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Starter NAME _________________________

CLASS _________________________
REVISION DATE _________________________

Adverbs of frequency 3 My parents worked / were working abroad when

they met / were meeting each other.
1 Use the prompts to write questions.
4 The climber fell / was falling while he climbed /
0 you / often / play football? was climbing the mountain.
Do you often play football?
5 While my brother played / was playing rugby,
1 your dad / sometimes / cook dinner? he broke / was breaking his leg.
2 your parents / usually / be in a good mood?
3 your teacher / always / give you a test? Past simple: Regular and irregular verbs
4 your friends / often / have parties?
4 Complete the gaps with the past simple
5 you / ever / walk to school? of the verbs in brackets.
Present simple v present continuous A Last Saturday afternoon I 0 stayed (stay) at
2 Complete the gaps with the correct form home all day and I 1 .................. (get) really bored.
of the verbs in the box. B Why 2 .......................................... (you / not / go) out?
A Well, I 3 .................. (ring) Sue and 4 ..................
do ■ drive ■ go ■ leave ■ not do ■ (invite) her here, but she 5 ...................... (be) busy,
not have ■ not like ■ not look forward ■ so I 6 .................................. (not / know) what to do.
revise ■ spend ■ study ■ travel ■ work What 7 .............................. (you / do)?
B I 8 .......................... (take) my little sister to the pool.
After that we 9 .......................... (make) some
Hi Marisa,
biscuits which we then 10........................... (eat).
How are you? 0 Are you studying hard?
................... you ......................... for your exams just Past simple, present perfect
now? I hope so! I 2................... any exams this year, and present perfect continuous
so I 3...................... much work at the moment.
5 Choose the correct option.
I 4........................ a lot of time online though. J
What 5..................... you .......................... in the summer 0 Sorry, .......... here for ages?
after your exams? 6................... you .......................... in A did you wait B have you been waiting
the museum café again? My parents and I C wait you
......................... to Spain this summer, so I hope 1 I think I .......... this film before.
you’re around! We usually 8....................... on a beach A didn’t see B have seen
holiday, but this year we 9.................. through France C saw
all the way to Spain. I 10..................... travelling by car 2 They .......... photos all afternoon.
so I 11.................................. to 24 hours on the road. A taken B has been taking
Never mind! We 12....................... the UK on 28th July, C have been taking
so hopefully we’ll be in Spain by the beginning of 3 The taxi .......... now, so let’s go.
August! Email me back soon and let me know your A has arrived B hasn’t arrived
plans. See you in the summer – I hope! C arrived
Love, Emma 4 My room looks good because I .......... it up
Past simple v past continuous A tidyed B have been tidying
C tidied
3 Choose the correct option.
5 We really .......... for long.
0 Olivia cut / was cutting her finger when she A hasn’t chatted B haven’t been chatting
chopped / was chopping vegetables. C chatted
1 I talked / was talking to my best friend yesterday 6 I .......... to ask you if you’d like to join us for dinner.
when I dropped / was dropping my phone. A have forgotten B forgetting
2 While we booked / were booking our summer C forgot
holiday, the computer crashed / was crashing.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

TALENT 3 ■ Test book
NAME _________________________ Starter
CLASS _________________________
DATE _________________________ REVISION
Past participles: Regular and irregular forms B I 8 .................................... (not / go) to university, I’m
sure of that. I want to get a job so I can earn
6 Write the past participles of these verbs.
some money, but it 9 .................................... (not /
0 do done
be) easy to find a job if I 10....................................
1 meet .................................... (not / have) good qualifications. Time to start my
2 drive .................................... homework!
3 ride .................................... A OK, I 11.................................... (do) my own
4 take .................................... homework and then I 12.................................... (go)
5 sleep .................................... and buy some ice creams.
6 teach .................................... B Great idea. I 13.................................... (give) you
7 sell .................................... some money when you 14....................................
8 study .................................... (get) back from the shops.
9 win ....................................
10 forget .................................... Subject and object questions
11 see .................................... 9 Read the answers and complete the questions.
12 fly ....................................
0 Who rang at midnight last night ?
been v gone My grandpa rang at midnight last night.
1 What ............................................................................. ?
7 Choose the correct option.
We had fish and chips for tea yesterday.
0 Phil’s been / gone to the shops but he’ll be back 2 Which ........................................................................... ?
soon. Green Park is the best park to go to.
1 Have you ever been / gone to Singapore? 3 Who .............................................................................. ?
2 Where has the cat been / gone? It looks terrible! My parents both do the cooking in my family.
3 Has Paul been / gone yet? Yes, he’s just left. 4 What ............................................................................. ?
4 She has been / gone to Paris but she found it too I’m not sure what’s happened.
expensive. 5 Which ........................................................................... ?
5 Jacky was here a minute ago. Where’s she been / We’d like the little chocolate cakes over there,
gone now? please.
6 Your train’s been / gone, I’m afraid you missed it. 6 Who .............................................................................. ?
My best friend usually comes top in English tests.
Future simple and first conditional
8 Complete the gaps with the correct form of will Direct and indirect questions
and the verbs in brackets. 10 Write direct questions.
A What are you doing, Lenny? 0 Can you tell us when the concert ends?
B I’m thinking about doing my homework. ‘When does the concert end?’
A I 0 ’ll help (help) you if you want. 1 Would you mind telling me how much you spent?
B No thanks, I 1 .............................. (not / learn) ..........................................................................................
anything if I 2 .............................. (not / do) it myself. 2 Can you explain why you are so sad?
That’s what my teacher says. ..........................................................................................
A Are you sure? It 3 .............................. (take) half the 3 Could you tell me where the swimming pool is?
time if we do it together. ..........................................................................................
B I know, thanks for the offer, but my teacher 4 Have you any idea when you’ll finish that project?

.............................. (know) I didn’t do it because all ..........................................................................................
the answers 5 .............................. (be) right. 5 Do you know what day your visitors will arrive?
A That’s true. If you 6 ............................. (want) to go ..........................................................................................
to university you 7 .............................. (have to) learn 6 Can you tell me how these gears work?
all these things sooner or later. ..........................................................................................

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test book ■ TALENT  3
Unit 1 NAME _________________________
CLASS _________________________
REVISION DATE _________________________

Past tenses review: Past simple v past 4 Choose the correct option.
continuous 0 We .......... a printed newspaper for ages.
1 Complete the gaps with the past simple form A  didn’t read B  wasn’t reading
of the verbs in brackets. C haven’t read
0 They took (take) a picnic and ate (eat) it 1 The man .......... the emergency services an hour
in the park. ago.
1 I .................... (write) an email and .................... A  did ring B  rang C  have rung
(send) it yesterday. 2 The rescuers .......... the survivors some food.
2 We .................... (meet) in the café and .................... A  gave B  didn’t give C  has given
(have) a coffee together. 3 They .......... better homes since the earthquake.
3 He .................... (buy) a paper and .................... A  didn’t build B  were building C  have built
(read) it on the train. 4 She .......... here since the floods of 2016.
4 Jo .................... (make) a list and .................... (leave) A  have been B  has been C  was
it on the table.
5 She .................... (hear) a scream when the child Past simple v past perfect
................... (fall) over. 5 Match the beginnings to the endings
of the sentences.
2 Choose the correct option.
0 d   She had never been to Italy
0 I was walking / walked along when I was hearing / 1   He couldn’t pay for his meal
heard the noise. 2   Owen had been to London
1 He was stopping / stopped as soon as the 3   Mum had had her computer for years
accident was happening / happened. 4   We went to see the show
2 She was listening / listened to the radio when 5   Cara had never seen a ballet
she was hearing / heard the news.
3 When the light was going / went out, they a so he knew it well.
were sleeping / slept. b before she gave it to me.
4 He was reading / read when the phone c before we took her to Giselle.
was ringing / rang. d before she visited Siena.
5 She was remembering / remembered his name e because he had forgotten his money.
when she was meeting / met him. f after we had read all the reviews.

6 Choose the correct option.

Past simple v present perfect
0 I’d read the book so I decided to see the film.
3 Complete the gaps with the present perfect
A I saw the film first.
form of the verbs in the box.
B I read the book first.
be  ■  download  ■  have  ■  live  ■  1 The accident had happened when the police arrived.
look  ■  lose  ■  see  ■  send A The police arrived first.
B The accident happened first.
0 I have never been to South America. 2 The show had finished by the time they arrived.
1 Pete and Jill ...................... in several different A They saw the show.
countries. B They didn’t see the show.
2 How many apps ............. you ............... this month? 3 We ran to the bus stop but the bus had just left.
3 He ....................... the same email address for ages. A We missed the bus.
4 She .................................... (not) any mail by post B We caught the bus.
since July. 4 When she turned on the radio, the news had
5 ................. you ............................. my new already started.
smartphone anywhere? A She heard the beginning.
6 I .................. it and I ................................ everywhere. B She didn’t hear the beginning.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

TALENT 3 ■ Test book
NAME _________________________ Unit 2
CLASS _________________________
DATE _________________________ REVISION
Direct and reported speech Reported questions
1 Complete with the correct verbs. 4 Complete the reported questions using
if / whether or a question word.
0 ‘I didn’t run, I walked He told me he hadn’t run ,
to school.’ he ’d walked to school. 0 ‘How many people live in this building?’
1 ‘We started at three They said they ........................ He wanted to know how many people lived
o’clock.’ .................................................. . in that building.
1 ‘Is this your bag?’
2 ‘They didn’t really He said that ............................
She asked me ...................... that was my bag.
want to come.’ .................................................. .
2 ‘Where are the books for the students?’
3 ‘My mother ................... She told me that her
The teacher wanted to know ......................
never ........................... .’ mother had never smoked.
the books for the students were.
4 ‘It was snowing all The children said ...................
3 ‘Will you help me prepare the party?’
night.’ ................................................. .
Umberta asked me ...................... I would help
5 ‘I wasn’t feeling great.’ He told me that ...................... her prepare the party.
.................................................. . 4 ‘What have you done with my phone?’
Jill asked me ................. I had done with her phone.
2 Rewrite the statements in reported speech. 5 ‘Who has seen the news?’
Make all necessary changes. The headteacher asked us ...................... had seen
0 ‘We can’t afford a new car,’ said Joe. the news.
Joe said that they couldn’t afford a new
5 Rewrite the questions using indirect speech.
1 ‘I don’t like detective stories,’ George said. 0 ‘When did you arrive?’
2 ‘I’m writing an article about local writers,’ Paula She asked me when I had arrived .
said. 1 ‘How much did you pay for the tickets?’
3 ‘E-cigarettes are not at all good for you,’ she told Maria asked her friends ............................................. .
Anna. 2 ‘Where did you learn your English?’
4 ‘I spend a lot of my time writing adverts,’ I said. He wanted to know .................................................... .
5 ‘We’re going to take part in a literary festival next 3 ‘How often do you read the small adverts?’
summer,’ they said. John asked me ........................................................... .
6 ‘You really should invite him to next week’s 4 ‘Who gave you that information?’
party,’ Jo told me. They asked us ............................................................. .
5 ‘Why aren’t you listening to the teacher?’
3 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. He asked Jamie .......................................................... .
Use that and the words in brackets. 6 ‘How do you know what to do?’
0 ‘I don’t believe in online shopping. (she / said / Mum asked me ........................................................... .
6 Write direct questions.
She said that she didn’t believe in online
shopping. 0 He asked me if I had bought a newspaper last
1 ‘You should read her new novel.’ (he / said / we) weekend.
‘Did you buy a newspaper last weekend?’
2 ‘We never do anything exciting at the weekend.’
(she / said / they) 1 Susan wanted to know if I could go to the airport
3 ‘I’ll read you a bedtime story tomorrow.’ (he / told with her.
his daughter / her) 2 His wife wanted to know if he was going to stay
4 ‘I’m taking your mother to the theatre tonight.’ in a four-star hotel.
(he / said / my) 3 She asked whether I was going to visit my friends.
5 ‘I haven’t read anything about passive smoking.’ 4 The teacher asked if I’d counted the books yet.
(she / told me / she) 5 Her friend asked her if she would lend him
her book.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test book ■ TALENT  3
Unit 3 NAME _________________________
CLASS _________________________
REVISION DATE _________________________

Revision of comparative and superlative too many / too much, too few / too little,
adjectives (not) enough + nouns
1 Complete with the correct forms of the 4 Complete the sentences with too many /
adjectives. too much / too few / too little or (not) enough.
Adjective Comparative Superlative 0 We’ve got too many cars in this town.
0 old older than the oldest 1 Susan has .............................. time on her hands.
1 beautiful ..................... than the ...................... She’s bored.
2 nice ..................... than the ...................... 2 There is .............................. water – we need more.
3 thin ..................... than the ...................... 3 The poor have .............................. money to buy
4 easy ..................... than the ...................... good food.
5 cheap ..................... than the ...................... 4 There are .............................. different opinions.
6 difficult ..................... than the ...................... I’m confused.
7 happy ..................... than the ...................... 5 .............................. millionaires share their wealth.
8 fit ..................... than the ...................... 6 She has .............................. information now, so she
can decide.
2 Complete the gaps using by far and the
superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
Comparative and superlative adverbs
0 Maths is by far the most difficult (difficult) 5 Complete the gaps with the comparative form
subject for me. of the adverbs.
1 Diana is ......................................................... (lazy) girl
0 Tom drives a lot less carefully (careful) than
in the class.
he should.
2 July is .................................. (hot) month of the year.
1 If we get a taxi, we’ll arrive much ..............................
3 This is ..................................................... (comfortable)
(quick) than if we walk.
armchair in the house.
2 I thought you were coming a little bit ......................
4 This is .................................................. (easy) exercise
in the book.
3 He explained far ........................................ (clear) the
5 The old Ford is ........................................ (cheap) car
second time.
in the showroom.
4 You look a lot ............................... (good) than you
6 Climbing is .............................................. (dangerous)
did last week, when you looked terrible.
sport I do.
5 Can you walk a little .................................. (fast)?
Comparatives and superlatives with nouns We’re going to miss the bus.
6 Tessa spoke a bit .................................... (slow) than
3 Choose the correct option.
her friend so we understood her.
0 Living standards were much worse / by far better
in the past.
6 Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct
1 There are many more / much more bikes in the city
now. 0 Jade works more good better than Sally.
2 Do young people today really have far less / 1 This exercise is the worse one we’ve done so far.
far fewer money to spend? 2 We wanted to leave more soon.
3 That website gives the least / the best 3 You speak so fastly I can’t understand you.
information: it’s useless. 4 You have done the exercise correct.
4 There were a lot more / far few people there than 5 The class is waiting patient.
I expected. 6 Speak more quietely please, this is a library!
5 There are much fewer / far fewer doctors in Africa 7 English is more harder language to learn.
than they need. 8 She cooks gooder than me.
6 It was disappointing to have by far the less / 9 You can concentrate for more long than me.
the fewest Facebook shares. 10 She ran the faster of all the girls in the race.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

TALENT 3 ■ Test book
NAME _________________________ Unit 4
CLASS _________________________
DATE _________________________ REVISION
Future predictions: will v may / might Revision of future
1 Complete the gaps with will or won’t. 4 Complete the gaps with the correct future form
of the verbs in brackets.
0 It will be sunny later, I can see some blue sky.
1 The summers ................ be hotter in the future, 0 A It’s far too hot in here.
certainly not colder. B Oh sorry, I ’ll open (open) the windows.
2 He ............... buy that T-shirt, he hasn’t got 1 A So, what .............................. (we / buy) Pablo
enough money. for his 18th birthday?
3 I’m sure Lucy ................ be a famous dancer B I’ve no idea! He’s got everything.
in the future. 2 A Do you fancy coming to the cinema with me
4 There ................ be as many animals in the future, tonight?
too many of them are dying. B I’m sorry, I can’t. I ........................................ (work)
5 Which university ................ you go to? in the café from six until ten tonight.
6 It ............ be a problem to meet you, I’ve got a car. 3 A Where are Sam and Maddie?
B Sam’s just texted me. They ..............................
2 Choose the correct option. (be) here in a minute.
0 We might / will get a bus home, it depends 4 A What ........................................................ (you / do)
if there is one at that time. when you leave school?
1 I’m sure Simon might / will do well, he’s very B As little as possible!
talented. 5 A That’s your phone ringing.
2 Paul and Julie may / will get married next year, B Oh, so it is! I .............................. (answer) it if you
it depends how much money they have. don’t mind.
3 Things may / will be very different in the future, 6 A I ................................... (play) tennis on Saturday
we know that. so I can’t meet you in town.
4 I know you might not / won’t remember to phone B Don’t worry! We can meet up another day.
me, you never do.
5 It definitely might / won’t rain, there’s not a cloud Future continuous
in the sky. 5 Match the beginnings to the endings
6 I may / will be home late but I don’t know for sure. of the sentences.

Future perfect 0 e   Will your mum still be running marathons

1   This time tomorrow we’ll be lying
3 Complete the gaps with the future perfect form
2   Do you think tourists will be flying
of the verbs in brackets.
3   Next year I’ll be studying English
0 I will have worked (work) here for ten weeks 4   My brother won’t be going out
by the end of the month. 5   Will they be waiting for us
1 She ............................................ (not / hear) the news 6   We’ll be playing in the basketball cup final
yet, will she?
a to the Moon by 2050?
2 By this time next week, the students ........................
b in an hour’s time.
.................... (finish) their exams.
c at the bus stop or not?
3 By 2020, my parents ............................................ (be)
d on a beach in the sunshine.
married for 25 years!
e when she’s 70 years old?
4 How long ...................... they ........................................
f because he’s not well.
(have) their house by the time they sell it?
g in a language school in Cambridge.
5 Today’s teenagers .......................................................
(forget) their teachers when they’re adults.
6 I ............................................ (live) in three different
student flats by the end of this year.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test book ■ TALENT  3
Unit 5 NAME _________________________
CLASS _________________________
REVISION DATE _________________________

Relative clauses 4 Join the two sentences by using non-defining

relative clauses.
1 Complete the gaps with where, whose,
which or who. 0 The guitarist is fantastic. He’s American.
The guitarist, who is American, is fantastic.
0 This looks exactly like the place where
I was born. 1 My mum is going to see a show in London. She loves
1 She’s someone ...................... I admire very any kind of musical.
much. ................................................................................................
2 Henry is the man ...................... dog I look after. 2 Our town is really beautiful. A lot of people come on
3 I have the key ...................... Boris left me. holiday here.
4 The man ...................... committed the crime ................................................................................................
has gone to prison. 3 The drinks are too cold to drink now. We left them in
5 We feel sorry for people ...................... children the car.
are sick. ................................................................................................
6 They went back to the town ..................... they 4 John had an accident yesterday. His brother works
met. near me.
2 Find the mistakes in the sentences 5 The policeman arrested the driver. He saw the
and correct them. accident when it happened.
0 The people who whose dog is in the road ................................................................................................
must control it better. 6 The youth club is going to close.
1 The girl which won the competition is now I meet all my friends there.
a professional dancer. ................................................................................................
2 The sports centre that I train is near my
house. Articles: a / an, the, no article
3 We know a woman where daughter is 5 Choose the correct option.
a journalist.
0 I’ve got a / the new bike.
4 The CD who I listened to was great.
1 Everest is a / – mountain in the Himalayas.
5 The café whose we met last time was good.
2 My mum’s an / a engineer.
6 We normally meet in the park which there are
3 That’s the / a boy who hit me.
the best rides.
4 The teacher gives us a lot of the / – homework.
3 Complete the gaps with the correct 5 Have you got the / a pen I can borrow?
pronoun. 6 Would you like a / an orange?
7 The Po is the / a longest river in Italy.
0 The valley, which is known for being
8 I love – / a rice.
dangerous, is called Death Valley.
1 James, ................ didn’t really like school, 6 Complete the gaps with a, an, the or no article.
never studied.
Kevin came into 0 the common room we were sitting
2 The bag, ................ was on the chair near
in and put 1............ book on 2............ old table. Oliver asked
the door, disappeared.
him what 3............. book was about. ‘It’s about 4.............
3 Pier Park, ................ many concerts take place,
magic and it’s full of 5........... spells,’ he said. ‘I know
is getting ready for another big event. 6
............. spell to turn 7............. people into 8......... frogs, for
4 The girl next door, ................ sister is your
example.’ We all laughed and agreed that Kevin was
friend, won’t speak to me. 9
............. idiot. Then he left, saying that we mustn’t touch
5 The man, ................ saw the thief clearly, ran 10
............. book. When we came back after 11.............
after him.
lessons, 12.................. book was missing, but there was
6 The boat, ................ was travelling to London, 13
............. small green frog in its place. ‘Has anyone seen
was caught in a storm.
Oliver?’ Fred asked, running into 14............. room.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

TALENT 3 ■ Test book
NAME _________________________ Unit 6
CLASS _________________________
DATE _________________________ REVISION
The passive: be + past participle 5 Many diseases being studied at the moment.
6 Italian art has admired for centuries.
1 Choose the correct option.
7 The invitations hadn’t been send out in time.
0 More than 150 smartphones steal / had been stolen 8 This article will to be read on internet by many
before the robbers caught / were caught . people.
1 The shoplifter arrested / was arrested outside
the supermarket. Passive with can / can’t / could / couldn’t
2 Local police have warned / have been warned
5 Rewrite the sentences so that they mean
backpackers to take extra care. the same.
3 Sometimes criminals don’t give / aren’t given
the correct punishments. 0 What can scientists see using the new technology?
What can be seen using the new technology?
4 CCTV cameras are installing / are being installed
in local schools this week. 1 Anyone could find the information online.
5 The stolen jewellery hasn’t been found / 2 We can’t see the ruins from the air.
hasn’t found yet. 3 The neighbours can hear the music.
6 We didn’t hear / wasn’t heard the burglar when 4 Charities could send food.
he broke in. 5 They could have spent the money better.
7 Police have been investigating / are being 6 They couldn’t be given help without volunteers.
investigated the theft of more than 250 laptops
Passive with verbs with two objects
from a high street store.
6 Rewrite each sentence in two different ways.
2 Use the prompts to write passive questions
with the correct verb tense. 0 They will buy the children some good books.
Some good books will be bought for the
0 cars / make / Germany? children.
Are cars made in Germany?
The children will be bought some good
1 olive oil / make / Iceland? books.
2 America / discover / Americans?
1 They offered the hungry refugees some food.
3 the Beatles / form / in Liverpool in the 60s?
2 They awarded the top prize to our team.
4 tea / make / in England these days?
3 We will show these photographs to our clients.
5 people / fly / around the world in helicopters?
4 He has sent his job application to her.
6 oil / find / on the Moon?
7 new plants / discover / recently? Passive with say, believe, know, think
8 teachers / replace / by computers in the future?
7 Complete the gaps with the correct form
3 Write short answers for the questions of the words in brackets.
in exercise 2. 0 The new science museum is believed to be
0 (+) Yes, they are.
visited (believe / visit) by a lot of people.
1 (–) ............................. 5 (+) ............................ 1 The visitors ...................................... (think / come)
2 (–) ............................ 6 (–) ............................ from many different countries.
3 (+) ............................ 7 (+) ............................ 2 The new teacher ...................................... (say / be)
4 (+) ............................ 8 (–) ............................ very strict but fair.
3 Our neighbours ................................... (know / have)
4 Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct dogs that bark at night.
them. 4 The Arctic ice ...................................... (say / melt)
0 Locusts are eat eaten in some countries. more every year.
1 Rice not is grown in Ireland. 5 That painting .................................... (believe / date)
2 The Berlin Wall were built in Germany. from the thirteenth century.
3 Were designed the pyramids by the Egyptians? 6 Space exploration ................................ (know / cost)
4 A battle is be fought in the countryside right now. a huge amount of money.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test book ■ TALENT  3
Unit 7 NAME _________________________
CLASS _________________________
REVISION DATE _________________________

Conditionals should / shouldn’t have; wish

1 Complete the gaps with the correct form 4 Write two sentences, using wish and should /
of the verbs in brackets. shouldn’t have.
0 If you feel (feel) worried, it is (be) good 0 I didn’t work hard.
to talk to your friends. I wish I had worked harder.
1 If Alex ...................... (eat) nuts, he ...................... (get) I should have worked harder.
very ill. 1 I didn’t listen to my teachers.
2 If my parents ............................ (go away) for the 2 I ate a lot of chocolate cake.
weekend, my grandparents ............. (stay) with us. 3 I didn’t save any money.
3 If Sally ............................ (not / like) something, 4 I went to bed late.
she ............................ (not / do) it. 5 I was rude to my parents.
4 If we ............................ (not / vote) in the election, 6 I didn’t invite Tina to my party.
we .......................... (not / be able to) change things.
5 If we ............................ (not / tidy up) this mess now, Mixed conditionals
my dad ............................ (be) really angry! 5 Choose the correct option.
2 Choose the correct option. 0 We will be / wouldn’t be / ’d be tired now if we’d
slept better.
0 I wouldn’t have got a good mark if I
1 I might go on a diet if I will put on / ’d have put on /
hadn’t studied / wouldn’t have studied.
put on weight during the holidays.
1 If we don’t say / didn’t say anything about
2 If you will take / had taken / would have taken the
the graffiti, they wouldn’t know.
antibiotics, you should feel better by now.
2 I would be / will be very upset if someone said
3 You should eat more fruit if you will want / want /
something like that to me.
had wanted to feel healthier.
3 If I see / saw Tom, I’d tell him about the chess club.
4 If you tell / will tell / had told me about your
4 If you had trained harder, you would have won /
health problems, I could have helped you.
had won the competition.
5 If we find / found / had found a running club in
5 If they had played / would have played better,
the area, then we’ll sign up for it.
would the audience have applauded?
6 We would have got there earlier if we had taken / Time clauses: when, unless, until and
hadn’t taken the wrong road. as soon as
3 Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct 6 Complete the sentences with when / as soon as,
them. Two sentences are correct. unless or until.

0 If I had gone to university, I would have got 0 I’ll phone you when / as soon as I get there.
a better job.  ✓ 1 ......................................................... it rains, we’ll have
1 If he hadn’t climb the mountain, he wouldn’t lunch in the garden.
have got the sponsorship money. 2 She’s very busy .........................................................
2 The sofa would have been more comfortable tomorrow, when she’ll be free to help you.
if they had spend more money on it. 3 ......................................................... you have a better
3 If you hadn’t slept all morning, we could have idea, we’ll do it this way.
gone shopping. 4 Tell me the results ........................................................
4 We could have seen a lot more in London if we you get them, don’t wait.
haven’t been so lazy. 5 He can’t drive his dad’s car ........................................
5 If she hadn’t been a top scientist, she wouldn’t ................. his next birthday.
have got the funding.
6 We wouldn’t win the competition if you hadn’t
been a good trainer.

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

TALENT 3 ■ Test book
NAME _________________________ Unit 8
CLASS _________________________
DATE _________________________ REVISION
used to / would + infinitive without to 4 When he moved to the city, he got used to
hearing the .............................. .
1 Rewrite the sentences with the correct form
of used to. 5 If I went to Africa, I’d have to get used to the
.............................. .
0 In the past, we lived in Buenos Aires, but we live
6 You get used to .............................. in the rain
in New York now.
when you live in Wales.
We used to live in Buenos Aires, but we
live in New York now. 4 Put the words into the correct order to write
1 James is a tour guide now and he doesn’t work sentences.
in a bank any more. 0 not / working / night / used / I’m / late / at / to
2 Did you want to travel the world when you were I’m not used to working late at night.
young? 1 to / used / He’s / tie / a shirt / and / wearing
3 My parents haven’t always liked travelling to 2 teachers / not / shouting / They’re / to / used
exotic places. 3 contact / used / We’re / constant / to / in / being
4 When I was at primary school, we went to France 4 selfies / mum / to / Is / taking / used / your / ?
every summer. 5 tablet / used / She / to / new / using / had / get /
5 The hotel has a website now, but it didn’t have her / to
one last year. 6 visitors / Italian / Are / speaking / to / used /
your / ?
2 Complete the gaps with the correct form
of used to / would.
Gerunds and infinitives (1)
0 When I was younger, I used to believe in
5 Rewrite the sentences using the infinitive form
of the verbs in brackets.
1 We .................................... play in the park until dark
when the world was safer. 0 We use the garage for old things. (store)
2 When dad was a boy, he ....................................
We use the garage to store old things.
skate to school in winter. 1 We’re getting ready for lunch. (have)
3 There .................................... be so many flights ..........................................................................................
in the past. 2 He’s coming with an invitation for you. (invite)
4 Our grandparents .................................... visit us ..........................................................................................
every Sunday. 3 Healthy food is essential for fitness. (keep)
5 My baby sister .................................... sleep through ..........................................................................................
the night, but she does now. 4 We ran for the bus. (catch)
be / get used to + (something) / -ing 5 I’m preparing the ingredients for the cake. (make)
3 Complete the gaps with the correct form
of the words in the box. 6 She’s saving money for a new computer. (buy)
accent  ■  traffic  ■  heat  ■  sleep  ■ 
speak  ■  use  ■  walk 6 Choose the correct option.
0 To buy / Buying a new car costs a lot of money.
0 I’ll never get used to sleeping in a tent.
1 I’m afraid I’m not ready to start / starting yet.
1 Will older people ever get used to
2 We’d like you to listen / listening carefully, please.
.............................. social media?
3 They didn’t feel like to work / working in the heat.
2 She lives in France so she’s got used to
4 Who’s worried about to take / taking the test?
.............................. French.
5 He was only trying to help / helping you.
3 When I was in Mrs Grey’s class, I got used to her
6 Are you still interested in to learn / learning
English .............................. .

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test book ■ TALENT  3
Unit 9 NAME _________________________
CLASS _________________________
REVISION DATE _________________________

Gerunds and infinitives (2) have / get + something done

1 Complete the gaps with the verbs in the box. 4 Complete the gaps with the correct form
Use either the gerund or infinitive forms. of the verbs in the box.

wear  ■  cry  ■  leave  ■  read  ■  check  ■  cut  ■  make  ■  print  ■ 

watch  ■  drink  ■  shop repair  ■  search  ■  translate

0 I hate shopping on Saturdays; the town gets so 0 Where did you get your hair cut ?
busy. 1 They have their car ............................ at the
1 Do you usually prefer .................................... tea or local garage.
coffee at breakfast time? 2 The writer had her book ............................
2 He’s always loved .................................... jeans with from English into Italian.
designer labels. 3 Bella got a new dress ............................ for her
3 You should start .................................... the first TV series brother’s wedding.
before they make the second. 4 We had our bags ................... by the security
4 People began .................................... the park when it staff.
got cold and dark. 5 I’m getting my essay ............................ by both
5 Do you like ................................. news articles online? my teachers.
6 The baby continued .................................... after I turned 6 Why are you getting those documents
out the light. professionally ............................?

2 Choose the correct option. 5 Rewrite the sentences using the correct
form of have or get.
0 I’ll never forget to see / seeing that terrible movie.
1 We hope we won’t regret to buy / buying such a lot. 0 He’ll pay someone to wash his car later. (get)
2 She’s been trying to give up / giving up smoking. He’ll get his car washed later.
3 He stopped on the way to answer / answering his phone. 1 I have asked a man to repair my shoes. (have)
4 Please try to sit / sitting very still while I cut your hair. 2 We paid the gardener to plant some trees.
5 I’ve stopped to use / using this cream, it gives me a rash. (get)
6 Don’t forget to shut / shutting the door when you leave. 3 The doctor will check her blood pressure.
Reporting verbs 4 The window cleaners will have to clean our
3 Rewrite the direct speech into indirect speech. windows. (get)
5 They asked someone to sweep up the broken
0 He said to me: ‘Don’t sit there, the seat’s wet.’
glass. (have)
He told me not to sit on the wet seat.
6 Joanna’s new website has been designed.
1 Our sports coach said to us: ‘Use your arms properly!’
The coach ordered ..............................................................
2 My dad said: ‘Don’t tell anyone your PIN.’ 6 Find the mistakes in the sentences
He warned ............................................................................. and correct them.
3 Her best friend said to her: ‘If I were you, I’d buy 0 Paul had his new bike stealed stolen.
the more expensive jeans.’ 1 I should had my best coat dry cleaned.
She persuaded ..................................................................... 2 When can you get that broken window
4 The policewoman told him: ‘You shouldn’t cycle replacing?
on the pavement.’ The officer advised ............................ 3 We got our house painted from a friend.
5 I said to my brother: ‘Don’t forget to send Mum 4 They’ve finally get their holiday booked.
and Dad an anniversary card!’ 5 He hasn’t had his passport renew yet.
I reminded ............................................................................. 6 When were you last have your eyes tested?
6 The teacher asked her: ‘Could you bring your
homework, please?’ The teacher asked ..........................

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

TALENT 3 ■ Test book
NAME _________________________ Unit 10
CLASS _________________________
DATE _________________________ REVISION
Revision of modals Modals of deduction
1 Match the sentences. 4 Choose the correct option.
0 b   You must be tired. 0 Samantha must have worked / might have
1   He must have his phone switched off. worked here for years, she knows everyone.
2   You could have flu. 1 John might have taken / must have taken your
3   Saul can’t be at the sports centre. MP3 player, I think he was here earlier.
4   She may want to go to bed. 2 Dad can’t have eaten / must have eaten, the
5   I can’t be in the right place. dinner is still in the oven.
6   Jim must live here. 3 Mum can’t have gone out / might have gone out,
7   They might like something to eat. the car is in the garage.
4 Jason must have looked after / can’t have looked
a It’s closed.
after the garden well, it looks fantastic.
b You’ve been travelling all day.
5 Julie might have seen / can’t have seen your
c She had a late night last night.
glasses, why don’t you ask her?
d His name’s on the gate.
e There isn’t a building here. 5 Complete the gaps with a past modal verb
f They are probably hungry. of deduction and the verbs in brackets.
g He isn’t answering.
0 We must have missed (miss) the bus, we
h Maybe that’s why you have a temperature.
arrived too late.
2 Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct 1 The boys ..................................... (win) their football
them. Three sentences are correct. match, they were so happy.
2 Liam ............................................ (buy) a new phone,
0 This might can’t be the right film, the title is
he hasn’t got any money.
completely different.
3 You .................................................. (pass) your exam,
1 That might be Julie’s brother, they look quite similar.
you studied so much.
2 This could be Kate’s bag, I’m quite sure she had
4 You ......................................... (leave) your bag in the
one like this.
car, why don’t you have a look?
3 Mum can’t be at home now, she said she
5 The teacher ..................................... (forget) the test,
probably would be.
she hasn’t mentioned it yet.
4 That must be Jake’s mum, she’s too young.
6 Pauline .............................................. (enjoy) the film,
5 My phone can’t be at home, I used it on the bus.
she looked miserable when she came out.
6 That can’t be the new teacher, I’ve never seen her
Permission and obligation: can / can’t,
3 Complete the gaps with must, may, might, be allowed to, let, be supposed to
could or can’t. 6 Rewrite the sentences so they mean the same
0 Hello, you must be Simon’s sister, he told me using the words in brackets.
all about you. 0 They say it’s forbidden to go into that room.
1 The dinner ................ be ready, I only put it in the (allowed to)
oven 5 minutes ago. They’re not allowed to go into that room.
2 June and Sam ................ be in this hotel, the 1 His father has said he can go to the gig. (let)
address is right. 2 It’s not possible for me to help you now. (can’t)
3 Anna ................ be at the beach, she wanted to go 3 You should turn your phone off in the library.
if she had time. (supposed to)
4 The dog ................ want a drink, he looks thirsty. 4 Is it all right with you if my dog comes in too?
5 Yan ................ be happy, he failed the exam. (can)
6 Anna ................ have Rebecca’s telephone 5 It says in this email that we can have the day off.
number, she knows a lot of people. (allowed to)

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Test book ■ TALENT  3

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