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Teacher's Notes and Assessments

Assessments Unit 1 Assessments Unit 2 T: Which animal has (a short tail)?

Ss: The (hippo).
1 Assessment 1a: Listen and match. 1 Assessment 2a: Listen, draw and color. T: Take your (green) crayon. Color the box with (short tail).
Distribute Assessment Unit 1 1a and crayons. Distribute Assessment Unit 2 2a and colored pencils. Repeat with small ears, spots, long legs, short legs, big
Write students’ names on their papers. Write students’ names on their papers. mouth, gray, and yellow and brown.
Give students instructions to identify and put their fingers First, give students instructions to point to the children. 2 Assessment 3b: Listen and number.
on an action and a day of the week. T: (She) has (long straight) hair. Point to the (girl).
T: Dino (has swimming class on Saturday). Put your finger Ask students to draw the child’s eyes. Distribute Assessment Unit 3 3b, pencils and colored pencils.
on Dino (swimming) and on (Saturday). T: Take your (brown) pencil. Draw the (girl)’s eyes. Give students instructions to number the animals in the pictures.
Ask students to draw a line to join the two dots. Next, give students instructions to color the child’s hair. T:  Number (one). The (pandas are playing). Point to the
T: Take your (yellow) crayon. Draw a line from Dino T: (She) has (long, straight black) hair and (brown) eyes. (pandas). What (are) the (pandas) doing?
(swimming) to (Saturday). He (has swimming class on T: Take your (black) pencil. Color the (girl)’s hair (black). Ss:  (They are playing).
Saturday). Repeat with he, boy, short curly, short straight, blond, red, T:  Take your pencil. Write number (one) in the box.
Repeat with has karate class on Thursday, has music class blue, green and black. Repeat with is, crocodile swimming, snakes crawling,
on Tuesday, has tennis class on Monday, rides his bike on monkeys swinging, bird flying, giraffe eating, gorilla standing,
Wednesday, goes to the park on Friday and soccer class on 2 Assessment 2b: Look, trace and color. tigers running, rhino hiding, zebra drinking, mouse climbing,
Sunday. Use a different color for each line. Distribute Assessment Unit 2 2b, pencils and colored pencils. lions sleeping, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
First, give students instructions to trace the corresponding ten, eleven and twelve.
2 Assessment 1b: Listen, color and write. words.
Distribute Assessment Unit 1 1b, crayons and pencils. T: (She) has (short straight) hair. Point to the (girl). Assessments Unit 4
Say the different classes Dino has and what time they are. T: Take your pencil. Trace the words (short) and (straight). 1 Assessment 4a: Listen, trace and color.
Have students point to them and color the dots. Next, give students instructions to color the child’s hair.
T: Look! Dino (has science class at two o’clock). Point to T: (She) has (short, straight red) hair. Distribute Assessment Unit 4 4a and crayons.
(science class) and point to the clock. T: Take your (red) colored pencil. Color the (girl)’s hair (red). Help students write their names on their papers.
T: Show me your (purple) crayon. Color the dot below Repeat with he, boy, short curly, short straight, long curly, First, describe the healthy and unhealthy habits and have
(science class) (purple). blond, brown and black. students point to them.
Next, ask students to write the time in the digital clock. T:  Dino is (washing his hands). Point to the picture.
T: What time is (science class)? Assessments Unit 3 Next, give students instructions to trace the frame around
Ss:  At (two) o’clock. each habit.
T: Show me your pencil. Write (two) o’clock on the digital clock. 1 Assessment 3a: Trace, look and color. T:  Show me your (blue) crayon. Trace the frame around
Repeat with music class at eight o’clock, English class at Distribute Assessment Unit 3 3a and crayons. Dino (washing his hands).
nine o’clock, art class at eleven o’clock, gym class at twelve Write students’ names on their papers. Repeat with drinking water, covering his mouth with a
o’clock and computer class at one o’clock. Use a different First, ask students to identify the animals. tissue, eating junk food and drinking soda, staying up late,
color for each class. T:  What’s this? doing exercise, eating healthy and isn’t covering his mouth.
Ss:  It’s a (giraffe). Use a different color for each habit.
Ask students to trace the frame around the animals. Finally, ask students to point to the pictures again. They
T:  Take your (blue) crayon. Trace the frame around the color the check if it is a healthy habit or the cross if it is an
(giraffe). unhealthy habit.
Next, give students instructions to color the corresponding
characteristics of the animals.

Teacher's Notes   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 1

2 Assessment 4b: Listen and trace. Assessments Unit 6 Give students instructions to color the objects that belong
in each recycling bin and cross out the ones that don’t
Distribute Assessment Unit 4 4b and crayons. 1 Assessment 6a: Listen and color. belong in the bin.
First, describe the ailments and have students point to them. Point to the (newspaper).
T: The (boy) (has a headache). Point to the (boy) with (a Distribute Assessment Unit 6 6a and crayons.
Help students write their names on their papers. T: What’s this?
headache). Ss:  It’s (newspaper).
Next, give students instructions to trace around each ailment. Point to each section and have students identify the land,
water and air. T: Does the (newspaper) go in the paper recycling bin?
T: Show me your (green) crayon. Trace around the picture. Ss:  Yes, it does.
Repeat with girl, has a fever, scraped his knee, has a sore Next, have them point to the objects polluting the land,
the water and the air. T: Color the (newspaper).
throat, has a stomachache, has a broken arm, has a cough Point to the (plastic detergent bottle).
and has a cold. Use a different color for each ailment. T:  Look at the (land). What’s polluting the (land)?
Ss:  (A plastic bottle, a plastic bag and newspapers). T: Does the plastic bottle go in the paper recycling bin?
Repeat with water: soda can, glass soda bottle and plastic Ss:  No, it doesn’t.
Assessments Unit 5 T: Cross if off.
rings; air: smoke coming from cars, smoke coming from the
1 Assessment 5a: Listen and number. factories and smoke coming from the house.
Give students instructions to color the dots. Assessments Unit 7
Distribute Assessment Unit 5 5a and pencils.
Help students write their names on their papers. T:  Point to the (plastic water bottle). Show me your (orange) 1 Assessment 7a: Listen, color and connect.
Point to the community workers and have students identify crayon. Color the dot (orange).
Repeat with the items mentioned above. Use a different Distribute Assessment Unit 7 7a and red, yellow and blue
them. crayons.
T:  Who’s (he)? Point to the (doctor). color for each one.
Afterwards, name an object and have students say whether Help students write their names on their papers.
Ss:  (He’s) a (doctor). Give students instructions to identify the characters,
Ask students to point to a community worker. Give students it is polluting the land, water or air.
T:  Point to the (soda can). Is it polluting the land, the water vehicles, vacation spots and places to stay.
instructions to number them. T: What’s this?
T:  Point to the (vet). Show me your pencil. Write number or the air?
Ss:  The (soda can) is polluting the (water). Ss:  It’s a (bus).
(ten) in the box. Then give students instructions to color the dots.
Repeat with firefighter: one, salesperson: twenty, mail carrier: T:  What color is the dot?
Ss:  It’s (yellow). T: Point to (Kelly). (Kelly) went on vacation. Color the dots
thirty, police officer: forty, doctor: fifty, artist: sixty, server: seventy, (red). (She went by car). (She went to the mountains).
nurse: eighty, dentist: ninety and teacher: one hundred. 2 Assessment 6b: Look, color and cross out. (She stayed in a tent). Color the dots red.
Have students number Dino with their favorite number. Repeat with Jimmy: plane, beach, hotel; and Dino: bus,
Distribute Assessment Unit 6 6b and colored pencils.
2 Assessment 5b: Look and draw. Have students look at the recycling bins in each row. theme park, house.
T:  What is this recycling bin used for? Afterwards, have students draw lines to connect the dots
Distribute Assessment Unit 5 5b and colored pencils. that are the same color.
Ask students to look at the pictures of the objects Ss:  (Paper).
Repeat with metal and plastic. Invite students to describe each character’s trip.
in the first box. T: Tell me about (Dino)’s trip.
T:  Point to the (cash register). Point to the (shopping bag). Then have students point to the first row again. Ask students
to identify the pictures. Ss:  (Dino went by bus. He went to the theme park. He
Who uses these objects? stayed in a house).
Ss:  A (salesperson). T:  What this?
Repeat with mask, dental mirror: dentist; badge, police Ss:  It’s (newspaper). 2 Assessment 7b: Look and write.
car: police officer; thermometer, syringe: nurse; medicine, Repeat with paper: paper, toilet paper roll, plastic detergent
bottle; metal: coffee can, soda can, milk carton, tuna can; Distribute Assessment Unit 7 7b and colored pencils.
stethoscope: doctor and tray, menu: server. Give students instructions for pointing to different clocks.
Give students instructions to draw a picture of each community plastic: plastic rings, soup bowl, glass soda bottle, plastic
water bottle. T: It’s (10:30). Point to the clock that says (10:30).
worker in the corresponding boxes and color them. Repeat with the other clocks.

Teacher's Notes   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 2

Next, give students instructions to color the clocks. 2 Assessment 8b: Listen, number and trace.
T: It’s (3:00 o’clock). Point to the clock that says (3:00). Distribute Assessment Unit 8 8b, pencils and crayons.
Color the clock (blue). Give students instructions to identify the objects.
Repeat with the remaining clocks using a different color for T: What’s this? Point to the (old TV).
each. Afterwards, say a color and have the students tell you Ss:  It’s (an old TV).
the corresponding time. Repeat with new TV, record player, computer, old
T: (Blue). What time is it? telephone, tablet, cell phone, typewriter, radio and remote
Ss:  It’s (3:00 o’clock). control car.
Finally, have students trace over the numbers and write Ask students to write a different multiple of ten in each box.
the times on the digital clocks. T: Point to the (computer). Show me your pencil. Write
number (ten).
Assessments Unit 8 Repeat with the remaining objects, assigning a different
multiple of ten in each box: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty,
1 Assessment 8a: Look, color and cross out. seventy, eighty, ninety and one hundred.
Distribute Assessment Unit 8 8a and colored pencils. Next, have students point to Dino’s grandpa.
Help students write their names on their papers. T: Point to Dino’s Grandpa. Grandpa’s things are old. Color
Point to the picture of the baby in the top row. the crayon, purple.
T: Is this a baby or a child? Repeat with Dino.
Ss:  It’s a baby. T: Point to Dino. Dino’s things are new. Color the crayon,
Next, describe each picture and have students point to them. green.
T: Point to ( jump). Can a baby ( jump)? Finally, have students trace the frame around the new objects
Ss:  (No, a baby can’t jump). with a green crayon and the old ones with a purple crayon.
Repeat with sleep in a crib, write, cut with scissors, drink
from a baby bottle.
Follow the same procedure with the bottom row.
T: Point to (draw). Can a child (draw)?
Ss:  Yes, a child can draw.
Repeat with drink from a baby bottle, run, sleep in a crib,
ride a bike.
Give students instructions to color the actions associated
with babies in the top row and the actions associated with
children in the bottom row. Finally, students cross out the
actions that don’t belong in each row.

Teacher's Notes   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 3

Listen and match. Name:







Assessment  Unit 1  My Busy Week   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 1a
Listen, color and write. Name:


Assessment  Unit 1  My Busy Week   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 1b
Listen, draw and color. Name:

Assessment  Unit 2  Look at My Family!   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 2a
Look, trace and color. Name:

short short
long long
curly curly
straight straight
short short
long long
curly curly
Assessment  Unit 2  Look at My Family!   Level 3
© Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 2b
Trace, look and color. Name:

giraffe short tail hippo

small ears


long legs

short legs

big mouth


yellow and
Assessment  Unit 3  Amazing Animals   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 3a
Listen and number. Name:

Assessment  Unit 3  Amazing Animals   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 3b
Listen, trace and color. Name:

Assessment  Unit 4  I’m Healthy and Safe   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 4a
Listen and trace. Name:

Assessment  Unit 4  I’m Healthy and Safe   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 4b
Listen and number. Name:

Assessment  Unit 5  My Community   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 5a
Look and draw. Name:

Assessment  Unit 5  My Community   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 5b
Listen and color. Name:

water air

Assessment  Unit 6  Saving the Planet   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 6a
Look, color and cross out. Name:




Assessment  Unit 6  Saving the Planet   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 6b
Listen, color and connect. Name:

Assessment  Unit 7  Going Places   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 7a
Look and write. Name:

:30 :00 :30

: : :

: : :
Assessment  Unit 7  Going Places   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 7b
Look, color and cross out. Name:

Assessment  Unit 8  Present, Past and Future   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 8a
Listen, number and trace. Name:

Assessment  Unit 8  Present, Past and Future   Level 3 © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2018 Printable 8b

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