, as summarized in Table 1.
switching of probe DNA
It is well-known that target DNA molecule often induces conforma-

Table 1
Heavy metal ion detection biosensors based on stable duplex formation using DNA mismatches.

Strategy Analyte HM Electrode Electrochemical Electrochemical Limit of Linear range References

material technique indicator detection

Simple approach Hg2+ Gold DPV 60 pM 0.2–1 nM Wu et al. (2010b)

RGO/GCE CV, EIS, DPV [Ru(NH3)6]3+ 5 nM 8 nM−0.1 µm Zhang et al.
SPGE CV Fc 0.6 nM 10–0.001 µm Niu et al. (2011)
Gold coated glass CV, EIS GO 1 nM 1 −300 nM Park et al. (2012)
Ag+ CPE and AuNPs/ DPV Ethyl green (EG) 0.104 nM/ 0.3–1 nM and 0.09 Ebrahimi et al.
CPE 0.0264 nM −1 nM (2015)
Fe3O4@3D-GO/ CV, EIS 2.0 pM 0.01–100 nM Yang et al. (2015)
Probe structural Hg Gold EIS [Fe(CN)6]3-/4- 100 pM 1 nM−1 mM Cao et al. (2009)
switch signal-on PGE DPV Fc 0.1 µm 0.1–2 µm Han et al. (2009)
Gold SWV Fc 2.5 nM 5 nM−1 µm Zhuang et al.
Gold and SPGE SWV MB 0.1 nM 0.2 −100 nM /0.2 Tortolini et al.
−50 nM (2015a)
Gold DPV MB and Fc 0.08 nM 0.5 −5000 nM Xiong et al.
Ag MHA/Gold DPV 1.3 nM 10–500 nM Yan et al. (2012)
NPG/GCE SWV AQDS 0.048 nM 0.1 nM−1 µm Zhou et al.
Probe structural Hg2+ PGE DPV, CV, EIS Fc 0.5 nM 1 nM−2.0 µm Liu et al. (2009c)
switch signal-off PGE CV, DPV, EIS Fc 0.06 nM 0.1 nM- 5 µm Wu et al. (2010a)
Multi metallic (Au- CC RuHex 1 nM 6 −1066 nM Chen et al.
Ag) planar (2012)
Amplification based Hg2+ Gold CV [Ru(NH3)6]3+ 10 nM 10 nM−10 µm Miao et al.
Gold SWV [Ru(NH3)6]3+ 0.5 nM 1 nM−0.1 µm Zhu et al.
Gold DPV [Ru(NH3)6] 7.38 pM 0.05–2.5 nM Tang et al. (2012)
ITO coated glass DPV MB 0.2 nM 0.5 nM−20 µm Xuan et al.
chip (2013)
Ag+ Gold DPV MB 0.03 nM 0.1–120 nM Xu et al. (2013)

SPGE= Screen-printed gold electrode; PGE= Polycrystalline gold electrode. ITO= Indium tin oxide

M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

tional variations, or causes folding and unfolding of probe DNA during cal readout signal. However, the sensitivity was limited. Many
hybridization (Hermann and Patel, 2000). This technique is a remark- researchers have used nanomaterial-based signal amplification strate-
able general platform for the development of new DNA biosensors with gies to increase the sensitivity (Aragay and Merkoçi, 2012; Gong et al.,
many attractive features (Liu et al., 2011). Recently, this approach has 2013; Zhu et al., 2009a).
attracted attention in the development of heavy metal ion biosensors. AuNPs-based signal amplification. Miao et al. (2009) Conformational switch signal-on biosensors. Cao et al. designed a facile signal amplification technique using AuNPs. They
(2009) developed a very sensitive and selective DNA biosensor using first immobilized MSO onto the gold surface and at the same time
EIS. Based on the co-ordination of Hg2+, the conformation of the poly- decorated the AuNPs with complementary ss-DNA. In the presence of
T probes on the electrode changed from parallel linear to a hairpin Hg2+, the AuNPs moved closer to the surface by forming a T–Hg2+–T
structure, increasing the surface crowding. This crowding initiates the duplex and more electrochemical tags were bound to enhance the
release of partial DNA molecules from the electrode surface, which signal. This work inspired Zhu et al. (2009b) to fabricate a highly
later influences the diffusion of the metal ions. The limit of detection sensitive electrochemical biosensor using AuNPs. Fig. 5A, shows that
(LOD) of this biosensor was as low as 100 pM. However, was less AuNPs were decorated with the MSO probes and additional linker
specific because of the non-specific adsorption and this increased the probes. The linker probes were complementary to the surface
possibility of false positive signals. Therefore, Han et al. (2009) immobilized capture probes. Therefore, hybridization between the
developed a signal-on strategy using a Fc-tagged DNA oligomer to capture probe and the linker probe enabled AuNPs to move closer to
improve the specificity. A G–C base pair was added in the oligomer to the gold electrode surface. Simultaneously the MSO probes could
facilitate the intra-molecular folding. Thus, in the presence of Hg2+, the capture a large number of Hg2+ through the T–Hg2+–T coordination.
T–Hg2+–T coordination triggered the probe oligomer to fold into a This produced a highly amplified direct redox signal for the captured
hairpin-like structure, which pulled the Fc tags close to the electrode Hg2+, around 3 orders of magnitude higher than other biosensors
surface and enhanced the electron transfer process (Fig. 3A). Then they fabricated from direct attachment of MSO on Au electrode without
analyzed the Fc signal by DPV. Recently, Tortolini et al. (2015b) also using AuNPS.
proposed a similar strategy using methylene blue (MB) as a redox tag
instead of Fc. Tang et al. (2012) designed an outstanding signal amplification
strategy based on the formation of a 3D DNA linked fishnet-sensing
Zhuang et al. (2013) developed a sensitive and reusable signal-on platform using AuNPs as shown in Fig. 5B. In this strategy, the AuNPs
biosensor using Fc tag, but using a “compete for T–Hg2+–T coordina- were functionalized with two types of thiolated probe-DNA (DNA1-
tion” approach in a specifically designed hairpin probe-DNA. The T– AuNPs and DNA2-AuNPs) and a capture probe with T–T mismatches
Hg2+–T coordination opened the hairpin structure and led the Fc tags for the Hg2+ binding was used. The DNA1-AuNPs could combine with
closer to the electrode surface, enhancing the current signal generated the surface immobilized capture probe in the presence of Hg2+. At the
from the Fc-tag (Fig. 3B). Most recently, Xiong et al. (2015) has same time, the DNA2-AuNPs could bind with the DNA1-AuNPs. The
reported an electrochemical biosensor based on the structural switch of repetition of this type of conjugation could trigger a fishnet-like supra-
a T-rich probe DNA. Upon binding with the Hg2+, the steam loop probe molecular structure. Therefore, when [Ru(NH3)6]3+ is used as the
switched to a rigid ds-DNA. Interestingly, they used MB and Fc tags electrochemical indicator, this fishnet structure adsorbs a large number
respectively to indicate the steam loop and ds-DNA as shown in of indicators even at lower Hg2+ concentration. This biosensor could
Fig. 3C. Therefore, by examining the current ratio of MB to Fc, a detect Hg2+ concentration as low as 7.38 pM by analyzing the signal of
highly sensitive detection of about 0.08 nM Hg2+ was achieved. [Ru(NH3)6]3+ in DPV. Conformational switch signal-off biosensors. Liu et al. Exonuclease-III mediated signal amplification. Exonuclease-
(2009c) fabricated a facile signal-off biosensor for the detection of III (Exo III) belongs to the 30–50 exonuclease family. It can digest 30-
Hg2+, where thiolated Fc-tagged poly-T oligonucleotides were end of ds-DNA without any particular recognition sequence (Xu et al.,
immobilized on the electrode surface via the self-assembly technique. 2012; Zuo et al., 2010). Exo-III facilitates the amplification as a
In the presence of Hg2+, a flexible single-strand poly-T oligonucleotide molecular beacon for the sensitive detection of several biomolecules
probe formed a relatively rigid duplex with another poly-T probe via T– (Freeman et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2012b). Therefore, Exo-III mediated
Hg2+–T formation. Therefore, a flexible to rigid structure switching signal amplification enables the fabrication of an electrochemical DNA
puss out the Fc-tags from the electrode surface and decreased the redox biosensor for the detection of Hg2+(Xuan et al., 2013). In this
currents (Fig. 4A). This biosensor detected Hg2+ with high selectivity in immobilization-free electrochemical approach, the MB modified T-
DPV, cyclic voltammetry (CV), and EIS measurements. rich ss-DNA folds into a hairpin structure upon coordination with
Hg2+. Subsequently, it acts as the substrate for EXO-III. When the
Wu et al. (2010a) developed a signal-off biosensor with higher digestion reaction is completed, Hg2+ can be released from the duplex
specificity. They started with the Hg2+ coordination, followed by the for further coordination with another T-rich ss-DNA (Fig. 5C). The
substitution of the indicator. As shown in Fig. 4B, the competing cyclic shuffling of Hg2+ between the solution phase and the solid DNA
formation of T–Hg2+–T folds the mercury specific oligonucleotide produces a highly sensitive biosensor.
(MSO) probe into a hairpin-like structure, while the immediate release
of the Fc-tagged short ss-DNA decreases the redox current. It was
assumed that the decrease of non-specific adsorption increased the 4.2. C–C mismatches based electrochemical biosensor for Ag+
sensitivity, (LOD 0.06 nM of Hg2+). Later on, Chen et al. (2012) detection
proposed another biosensor with the same strategy but using [Ru
(NH3)6]3+ as an indicator instead of Fc-tag via electrochemical Electrochemical detection of Ag+ ion by DNA biosensors is un-
chronocoulometry (CC) technique (Fig. 4C). common compared to detection of Hg2+. However, the application of
this technique for the detection of Ag+ is gaining interest with time.
4.1.3. Signal amplification based biosensors
Among all the strategies described above, only the probe-DNA 4.2.1. C–Ag+–C coordination based simple approach
could incorporate the presence of Hg2+ and generate an electrochemi- Ebrahimi et al. (2015) reported a simple C–Ag+–C co-ordination

M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 3. Probe structural switch signal-on biosensors. (A) Intramolecular folding of probe ss-DNA to a hairpin structure (Han et al., 2009). (B) Based on the competing conformation
among the probe hairpin and Hg2+ induced duplex (Zhuang et al., 2013). (C) Based on analysis of current ratio between MB and Fc (Xiong et al., 2015).

based biosensor for Ag+ detection by immobilization of 100% poly-C 4.2.2. Based on C–Ag+–C coordination trigger structural switching of
oligonucleotide strands on both carbon paste electrode (CPE) and probe DNA
AuNPs modified CPE. The Ag+ concentration was successfully deter- Yan et al. (2012) developed a sensitive DNA biosensor based on the
mined in the real sample by voltammetry. The AuNPs modified C–Ag+–C induced structural switch neither with immobilization of the
electrode achieved a better LOD compared to CPE. Yang et al. (2015) probe DNA, nor labeling with any redox tag. Fig. 6A shows that a gold
designed another DNA biosensor for Ag+ through electrode modifica- electrode was modified with a monolayer of 16-mercaptohexadecanoic
tion with Fe3O4@3D-GO and achieved an excellent limit of detection, acid (MHA) via self-assembly in the aqueous phase. The C-rich ss-DNA
which was 2.0 pM of Ag+ in the range of 0.01–100 nM. was warped with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by π-π
interaction in the absence of Ag+. The electrode was isolated from the
electroactive indicator by MHA/SAM. In the presence of Ag+, the ss-
DNA formed a hairpin structure by C–Ag+–C. Thus, the MWCNT

M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 4. (A) Associated with the intermolecular T–Hg2+–T duplex formation (Liu et al., 2009c). (B) Using the replacement of a complementary ss-DNA and investigation of the redox
current of Fc tags on ss-DNA (Wu et al., 2010a). and (C) Also based on the replacement of a complementary ss-DNA and analysis the chronocoulometric (CC) signal of RuHex (Chen
et al., 2012).

became free and attached on the electrode, leading to the electron 5. Heavy metal ion biosensors based on cleavage of
transfer process between the indicator and electrode. Therefore, the DNAzymes
sensor switched between “signal-off” to “signal-on” and was controlled
by the presence of Ag+ ion. Most recently, Zhou et al. (2015) proposed a Highly sensitive electrochemical biosensors have been developed
highly sensitive DNA biosensor based on Ag+ inducing structural for the detection of heavy metal ions based on the excellent metal
switch of probe-DNA. Upon immobilization of the probe ss-DNA (S1) selectivity of the DNAzymes, as summarized in Table 2. Xiao et al.
onto a nanoporous gold modified glassy carbon electrode (NPG/GCE), (2007) designed an electrochemical biosensor for the detection of Pb2+,
it was hybridized with two types of ss-DNA (S2 and S3) (Fig. 6B). These using an 8-17E lead dependent DNAzyme. Initially, they immobilized
hybridizations initially formed a hairpin-like structure. However, in the the MB functionalized enzyme strand on a gold electrode. Then, the
presence of Ag+ ions, the hairpin-like structure turned into a rigid DNAzyme was hybridized with the substrate strand that prohibited the
duplex like structure by forming the C–Ag+–C base pair which redox-active MB molecule from touching the electrode. However, in the
subsequently increased the adsorption of electroactive signal inter- presence of Pb2+, it cleaved the substrate strand and made the enzyme
calator disodium anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS). Higher elec- strand more flexible (Fig. 7A). Therefore, MB could move closer to the
tron conductivity of NPG-modified electrode enabled the detection of electrode and facilitated the electron transfer process between the
0.048 nM of Ag+, with a wide linear range in square wave voltammetry electrode and MB. This electrochemical communication produced an
(SWV). electrochemical signal, proportional to the Pb2+ concentration. This
C–Ag+–C could also initiate the activity of the Exo-III like the T– biosensor was able to detect Pb2+ in soil samples and successfully
Hg –T duplex (Xuan et al., 2013). Therefore, a DNA biosensor with
reached a detection limit of 300 nM. Similarly, Zhang et al. (2016)
amplified signals was developed by Xu et al. (2013) by using EXO-III. reported higher sensitivity with Fc.
The signal of MB indicators could be amplified (Fig. 6C) with the Shen et al. (2008) reported a signal amplification assay for the
recycling of Ag+ from C–Ag+–C complex by the EXO-III activity. detection of Pb2+ based on DNA-Au bio-barcode. Fig. 7B shows that a
large number of oligonucleotides strands called the bio-barcode DNA,
were functionalized with AuNPs. Concurrently, a Pb2+ dependent

M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 5. Schematic illustration of different signal amplification strategy: (A) Using AuNPs decorated by MSO probes and linking ss-DNA (Zhu et al., 2009b). (B) AuNPs mediated three-
dimensional fishnet electrochemical biosensor and amplified DPV curves (Tang et al., 2012). (C) Signal amplification associated with Exonuclease-III (Xuan et al., 2013).

M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 6. Schematic presentation of (A) turn-off and turn-on strategy by controlled assembly of MWCNTs (Yan et al., 2012). (B) Surface fabrication and developed biosensor for Ag+
detection (Zhou et al., 2015). (C) Reshuffling of Ag+ by EXO-III activity and signal amplification (Xu et al., 2013).

Table 2
Heavy metal ion biosensors based on cleavage of DNAzymes.

Electrode Analyte HM Signal amplification Electrochemical Electrochemical Redox LOD Linear range Reference
material technique technique indicator

Gold Pb2+ DPV MB 300 nM 0.5–10 µm Xiao et al.

Gold DPV Fc 0.25 nM 0.5 nM−5 µm Zhang et al.
Gold AuNPs based bio barcode DPV [Ru(NH3)6]3+ 1 nM 5 nM−0.1 µm Shen et al.
Gold AuNPs based CC [Ru(NH3)6]3+ 0.028 nM 0.1 nM−0.035 µm Yang et al.
amplification (2010b)
Magnetic Beads RCA amplification SWSV MB 7.8 pM 0.01 nM−1.0 µm Tang et al.

Gold Cu2+ SWV Fc 20 nM 20 nM−600 µm Li et al. (2010)

AuNPs/Gold SWV Fc 0.1 pM 0.1 nM−10 µm Chen et al.
GNCs EIS Fe(CN)64-/3- 0.0725 nM 0.1 nM−400 nM Hu et al. (2016)
Gold UO22+ HCR signal amplification SWV MB 20 pM 0.05 nM−4 nM Yun et al. (2016)

M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 7. (A) A simple approach of DNAzyme based electrochemical detection of Pb2+(Xiao et al., 2007). (B) Schematic illustration of signal enhancing strategy using AuNPs (bio-barcode)
(Shen et al., 2008). (C) The principal of signal amplification by surface bound capture ss-DNA and AuNPs (Yang et al., 2010b). (D) Signal amplification by RCA for Pb2+ detection (Tang
et al., 2013).

DNAzyme was immobilized on a gold electrode and hybridized with the DNAzyme. Then, a capture ss-DNA was immobilized on the gold
substrate strand. Interestingly, the substrate strand was pre-designed electrode, as a complementary to the enzyme strand. When incubated
in such a way that it could also hybridize the DNA-Au bio-barcode with the AuNPs modified DNAzyme (dsDNA-AuNPs) in Pb2+ solution,
through an overhang. Therefore, a large amount of [Ru(NH3)6]3+ redox it cleaved the substrate strand and the AuNPs modified enzyme strand
mediator could be attached to the anionic phosphate in the DNA became free. Immediately, it was hybridized with the capture ss-DNA
backbone by simple electrostatic interaction. However, upon the on the gold electrode. This increased the adsorption of the redox
incubation with Pb2+, the catalytic reaction cleaved the substrate mediator on the DNA backbone and enhanced the electrochemical
strands into two pieces and detaches it from the catalytic strand. As signal (Fig. 7C). This signal amplification led to an outstanding
a result, an instant decrease in the amount of redox mediator on the detection limit of 0.028 nM of Pb2+.
electrode surface and a sharp fall in electrochemical signals in DPV was Recently, Tang et al. (2013) demonstrated a different signal
observed. In spite of sensitivity, it was a troublesome and time- amplification strategy for the sensing of Pb2+ based on rolling circle
consuming method especially for field applications. Yang et al. amplification (RCA) using cadmium-sulfide quantum dots (CdS-QD)
(2010b) constructed an extremely amplified biosensor for Pb2+ detec- nanoparticles. As shown in Fig. 7D, upon the Pb2+ mediated cleavage,
tion using AuNPs. The AuNPs was decorated with lead dependent the catalytic strand on the magnetic beads surface started to hybridize

M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

with the two ends of the RCA template and formed a circular RCA DNAzyme initiates the hybridization with two other auxiliary ss-DNA
template. In the presence of a polymerase, this RCA process produced strands, in an alternate way to produce a nicked double helix. With the
long ss-DNA with repeating units, which subsequently hybridized with addition of hemin, the aptamer forms the hemin/G-quadruplex
previously modified ss-DNA by CdS-QDs. Thereafter, a long DNA- DNAzyme, catalyzing the polymerization of aniline to form polyaniline
duplex with a repeating arrangement of QDs was produced, and along with the ds-DNA, as shown in Fig. 8C.
extremely low level of Pb2+(7.8 pM) could be detected. Even though
this method could detect extremely low level of concentration, the
application is limited due to the highly complicated procedures.
All the DNAzymes based biosensors described above are for the
detection of Pb2+, because biosensors for other heavy metal ions are 7. Conclusion and future research
still very limited. Li et al. (2010) successfully designed a facile
DNAzyme based biosensor for the detection of copper (Cu2+) by Heavy metal pollution is of great concern since it poses threat to the
applying a Cu2+ dependent self-cleavage of DNAzyme composed of public health and the environment. Electrochemical transduction
87-nucleotides. Later, Chen et al. (2011) also proposed another based DNA biosensors provide a convenient platform for early detec-
biosensor using a similar strategy with increased LOD. The large tion of heavy metal contamination. In this review, the principles of
surface area of AuNPs was able to immobilize a maximum number of heavy metal ion sensing by DNA biosensors were elaborated, with
DNAzymes while decreasing the non-specific adsorption, thereby particular emphasis on their selectivity and sensitivity. The recent
increasing the sensitivity. In SWV, this sensor could reach a LOD of advancements in electrochemical DNA biosensors were also high-
0.1 pM, more sensitive than the previous one. A label-free biosensor for lighted.
Cu2+ detection was developed by Hu et al. (2016), where gold Literature shows that direct electrochemical redox signal based
nanoclusters (GNCs) were used as the immobilization platform for electrochemical biosensors are easy to use. One of the challenges of
DNAzymes and Fe(CN)64−/3− as the redox marker in EIS. Yun et al. electrochemical biosensors is the background current which supressed
(2016) developed an ultrasensitive DNAzyme based biosensors for the electrical signals. However, the use of electrochemical redox
uranium oxide ion (UO22+). Upon immobilization of a UO22+ specific indicators/reporters could amplify the electrochemical signals. Some
DNAzymes onto the gold electrode, two other hairpin DNA were used excellent DNA biosensors have been developed for Hg2+, Ag+, Pb2+
in the UO22+ containing solution for the hybridization chain reaction using different electrochemical redox indicators/reporters. Gold is the
(HCR). The HCR amplification strategy produced a long nicked ds- common choice as electrode material because it immobilizes the probe-
DNA, where a large number of MB could intercalate and produce a DNA through thiol-gold interaction. One option for achieving the
highly sensitive electrochemical signal. In SWV, this biosensor could maximum hybridization efficiency and increasing detection limit in
detect concentration as low as 20 pM UO22+. DNA biosensor is to employ an upright configuration of probe ss-DNA.
However, the neutron reflectivity analysis confirms that the probe DNA
6. Heavy metal ion biosensors based on stable G-quadruplex lies flat with multiple adsorption points on the gold surface as DNA
DNA formation bases have a strong affinity for gold. Consequently, the hybridization
efficiency is low, usually about 10% or less (Levicky et al., 1998).
Lin et al. (2011) designed a label-free DNA biosensor for Pb2+ Obviously, the non-specific adsorption remains the major challenge
detection using [Fe(CN)6]4−/3− as a redox probe with the EIS method. that limits broadspectrum detection. Thus, the fabrication of a working
In the presence of Pb2+, the surface immobilized G-rich hairpin-like electrode with improved specificity and sensitivity is one of the hall-
DNA-probe opens its steam loop and switches to form a G4-DNA marks in the future. Different signal amplification strategies using
structure, while the charge transfer resistance increases sharply. This AuNPs, RCA and EXO-III activity could facilitate the transformation of
charge transfer resistance increases linearly with the of Pb2+ concen- a trace amount of target metal ions into profuse DNA for subsequent
tration and this sensor could detect concentrations as low as 0.5 nM signal information. Despite the reported potentials these biosensors in
Pb2+. Some smaller molecules have a selective binding affinity towards simple laboratory experiments, their suitability for complex environ-
G4-DNA over ss-DNA or ds-DNA through intercalation, such as crystal mental samples needs to be verified.
violet (CV) (Kong et al., 2009). Therefore, Li et al. (2011) constructed The portability of the device is also an important criterion for
an electrochemical amperometric biosensor for the detection of Pb2+, continuous monitoring of the samples. Thus, miniature electrodes are
based on the specific interaction between G4-DNA and CV (Fig. 8A). A desirable. However, for higher sensitivity and amplified signal, a
linear correlation was found between the electrochemical response of maximum number of probe-DNA must be immobilized on the elec-
CV and the logarithm of Pb2+ concentration. The sensor could detect up trode surface. To this end, combining the interdigitated nanostructured
to 0.4 nM of Pb2+ within a dynamic range without the use of any electrode with nanomaterials could address this problem. Recently,
sophisticated equipment. graphene has attracted tremendous attention for the fabrication of
It has been reported that DNA G-quadruplex possesses peroxidase- electrode surface. Graphene is an efficient material for the immobiliza-
like activity when combined with hemin and is able to catalyze the tion of DNA probe without changing the stability and biological
peroxidase reactions (Pelossof et al., 2010). The catalytic activity of activities of the DNA (Fang and Wang, 2013).
peroxidase-mimicking DNAzyme is also used in electrochemical bio- Since the current electrochemical DNA biosensors could only
sensors for the detection of heavy metal ions. For example, an selectively detect a single heavy metal ion, there is a need to develop
amperometric ‘signal-on’ sensing platform of Pb2+ was successfully biosensors that could simultaneously detect multiple heavy metal ions.
demonstrated by Li et al. (2013). The intercalation of hemin to the Currently, most of the developed electrochemical DNA-based biosen-
Pb2+-conveyed G4-DNA initiates the catalytic activity of horseradish sors are suitable for the detection of a limited number of heavy metal
peroxidase (HRP)-mimicking DNAzyme for the oxidative polymeriza- ions such as Hg2+, Pb2+, Ag+, Cu2+, and UO22+. Future research should
tion of aniline (Fig. 8B). Therefore, the polyaniline (PANI) deposited on focus on the design of new DNA sequences and DNAzymes for the
the electrode can turn-on the electrochemical signal. detection of other hazardous heavy metal ions such as cadmium (Cd2+),
Zhang et al. (2015) also proposed a highly amplified sensing chromium (Cr3+), iron (Fe2+ and Fe3+), arsenic (As6+) and nickel
platform for Pb2+ using hemin/G-quadruplex mediated HRP-mimick- (Ni2+). In the future, spectro-electrochemical measurements could be
ing DNAzyme catalytic activity. The proposed biosensor could detect further explored, as this technique potentially offers a new insight into
Pb2+ concentration of as low as 32 pM through a complicated the mechanism of DNA biosensors by combining the electronic and
procedure. After the cleavage, the substrate strand of a Pb2+ dependent optical responses.

M.R. Saidur et al. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90 (2017) 125–139

Fig. 8. Electrochemical detection of Pb2+ based on G-quadruplex DNA formation: (A) interaction of CV with Pb2+ induced G-quadruplex DNA as a signal producer (Li et al., 2011). (B)
HRP-mimicking DNAzyme catalyzed template guided deposition of polyaniline on the electrode (Li et al., 2013). (C) Hemin/G4-DNAzymes catalyze polymerization of aniline along ds-
DNA (Zhang et al., 2015).

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