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J Mater Sci (2018) 53:15784–15794

C H E M I C A L R routes
O U T E S T Oto
M Amaterials

Surface attachment of protonated polyimidazolium

monolayer on titanate nanotubes as a novel proton
Fangfang Zhang1 , Wei Li2,* , Xi Zheng3 , Pengfei Fang1,* , and Haining Zhang3

School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
College of Light Industry and Food Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology,
Wuhan 430070, China

Received: 16 March 2018 ABSTRACT

Accepted: 24 July 2018 A novel proton conductor has been designed by the surface immobilization of
Published online: protonated polyimidazolium monolayer on titanate nanotubes (TiNTs) through
30 July 2018 a polymer brush strategy. 2,20 -Azobis(2-methylpropionitrile) (AIBN)-type ini-
tiators are first attached to TiNTs followed by a free radical polymerization of
Ó Springer Science+Business protonated 1-vinylimidazole (VyImBF4) on the surface. The chemical structure
Media, LLC, part of Springer of the resulting poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs is verified by Fourier transform
Nature 2018 infrared (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). TGA curve indi-
cates their good thermal stability. The maximum proton conductivity achieves
6.74 9 10-4 S cm-1 at 200 °C under dry condition and 3.60 9 10-2 S cm-1 at
120 °C under 100% humidity, respectively, when the polymerization is carried
out under a polymerization time of 3 h and an immobilized initiator concen-
tration of approximately 42.4 mmol L-1. The proposed preparation of
poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs would give a new idea for the design of other
ion conductors.

Introduction solvents, leakage proof as well as good mechanical

properties [4]. The main concern in SPEs is their low
Recently, solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) have ionic conductivity. Since the ionic conductivity of
attracted enormous attention for their applications SPEs results from the motion of dissolved ionic spe-
ranging from fuel cells, batteries, hybrid power cies (cations and anions) in the polymeric matrix that
sources and supercapacitors to sensors and elec- normally happens in the amorphous phase [5], con-
trochromic display devices [1–3]. They are consid- siderable efforts have been employed to increase the
ered as alternatives to liquid and gel electrolytes, volume fraction of the amorphous domain in the
which benefit from the avoidance of hazardous system by using polymers with low Tg [6, 7], doping

Address correspondence to E-mail:;
J Mater Sci (2018) 53:15784–15794 15785

of inorganic submicron and nano-sized fillers [8, 9], polymerization. The chemical structure of the
and synthesis of organic–inorganic hybrid materials resulting poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs was then
[10, 11]. identified by FTIR spectroscopy and XPS. Finally, the
Among these strategies, the organic–inorganic thermal stability as well as the conductivity under
hybrid electrolytes are of great interest due to their different conditions of the designed electrolyte was
highly flexible structure, enhanced segmental mobil- evaluated.
ity, and high thermal stability [4]. Furthermore, they
are also desirable for anhydrous applications owing
to the water retention capability of the inorganic Materials and methods
moieties [12]. Among various inorganic materials,
titanate nanotubes (TiNTs) with a high water reten- Materials
tion ability and moderate proton conductivity have
been regarded as an excellent candidate for the 1-Vinylimidazole (VyIm) was purchased from Alfa
design of organic–inorganic hybrid electrolytes Aesar. Tetrafluoroboric acid, diethyl ether, and
[13, 14]. Additionally, the selected TiNTs containing ethanol were received from Sinopharm Chem.
multiple hydroxyl groups could provide access to the Reagent Co., Ltd., China. All chemicals were of ana-
surface functionalization as well as the high lytical grade and used as received. Water was
hydrophilicity induced by the chemisorbed water deionized through a Milli-Q system (Barnsted
molecules that will facilitate proton transfer, espe- Nanopore) with a resistivity of 18.0 XM cm-1. Tita-
cially under elevated temperatures [15]. nium dioxide powder (P25) was purchased from
Furthermore, the selection of ionic conducting Evonik Degussa, Germany. TiNTs were prepared by
moieties is of great importance. In order to achieve a a hydrothermal method, and the detailed synthetic
high anhydrous conductivity for the elevated-tem- procedure was reported elsewhere [15]. The AIBN-
perature operation of batteries and other electro- type initiator, dimethylchloro-silylpropyl 4-isobuty-
chemical devices, water needs to be replaced by a less ronitrile-4-cyano pentanoate, was synthesized
volatile solvent that can be used as a proton-trans- according to the literatures [26, 27].
porting medium in the electrolyte [16]. Hetercycles
Synthesis of imidazolium monomer
(e.g., imidazole molecules) are amphoteric, which are
able to undergo autoprotolysis to a high degree via
According to the literature [28], 1-vinylimidazole
the hydrogen-bond networks, leading to a high ionic
(VyIm) aqueous solution (30.0 mL, 0.106 mol) was
conductivity [17]. However, considering their appli-
added dropwise into tetrafluoroboric acid (HBF4,
cation as electrolyte materials, there is a challenge for
17.7 mL, 8.2 N) in a three-neck flask under an ice-
their immobilization in the system to prevent their
water bath. After reaction for 12 h, the mixture was
leakage [18, 19]. An attractive technique is polymer-
dropped into a glass disk and dried at 40 °C under
ization, where imidazole moieties are tethered to the
vacuum overnight to evaporate water in solution.
polymer backbones [20–24]. In this case, the immo-
Subsequently, diethyl ether (300 mL) was added into
bilized amount of imidazole groups can be dynami-
the above solution in order to get rid of the unreacted
cally controlled by adjusting the polymerization
VyIm followed by drying at room temperature for
conditions in order to obtain a high proton
24 h. The resulting vinylimidazolium tetrafluoroboric
acid (VyImBF4) was identified by 1H NMR spec-
To combine the advantages of the organic–inor-
troscopy and stored in the fridge for further usage.
ganic hybrid electrolytes as well as the polymeriza-
tion strategy, herein we designed a novel proton Preparation of polyimidazolium conductor
conductor based on the surface attachment of proto- based on a ‘‘polymer brush’’ method
nated polyimidazolium monolayer on TiNTs by a
‘‘polymer brush’’ method according to our previous The AIBN-type initiators were first immobilized onto
work [25]. The AIBN-type initiators were first TiNTs according to our previous work [25]. After
attached to TiNTs by a silane reaction followed by the attachment, the initiator-modified TiNTs (1 g) were
grafting of imidazolium-based polymers suspended in an ethanol solution of VyImBF4 with a
(poly(VyImBF4)) from the surface by a free radical
15786 J Mater Sci (2018) 53:15784–15794

certain concentration in a Schlenk flask under N2 microscopic examination, a drop of the above sus-
condition. The mixture was then degassed by five pension was placed on a thin carbon film supported
freeze–pump–thaw cycles and polymerized at 70 °C by a copper grid and dried under a UV lamp. TEM
for a defined time. After polymerization, samples images were finally obtained by a high-resolution
were obtained by centrifugation and washed with electron microscope (JEM-2010FEF). X-ray diffraction
distilled water for three times. The resulting white (XRD) measurements were taken on a D/MaxRB
powders were finally dried at 60 °C under vacuum X-ray diffractometer (Rigaku, Japan) by using Cu Ka
overnight and stored in the desiccator before usage. radiation operating at 40 kV and 30 mA. Surface
Therefore, the protonated polyimidazolium was area, pore volume, and pore size distribution was
grafted from TiNTs [26], and the according prepara- calculated from the N2 adsorption–desorption iso-
tion procedure is schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. therm measured at 77 K on JW-BK instrument (JWGB
Sci & Tech Co., Ltd., China). Elemental analysis was
Characterization conducted on Vario EL III analyzer (Germany).
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were
H NMR spectroscopy was performed by a 300-MHz recorded by a FTIR spectroscopy (Bio-Rad FTS 300)
Varian spectrometer (Mercury VX-300). Transmission with a resolution of 4 cm-1. X-ray photoelectron
electron microscopy (TEM) images were taken by spectroscopy (XPS) measurements were taken on VG
first dispersing fine solid particles into ethanol and Multilab 2000 by monochromatic Mg Ka radiation
sonicating for 30 min at room temperature. Before (E = 1253.6 eV) collecting up to 200 scans.

Figure 1 Schematic
illustration of the preparation
of poly(VyImBF4)-modified
J Mater Sci (2018) 53:15784–15794 15787

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out Morphology, crystal structure, and pore
by using the NETZSCHSTA449 C Jupiter thermal properties of TiNTs
analyzer at a heating rate of 10 °C min-1 over a
temperature range of 25–900 °C under N2 atmo- TiNTs were prepared by a hydrothermal method,
sphere with a flow rate of 10 mL min-1. As for pro- and their morphology was investigated by TEM. As
ton conductivity measurements, samples were first shown in Fig. 3a and b, the synthesized TiNTs have a
compacted to a pellet under a pressure of approxi- length of approximately 100 nm with an approximate
mately 20 MPa and the obtained pellet was sand- inner diameter of 8 nm and wall thickness of 1.4 nm.
wiched between two gold electrodes. The Meanwhile, their crystal structure was evaluated by
measurements were then taken on an impedance XRD measurement, and the according XRD pattern is
analyzer (Autolab FG30/FRA, Eco Chemie) in the displayed in Fig. 3c. The peaks located at 2h of 10.57°,
frequency range of 10 Hz and 100 kHz with the sig- 24.32° and 48.38° are ascribed to the (200), (110), and
nal amplitude of 10 mV using a homemade testing (020) diffractions of the structure of hydrogen titanate
chamber under a controllable temperature and rela- (H2Ti3O7), respectively [15]. This indicates a large
tive humidity. The resistance (R) of the compacted amount of hydroxyl groups on the surface of the
pellet was estimated from Cole–Cole plots, and the resulting TiNTs, which would be beneficial to the
proton conductivity (r) was calculated by using the surface modification. Additionally, Fig. 3d demon-
thickness (L) of the pellet and the electrode area (S) strates the pore volume and pore size distribution of
according to the following equation: the prepared TiNTs calculated from the N2 adsorp-
L tion–desorption isotherm. The calculated pore size of
r¼ ð1Þ the generated TiNTs is approximately 14.9 nm,
which is a little bigger than that evaluated by the
TEM measurement. This phenomenon could be due
to the limited area of the obtained TEM image. Fur-
Results and discussion thermore, the calculated Brunauer–Emmett–Teller
(BET) surface area of the TiNTs is about 321.1 m2 g-1.
Chemical structure of VyImBF4
Such high surface area could enhance water reten-
tion, which will be beneficial to the proton conduc-
After the synthesis of VyImBF4, its structure was
tion. Meanwhile, the prepared TiNTs can be well
identified by NMR spectroscopy. Figure 2 shows the
1 dispersed in ethanol without precipitation, and this
H NMR spectra of VyIm and VyImBF4. The peaks
will be desirable for the following immobilization of
located at 2.50 and 3.50 ppm are ascribed to the sig-
nals of DMSO-d6. As for VyIm (Fig. 2a), the chemical
shift located at 4.85 * 5.51, 7.01, 7.13 * 7.18, 7.60
Grafting density of initiator-attached TiNTs
and 7.95 ppm is attributed to the vinyl group (=CH2
and -CH=) and the methylene groups in the imida-
The AIBN-type initiators were attached to the surface
zole ring (C-4, C-3 and C-5), respectively [28]. After
of TiNTs by a silane reaction, and the corresponding
neutralization, all the peaks shift to a low field as
grafting density was investigated by elemental anal-
shown in Fig. 2b. In particular, the chemical shift of
ysis. According to the obtained nitrogen content, the
the methylene group in the C-5 position moves from
grafting density (d, mol g-1) could be calculated by
7.95 to 9.33 ppm. Interestingly, there is a weak and
the following equation:
wide peak at around 4.00 ppm, which could be the
signal of the protonated amine group in the imida- d¼ ð2Þ
zole ring. All the results indicate the successful syn-
thesis of the VyImBF4 compound. where gE is the content of nitrogen element, ME is the
relative atomic mass of nitrogen element, and Z is the
number of nitrogen element in the sample. Herein,
various initiator concentrations were applied for
surface modification, and the measured content of
nitrogen element as well as the calculated grafting
15788 J Mater Sci (2018) 53:15784–15794

Figure 2 1H NMR spectra of

VyIm (a) and VyImBF4 (b) in

density in the corresponding samples is shown in Chemical structure of poly(VyImBF4)-

Table 1. It can be seen that the grafting density nearly modified TiNTs
levels off when the initiator concentration reaches
11 mmol L-1. Since the higher the grafting density of Under the optimal grafting density of initiator-at-
the attached initiators is, the more grafted polymers tached TiNTs, the synthesized VyImBF4 monomers
can be achieved in the following polymerization of were then polymerized and grafted from the modi-
VyImBF4. This will further result in a higher density fied TiNTs by in situ free radical polymerization.
of attached imidazole moieties, which would be FTIR measurement was applied to identify the
desirable for the ion conducting. Therefore, the opti- chemical composition of poly(VyImBF4)-modified
mal initiator concentration with a value of 11 mmol TiNTs, and the corresponding spectrum is displayed
L-1 was chosen for further polymerization, and the in Fig. 4. For comparison, spectra of pure TiNTs as
corresponding grafting density of initiators is well as initiator-attached TiNTs are also plotted in the
423.6 lmol g-1. same figure. As for pure TiNTs, the absorption bands
at 3421 and 1632 cm-1 are attributed to the hydroxyl
groups on the surface, and the stretching vibration of
Ti–O–Ti bond is clearly observed at 477 cm-1 [29]. In
the spectrum of initiator-attached TiNTs, the
J Mater Sci (2018) 53:15784–15794 15789

Figure 3 a, b TEM images of

TiNTs prepared by a
hydrothermal method; c XRD
pattern of the prepared TiNTs;
and d pore volume and pore
size distribution of the
prepared TiNTs calculated
from the N2 adsorption–
desorption isotherm.

Table 1 Content of nitrogen element measured by elemental analysis and the calculated grafting density of initiator-attached TiNTs at
various initiator concentrations

Initiator concentration (mmol L-1) Content of nitrogen element (gE, %) Grafting density (d, lmol g-1)

0.5 0.587 104.8

2.8 0.794 141.8
5.5 1.213 216.6
11 2.372 423.6
13 2.398 428.2

emerged absorption band of the ester group at the bending vibration of the methyl groups, respec-
1732 cm-1 indicates the successful immobilization of tively. The peaks at 1197 and 1134 cm-1 could be due
the initiator molecules [26]. After the further grafting to the stretching vibration of C-N groups [2]. All
of poly(VyImBF4), B-F stretching vibration band these results indicate the successful immobilization of
emerges at 1058 cm-1 [30]. The stretching vibration poly(VyImBF4) on TiNTs.
bands of unsaturated methylene groups in the imi- Additionally, the chemical structure of
dazole rings and the methylene as well as methyl poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs was also investi-
groups in the polymer backbones appear at 3142, gated by XPS measurement, and the corresponding
2932 and 2878 cm-1, respectively. The signals at 1560, XPS spectrum is displayed in Fig. 5. The obvious
1465, and 1347 cm-1 are ascribed to the stretching peaks at 102, 153, 188, 287, 401, 458, 464, 531, 564, and
vibration of the protonated amine groups, the skele- 689 eV are assigned to Si2p, Si2s, B1s, C1s, N1s, Ti2p3/2,
ton stretching vibration of the imidazole rings, and Ti2p1/2, O1s, Ti2s, and F1s, respectively. This
15790 J Mater Sci (2018) 53:15784–15794

mechanism in the ‘‘grafting from’’ technique. Fur-

thermore, their pore properties were investigated by
N2 adsorption–desorption isotherm measurement,
and Fig. 6b displays the corresponding pore volume
and pore size distribution. Accordingly, the calcu-
lated BET surface area is about 102.3 m2 g-1. The
decreased surface area compared with that of the
pure TiNTs suggests the successful immobilization of
poly(VyImBF4) on TiNTs. Meanwhile, the
poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs has a pore size of
approximately 16.9 nm, which is similar to that of the
pure TiNTs. This result may indicate the successful
attachment of poly(VyImBF4) on the outer surface of
the synthesized TiNTs, which is consistent with our
Figure 4 FTIR spectra of pure TiNTs, initiator-attached TiNTs,
and poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs. previous research [31].

Thermal stability of poly(VyImBF4)-

modified TiNTs

Thermal stability is a key performance for the prac-

tical applications of the elevated-temperature proton
conductors. Figure 7 shows the TGA curves of pure
TiNTs and poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs. The
weight loss below 100 °C in both samples is due to
the evaporation of free water and organic solvents
that are physically absorbed in the system. The
weight loss from 100 °C to approximately 250 °C (for
the pure TiNTs) or 300 °C (for the poly(VyImBF4)-
modified TiNTs) can be assigned to the decomposi-
tion of bound water and small molecule groups from
the grafted poly(VyImBF4); the mass loss (about 7%)
Figure 5 XPS spectrum of poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs. in the pure TiNTs in this temperature range indicates
their good ability of water retention, which will be
indicates the successful grafting of poly(VyImBF4) beneficial to the proton conducting. As for the
from TiNTs by surface initiation, which is consistent poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs, the sharp weight
with the FTIR results. loss from about 300 to 550 °C could result from the
decomposition of the polymer backbone of the
Morphology and pore properties immobilized poly(VyImBF4). Furthermore, there is a
of poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs less residual weight in the poly(VyImBF4)-modified
TiNTs compared with the pure TiNTs. All these
The morphology of poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs results indicate the successful attachment of
was observed by TEM, and the according image is poly(VyImBF4) on TiNTs, and the generated
shown in Fig. 6a. It can be seen that the nanotube poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs shows a good ther-
structure does not change after the attachment of mal stability up to approximately 300 °C, which will
poly(VyImBF4). However, it is still difficult to deter- be desirable for their anhydrous applications.
mine whether there is a polymer monolayer or not
just from the TEM image. However, according to the
literature [26], the polymer monolayer grafted on the
surface of nanostructured metal oxide was generally
realized according to the polymer formation
J Mater Sci (2018) 53:15784–15794 15791

Figure 6 a TEM image of

TiNTs and b pore volume and
pore size distribution of
TiNTs calculated from the N2

acceleration of the proton conduction. When the

temperature keeps constant, the conductivity
decreases after an initial increase with the prolonga-
tion of the polymerization time. In the beginning, the
grafting density of polymers onto TiNTs increases,
which would shorten the conducting distance and
further enhance the conductivity. However, addi-
tional increase in the polymerization time might lead
to the increase in viscosity in the system, and this
phenomenon will decrease the movement of molec-
ular chains and further result in a deceleration of
proton conducting. Moreover, the decrease in con-
Figure 7 TGA curves of pure TiNTs and poly(VyImBF4)-mod- ductivity above 160 °C in the sample prepared by
ified TiNTs. polymerization for 1 h could be ascribed to the fact
that the increase in conductivity from the grafted
Proton conductivity of poly(VyImBF4)- poly(VyImBF4) with a low grafting density cannot
modified TiNTs compensate the conductivity loss from the evapora-
tion of bound water in the system. The maximum
Proton conductivity of poly(VyImBF4)-modified conductivity of the prepared electrolyte achieves
TiNTs was finally measured under different condi- 6.74 9 10-4 S cm-1 at 200 °C when the polymeriza-
tions by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. As tion time is 3 h.
the designed ion conductor was synthesized by sur- The proton conductivity of such materials under
face-initiated free radical polymerization, the poly- humid condition is also interesting to know since the
merization conditions including the polymerization working of proton exchange membrane fuel cell will
time and the immobilized initiator concentration generate water. Figure 8b demonstrates the proton
would affect the molecular properties of the attached conductivity of poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs pre-
polymers, e.g., grafting density and molecular pared by different polymerization time at a constant
weight, which will further have an impact on the immobilized initiator concentration (42.4 mmol L-1)
proton conductivity. Figure 8a shows the proton as a function of temperature under 100% humidity.
conductivity of poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs pre- The conductivity achieves 1.60 9 10-3 S cm-1 even
pared by different polymerization time at a constant under the temperature of 40 °C, which is higher than
immobilized initiator concentration (42.4 mmol L-1) that of samples under dry condition. When the con-
as a function of temperature under dry condition. dition is dry, the attached polymer chains are coiled
The conductivity increases with the increment of with each other, and the proton transport is con-
temperature, which could be explained by the fact trolled by the proton diffusion in the system. How-
that a higher temperature will enhance the molecular ever, under humid condition, the polymer brush
movement in the polymers and further lead to an
15792 J Mater Sci (2018) 53:15784–15794

Figure 8 Proton conductivity of poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs prepared by different polymerization time at a constant immobilized
initiator concentration (42.4 mmol L-1) as a function of temperature under dry condition (a) and 100% humidity (b).

(poly(VyImBF4)) will be stretched due to its hydro- increase in viscosity and the inter-twist of polymer
scopic property [32]. If the distance of the nearby chains in the system, which would restrict the
protonated imidazole moieties is close enough, the molecular movement and further lead to the decrease
proton transport will be expected to follow the hop- in conductivity. When the immobilized initiator
ping mechanism; otherwise, water will act as ‘‘proton concentration is 42.4 mmol L-1, the sample shows the
carrier’’ for the proton transfer in the system, which maximum conductivity with a value of 6.74 9 10-4 S
follows the vehicle mechanism. Both factors will cm-1 at 200 °C under dry condition (Fig. 9a) and
facilitate the proton conducting under humid condi- 3.60 9 10-2 S cm-1 at 120 °C under 100% humidity
tion. The highest conductivity of the prepared elec- (Fig. 9b), respectively. The obtained anhydrous con-
trolyte reaches 3.60 9 10-2 S cm-1 under 100% ductivity here is almost consistent with that of poly-
humidity at 120 °C with a polymerization time of 3 h. styrene with imidazole terminated flexible side
This result also indicates the optimal polymerization chains (7 9 10-4 S cm-1 at 200 °C in the absence of
time for poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs is 3 h, which water) [33]. Further enhancement of the proton con-
will be applied for the further research on the effect ductivity of poly(VyImBF4)-immobilized TiNTs
of the immobilized initiator concentration on the could be by means of increasing the flexible spacers
proton conductivity. between the imidazole moieties and the polymer
In the following, the proton conductivity of backbone to facilitate their molecular movement [34].
poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs with various immo-
bilized initiator concentrations at a polymerization
time of 3 h was discussed and the according results Conclusion
are shown in Fig. 9. According to Fig. 9, when the
temperature keeps constant, the proton conductivity A novel proton conductor was designed by the
of poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs decreases with an immobilization of imidazolium-based polymers onto
initial increase as the immobilized initiator concen- TiNTs through a surface-initiated free radical poly-
tration decreases. This phenomenon could be attrib- merization strategy. The resulting poly(VyImBF4)-
uted to the fact that when the monomer concentration modified TiNTs shows a good thermal stability up to
and the polymerization time keep stable, the molec- approximately 300 °C. The maximum conductivity
ular weight of the attached polymers will increase achieves 6.74 9 10-4 S cm-1 at 200 °C under dry
with the decrease in initiator concentration. This condition and 3.60 9 10-2 S cm-1 at 120 °C under
would lead to the increase in the amount of imidazole 100% humidity, respectively, when the polymeriza-
moieties and further decrease the hopping distance tion was carried out under a polymerization time of
for proton conducting. Further increase in the poly- 3 h and an immobilized initiator concentration of
mer molecular weight by the additional decrease in 42.4 mmol L-1. When the polymerization time
immobilized initiator concentration will result in the increases or the immobilized initiator concentration
J Mater Sci (2018) 53:15784–15794 15793

Figure 9 Proton conductivity of poly(VyImBF4)-modified TiNTs with various immobilized initiator concentration at a polymerization
time of 3 h as a function of temperature under dry condition (a) and 100% humidity(b).

decreases, the conductivity decreases with an initial Compliance with ethical standards
increase. This phenomenon could be explained by the
fact that the increase in polymerization time would Conflict of interest The authors declare that they
increase the grafting density of polymers, and the have no conflict of interest.
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