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LCQ9: Feasibility study on permanent site for heliport


Following is the question by the Hon Abraham Shek and a written reply by the Secretary
for Economic Development and Labour, Mr Stephen Ip, in the Legislative Council today
(March 17):

Question :

I have learnt that the Government plans to construct a temporary heliport at the Golden
Bauhinia Square in Wan Chai for use by the Government Flying Service. In this
connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the reasons for constructing a heliport at that location, the estimated construction
cost and average number of helicopter flights per day;

(b) why the heliport is to be used exclusively by the Government Flying Service, and
whether it plans to open up the heliport for commercial helicopter flights; and

(c) whether it has plans to construct a permanent heliport in the vicinity of that location or
at another location; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?

Reply :

Madam President,

(a) Under the draft Wan Chai North Outline Zoning Plan gazetted in April 2002, a
permanent heliport is planned at the north-east corner of the Golden Bauhinia Square in
Wan Chai. It is necessary to develop a helipad on the northern shore of the Hong Kong
Island because Government Flying Service (GFS) requires such facilities to provide
emergency casualty evacuation services and support the law enforcement operations of
other disciplinary forces. The original plan is for the permanent heliport to be completed in
2007. The estimated construction cost is HK$23.31 million. The original Central Heliport
at Lung Wui Road was closed in January 2004 to make way for the implementation of the
Central Reclamation Phase III works. The GFS has since relocated its operation to the
temporary heliport at the former Wan Chai Public Works Cargo Area. We expect the
number of flight movements at the temporary heliport in Wan Chai would be about the
same as that at Central Heliport, i.e. around eight movements per day.
The Government is currently reviewing the proposed reclamation for Wan Chai North and
the review includes the planned permanent heliport.

(b) According to the paper submitted by the Administration to the LegCo Panel on
Planning, Lands and Works on December 7, 2001, the planned heliport at the north-east
corner of the Golden Bauhinia Square in Wan Chai would be confined to GFS only and
primarily related to emergency and security functions. In the course of discussing the
Government's proposal, Panel Members expressed concern over any possible noise and
safety impact on visitors to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)
as well as the effect on the HKCEC as a tourist attraction. As a result, Members endorsed
that the heliport should be strictly confined to the limited uses by the GFS.

(c) To support the long term development of commercial helicopter services in Hong Kong,
the Government is actively seeking a suitable site in the vicinity of Sheung Wan for the
development of a permanent heliport. In this connection, the Government commissioned a
technical feasibility consultancy study in October 2003. The Government will consult the
LegCo and the community upon completion of the study.

Ends/Wednesday, March 17, 2004

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