Snowmen Math Lesson Plan

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Snowmen Math- Lesson Plan

Date: November 24th, 2021

Grade level: Grade 3
Duration: 45 minutes
Topic/Title: Mathematics/Snowman math activity
- 4 different snowmen math worksheets
- Smartboard (for canva document)
General Learning Outcome: GLO #1: Develop number sense
Specific Learning Outcome:
SLO #9: Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of numbers with answers to 1000 (limited to 1-, 2- and 3
digit numerals), concretely, pictorially, and symbolically, by: 
 using personal strategies for adding and subtracting with and without the support of manipulatives
creating and solving problems in context that involve addition and subtraction of numbers.

Timing Procedure Organisation

Hook- Challenge question
Because it sometimes takes time for students ot get settled and come in after
5 minutes
recess, I will write this question on the board as a “challenging question”, as
students come into the class they can grab a piece of paper and try to solve this Write on the
question: 980
Write on the board:
980 On the board
+499 write these
On the board write these answers: answers:
1) 2890
1) 2890 2)456
2)456 3)1479
Students will hold up 1-3 fingers of which answer they find/think it is!
Walk around
Lesson introduction- Reading: L’énorme bonhomme the classroom
5-7 de neige reading:
minutes L’énorme
Expectations during reading: de neige
- Students are actively listening and not talking to their neighbour
- Students are attentitve and answering questions throughout the book

This book is a soft start into math, it incorporates snowmen/winter, which is part of the theme of our
Snowman Math activity!

Body of lesson
30 1.Instructions (5 minutes):
minutes  Pull up Canva document on the smartboard
 Explain the 4 items that I will be looking for in this exercise:
o 1. La question et le modèle (Premier boule de neige)
o 2. Montre ton travail avec l’équation (deuxiéme boule de neige)
o 3. Reécrit la réponse (tête)
o 4. Écrit ta réponse dans une phrase compléte (nuage)
o When they finish the math part of the activity, they can color in the
snowman/rest of the page, but they will have to make sure to use pencil
crayons and not to color too hard so that we can still see their work! They
can also use sharpie to outline the math parts!
2.Snowmen Activity
 Students will each be given a math worksheet with the snowman, there are 4
criteria I will be looking for: 1. The modèle, 2. Montre ton travail, 3. Réponse, 4.
Réponse dans une phrase complete.
 They will be able to color the snowman activity once they bring it to me to check
that the answer is correct!

3.Activities for the early birds:

 If students finish early… They can either work on:
o Feelings book from last week (Thursday)
o Practice their dictée words
o Draw/color quietly
o Read to themselves
o Work on other ketchup/pickles school work
5 minutes
Lesson conclusion-Fist to 5
Fist to 5:
 Ask students: “Hold up 5 fingers if you feel like you are already a pro at 3
digit addition word problems, hold up 2 fingers if you feel kind of confident
in your understanding, hold up 1 finger if you are still having difficulties
understanding word problems”

Assessment of student learning (What strategies will you use to assess whether or not students achieved the above
 The snowman activity acts as an engaging formative assessment to assess their comprehension of written 3 digit addition
math problems.
 I will be looking at four key criteria to assess whether or not the students achieved the above outcomes:
1. The model
2. Montre ton travail (show their work)
3. Finding the correct answer
4. Writing their answer in a complete sentence
 I will also be circulating the room to make sure that they are doing their work and not just copying off a neighbour, this is
why I have 4 different math questions, which will also help me differentiate for the students that are not as advanced in
addition or have difficulty with higher number questions

Teacher reflection (What went well? Why? What could be improved?)

Notes for next lesson

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