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09/10/2021, 12:18 Compiler Design[BTCS601]_MST QP

Compiler Design[BTCS601]_MST QP

1. Is the important component for semantic analysis? *

(1 Point)





2. What is the minimum number of phases required for compiler development? *

(1 Point)

3. Choose machine independent phase of the compiler *

(1 Point)

Lexical Analysis

Syntax Analysis

Code Optimization

Intermediate Code Generator… 1/5
09/10/2021, 12:18 Compiler Design[BTCS601]_MST QP

4. Which of these is not a part of Synthesis Phase. *

(1 Point)

Synthesize a machine instruction or the machine form of a constant

Perform LC processing

Obtain machine code corresponding to the mnemonic from the mnemonics table

Obtain address of a memory operands from the symbol table

5. Which of the following is/are not a lexemes? *

(1 Point)




None of the above

6. Choose correct option for production α → β  *

(1 Point)

Type 1 Grammar, if α, β ∈ (T ∪ V )* and |α| <= |β|

Type 2 Grammar, if α, β ∈ (T ∪ V )* and |α| = 1

Type 3 Grammar, if α ∈ V,  β ∈ (T)* and |α| = 1

Type 0 Grammar, if α, β ∈ (T ∪ V )*  and α contain at least one Non Terminal

7. Identify the TYPE of following Grammar

S → $Ca# | a 

Ca → aaC | D

$D → $C

C# → D# 

aD → Da   *
(1 Point)… 2/5
09/10/2021, 12:18 Compiler Design[BTCS601]_MST QP

Context Free Grammar

Regular Grammar

Unrestricted Grammar

Context Sensitive Grammar

8. Predictive Parser can be? *

(1 Point)


Non Recursive


Both I and II

9. Consider the Following Grammar

Z→ XYZ | d 

X→ Y | a

Y →cX | ε 

What is the FIRST(Z) and FIRST(X) *

(1 Point)

FIRST(Z) = {a,c} and FIRST(X)={a,ε}

FIRST(Z) = {d} and FIRST(X)={a}

FIRST(Z) = {a,c,d} and FIRST(X)={a,c,ε}

FIRST(Z) = {a,ε} and FIRST(X)={a}

10. Use backtracking top-down parsing on the following grammar 

S → aSa 

S →  aa

Check it generate following sequence or not

aaaaaaaaaa *
(1 Point)

Yes… 3/5
09/10/2021, 12:18 Compiler Design[BTCS601]_MST QP


11. Explain in detail the various phases of compilers with an example.

(Non-anonymous question  )
(5 Points)

 qn11 ans (18100BTIT03073)_CHETAN MEHTA.pdf

12. (a) Differentiate between ambiguous and unambiguous grammar. (2)

(b) Compute the FIRST and FOLLOW sets for each nonterminal of the grammar
given below: (3)

S→ ABa | bCA 

A→ cBCD | a | d | ε 

B →CdA| ba

C →eC| ε

D →bSf | a

(Non-anonymous question  )
(5 Points)

 qn12 ans (18100BTIT03073)_CHETAN MEHTA.pdf

13. Consider the Following Grammar

E→ E+T | T 
T→ TF | F

F→F* | a | b 

Construct LL(1) top down parsing table for the given grammar and check
following string parse using parser or not.

 w = a+ab*  (Non-anonymous question  )

(5 Points)

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