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Sample exam 1

1. (2 points)
1. Find constants A and B such that f is continuous for all x

 Ax  3 if x  1

f ( x)  2 if x  1
 x2  B if x  1

2. If f ( x)  x3  x 2  x  1 , show that there is a number c such that f (c)  0 .
2. (2.5 points)
1. Find dy/dx

x2  1
a) y  x sin 1 (3 x  2) b) ln( y  x2 )  x2  2 y c) y 
x2  5
 1
 x sin if x  0
2. Let f ( x)   x
0 if x  0
Use the definition of the derivative to find f’(0), if it exists.
3. (2.5 point)
1. Evaluate the limits
sin 2 x 1/ln x e x cos x  1 ( x  1)sin( x  1)
lim lim (sin x) lim lim
x 0 sin x 2 x 0 x  x x 1 1  cos( x  1)

| x2  4 |
2. Draw the graph of f ( x) 
4. (3 point)
1. Approximate 
0 1  x3
using Simpson’s rule with n=6.

2. Solve the differential equation

 x 2 y 2 4  x3
Sample exam 2
1. (2 points)

1. Prove that x  3  e x has at least one real root. Use Newton-Raphson method to find the root correct to
five decimal places.
2. Find numbers a and b so that

ax  b  1
lim 1
x 0 x
2. (2.5 points)
1. A company sends out a truck to deliver its products. To estimate costs, the manager models gas
consumption by the formula
1  1500 
G ( x)    x
300  x 
gal/min, under the assumption that the truck travels at a constant rate of x mi/h ( x  5 ). The driver is paid
$26 per hour to drive the truck 300 mi. Gasoline costs $4 per gallon.
a. Find an expression for the total cost C(x) of the trip.
b. Use differentials to estimate the additional cost if the truck is driven at 57 mi/h instead of 55 mi/h.
d 2s
2. The equation  ks  0 is called a differential equation of simple harmonic motion. Let A be any
dt 2
number. Show that the function s(t )  Asin 2t satisfies the equation

d 2s
 4s  0
dt 2
3. (2.5 point)
1. Which of the graphs is the derivative and which is the function? Explain.

2. Find the points on the hyperbola x2  y 2  4 that are closest to the point (0,1).
4. (3 pts)
1. A particle moves along the x-axis so that its velocity at any time t  0 is given by v(t )  6t 2  2t  4 . It
is know that the particle is at position x=6 for t=2.
a. Find the position of the particle at any time t  0 .
b. For what value(s) of t, 0  t  3 , is the particle’s instantaneous velocity the same as its average velocity
over the interval [0,3].
c. Find the total distance traveled by the particle from time t=0 to t=3.
2. Find the equation for the tangent line to the curve y  F ( x) at the point P where x=1 and
t2 1
F ( x)  1 t  2 dt
Sample exam 1 - 2017
1.1 Continuity- chapter 2
lim f ( x)  lim f ( x)  f (1)
x 1 x 1 … then you find A,B .
A  3  1 B  2
1.2 The root location theorem – chapter 2
2.1 a/ (u.v)’=u’.v +v’.u
b/ implicit differentiation – chapter 3
Take differentiation both sides to x
d (ln( y  x 2 )) d ( x 2  2 y )

dx dx
 2x
dx dy
 2x  2
yx 2

c/ y’
x.sin 0
f ( x)  f (0) x 1
2.2 f / (0)  lim  lim  lim sin
x 0 x0 x 0 x x  0 x
and lim sin is not exist, then there is not derivative of f / (0) .
x 0 x

3.1 chapter 2 – limits

a/ =1
b/ 00 : take ln (natural logarithm) both side

A  lim(sin x)1/ln x
x 0

ln(sin x)  0 
ln A  lim ln(sin x)1/ln x
 lim  
x0 x 0
ln x  0 

e x cos x  1
c/ Change the prolem to lim
x 0 x

d/ use Special trigonometric limits

3.2 f(x) = - (x+2) if -2<x<2
f(x) = x+2 if x>2 or x<-2 ; then draw
4.1 using Simpson’s rule – chapter 5
4.2 chapter 5
 x 2 4  x3 dx
 y 2   x 4  x dx
2 3

Left side    c1
Right side   x 2 4  x 3 dx
Let t  4  x3 ; dt   2 x 2 dx
1 1 1 1
Right side   . tdt   t1/ 2 dt  .t 3/2  c2  (4  x 3 )3/ 2  c2
2 2 3 3
1 1
then   c1  (4  x 3 )3/2  c2
y 3
Solution sample exam 2.2017
1.1 chapter 2 - The root location theorem
chapter 3 – Newton Raphson
Numerator : ax  b  1  b  1
1.2 when x approaches 0 then
Denominator : x  0

If b  1 , the limit approaches infinity     . Then b=1

0  
ax  1  1 a
 lim 2 ax  1 
We have x 0 x x 0 1 2
 1  a  2
a/ G(x) (gal/mi)
Cost = fee for driver + fee for gas
26$        300 mi / h
?         x mi / h
x.26 x.26 4  1500 
C (t )   4.G ( x)     x
300 300 300  x 

b/ C(57) – C(55)= additional cost

c/ take the secThe ond derivative of s(t), then replace to the function.
3.1 the red line g is the derivative ; the blue line f is the function. Because when g>0 , f
goes up (increase); when g<0 , f goes down (decrease)

x 2  y 2  4  y   4  x 2
A  hyperbola  A( x;  4  x 2 )

AP 2 min  ( xP  x A ) 2  ( yP  y A )2  ( x  0) 2  (1  4  x 2 ) 2
 5  4  x2
AP 2  5  4  x 2 min (closest ) when x  4, y  0
AP 2  5  4  x 2 min (closest ) when x  0, y  4

4.1 1a/ Find s (t )   v (t )dt (chapter 3 - Rectilinear motion)

b/ Rates of change: (section 3.4)- chapter 3
CHANGE IN y y f ( x  x )  f ( x )
CHANGE IN x x x

y f ( x  x)  f ( x) dy
INSTANTANEOUS RATE OF CHANGE  lim  lim  f / ( x0 ) 
x 0 x x 0 x dx x  x0

v (3)  v(0)
Then  v / (t )  t  ?
c/ total distance traveled : use table of variation to find (chapter 3 - Rectilinear motion)
t2 1
4.2. Point P: x=1, y  F (1)   dt  0 then P(1,0)
 x t2 1 

F ( x)   
dt  see the second fundamental theorem – chapter 5
 1 t 2 
 
2 x 
 
  f t dt   f 2 x .2 x   f 1 x .1 x 
1 (x ) 
AND EDUCATION Subject: Calculus 1
Number of pages: 02 pages.
Duration: 90 minutes.
Date of exam: 28/02/2017
Materials are allowed during the exam.

Instructions: Show all necessary work, and provide full justification for each answer.
Circle your final answer(s).
(1) (2 pts) Find the value of the constant k for which the following piecewise-defined
function is continuous everywhere. For the resulting function determine where the
function is not differentiable. Justify your answers.

 2  x  k if x  2
f ( x)  
18  kx
 if x  2

(2) (1 pt) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve x ln(2 y  1)  ye x  3x  3
at the point (1;0).

(3) (2 pts) For each function below find
a. y  cos1 3  2 x b. y  2 x  1  e 2 x  tan x

(4) (1 pt) Find all relative maxima and minima of f ( x)  3x 4  5x3  1.

(5) (1 pt) Find the average value of f ( x)  sin 2 x cos x on the interval [0;2 ] .

(6) (1 pt) Let F ( x)   (1  2t )dt for 0  x  3 . Find F '( x) and determine the open

interval in which F is increasing.

(7) (2 pts) A particle moves along the x-axis so that its velocity at any time t  0 is
given by v(t )  6t 2  2t  4 . It is known that the particle is at position x  6 for t  2 .
a. Find the position of the particle at any time t  0 .
b. Find the total distance traveled by the particle from time t  0 to t  3 .

Notice: Invigilators should not explain the questions on the exam papers.

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Expected Learning Outcomes Questions
[ELO 2.1.3, 2.1.4]: Students are able to find basic limits and test the 1
continuity of a function.
[ELO 2.1.3, 2.1.4]: Students are able to find derivative and 2
[ELO 2.1.3, 2.1.4]: Students are able to find derivative and 3
[ELO 2.1.1, 2.1.2]: Students are able to use derivative to solve 4
problems relating to rates of change and optimization
[ELO 2.1.1, 2.1.2]: Students are able to use derivative to solve 5
problems relating to rates of change and optimization
[ELO 2.1.1, 2.1.2]: Students are able to use derivative to solve 6
problems relating to rates of change and optimization
[2.1.1, 2.1.2]: Students are able to find important properties of a 7
[2.1.3, 2.1.4]: Students are able to solve problems involving 8
exponential growth/decay.

February 23, 2017

Head of foundation science group

No.: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Page: 1/1

CALCULUS 1, February 28th 2017

(1) (2 pts)

a) When x  2 , f ( x) is a polynomial and when x  2 , f ( x) is a root function. So

f ( x) is continuous when x  2 .
When x=2, f(x) is continuous if and only if f (2)  lim f ( x) . This leads to

lim( 2  x  k )  lim(18  kx)  k (0.5)

x2 
or k  18  2k
k  18 (0.5)
b) Suspicious point: x=2
 h
 lim
f (2  h)  f (2)  h0 h
does not exist
f '(2)  lim 
 lim 18  18(2  h)  18  18
h 0 h
 h0 h
Therefore, f is not differentiable at x=2.

(2) (1 pt)
Differentiate both sides with respect to x gives
2 xy '
 ln(2 y  1)  y ' e x  ye x  3
2y 1
3  ln(2 y  1)  ye x
y'  (0.5)
e x

2y 1
At the point (1;0), y '  .
The equation of the tangent line is
y ( x  1) (0.5)

(3) (2 pts)
1 1 1
a. y '  (1) b. y '   2e 2 x  (1)
(2 x  2)(3  2 x) 2x  1 cos 2 x

(4) (1 pt)
f '( x)  12 x3  15 x 2 . Critical numbers of f are x  0; x  (0.5)
x 0 5/4
f’(x) - || - 0 +
The local minimum is f (5 / 4)  881/ 256 . (0.5)

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(5) (1 pt)
1 1
 sin
f ave  2
x cos xdx  (sin x)3  0 (1)
2 6

(6) (1 pt)
F '( x)  1  2 x (0.5)
F '( x)  0 when x  1 / 2 , so the open interval in which F is increasing is (0,1/2). (0.5)

(7) (2 pts)
a. x(t )   v(t )dt  2t 3  t 2  4t  C (0.5)

x(2)  6 implies C  2 .(0.5)

b. v(t )  0 when t  1 or t  2 / 3 (outside the interval). (0.5)
The total distance traveled is | s(0)  s(1) |  | s(1)  s(3) | =39 (0.5)

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AND EDUCATION Subject: Calculus 1
Number of pages: 02 pages.
Duration: 90 minutes.
Date of exam: 10/01/2017
Materials are allowed during the exam.

Question 1 (2 points) Find the value of the constant k for which the following
piecewise-defined function is continuous everywhere. For the resulting function
determine where the function is not differentiable. Justify your answers.
7 x  k if x  2
f ( x)  
18  kx if x  2

Question 2 (1 point) Let f and g be differentiable functions defined on (-1; 1).

Suppose we have the following table of values for f, g, f’ and g’.

Using this table, find the value of ( f g )'(3)

Question 3 ( 1 point) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve x 2 y  xy 2  3x
at the point (2;1).

Question 4 (1 point) If the volume V of a cube is decreasing at the rate of 24 in 3 / sec ,

find the rate at which the length of a side of the cube is decreasing when V = 8 in 3 .

x2  4 x  3
Question 5 (2 point) Let f ( x)  .
a) Find the open intervals where f is increasing and where f is decreasing.
b) Find the open intervals where f is concave up and where f is concave down.
c) Find all local minima and local maxima for f if they exist.
d) Find all vertical and horizontal asymptotes of the graph of f.

Question 6 (1 point) An open top box is to be made by cutting small identical squares
from the corners of a 12 inch× 12 inch sheet of tin and bending up the remaining sides.
How large should the squares cut from the corners be to make the box hold as much as
possible (maximum volume)?

Question 7 (1 point) Determine the area between the curves y = x and y  x 2 for 0 ≤
x ≤ 2. Sketch the region for the area.

Question 8 (1 point) Solve the initial value problem

dy 3cos(ln x)
 , x  0, y (2)  1
dx x
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Notice: Invigilators should not explain the questions on the exam papers.

Expected Learning Outcomes Questions

[ELO 2.1.3, 2.1.4]: Students are able to find basic limits and test the 1
continuity of a function.
[ELO 2.1.3, 2.1.4]: Students are able to find derivative and 2
[ELO 2.1.1, 2.1.2]: Students are able to use derivative to solve 3
problems relating to rates of change and optimization
[ELO 2.1.1, 2.1.2]: Students are able to use derivative to solve 4
problems relating to rates of change and optimization
[ELO 2.1.3, 2.1.4]: Students are able to find derivative and 5
differentials by using basic derivatives and rules for derivatives.
[ELO 2.1.1, 2.1.2]: Students are able to use derivative to solve 6
problems relating to rates of change and optimization
[2.1.1, 2.1.2]: Students are able to apply theory to evaluate 7
indefinite and definite integrals.
[2.1.1, 2.1.2]: Students are able to solve basic differential equations. 8

January 9, 2017

Head of foundation science group

No.: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Page: 2/1

CALCULUS 1, January 10th 2017

Question 1 (2 points)
a) When x  2 , f ( x) are polynomials and thus continuous.
When x=2, f(x) is continuous if and only if f (2)  lim f ( x) . This leads to
lim(7 x  k )  lim(18  kx)  7(2)  k (0.5)
x 2 x 2
or 14  k  18  2k
k  4 (0.5)
b) Suspicious point: x=2
 7(2  h)  4  10
 lim 7
f (2  h)  f (2) h0 h
f '(2)  lim 
 lim 18  4(2  h)  10  4
h 0 h
h0 h
Therefore, f is not differentiable at x=2.

Question 2 (1 point)
( f g )'(3)  f '( g (3))  g '(3)  f '(2)  g '(3)  (5)(4)  20
Question 3 ( 1 point)
Differentiate both sides with respect to x gives
2 xy  x2 y ' y 2  2 xyy '  3
3  2 xy  y 2
y'  (0.5)
x 2  2 xy
At the point (2;1), y’=-1/4.
The equation of the tangent line is
1 3
y   x  (0.5)
4 2

Question 4 (1 point)
Let a be the length of each side of the cube, then V  a3 . Differentiate with respect to t
dV da
 3a 2 (0.5)
dt dt
When V  8, a  2, dV / dt  24 , so
da da
24  3(2) 2 or  2 (0.5)
dt dt
The side of the cube is decreasing with a rate of 2 in/sec when V=8 in 3 .

x2  4 x  3
Question 5 (2 point) Let f ( x)  .
4x  6 3
f '( x)  3
. Critical numbers of f are x  0; x 
x 2
8 x  18 9
f "( x)  4
. Critical numbers of f’ are x  0; x 
x 4
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x 0 3/2
f’(x) + || - 0 +
f is increasing on  ,0  ,  32 ,   and decreasing on  0, 32  . (0.25)
x 0 9/4
f”(x) + || + 0 -
f is concave up on  ,0 ,  0, 94  and concave down on  94 ,  . (0.25)
c) The local minimum is f  32    13 . (0.5)
The vertical asymptote is x=0, since lim f ( x)   . (0.25)
x 0
The horizontal asymptote is y=1 since lim f ( x)  1 . (0.25)
x 

Question 6 (1 point)
Let x (inch) be the side of small squares, then 0  x  6 .
The volume of the box is V  x 12  2 x  . (0.25)

V '( x)  (12  2x)(12  6x) . Critical numbers of V are x=2, x=6. (0.25)
V(0)=0; V(6)=0; V(2)=128. (0.25)
The maximum volume of the box is 128 in 3 when x=2. (0.25)

Question 7 (1 point)

The area between the curves y = x and y  x 2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 is

calculated by
1 2
A   ( x  x )dx   ( x 2  x)dx (0.5)

0 1
A  1 . (0.25)


Question 8 (1 point)

3cos(ln x)
y ( x)   dx  3sin(ln x)  C (0.5)
y(2)  1 so C  1  3sin(ln 2) . (0.5)

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CALCULUS 1, June 15th 2017

1. (2 points)
f is continuous for x  0 . (0.25)
The given function is continuous at x=0 if and only if
1  cos 6 x
k  lim (0.25)
x 0 x2
6sin 6 x
 lim  18 (0.5)
x 0 2x
1  cos 6 x
 18
f '(0)  lim x2 (0.25)
x 0 x
1  cos6 x  18 x 2 6sin 6 x  36 x 36cos6 x  36
 lim 3
 lim 2
 lim 0 (0.5)
x 0 x x 0 3x x 0 6x
So f is differentiable at x=0. (0.25)

2. (1 point)
f '( x)  2 x ln 2  (0.5)
2 x2  1
f '(0)  ln 2 (0.25)
The equation of the tangent line is y   ln 2  x  1 (0.25)
3. (1 point)
Let x(t) and y(t) be the distance (in km) from the car and the truck to the intersection t
hours from the time the truck leaves the intersection, respectively, and z(t) be the
distance between the car and the truck.
dx dy
Then  60;  45; z 2  x 2  y 2 (0.25)
dt dt
dz dx dy dz x dx y dy
2z  2x  2 y    (0.25)
dt dt dt dt z dt z dt
45 minutes after the truck leaves the intersection, x  75, y  33.75, z  82.24 . (0.25)
So,  73.19 km/h. (0.25)
4. (1 point)
P  (2 x3  18 x 2 ), 0  x  9 (0.25)
P '  0 when x  0 or x  6 . (0.25)
P(0)  P(9)  0, P(6)  - (0.25)
216 6
So the minimum value of P is - when x  6, y   . (0.25)
5 5
5. (1 point)
tan 1 x  x 1  x 2 1
a) lim = lim   (0.5)
x 0 x3 x 0 3x 2 3

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ln x  sin 2 x
b) ln L  lim  lim  0 (0.25)
x 0 1 x 0 x cos x

sin x
L  1 (0.25)

6. (1 point)

7. (1point)

a)  0 when v  39.017 or v  39.017 (0.25)
v -39.017 39.017
+ 0 - 0 +
From the table, we see that the energy E is minimized when v  v0  39.017 . (0.25)
 112.65  112.65
b) E (v)    0.074  dv  0.074v  C (0.25)
 v 
Since E  E0 when v  v0 , we get C  E0  0.074v0  (0.25)

8. (1 point)
1  x4  1  57 
f ave   ( x3  6 x 2  k )dx    2 x3  kx  2
1    3k   2 (0.75)
3 1 3 4  3 4 
k (0.25)

9. (1 point)
Use trapezoidal rule with n  6 : I    2.0328 (0.5)
0 1  2x
Use substitution: I    1  2x 4
2 (0.25)

0 1 2 x
The error is 0.0328. (0.25)
Số hiệu: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Pages: 2
Subject: Calculus 1
Course code: MATH141601E
Number of pages: 02 pages.

Duration: 90 minutes.

Date of exam: 03/01/2017

Materials are allowed during the exam.

Question 1 (1 pt) Show that sin x  3x  has at least one solution on  .
x2  1


Denote f ( x)  sin x  3 x  which is contionous on the closed interval [0,  ] .
x2  1

f (0)  sin 0  3.0   1  0 (0.25)
02  1

e e
f ( )  sin   3.   3  0 (0.25)
 2 1  2 1

Then f (c)  0 has at least one solution on the interval [0;  ] by the root location
theorem. (0.25)

Therefore, by the root L.T there is at least one number c on [0;  ] for which f (c)  0 and

it follows that sin c  3c  .
c2  1

No.: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Page: 1/1

Question 2 (2 pts) Evaluate the limit

x  e 2 x  1
a. lim
x 0
sin  x 2 


x  e 2 x  1 LH e 2 x  1  2 x.e 2 x LH 2e 2 x  4 x.e 2 x  2e 2 x 2  2  0
lim  lim  lim   2 (0.5)
  x0 2 x cos x 2
x 0 sin x 2 x  0 2cos x 2  4 x 2 sin x 2 2

b. lim  2018  e x  .
1/ x

x 


Let y  lim  2018  e x  , take ln both sides

1/ x

x 

1 ln  2018  e x
  lim ex
ln y  lim ln  2018  e   lim ln  2018  e x   lim
x 1/ x
x  x  x x  x x  2018  e x


 y  e (0.5)

Question 3 (2 pts)

a. Find the value of the constant k for which the following piecewise-defined function is
continuous everywhere.

 2 x  e3 x  1
 x0
f  x   4x .
k x0

b. Find f '  0  .


2 x  e3 x  1
a/ x  0 : f ( x)  is continuous (0.25)

then the function is continuous every where if and only if f(x) is continuous at x  0 . It
means lim f ( x)  f (0) (0.25)
x 0

2 x  e3 x  1 LH 2  3e3 x 2  3 5
lim f ( x)  lim  lim   (0.25)
x 0 x 0 4x x0 4 4 4

f (0)  k
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 k  5 / 4 (0.25)


2 x  e3 x  1 5

f ( x)  f (0) 4 x 4  lim 2 x  e  1  5 x
f (0)  lim
 lim
x 0 x0 x 0 x x 0 4 x2 (1.0)
LH 3 x  e3 x  1 LH 3  3e3 x LH 9e 3 x 9
 lim  lim  lim 
x 0 4x2 x 0 8x x 0 8 8

Question 4 (1 pts) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve
x 4  y 2  e  1  e y  sin x at the point P(0;1).


x 4  y 2  e  1  e y  sin x , take derivative both sides

dy dy dy cos x  4 x 3
4 x3  2 y  ey  cos x   (0.25)
dx dx dx 2y  ey

dy cos 0  4.0 1
At P(0;1)   (0.25)
dx x  0 2.1  e 2e

The equation of the tangent line to the curve is y  x  1 (0.25)

Question 5 (1 pts) At noon a sailboat is 20 kilometers south of a freighter. The sailboat is

travelling east at 20 kilometers per hour, and the freighter is travelling south at 40
kilometers per hour. If visibility is 10 kilometers, could the people on the two ships ever
see each other?

No.: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Page: 1/1


The distance D between the two ships is given by

D  (20t ) 2  (20  40t ) 2 , t  0 (0.25)

The goal is to determine whether D  10 for any such value of t , and to accomplish this,
we will find the minimum value of D

400(2t  2(2  4t ))
D/  (0.25)
2 (20t )2  (20  40t ) 2

 D /  0  400(10t  4)  0  t  (0.25)

2 2
D / (t )  0 for 0  t  and D / (t )  0 for t  (0.25)
5 5

 2
It follows that D   is the minimum value of D
5  

2 2 2
D    (20. ) 2  (20  40. ) 2  80  10
5 5 5

We can conclude that the people on the 2 ships could see each other. In particular,
they could see each orther 2/5 of an hour afternoon. That is at 20.24 pm

Question 6 (1 pt) Find all absolute maxima and minima of

f  x    sin 3 x ;   3 / 27;  3 / 8  .


 cos 3 x
f / ( x) 
33 x2

f / ( x) is not defined at x  0 ; f (0)  0

 0 is a critical number. (0.25)

   3
f (0)  0  cos x  0  x   k  x    k   x 
/ 3 3
 2 2  8 (0.25)

We have

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f (0)  0
3  
f     sin  1 (0.25)
 8  2
 3   3
f      sin  
 27  3 2

Then Max f ( x)  ; Min f ( x)  1 , x    3 / 27;  3 / 8 (0.25)

Question 7 (1 pts) Let f  x   x  2sin x . Find the average value of f on the interval
0,   .

1 2 8
AV 
  ( x  2sin x)dx 

Question 8 (1 pts) Find the particular solution of the separable differential equation
satisfying the initial condition

x2  1
dy x
 ;y
dx y
 3  2 .

dy x x
x2  1   y dy  dx (0.25)
dx y x 1

Take integral both sides:

 y dy   x2  1
dx (0.25)

 x 2  1  c (0.25)

We have y ( 3)  2   3  1  c  c  0 (0.25)

So the solution is y 2  2 x 2  1 .

Notice: Invigilators should not explain the questions on the exam papers.

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Expected Learning Outcomes Questions

[ELO 3.1]: Identify, analyze and use mathematical reasoning to solve 1

both problems involving theory and practical problems.

[ELO 2.1]: Present mathematical information using words, statements,

numbers, formulas, graphs and diagrams

[ELO 5.1]: Evaluate the limit of a function. Apply L’Hopital rule to find 2,4
limits involving infinity.

[ELO 5.2]: Find derivative and differential by using basic derivatives and
rules for derivatives.

[ELO 1.1, 1.3, 5.2]: Students are able to find basic limits and test the 3
continuity of a function. Students are able to find derivative and

[ELO 2.1, 1.2]: Students are able to use derivative to solve problems 5,6
relating to rates of change and optimization

[ELO 3.1, 5.4] : Apply important rules and theorems effectively, such as 7
the mean value. Students are able to apply theory to evaluate indefinite
and definite integrals.

[ELO 1.4, 5.4]: Students are able to solve basic differential equations. 8

December 29, 2017

Head of foundation science group

No.: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Page: 1/1

AND EDUCATION Subject: Calculus 1
Number of pages: 02 pages.
Duration: 90 minutes.
Date of exam: 03/01/2017
Materials are allowed during the exam.

Question 1 (1 pt) Show that sin x  3x  has at least one solution on  .
x2  1
Question 2 (2 pts) Evaluate the limit
x  e 2 x  1
b. lim  2018  e x  .
1/ x
a. lim
x 0
sin  x 2  x 

Question 3 (2 pts)
a. Find the value of the constant k for which the following piecewise-defined function is
continuous everywhere.
 2 x  e3 x  1
 x0
f  x   4x .
k x0

b. Find f '  0  .

Question 4 (1 pts) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve
x 4  y 2  e  1  e y  sin x at the point P(0;1).

Question 5 (1 pts) At noon a sailboat is 20 kilometers

south of a freighter. The sailboat is travelling east at 20
kilometers per hour, and the freighter is travelling south at
40 kilometers per hour. If visibility is 10 kilometers, could
the people on the two ships ever see each other?

Question 6 (1 pt) Find all absolute maxima and minima of

f  x    sin 3 x ;   3 / 27;  3 / 8  .
Question 7 (1 pts) Let f  x   x  2sin x . Find the average value of f on the interval
0,   .
Question 8 (1 pts) Find the particular solution of the separable differential equation
satisfying the initial condition
dy x
x2  1  ; y 3  2 .
dx y
 
Notice: Invigilators should not explain the questions on the exam papers.

No.: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Page: 1/1

Expected Learning Outcomes Questions
[ELO 3.1]: Identify, analyze and use mathematical reasoning to 1
solve both problems involving theory and practical problems.
[ELO 2.1]: Present mathematical information using words,
statements, numbers, formulas, graphs and diagrams
[ELO 5.1]: Evaluate the limit of a function. Apply L’Hopital rule to 2,4
find limits involving infinity.
[ELO 5.2]: Find derivative and differential by using basic
derivatives and rules for derivatives.
[ELO 1.1, 1.3, 5.2]: Students are able to find basic limits and test 3
the continuity of a function. Students are able to find derivative and
[ELO 2.1, 1.2]: Students are able to use derivative to solve 5,6
problems relating to rates of change and optimization
[ELO 3.1, 5.4] : Apply important rules and theorems effectively, 7
such as the mean value. Students are able to apply theory to
evaluate indefinite and definite integrals.
[ELO 1.4, 5.4]: Students are able to solve basic differential 8

December 29, 2017

Head of foundation science group

No.: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Page: 1/1

AND EDUCATION Subject: Calculus 1
Number of pages: 02 pages.
Duration: 90 minutes.
Date of exam: 31/05/2018
Materials are allowed during the exam.

2x  3
Question 1 (1 pt) Show that  e x has at least one solution on  by using the root
x 1

location theorem.
Question 2 (2 pts) Evaluate the limit
x.  e3 x  1 1
a. lim b. lim( x 2  e 2 x ) x
x  0 2cos x  2 x 0

Question 3 (2 pts)
a. Find the value of the constant k for which the following piecewise-defined function is
continuous everywhere.
 sin x  e 2 x  1
 x0
f  x   x .
m x0

b. Find f '  0  .

Question 4 (1 pt) Let y be an implicit function of x satisfying:

sin x  e 2 x  2 y 2  4 x  9 (*)
a/ Find
b/ Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of equation (*) at the point P (0; 2) .

Question 5 (1 pt) Find the rectangle with largest area that

fits inside the graph of the parabola y  x 2 below the line
y  4 , with the top side of the rectangle on the horizontal
line y  4 ; see the figure.

Question 6 (1 pt)
Water is poured into a conical container at the rate of 10 cm3/sec.
The cone points directly down, and it has a height of 30 cm and a
base radius of 10 cm; see figure below. Volume of the cone is
 r 2h
V . How fast is the water level rising when the water is
3 cm deep (at its deepest point)?

Question 7 (1 pt)

No.: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Page: 1

Let f  x   3x 2  4 x  5 . Find the average value of f on the interval  4,10 .
Question 8 (1 pt)
Find the particular solution of the separable differential equation satisfying the initial
dy 1
 ; y 1  4 .
dx 2 xy (1  ln x )

Notice: Invigilators should not explain the questions on the exam papers.

Expected Learning Outcomes Questions

[ELO 3.1]: Identify, analyze and use mathematical reasoning to 1
solve both problems involving theory and practical problems.
[ELO 2.1]: Present mathematical information using words,
statements, numbers, formulas, graphs and diagrams
[ELO 5.1]: Evaluate the limit of a function. Apply L’Hopital rule to 2,4
find limits involving infinity.
[ELO 5.2]: Find derivative and differential by using basic
derivatives and rules for derivatives.
[ELO 1.1, 1.3, 5.2]: Students are able to find basic limits and test 3
the continuity of a function. Students are able to find derivative and
[ELO 2.1, 1.2]: Students are able to use derivative to solve 5,6
problems relating to rates of change and optimization
[ELO 3.1, 5.4] : Apply important rules and theorems effectively, 7
such as the mean value. Students are able to apply theory to
evaluate indefinite and definite integrals.
[ELO 1.4, 5.4]: Students are able to solve basic differential 8

May 30, 2018

Head of foundation science group

No.: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Page: 2

Date of exam: 31/05/2018
Question Content Score

1 2x  3 x 0,25
Denote f ( x)   e which is contionous on the closed interval [0,1] .
x 1

2.0  3 0 0,25
f (0)  e  2  0
02  1

2.1  3 1 0,25
f (1)   e  0, 2182  0
12  1

Therefore, by the root location theorem there is at least one number c on 0,25
2x  3
[0,1] for which f (c )  0 and it follows that  ex .
x2  1

2 a x. e3x 1 1 e3x 1 x2 1 e3x 1

lim  lim . .  lim . .(2)
x0 2cos x  2 x0 2 x cos x  1 x0 2 x
1  e3x LH 3e3x 0,5
 lim  lim  3
x0 x x0 1
b 1
A  lim( x 2  e 2 x ) x
1 1
ln( x 2  e 2 x )
ln A  ln lim( x 2  e )  lim ln( x 2  e )  lim
2x x 2x x
x 0 x 0 x 0 x
LH 2 x  2e 2x
 lim 2 2 x  2
x0 x  e
ln A  2  A  e 2

3 a 0,25
x  0 : sin x  e  1 is continuous

then the function is continuous every where if and only if f(x) is continuous 0,25
at x  0 . It means lim f ( x)  f (0)
x 0

sin x  e 2 x  1 LH cos x  2e 2 x 0,25

lim f ( x )  lim  lim 3
x 0 x 0 x x 0 1

f (0)  m

m3 0,25

No.: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Page: 1/1

b sin x  e 2 x  1 0,5
f ( x)  f (0) x sin x  e 2 x  1  3 x
f (0)  lim
 lim  lim
x0 x0 x 0 x x0 x2
LH cos x  2e 2 x  3 LH  sin x  4e 2 x 0,5
 lim  lim 2
x 0 2x x 0 2

4 a sin x  e 2 x  2 y 2  4 x  9 , take derivative both sides

dy dy 4  cos x  2e 2 x
cos x  2e  4 y
4 
dx dx 4y
dy 4  cos 0  2.e 0 1
b At P(0;2)  
dx (0, 2) 4.2 8
The equation of the tangent line to the curve is y  x  2

5 Let A( x ) represent the area.

The lower right corner of the rectangle is at ( x, x 2 )

Then the area is A( x)  2 x (4  x 2 )  2 x3  8 x

We want the maximum value of A(x) when x is in [0; 4]  [0; 2]

A/ ( x)  6 x 2  8
4 2 3 0,5
A/ ( x)  6 x 2  8  0  x  
3 3

Testing this and the two endpoints, we have

4 32 3
A(0)  0 ; A(2)  0 ; A( ) 
3 9

The maximum area thus occurs when the rectangle has dimensions x  .

6 dV 0,25
We have  10 cm3 / sec

r 10 h 3 0,25
That is, because of similar triangles,   r   1
h 30 3 3

 r 2h

Take derivative both sides with respect to t ( Time is denoted by t )

No.: BM1/QT-PĐBCL-RĐTV Page: 1/1

dV  r 2 dh
 .
dt 3 dt 0,25

dV  r 2 dh  .12 dh
 .  10 
dt 3 dt 3 dt

dh 30
   9,55 cm / sec
dt 

7 1
10 1
AV 
64 (3 x 2  4 x  5)dx  179

8 dy 1 dx 0,25
  2 ydy 
dx 2 xy (1  ln x ) x (1  ln x)

Take integral both sides:

dx 0,25
 2 y dy   x(1  ln x)

 y 2  ln 1  ln x  c 0,25

We have y (1)  4  42  ln 1  ln1  c  c  16

So the solution is  y 2  ln 1  ln x  16 .

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