Prophet Solih

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Prophet Saleh (p.b.u.

 The land of Thamud was a beautiful green land
of gardens with running springs and rivers.
 They carved beautiful and spacious houses out
of the mountains, and produced wonderful
paintings on the stones.
 Countless blessings from Allah (s.w.t)
Thamud’s Disbelief
 They thought that death will never reach them
 From the stones, they carved idols and
worshipped them
Prophet Saleh
 Allah (s.w.t) sent a man from amongst them.
 He was born to a noble family and grew up
intelligent and virtuous.
 Allah (s.w.t) wanted to honor Saleh (p.b.u.h)
with prophethood to bring them from darkness
to light
Saleh’s (p.b.u.h) Call
 Saleh stood up amongst his people, saying in his
loudest voice:
 “O my people, worship Allah. You have no God
but him”
 The people rejected Saleh (p.b.u.h); the said:
“Oh Saleh, you were a noble person and you
turned out to be nobody”
 Saleh (p.b.u.h) kept on giving advice to his
 “My brothers! I do not ask you for anything. I
advise you and convey to you the messages of
my Lord. I do not ask you for any wage for it.
My wage falls only on Allah, the Lord of the
The Camel of Allah
 Saleh (p.b.u.h) asked: What sign do you want?
 They said: “If you are speaking the truth, then
bring out a pregnant camel from the mountain”
 They knew that a camel does not grow out of
the ground.
 So Saleh (p.b.u.h) called on Allah. A pregnant
she-camel ‫ الناقة‬came out of the mountain and
gave birth.
 Only a few have believed
The Arrangement
 Saleh (p.b.u.h) said: “This is the she-camel of
 Saleh told the people that the she-camel will
come one day to drink and their camels the next
 The people of Thamud sent two men to wait for
the camel and kill her.
3 Days!
 Saleh was very sad when he learned that the she-
camel had been killed.
 He told people to enjoy themselves for 3 days
before Allah sends his punishment.
 On the 3rd day, the punishment came to
The 3rd Day!
 On the 3rd day, there was a shout accompanied
by a great earthquake.
 All the non-believers died and the city was
 “Thamud rejected the Prophet through their
doing. Behold the most wicked man among
them was deputed. But the messenger of Allah
said: It is the she-camel of Allah and prevent her
not from having her drink. Then they rejected
him and slaughtered her so their Lord crushed
them for their sin and leveled them and for Him
is no fear of its consequences”
 Questions?

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