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R lhe r llo" ·rrs, p:1-,sage carefull} and answer the questions that follo\·\f:

I e1 ~ hea t i t I had JUSl been m ade a cashier! But I was rejoicing over the
prcrrn ~on and the ght mcrea,e in salary, nothing more. And I \.\'as happy for another
oc oo. n bec:IJ---m.Lng a hier J qiddenl) felt as if J ¼'er,e ,,,earing rose-coloured glasses.
E ~ thing appEMed to ha dwnged_ The ugly became beautiful, the \,1 icked, good; the
r:: ~ y, generou ,
On the dar of my promobon, l~en Z N. Kazusov changed. lie \-Vas a member of the
Board of D1redors, a haughty, arrogant man, who ahvays ignored me, as the sn1all fry.
He pproadied me and In\'lttd me to visit h1& family.
On returning home that same day I was astounded: Ma1na served me not the usual
t\\ ro1rr at dinner, but four• For Lea in the evening there was jam and \Vhite bread.
Papa rderL>d a fur coat, bought a ne1N cap, took a mineral-\vater cure, and began to eat
grapes- m ¾"Inter' \-\ 1thin a fey_ days I reveived a letter from my brother, "'ho till nO\\'
could not nrdure me In hIS letter he no\\' \\ rote: ''Dear brother, I love you. Within a ,veek
I recet\ed a t~am. "Thank . Happy. Send hundred rubles. Most urgent. Embrace you.
l , lamp~ " I c;en1 the hundred ruble~.

Even mr sweetheart changed. Shl• did not love me. On meeting me a week after my
pn motion howe,er she dunpled, m1led, and looked flustered. She asked, gazing at
m~ 'r u , t! gro\4.irn so handsome When did you manage to do that?" And then, "Let's
d nee "

A week before the arrest 1t was suggested that I give a party. What the devil, let them
zzle and gorge if that's what they want' All those who were shouting and prill5lng
- - ----·
•v bed.. 1,aw Ihm smilN. .uld tw.u\t ttwn :1,1~h! 1ll" sloll'
whilllPlind ~ mal-.i\l&L.J\ But llwtr • ~ .an,t snur\..11~ d1,l
~ -.j ~ tlwa~h•ir'!i ~" ~ lh' n.1~11~ ~·'"'
IDIM..S "-hilpfftd ~ Ar\'s.t\ing th.atyuu '-l\\lt' tht• mon,, "
Wt\.lt dl.t 1tw n.ur6'1l•r hmtl11 r wrltl' tu him? I low did ti, I mthar' .....,II
cannot go on lvmg ",th•
thiti l1l 1Nw-' M, brutht•r I\~ ,_Jm, d\uw ht ,coll lnh n t I I
dWT u , • ~ about you 15 true 5,a1d ffl\ t'th1etd brolht>r
__.., "walch out! I will rllll ~ ~ t o .a lh11.•ft
.._._ ,.at! l dl'Oft Ihm\ .a lo It.. countrv tn" lrolu We fuu~t"\.l up 111 si,
in tilt•
• • ·t■ea. oft tor hoow. awd aul in ~ttll lnsp«tton tonmmm: I II

My dla ..._ and ._.._...._ l got caught; ur to st•~ it ~•ft' tulh )T"h!rd,n
- 4 ltilt -nd baiwwwtHl en all sides: todav I .in a !COUndft'l and • ttuttt W' dlJ tht> nnmllur R'dll!II' 41 tht: end ul tlw p._.19?

0... q al. each of-. foDowmg words e u:Rd In R M ~ - ON.• word

•• -•-.nphr■r willbe-.uptect "" Ill

Au h mlbring_quesbllnl brieftJ In your own words.

hi In not mu,~ th n O worJ ataw the altlh&da of tN ...... lftll lbl llll'llllm'I • - -
QR two of lhe illunedlale ~ o f - . narrator's promotion. Ill the party

~ , QI the day of the

dw IWl'llllor cbmp?
I cu.,...-{]<fCJc ~ g q ·g:Qef} - •,- - - - - - - - -- away that rt . • Ill' dark u d 1y caught h
Wa.s vague n UlaH11 ., •m 111 an odd
,., Wflrlrl r, Jnd lost. WJ,,, o Water rn..,, , •. - ' Way. A s m ,,/1

V lion i;
(u) The doctor warned him not to eat Junk food. He told him not Lo smoke.
Cal Fill m each ,11 the numbt>red 1:,1,mk.., \\ ith t.he .:-orn>et tom, l'I thl• word given in brackets
Don ,t, 1 P\ the pas."Jgc but wnte m correct ~rial ,,rdl.!r the word or phr,,~ appropria~
to the bJanl,. pare (4)
(iii) The customer complained that the mechanic did not know anything. The meLh,mic
Delhi s A hol \ 1har colon} ,._ ::,et (become) th,• hrsl digit.ii town of Uw national claimed that he knew everything.
(dp1tal as 11 (develop} .in unlm,• plattorm where one c,m access 3... (inform)
about house numbers, :oum,,mi."S ,md tl'l,•ph,,ne numbers of residents.
(iv) We had better pack our lunch. We may not have the time to cook after the ceremony.
-nn now A hok \ ihar was .i sm.111 pl.iu• und nobody .. 4 . (know) about it. But for the
I t many Ja, 5 reporters are (queue) up at the RWA offiC\? 6.... (know) about
th~ pn ~;. With the - (laund1) ,,1 th,• port.11. Ashok Vihar will ..8 ... (know) across
tilt> l"Ountn and "e are proud to b.• 1...,Jers in the digital world. (dl Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each Make other
changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence. [8)

2...............- .......,........................ EXAMPLE : It is expected that the strike will end soon. (Begin: The strike . )
ANSWER The strike is expected to end soon.
4. .. ..............................................

6. ................................................ (i) As soon as I lit the candle, I sa,.v somebody hiding behind the curtam
(Begin: No sooner... )
8 . ................................................

Fill m ea~h blanl with an appropriate word: [4)

(ii) Ritu was doubtful whether her answer was correct. (US<'· sure...)
The lawyer has, drawn the rent agreement.

HeJUmped the river.

(in) When Kirti's parents died, her aunt took care of her. (Use brought up ... )
The meeting concluded a vote of thanks.

I am on the lookout a cheap cellphone. (1\') Mohit' ,- Jc:-ign i!- too good, we ,unnot nnJ fault in it..(USt>: so...that)
Thr Ch1t>f Minister has acces the Govcmor,

Why don t you draw the young leader lo our p,,rly? (\ ) Should \'OU ~o ,\WJ}' ,-o .,bruptlv? (Ekxm: Do.. )

The ship .ippear d thl• honzun

(" 1) "h,· ~h11utl·,t, lt:'l> who critiuse me know that I shall not yield.
I am loolc1ng forw,ud my Journey homl'
(Ill~"' Shl• shuutl-d at ,)
foUowmg senten make Onl' compll'lt lil?nlem:t> without u11lng ,111,/, /,111
(\ 1t) I upent.-d the b<1throom door and a rat ran out. (End· .a rat)
looking d Can you trll m why?
.,, '" why u ,., "'"""' """?
II f 11l Hawn't you 11 vt'ill? If not, you cannot enter here. (Uu unless )
bNutiful punting. 1 had IVY r n a more be4utiful paantmg


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