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Chapter V

Table of Contents
1 Instructions of Maintenance Safety.................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Summary....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Maintenance staff selection and qualification............................................................................... 6
1.3 Risks during maintenance work.................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Slip, trip and fall risk ............................................................................................................. 7
1.3.2 Risk of too high temperature.................................................................................................. 7
1.3.3 Gas, dust, fume ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.4 Risk of residual energy in the hydraulic system .................................................................... 7
1.3.5 Preventive measures against fire risk..................................................................................... 9
1.3.6 Other checks and replacement ............................................................................................... 9
1.4 Precautions for long-term seal and storage ..................................................................................11
1.5 Fire protection..............................................................................................................................11
1.5.1 Preventive measures for fire accident ...................................................................................11
1.5.2 Other checks and replacement ..............................................................................................11
1.6 Safety Instructions on repairing work......................................................................................... 12
1.7 Notices on long-term sealed storage ........................................................................................... 12
2 Lubricating Oil, Lubricant and the Capacity................................................................................ 13
2.1 Summary....................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Recommendation form of common grease ................................................................... 15
Table 2.1 Recommendation form of engine lubricating oil .......................................................... 15
Table 2.2 Recommendation form of fuel for engine ..................................................................... 15
Table 2.3 Recommendation form of lubricating grease ................................................................ 16
Table 2.4 Recommendation form of gear oil ................................................................................ 16
Table 2.5 Recommendation form of hydraulic oil ........................................................................ 16
3 Lubrication and Maintenance Form of Various Components ..................................................... 18
3.1 Precautions for inspection and maintenance ................................................................. 18
3.2 Key points of crane maintenance .................................................................................. 18
3.3 Measures for crane maintenance................................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Status check of the crane............................................................................................... 18
3.3.2 Preventive maintenance ................................................................................................ 19
3.3.3 Inspection, repair and maintenance schedule................................................................ 19
3.4 Lubrication and maintenance table ............................................................................... 20
4 Engine System .................................................................................................................................. 26
4.1 Engine ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Fuel system ................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.1 Oil filter check .............................................................................................................. 27
4.2.2 Replacing oil filter ........................................................................................................ 28
4.2.3 Drain water and residues in the fuel tank...................................................................... 29
4.2.4 Fuel system pipeline check ........................................................................................... 30
4.3 Cooling system ............................................................................................................. 31
4.3.1 Cooling system chart .................................................................................................... 31
4.3.2 Filling coolant ............................................................................................................... 32
4.3.3 Clean and replace coolant ............................................................................................. 33
4.4 Air inlet system............................................................................................................. 35
4.4.1 Air inlet system chart.................................................................................................... 35
4.4.2 Check the filter element ................................................................................................ 36
4.4.3 Clean and/or replace the filter element of the air filter ................................................. 37
4.4.4 Dry cleaning.................................................................................................................. 38
4.5 Visual check of the exhaust system............................................................................... 39
4.6 Repair and maintenance of lubricating system ............................................................. 39
5 Slewing Support ............................................................................................................................... 40
5.1 Lubrication inside the slewing ring............................................................................... 40
5.1.1 Structure of the slewing ring......................................................................................... 40
5.1.2 Lubrication requirements .............................................................................................. 41
5.2 Lubrication of the slewing ring tooth surface ............................................................... 43
5.3 Checking the slewing ring bolt ..................................................................................... 44
6 Slewing Reducer............................................................................................................................... 45
6.1 Slewing reducer - checking the oil level ....................................................................... 45
6.2 Slewing reducer - changing the oil ............................................................................... 46
6.3 Slewing reducer - checking the brake ........................................................................... 47
7 Hoisting Winch................................................................................................................................. 48
7.1 Main hoisting winch ..................................................................................................... 48
7.1.1 Main hoisting winch - checking the oil level ................................................................ 48
7.1.2 Main hoisting winch – replacing the lubricating oil ..................................................... 49
7.1.3 Hoisting winch – lubrication of rope drum bearing ...................................................... 50
7.1.4 Main hoisting winch - checking the brake .................................................................... 50
7.2 Auxiliary hoisting winch............................................................................................... 52
7.2.1 Auxiliary hoisting winch - checking the oil level ......................................................... 52
7.2.2 Auxiliary hoisting winch - replacing the lubricating oil ............................................... 53
7.2.3 Auxiliary hoisting winch - lubrication of the drum bearing.......................................... 54
7.2.4 Auxiliary hoisting winch - checking the brake ............................................................. 54
8 Luffing Winch .................................................................................................................................. 56
8.1 Main luffing winch ....................................................................................................... 56
8.1.1 Main luffing winch - checking the oil level .................................................................. 56
8.1.2 Main luffing winch – changing the oil.......................................................................... 58
8.1.3 Main luffing winch - checking the brake ...................................................................... 58
8.2 Auxiliary luffing winch................................................................................................. 60
8.2.1 Auxiliary luffing winch - checking the oil level ........................................................... 60
8.2.2 Auxiliary luffing winch - changing the oil.................................................................... 61
8.2.3 Auxiliary luffing winch - lubrication of rope drum bearing ......................................... 62
8.2.4 Auxiliary luffing winch - checking the brake ............................................................... 63
9 Underchassis ..................................................................................................................................... 65
9.1 Checking the oil level of the travel reducer .................................................................. 65
9.2 Replacing the oil in the travel reducer .......................................................................... 66
9.3 Examination and lubrication of the crawler .................................................................. 67
9.4 Maintenance of hydraulic cylinder of the Underchassis ............................................... 68
9.5 Adjustment of crawler tensioning device...................................................................... 68
10 Hydraulic system............................................................................................................................ 70
10.1 Hydraulic oil tank - checking the oil level .................................................................... 70
10.2 Hydraulic fuel tank –Replacing Return Oil Filter Element........................................... 72
10.3 Hydraulic fuel tank – cleaning oil absorbing filter ....................................................... 72
10.4 Hydraulic fuel tank –replacing filtering core of air filter.............................................. 72
10.5 Replacing filtering core of pipeline filter...................................................................... 73
□10.5a Replacing filtering core of pipeline filter (K Kawasaki)..................................................... 73
□10.5b Replacing filtering core of pipeline filter (R Rexroth)........................................................ 74
10.6 Checking and replacing hydraulic oil ........................................................................... 75
10.6.1 Checking hydraulic oil .................................................................................................. 75
10.6.2 Replacing hydraulic oil ................................................................................................. 75
10.6.3 Discharging water from hydraulic oil tank ................................................................... 77
10.6.4 Hydraulic oil replacement cycle: .................................................................................. 77
10.7 Checking whether the hydraulic system has leakage .................................................... 77
10.8 Checking the pressure hose........................................................................................... 77
10.9 Replacing pressure hose................................................................................................ 78
10.9.1 Types of hydraulic hose ................................................................................................ 79
10.9.2 Identification of hydraulic hose .................................................................................... 80
10.10 Hydraulic system – checking initial air pressure in the accumulator............................ 80
10.11 Notices on maintenance and keeping of hydraulic system ........................................... 81
10.12 Tightening the Connecting Bolts .................................................................................. 82
10.12 Check Valve and Oil Can at Drain Port of Hydraulic Motor .................................. 84
11 Electric System ............................................................................................................................... 85
11.1 Check of lighting system .............................................................................................. 85
11.2 Check of limit switch.................................................................................................... 85
11.3 Battery maintenance and keeping ................................................................................. 85
11.3.1 Maintenance and keeping when used............................................................................ 85
11.3.2 Maintenance and keeping when not used ..................................................................... 85
11.4 Preventive measures to prevent cable from fire accident.............................................. 86
11.4.1 Reasons why fire is caused by electric parts or cable ................................................... 86
11.4.2 Measures to prevent fire caused by electric parts or cable............................................ 87
11.5 Overview of fuses ......................................................................................................... 87
12 Air Conditioning Device ................................................................................................................ 91
12.1 Check of air conditioning equipment............................................................................ 91
12.1.1 Composition of air conditioning equipment ................................................................. 91
12.1.2 Check of air conditioning equipment............................................................................ 92
12.2 Maintenance and keeping of air conditioning equipment ............................................. 94
12.3 Notices on use............................................................................................................... 94
13 Driver’s Cab ................................................................................................................................... 95
13.1 Check of wiper.............................................................................................................. 96
13.2 Check of sliding door.................................................................................................... 96
13.3 Adding water into spraying kettle of front windshield glass washer ............................ 96
14 Others.............................................................................................................................................. 97
14.1 Lubricating pin axle of hoisting boom.......................................................................... 97
14.2 Lubricating hoisting hook ............................................................................................. 98
14.3 Steel rope ...................................................................................................................... 99
14.3.1 Lubricating steel rope ................................................................................................. 100
14.3.2 Cleaning steel rope...................................................................................................... 101
14.3.3 Check of steel rope ..................................................................................................... 101
14.3.4 Replacement of steel rope ........................................................................................... 103
14.3.5 Overall instructions on operation and installation ...................................................... 109
14.4 Sheave..........................................................................................................................115
14.4.1 Checking bearing on the sheave ..................................................................................115
14.4.2 Check of sheave ...........................................................................................................116
14.4.3 Lubricating sheave bearing ..........................................................................................117
14.5 Measures to protect exposed rod parts.........................................................................117
15 Check of the Crane ...................................................................................................................... 118
15.1 Visual check.................................................................................................................118
15.2 Regular check ............................................................................................................. 120
15.2.1 Check of large scale steel structure............................................................................. 120
15.2.2 Check of winches........................................................................................................ 125
15.2.3 Check of hooks ........................................................................................................... 125
15.3 Check of other parts.................................................................................................... 126
15.3.1 Ladder ......................................................................................................................... 126
15.3.2 Guardrail ..................................................................................................................... 126
15.3.3 Safety device............................................................................................................... 126
15.3.4 Safety signs ................................................................................................................. 126
15.4 Check and maintenance in special working conditions .............................................. 127
15.4.1 Working in mud, water, rain, snow ............................................................................. 127
15.4.2 Working at seaside ...................................................................................................... 127
15.4.3 Dusty circumstances ................................................................................................... 127
15.4.4 Stony circumstances.................................................................................................... 127
15.4.5 Site with falling stones: The cab should be equipped with protective cover............... 127
15.4.6 Chilly area................................................................................................................... 127
15.4.7 Other working conditions ........................................................................................... 127
16 Guides to Judge and Remove Common Failures ...................................................................... 128
Table 16.1 Disposal Reference Table of Failures in the Engine ..................................................... 128
Table 16.2 Disposal Reference Table of Common Failures in Electrical Appliances System ........ 138
Table 16.3 Disposal Reference Table of Common Failures in Moment Limiter ............................ 139
Table 16.4 Disposal Reference Table of Common Failures in Air Conditioning............................ 140
Table 16.5 Disposal Reference Table of Common Failures in Combined Meter............................ 141
Table 16.6 Disposal Reference Table of Common Failures in Auxiliary System ........................... 142
Table 16.7 Disposal Reference Table of Failures in Hydraulic System .......................................... 143
Table 16.8 Disposal Reference Table of Failures in Mechanical Transmission.............................. 144
Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

1 Instructions of Maintenance Safety

1.1 Summary
1. The chapter of “Safety Instructions” is mainly for general risk encountered while performing
lubrication and maintenance of the crane.
2. In the corresponding chapters of lubrication and maintenance instructions, these safety
instructions will be described, explained and applied.
3. The adjustment and maintenance should be performed as specified within the specified time,
and the components should be ensured to be replaced as scheduled.
4. Make sure to keep all handles, pedals, walking areas on upper part of the casing, platforms and
steps free from dust, snow and ice!
5. Must wear safety clothing, safety goggles, mask and other safety devices required by the
working conditions!
6. During lubrication and maintenance work, unauthorized persons are not allowed to approach the
7. The spare parts must conform to the technical requirements specified by the manufacturer.
Therefore, only spare parts specified or allowed by the manufacturers can be used!
8. The lifting equipment might needs to be checked and reauthorized before use.

When performing any maintenance and repair work, safety instructions of the
listed lubrication, maintenance and adjustment work must be followed.

1.2 Maintenance staff selection and qualification

Only professional staff can perform maintenance work.
His rule especially applies to electrical system hydraulic system, engine and all brakes.

1.3 Risks during maintenance work

Positions with potential danger demand special care during lubrication and maintenance work.
Operation requirements listed in corresponding chapters of lubrication and maintenance should be

Crushing/cutting risk

Fig. 1-1 Safety sign of crushing/cutting risk

Involved parts include:

- Main boom, fly jib and and various masts
- A-frame
- Slewing reducer pinion
- Action wheel, driven wheel
- Counterweight, car body

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Entanglement and drawing-in risk

Involved parts:
- Rope/all pulleys
- All winches
- Crawler travel mechanism

Fig. 1-2 Safety sign of entanglement and drawing-in

1.3.1 Slip, trip and fall risk

Fig. 1-3 Safety sign of slip/trip/fall

Only specified small passages and ladders can be used, because there are enough handrail here to
keep balance; all small passages have adopted anti-skid design.

1.3.2 Risk of too high temperature

Involved parts:
- Engine with exhaust system
- Operating hydraulic system

Fig. 1-4 Safety sign of too high temperature

1.3.3 Gas, dust, fume

Ensure sufficient ventilation before refilling.

1.3.4 Risk of residual energy in the hydraulic system

In some cases, for example, the hydraulic components such as pipe, tube, hydraulic valve etc. are
damaged, the machine will stop, but some parts of the system are still subject to pressure, at this time,
the pressure can not always be released, please make sure to pay attention to the risk existing due to
unreleased pressure.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Precautions before lubrication and maintenance work

1. The operator should be informed, and a supervisor should be assigned!
2. Turn off the diesel engine!
3. Only when the lubrication and maintenance work needs the diesel engine to be running, the diesel
engine can be maintained in the operating status while performing this work.
4. Park the crane well, by: parking it on the ground (ensure the ground has sufficient bearing
capacity), or taking similar measures to prevent it from moving (e.g. fixing the caterpillar board
with wedges).

Fig. 1-5 safety instructions for shutdown operation Fig. 1-6 Safety instructions for machine

5. Ensure unauthorized persons will not start the crane (lock the driver’s cab door), and set up
corresponding warning sign.
6. Clean the crane before starting maintenance; especially remove the lubricating oil, fuel or any
additives in joints and coupling. Do not use aggressive cleaning agent! Do use non-fiber cleaning

Fig. 1-7 Diagram of positions that need Fig. 1-8 Diagram of cleaning and wiping
special cleaning

7. Before using water or steam spraying (high-pressure cleaning agent) or any other cleaning agent,
cover or bind all openings that might have adverse impact due to water, steam or cleaning agent
pollution (mainly considering from safety or functioning aspect) (e.g. electrical cabinet).
8. After cleaning, completely remove the cover or binding bands, and check to ensure there’s no
water in these areas!
After cleaning, it should be checked whether there’s any leakage in fuel pipes, engine oil pipes
and hydraulic oil pipes, whether the joints are loosened, and whether there are any cracks and
9. If any failure is detected, please repair or replace it immediately.
10. As lubricating oil might overflow in the process of maintenance and installation work, proper
containers and adhesives should be prepared in advance.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

1.3.5 Preventive measures against fire risk

Keep the crane clean, especially the attached inflammable materials should be removed. While
performing maintenance with hydraulic system, engine and fuel system, the crane should be
completely cleaned.
Remove all remaining lubricating oil, fuel or cleaning agent.

Fig. 1-9 Danger of fire

Objects to be checked Checking contents

- Fuel pipeline - Leakages,
- Engine oil pipe - Loose joints
- Hydraulic oil pipeline - Cracks or damages
Check – Immediately repair or replace in case of damage.

1.3.6 Other checks and replacement

1. Check the locking joints, whether any wires, connector joints and wiring boards have damages.
Immediately repair or replace in case of damages.
2. The driver’s cab must be equipped with manual fire extinguisher for use. The safety sign of
manual fire extinguisher is as shown in Fig. 1-10.

Fig. 1-11 Safety sign of fire extinguisher

Precautions during lubrication and maintenance work

The performance of lubrication and maintenance work requires appropriate space and auxiliary
Please follow the specifications and instructions in the operating manual.
The word “operation manual” covers the operation manual and the lubrication and maintenance
1. Carefully block the specified area.
2. While replacing single components or large assemblies, they must be steadily placed on auxiliary
devices, and it must be ensured that they will not be subject to any risks or damages.
3. Only auxiliary devices that can operate properly and have sufficient bearing capacity can be

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

4. Do not stand, walk or work under hanging load.
5. Only experienced staff can be assigned to load and send signals to crane driver! The signalman
must be within the crane driver’s field of vision, or can shout to or communicate with the crane
driver (see “safety instructions” in Section 1 Operating Instructions of the Crane).
6. While performing maintenance and repair, the loosened threaded connection should be fastened.
7. If safety devices need to be disassembled during maintenance process, they must be reinstalled,
and immediately checked after completion of maintenance.
8. Make sure all working medium, other consumables and replacement parts are used according to
environmental protection requirements and safety requirements.
9. Make sure tarpaulin and inflammable materials s etc. are stored far away from places with hidden
danger of fire. Be careful during handling.
10. Must regularly check or inspect the electrical devices of the crane. Loosened joints and ignited
cables must be repaired or replaced immediately.
11. Only qualified electricians or trained staff with supervision of qualified electrician can perform
maintenance with electrical system or working medium according to the electrical technological
12. Only original fuse with specified current intensity can be used! In case of power failure, the crane
should be turned off immediately.
13. Regularly check whether all tubes and joints of the hydraulic system have leakages, and whether
the appearance is damaged. If any leakages or damages are detected, please immediately repair or
14. The lubrication or repair of hydraulic devices can only be performed by staff with special
knowledge and experience in hydraulic devices (the system must be depressurized)!
15. Oil blowout will lead to personal injury or fire!
16. Safety specifications related with the product should be observed while processing lubricating oil,
lubricating grease and other chemicals.
17. Take care while processing thermal consumables (danger of scalding and burning).
18. Make sure no any tools are left on the devices after the work is completed. Falling tools or
protuberant tools will cause danger to life and body!
19. Regular check should be made as specified and scheduled (see Section 3.4)!

Safety instructions for repair work

The lubrication and maintenance instructions do not include information about how to carry out repair
work. If needed, please contact with the customer service department of our company.
However, general safety instructions about repair work are still available here, which are as follows:
1. Welding, combustion and grinding work can only be performed after receiving specific approval
(e.g., there will be extreme danger leading to fire and explosion). Before welding, the power
supply should be disconnected, and electrical facilities such as controller etc. should be removed
to avoid heavy-current damage.
2. Before welding, combustion and grinding, the crane and the surrounding dust and inflammable
materials should be cleaned, and sufficient ventilation should be ensured (danger of explosion)!
3. While operating the hydraulic system, before starting, all parts that need to be turned on should
be depressurized.
4. Without approval of the manufacturer, no any changes, additions or modifications should be
made to the crane, otherwise it will endanger the safety of the crane!

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

1.4 Precautions for long-term seal and storage

In case of long-term storage of the machine (shutdown for over two weeks), in order not to reduce the
machine performance during reuse, the following work should be performed:
1. Cleaning: Thoroughly clean the machine and check whether the travel device has any
2. Lubrication: Apply a thin layer of grease on the surface of parts that are vulnerable to corrosion.
3. Accumulator: Remove and store after complete saturation and charging, and remove the end
4. Dustproof, dampproof: Drain the cooling water, place a sign of “no water”, store the machine in
the storage room, and the diesel engine should be covered with thin film to avoid moisture
5. Tools: Store after stock taking.
6. Lubrication operation: The machine regularly runs at low speed at no load once per month, which
is to prevent transitional abrasion due to film damage or rust, during this period, pay special
attention to the cylinder cover temperature change of the diesel engine.
① Lubrication operation refers to repeated and continuous movement such as travel, slewing, lifting
etc. after warming up.
② During reoperation of the machine, the lubricant quality should be checked, because the lubricant
tends to deteriorate with lack of operation.

1.5 Fire protection

1.5.1 Preventive measures for fire accident
Keep the crane clean all the time, especially the combustible material that should be removed. When
maintaining or keeping the hydraulic system, engine and oil system, the crane should be cleaned
Remove the remaining lubricating oil, fuel or cleaner.

Figure 1-9 Take care of fire accident

Checking objectives Checking contents
- Oil pipeline - Whether there is leakage
- Oil pipeline of the engine - Whether the connector is loosened
- Hydraulic oil pipeline - Where there is part cracked or damaged
If any damaged is checked, repair or make replacement immediately.

1.5.2 Other checks and replacement

1. Check whether lockup connection, all cable and plug connections and connection board are
damaged. If any part is damaged, repair it or make replacement immediately.
2. Prepare manual fire extinguisher in the cab for use. Sign of fire extinguisher is shown by Figure

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Figure 1-11 Sign of fire extinguisher

1.6 Safety Instructions on repairing work

Instructions on lubrication, maintenance and keeping exclude information about how to repair. If
needed, please contact customer service department of this company.
But there are still some general safety instructions on the repairing work: as follow:
1. Welding, burning and grinding work can be performed only when clearly permitted (for example,
there will be danger of fire accident and explosion).
2. Before welding, burning and grinding, dust and combustible material on and around the crane
should be cleaned and make sure there is enough ventilation (there is danger of explosion)!
3. When operating the hydraulic system, it is required to reduce pressure of all parts to be opened
before the operation.
4. Without permit by the manufacturer, any change, addition or modification to the crane is allowed;
otherwise, it may imperil the crane’s safety.

1.7 Notices on long-term sealed storage

If the machine needs to be stored for a long time (the crane is stopped for more than 2 weeks), in order
to keep the machine’s performance when used again, the following jobs should be carried out:
1. Cleaning: Clean the machine thoroughly and check whether the travel device is abnormal.
2. Lubrication: Coat oil thinly onto parts and components that may easily corrode.
3. Storage battery: Tear it down to charge with electricity to fully saturation and then keep into
storage; take down earth wire at the terminal.
4. Dustproof and dampproof: Clear cooling water and hang a sign “No water”. Store the machine
inside warehouse and cover the diesel engine with a thin film to prevent moisture.
5. Tools: Send to storage after being counted.
6. Lubrication operation: The machine should be operated one time without load at low speed in
every month to avoid overly abrasion when actually operated next time due to broken film or
getting rusty. During the process, pay special attention to change in temperature of the diesel
engine’s cover.
① Lubrication operation is repeated movement of travel, slewing and hoisting after the machine is
warmed up.
② When re-operate the machine, pay attention to quality of the lubricant because the lubricant may
easily deteriorate when the machine is not operated sufficiently.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

2 Lubricating Oil, Lubricant and the Capacity

2.1 Summary
Feed position Capacity (L) (gal) Lubricating oil/coolant
Refer to specifications about lubricating
L oil and lubricant in Cummins engine
operation and maintenance instructions
Around 6 Industrial gear oil
Slewing reducer
L(1.59gal) 220 (40C)LS2
Around 10
Main hoisting winch reducer Industrial gear oil 220 (40C)LS2
Auxiliary hoisting winch Around 10
Industrial gear oil 220 (40C)LS2
reducer L(2.64gal)
Around 7.5
Main luffing winch reducer Industrial gear oil 220 (40C)LS2
Auxiliary luffing winch Around 7.5
Industrial gear oil 220 (40C)LS2
reducer L(1.98gal)
Around 500
Hydraulic system (with tank) N46 antiwear hydraulic oil
Fuel system 400L(105.7gal) #0 or #10
Coolant (selected according to lowest
Cooling system L(gal)
local temperature)
Travel reducer 9 L(2.38gal) Gear oil 220 (40C)LS2

The specified capacity is approximate value. In order to get accurate capacity, the
maintenance staff must use the provided check points, inspection plugs, dipstick and sight glass
to inspect.
Including specifications of other provided consumables. If the adopted consumables do not
conform to these criterions, it will lead to damage, which will be at your own risk even within
the warranty period.
Lubrication interval
Feed position Total Lubricating grease
Pulley All 500
Bottom jib hinge of the #2 MoS_2 Li-based grease
2 250
fly jib (summer)
Hinge of front brace 2 250
Roller bearing of #1 MoS_2 Li-based grease
All 250 (winter)
various jibs
Slewing ring inner teeth 1 250
Hook 2 250
Thrust wheel 56 250 SD
Supporting wheel 8 250 15W/40 SE general oil for
advanced combustion engine
Guide wheel 4 250

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

The specified capacity is approximate value. In order to get accurate capacity, the
maintenance staff must use the provided check points, inspection plugs, dipstick and sightglass
to inspect.
Including specifications of other provided consumables. If the adopted consumables do not
conform to these criterions, it will lead to damage, which will be at your own risk even within
the warranty period.

Fig. 2-1 Diagram of feeding positions

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

2.2 Recommendation form of common grease

Table 2.1 Recommendation form of engine lubricating oil

Suitable temperature℃ -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

(1) Cummins Blue Brand quality lubricating oil is preferred.
(2) The adoption of high viscosity lubricating oil can improve engine oil consumption,
improve engine operation in cold weather and maintain lubrication at high operating
temperature. It is recommended to use SAE15W-40 engine oil for most climates.
Low viscosity engine oil can be used with limitation, for example, SAE10W-40 can be used to help
starting and provide sufficient engine oil flow when the ambient temperature is lower than -5℃.
However, long-term and continuous use of low viscosity engine oil will reduce the service life of the
engine due to abrasion

Table 2.2 Recommendation form of fuel for engine

Light diesel (GB252-81)
Suitable temperature℃ -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50


(1) In most operating situations, using ASTH #2 fuel and diesel with the minimum cetane
number of 40 can receive the optimal economic efficiency and performance. Places of
high altitude or with very low ambient temperature require fuel with cetane number
more than 40 to avoid flame failure and too much smoke.
(2) When using low-sulfur fuel, its cloud point should be at least 10℃ lower than the
minimum expected fuel temperature. The cloud point refers to the temperature when the
wax crystal in the diesel starts to be shaped.
(3) When using diesel with commercially general designation, its sulfur content should be
lower than 0.5%.
(4) Keep the fuel clean and free from moisture or impurities.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Table 2.3 Recommendation form of lubricating grease

Suitable season
Summer Winter
#2 MoS_2 Li-based grease
# 1 MoS_2 Li-based grease
A Note: The maximum operating temperature of the lubricating grease should be 20-30℃ lower
than its dropping point.

Table 2.4 Recommendation form of gear oil

Industrial gear oil
Suitable temperature ℃ -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50


Table 2.5 Recommendation form of hydraulic oil

Suitable Tem.℃ -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
N46 antiwear hydraulic oil
T46 all-season hydraulic oil
T32 low temperature hydraulic oil
68# hydraulic oil

Note: temperature stipulated in the table refers to the ambient temperature in which the main
machine operates.
(1) N46 anti-abrasion hydraulic oil can be used in a wide range, and suitable for ordinary
(2) T46 all-season hydraulic oil is usually used in cold regions, such as China’s north-eastern
region and Inner-Mongolia.
(3) Tellus T32/D209L (flow point: -42℃) hydraulic oil is usually used in extremely cold
regions (-30℃ or below), such as Russia.
(4) 68# hydraulic oil is usually used in tropical area such as Mid-east and India.
Please choose the appropriate hydraulic oil according to the region where the crane operates., The
responsibility of changing oil (with charge) lies on the company before the main machine is
delivered from the factory and hereafter lies on the customer.
When operating in ambient temperature below 0℃, the following warm-up procedures must
be carried out to ensure the safety of hydraulic system:

(1) Start-up the engine and run at idle speed for 7~10 minutes before speed up to 1000~1200r/min,
and continue to run the engine for 30~40 or longer without load or any operation hereafter,
which means to raise the temperature of hydraulic oil up to over 20 ℃.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

(2) Start normal operation after completing these warm-up procedures, meanwhile adjust the length
of warm-up period according to the ambient temperature. During normal operation, actions of
control levers and pedals should be slow and pay close attention to the running status of the system.
Hydraulic components might be damaged if operating with hydraulic oil temperature below 20 ℃.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

3 Lubrication and Maintenance Form of Various Components

3.1 Precautions for inspection and maintenance
1. Perform on even and solid ground during good weather.
2. While checking and maintaining hydraulic parts, try to perform indoor or in a clean place
with few sand and dust.
3. It is very dangerous to check and adjust with load. It must be performed by turning off the
engine and with no load. A sign with wording of “under inspection and maintenance” should
hang on the door of the driver’s cab.
4. It is definitely not allowed to decompose or adjust the components in the hydraulic system
such as pump, valves, motor etc

3.2 Key points of crane maintenance

The purpose of crane maintenance is to:
1. Make preparation for the operation;
2. Maintain performance level;
3. Avoid downtime;
4. Maintain the service value of the crane;
5. Reduce repair expenses

3.3 Measures for crane maintenance

3.3.1 Status check of the crane

The crane driver inspects the crane regularly by visual check according to the lubrication and
maintenance form.
For example:
- Check the oil level and oil quality;
- Check the tank and filtering system, to ensure these systems are kept clean and operate
- Check whether there’s leakage and damage with the tubes and pipeline;
- Check the installation of the transmission devices (reducer, engine, valve);
- Check whether the rope is lubricated, whether there’s stain and abrasion
These regular visual checks often can detect damages early, so that the problem can be solved
In this way it can reduce shutdown due to failure during operation of the crane.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

3.3.2 Preventive maintenance

Preventive maintenance includes some measures in “Status check of the crane”.
Checking the crane status can detect abrasion, damage or defect early, and can solve these
problems early.
This can help the crane under operation to avoid breakdown and repair.
Various related measures must be taken.
For example:
- Check the safety devices.
- Compare the desired value and actual value of the hydraulic system and electrical system,
such as voltage, hydraulic system pressure etc.
- Check the functions of the hydraulic system and electrical system.
- Check the nitrogen-loading pressure of the accumulator.
- Analyze the quality of the hydraulic oil and transmission oil.
- Check the noise level and vibration level of various transmission devices.
- Check whether there’s any damage or abrasion of the bearing.
- Check whether there’s any damage or abrasion of the crane devices.
- Check whether there’s any damage or abrasion of the rope.
Must keep records of the proper visual check and functional check process as well as check
Write inspection report and future repair will be based on this inspection report.
Proper implementation of the inspection, regular repeat and result records are essential factors for
the success of these measures.

3.3.3 Inspection, repair and maintenance schedule

Inspection, maintenance and repair must be performed daily, monthly and annually. The
replacement of oil and accessories should be performed according to the service schedule.

Table 3.1 Inspection, repair and maintenance schedule

Time on the service
S/N Item Implementation
schedule (hours)
Daily check, maintenance Before and after the operation
1 5-10
and repair every day
Monthly check, maintenance
2 Once per moth 150-250
and repair
Annual check, maintenance
3 Once per year About 1,000
and repair
Complete decomposition and
4 Overhaul 3,000-4,000

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3.4 Lubrication and maintenance table

Item Task Interval (operating hours)

1* 2* 3* 50 100 150 200 250 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4* 5* 6*
05-4 Engine system
4.1 Engine
Engine oil level check ●
Engine oil replacement Initial

Check construction bolt of the engine ●
Construction bolt of pump and engine ●
4.2 Fuel system
4.2.3 Fuel filter- replace filter element ●
4.3.2 Excavate water and residuals in the fuel

Clean the filter screen in the fuel tank ●
4.2.4 Fuel system - pipeline check ● ●
4.3 Cooling system, induction and exhausted
4.4.1 Cooling system-check the liquid level ●
4.4.2 Check and clean the cooling system ● ●
4.4.3 Cooling system – replace the coolant ●
Clean outside of the radiator (1 position) ●
Clean inside of the radiator (1 position) ●
Fan belt tension check ●
1*- Daily before the work starts 2*- Weekly 3*- Monthly 4* - At least once per year
5*- Before lifting each time, for the main boom and fly jib components as well as superlift mast according to the requirements.
6*- About the interval of this maintenance, please comply with the regulations in the precautions of this chapter.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Item Task Interval (operating hours)

1* 2* 3* 50 100 150 200 250 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4* 5* 6*
05-4 Engine system
4.4 Induction system
4.4.3 Clean and replace the filter element of ●
the air filter
4.4.4 Visually check the exhaust system ●
Air filter cleaning ●
Air filter component replacement Resistance exceeding the limit
4.5 Exhaust system
Visually check the exhaust system ●
05-5 Slewing ring
5.1 Internal lubrication of slewing ring ●
5.2 Lubrication of slewing ring tooth ●
5.3 Slewing ring connection bolt ● ●
Slewing reducer construction bolt ●
Slewing motor construction bolt ●
05-6 Slewing reducer
6.1 Slewing reducer -checking the oil level ●
6.2 Slewing reducer -change oil ●
6.3 Slewing reducer-checking the brake ●
6.4 Check the connection bolt of slewing ●
reducer mechanism
Visually check the slewing reducer ●
1*- Daily before the work starts 2*- Weekly 3*- Monthly 4* - At least once per year
5*- Before lifting each time, for the main boom and fly jib components as well as superlift mast according to the requirements.
6*- About the interval of this maintenance, please comply with the regulations in the precautions of this chapter.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Item Task Interval (operating hours)

1* 2* 3* 50 100 150 200 250 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4* 5* 6*
05-7 Hoisting winch
7.1.1 Main hoisting winch -checking the oil ●
7.1.2 Main hoisting winch-change oil ●
7.1.3 Main hoisting winch-lubricating the ● ●
7.1.4 Main hoisting winch -checking the brake ● ●
7.1.5 Main hoisting winch – checking the ● ●
connection bolts
7.2.1 Auxiliary hoisting winch -checking the ●
oil level
7.2.2 Auxiliary hoisting winch - change oil ●
7.2.3 Auxiliary hoisting winch - lubricating the ● ●
7.2.4 Auxiliary hoisting winch -checking the ● ●
7.2.5 Auxiliary hoisting winch-check the ● ●
connection bolts
05-8 Luffing winch
8.1.1 Main luffing winch-checking the oil level ●
8.1.2 Main luffing winch-change oil ●
8.1.3 Main luffing winch- lubricating the ● ●
8.1.4 Main luffing winch-checking the brake ● ●
8.1.5 Main luffing winch- check the connection ● ●
1*- Daily before the work starts 2*- Weekly 3*- Monthly 4* - At least once per year
5*- Before lifting each time, for the main boom and fly jib components as well as superlift mast according to the requirements.
6*- About the interval of this maintenance, please comply with the regulations in the precautions of this chapter.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Item Task Interval (operating hours)

1* 2* 3* 50 100 150 200 250 500 1000 1500 20 3000 4* 5* 6*
05-8 Luffing winch
8.2.1 Auxiliary luffing winch -checking the oil level ●
8.2.2 Auxiliary luffing winch –change oil ●
8.2.3 Auxiliary luffing winch –lubricating the ● ●
8.2.4 Auxiliary luffing winch -checking the brake ● ●
8.2.5 Auxiliary luffing winch –checking the ● ●
connection bolts
05-9 Underchassis
9.1 Check the oil level of the travel reducer ●
9.2 Change oil of the travel reducer ●
9.3 Lubricating crawler connection pin of crawler ●
9.4 Hydraulic oil cylinder maintenance ● ●
9.5 Adjustment of crawler tensioning device ● ●
9.6 Check the connection bolts ● ●
Construction bolt of upper guide wheel ●
Construction bolt of thrust wheel ●
1*- Daily before the work starts 2*- Weekly 3*- Monthly 4* - At least once per year
5*- Before lifting each time, for the main boom and fly jib components as well as superlift mast according to the requirements.
6*- About the interval of this maintenance, please comply with the regulations in the precautions of this chapter.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Item Task Interval (operating hours)

1* 2* 3* 50 100 150 200 250 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4* 5* 6*
05-10 Hydraulic system
10.1 Hydraulic oil tank-checking the oil level ●
10.2 Hydraulic oil tank- replace filter element of Initial

return filter ●
10.3 Hydraulic oil tank-cleaning of suction filter ●
10.4 Hydraulic oil tank-replacing air filter element ●
10.5 Servo system-replacing pipeline filter element Initial

Hydraulic oil tank deposits check ●
10.6 Replace the hydraulic oil ●
10.7 Check whether the hydraulic system has leakage ● ●
10.8 Checking pressure hoses ● ● ●
10.9 Replacement of pressure hoses At least every 6 years
Hydraulic system - fastening of hydraulic tubing ● ●
10.10 Hydraulic system - accumulator initial pressure
● ●
05-11 Electrical system
11.1 Check the lighting system ●
11.2 Check the limit switch ● ●
11.3 Accumulator maintenance check ●
11.4 Preventive measures against cable fire ● ●
05-12 Maintenance and check of the air-conditioner ●
12.1 Checking of the air-conditioning system At least once per year at the beginning of the cooling period
12.2 Maintenance of the air-conditioning system At the beginning, in the middle and the end of the cooling period
1*- Daily before the work starts 2*- Weekly 3*- Monthly 4* - At least once per year
5*- Before lifting each time, for the main boom and fly jib components as well as superlift mast according to the requirements.
6*- About the interval of this maintenance, please comply with the regulations in the precautions of this chapter.

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Chapter Ⅴ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Item Task Interval (operating hours)

1* 2* 3* 50 100 150 200 250 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4* 5* 6*
05-13 Driver’s cab
13.1 Windshield wiper-check the

13.2 Front glass cleaning device

Driver’s cab construction bolt ●
05-14 Others
14.1 Lubrication of boom pin ●
14.2 Lubrication of hook ●
14.3 Rope ● ● ●
14.3.1 Rope lubrication ●
14.3.2 Rope cleaning ●
14.4 Pulley ● ●
14.4.1 Check pulley bearing ●
14.4.2 Check pulley ●
14.4.3 At least every 5 years
Counterweight construction bolt ●
05-15 Crane check
15.1 Visual check ●
15.2 Regular check ● ●
15.2.1 Large steel structures check ●
15.2.2 Winch check ●
15.2.3 Hook check ●
1*- Daily before the work starts 2*- Weekly 3*- Monthly 4* - At least once per year
5*- Before lifting each time, for the main boom and fly jib components as well as superlift mast according to the requirements.
6*- About the interval of this maintenance, please comply with the regulations in the precautions of this chapter.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

4 Engine System
4.1 Engine
Please refer to the maintenance instructions and precautions of QSL9 engine in the operating
instructions provided by the engine manufacture.

While starting the motor for cleaning, must make sure that:
1. During installation, water injection should not directly point to the starting motor.
2. During disassembly, the bearing opening should face downwards, i.e. cleaned by hanging.

Burning and scalping danger. Maintenance in the engine area should be subject to the rule
of cooling for 60 minutes.

Burning and scalping danger. Maintenance in the engine area should be subject to the rule of
cooling for 60 minutes.

Fig. 4-1 Profile diagram of the diesel engine

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4.2 Fuel system

Fig. 4-2 Fuel system

Precautions of the fuel system:
1. Inlet resistance requirements
2. Returning resistance requirements
3. Regularly replace the filter
4. Regularly drain water

4.2.1 Oil filter check

Fig. 4-3 Water outlet of water separator

Water in the inspection hole must be drained every day.

Open the water outlet at the bottom of the water separator, and after the accumulated water is
completely drained, close the water outlet.

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4.2.2 Replacing oil filter

It is suggested to prepare spare filter element at any time, because feeding seriously
polluted fuel to the tank will also block the oil filter.

Oil filter in the diesel engine

Please refer to the maintenance instructions and precautions of the described oil filter in the
operating instructions provided by the engine manufacturer.
For operating instructions and maintenance of the engine, please see Part 4 of this document.

The interval for replacement of filter elements depends how the fuel is polluted. Fuel
blockage will lead to decreased fuel supply and power as well startup difficulties. When the
power is significantly reduced, the filter element must be replaced.

Fig. 4-4 Replacement process of the fuel filter

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4.2.3 Drain water and residues in the fuel tank

This work can only be done when the fuel tank is almost empty.

Fig. 4-5 Fuel tank assembly

1—Oil inlet assembly 2—Box 3—Sensor assembly 4—Oil filler of feed

5—Rubber pad of 6—Return pipeline
securing strap assembly
Where there’s a little fuel left in the tank, prepare an appropriate container, open the drain plug
of the fuel tank, and drain the water and residues in the oil tank. Clean the sealing ring, and
screw down the drain plug.

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4.2.4 Fuel system pipeline check

Must replace pipeline and/or hose damaged due to mechanical effects, thermal effects or
other effects.
Ensure sufficient distance is maintained between all pipelines, hoses and engine components
(e.g. turbocharger), and ensure no friction occurs between them.
Besides visual check (e.g. oil level check), the fuel system in the engine room should be checked
once per year. The following parts must be checked:
The joints should not have oil leakage, and must be firm.
While repeatedly using certain accessory, the connection between the hose and hose joint must be
checked, to ensure the mounting is firm. If it can not be confirmed whether the mounting is firm,
one more hose clamp should be used to fasten the hose, or replace all hoses.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

4.3 Cooling system

4.3.1 Cooling system chart

Before the cold season arrives, check whether the coolant is anti-freezing. Refer to the
operation instructions of the engine manufacturer.
When water level is lower than inspection hole on the expansion water tank, it is required to add
cooling liquid.

Burning and scalping danger.

Ensure 60 minutes cooling before implementing the described work

Only open the cover of the engine’s cooling system after the engine is cooled down, otherwise the
system will be subject to pressure and tends to cause accidence.

Fig. 4-6 Cooling system

Precautions for the cooling system

1. Coolant preparation
2. Coolant level
3. Coolant temperature
4. Regularly replace the water filter
5. Regularly check the coolant density

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4.3.2 Filling coolant

Steps of adding coolant:
Fig. 4-1
1. After the engine is cooled down, slowly open the filler cover to release the pressure of the
cooling system.
2. Visual check whether water level is at inspection hole on the expansion water tank. If lower,
it is required to add cooling liquid.
3. In case the radiator and expansion water tank are full of cooling liquid, start the engine to run
at idle speed about 5 minutes. The cooling liquid level shall decrease.
4. Shut down the engine and take down the key. Fill in cooling water to inspection hole on the
expansion water tank.
5. Put on the filler cover.
6. Fill the coolant up to the specified position of the coolant tank.

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4.3.3 Clean and replace coolant

Apply medium pressure in case of damaging the radiator board, spray the compressed air
or water to the radiator, until the radiator board has no attachment (dust, insects etc).
If the coolant reaches extremely high temperature at normal room temperature, the inside of the
cooling system might be polluted. In this case, the cooling system must be thoroughly cleaned, to
remove the grease, calcium deposits and rust of the cooling pipeline.
For more details, please refer to the operation instructions of the engine manufacturer.

Mineral-free water should be used; otherwise the engine cylinder will have scale. Nor
demineralized water can be used.
When filling the system, pause for several times, to stabilize the coolant level, so that any air
inside will escape.

During the whole year, the coolant should be mixed with anti-corrosive and antifreeze
liquid (see the operating instructions of the engine). The antifreeze liquid does not have any side
effects to the refined coolant.

Burning and scalping danger.

Ensure 60 minutes cooling before implementing the described work.
The radiator cover must be removed while cleaning the cooling components.

When necessary (e.g. during repair), replace the coolant as soon as possible. Replace the
coolant at least once every two years.

While filling the cooling system, make sure not to form air bag. The absorption of air in
the system will lead to engine damage.

During temperature rise, check the engine temperature. If the operating temperature is
reached, check the coolant temperature, fill coolant when necessary.

Only open the cover of the engine’s cooling system after the engine is cooled down,
otherwise, the system will be subject to pressure and tends to cause accident.

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Steps of coolant replacement:

Fig. 4-1
1. Turn off the engine
2. Slowly open the filler cover to release the pressure of the cooling system.
3. Prepare an appropriate container to hold the coolant
4. Open the coolant drain plug of the radiator.
5. Evacuate the engine and the radiator.
6. After evacuating the cooling system, the drain plug should be screwed down.
7. Add fresh cooling liquid into the cooling system to inspection hole on the expansion water
8. Start the engine, and run at no load speed for around 3 minutes.
9. Shut down the engine and check level of cooling liquid. If necessary, add cooling liquid.
10. Restart the engine, and let the engine run at no load speed for around 3 minutes. Check the
coolant level, when necessary, fill the coolant.

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4.4 Air inlet system

4.4.1 Air inlet system chart

Fig. 4-7 Air inlet system

1. Inlet resistance requirements
2. Exhaust resistance requirements
3. Air inlet and exhaust pipeline should not have leakage
4. Regularly maintain the air filter

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4.4.2 Check the filter element

It is recommended to prepare the spare parts as standby. While cleaning other parts, these
spare parts can be used.

Must wear protective gloves and clothing while using compressed air to clean the filter
element. The air pressure should not exceed maximum 5 bars.

Do not clean the filter element by patting or tapping.

Do not use damaged filter element.

Fig. 4-8 Diagram of checking process

Draw out the filter core,

Visual check whether there’s any appearance damage,
Gently wipe,
Wipe inside the casing of the filter as shown in the picture
When there’s no damage, reinstall it, otherwise replace it.

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4.4.3 Clean and/or replace the filter element of the air filter

Never repair the air filter while the engine is running.

After cleaning the filter element for 5 times or the filter element is polluted due to rust, the filter element
must be replaced.
After using the filter for 2 years, the filter element must be replaced.

Fig. 4-9 Clean/replace the filter element Fig. 4-10 Diagram of withdrawing the filter element
1. Turn off the engine. Release the fixation clamp, and take the air filter cover away from the air filter body.
2. Take out the blocked filter core from the casing
3. Clean and check the filter core. When necessary, replace the filter core.
4. Before installing new/clean filter core, the seals and seal bracket in the air filter casing must be thoroughly
cleaned once again.
5. Insert the new/clean filter core into the air filter casing.
6. After completing the maintenance, reset the maintenance indicator (arrow) to the original position.

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4.4.4 Dry cleaning

Fig. 4-11 Shaking off dust from the filter Fig. 4-12 Blowing the filter surface with
element compressed air

Fig. 4-13 Blowing filter outer surface with Fig. 4-14 Cleaning sealed supporting side
compressed air
A temporary method is by shaking off
If the filter cannot be cleaned with the compressed air, the dust on the filter core can be shaken off.
Repeatedly and gently pat the outer surface of the filter core, to remove the dust.
Avoid damaging the filter core.
Clean the sealed supporting side.
The method of compressed air can be used.
Compressed air (max. 5 bar)
Dry compressed air can be used to blow the filter surface, and then blow the inner surface of the

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4.5 Visual check of the exhaust system

Check whether the exhaust system has any leakage.
Pipeline or cables are not allowed to be laid in dangerous area of heat emission near the exhaust

Fig. 4-15 Exhaust system

4.6 Repair and maintenance of lubricating system

1. Use a piece of clean cloth to wipe surface around the machine oil filling hole and take down lid
of filling hole.
2. Place a container (15L or larger) below oil release plug on the machine oil dish and screw down
the oil release plug to release machine oil from the engine.
3. Tear down machine oil filter to abandon, and use a piece of clean cloth to wipe surface around
base of the machine oil filter.
4. Coat a thin layer of machine oil on O-ring of the new machine oil filter and install it.
5. Screw tight the filter manually till it reaches the filter base and then screw continually by 3/4
6. Install and screw tight the oil release plug.
7. Pursuant to specification and volume of oil used for the engine recommended in this manual,
fill in proper volume of machine oil meeting the specifications into the machine oil filling hole.
8. Install the lid of machine oil filling hole.
9. Start the engine to check whether it leaks. Shut down the engine and take down the key. After
several minutes, pull out the machine oil ruler to check level of the machine oil.

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5 Slewing Support
5.1 Lubrication inside the slewing ring

5.1.1 Structure of the slewing ring

Fig. 5-1 Slewing ring structure

1—Slewing motor 2—Bolt 3—Inner slewing ring 4—Bolt

5—Bolt 6—Screw

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5.1.2 Lubrication requirements

During use, pay attention to the operation of the slewing ring. If there’s any noise, impact,
sudden increase of power, the machine should be immediately shut down for examination and
troubleshooting, when necessary it needs to be disassembled for examination.

Danger of being drawn into the slewing pinion while implementing maintenance. Please pay
attention to the attached warning sign.

Crushing and cutting danger.

While carrying out the following tasks, make sure that when performing necessary slewing
and luffing movements before starting the engine, none of the maintenance staff are in
dangerous area between main boom, upper structure and rollers or between Underchassis
and rollers, except for the crane driver (in the driver’s cab).

Avoid direct exposure of the ring to the sun during use. Never use water to directly rinse the
slewing ring, in case the water enters the roller path, take strict precautions against
approach or entry of hard impurities in the tooth meshing area.

The crane driver and lubrication staff must always maintain eye contact or communication.

Fig. 5-2 Slewing ring lubrication pipeline diagram

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The slewing ring is lubricated by the feeding pipeline:

1. In normal operating conditions, perform concentrated lubrication for 5min once every
10-hour operation of the slewing ring,
2. New lubricating grease must be applied sufficiently before and after long-term shutdown of
the machine.
3. For various lubrications, the roller path must be filled with lubricating grease, until it oozes
from the seal.
4. While filling lubricating grease, make sure to slowly rotate the slewing ring, so that the
lubricating grease is filled equally.
5. Frequently check the integrity of the sealing, if the sealing tape is found to be damaged,
replace it immediately, if it is found to fall off, restore it in time.

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5.2 Lubrication of the slewing ring tooth surface

Fig. 5-3 Slewing ring tooth surface lubrication diagram

See Chapter 2 Lubricating Oil and Lubricating Grease for the slewing ring tooth surface
lubricating grease types and lubrication time interval

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5.3 Checking the slewing ring bolt

Visual check must be performed for the bolts on the slewing ring before every lifting operation, or
at least perform such examination once per day.

Before screwing down every bolt, apply the thread-locking adhesive (locking 1243) on
all surfaces under the bolt head that connect the bolts.

Operate the crane according to the requirements of the operation instructions and load
table, regularly check the fastening bolts as required, so that the danger of bolt fatigue damage can
be avoided.

After the slewing ring has operated for 100 hours, the pre-tightening force of the bolts
should be checked, after that, check once for every 500-hour operation, sufficient pre-tightening
force must be maintained, normally the bolts need to be replaced every 7 years or after operation
of 4,000 hours.

When replacing the slewing ring, all bolts must be replaced.

Fig. 5-4 Slewing ring connection bolt position diagram

Position Mounting position Size Torque
1 Superstructure Bolt M36 2800 N·m(2065ft•lb)
2 Underchassis Bolt M36 2800 N·m(2065ft•lb)

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6 Slewing Reducer
6.1 Slewing reducer - checking the oil level

Fig. 6-1 Slewing reducer structure and mounting position

If oil leakage is detected while checking the oil level, the operation must be temporarily
stopped, and the system should be disassembled for examination.

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6.2 Slewing reducer - changing the oil

Make sure to be environment-friendly when disposing the used oil.

Fig. 6-2 Oil hole position of slewing reducer

When changing the oil, drain it when the oil is hot, i.e. change the oil after the machine has been
operating for a long period. See Fig. 6-2
1. Unscrew the filling plug on the reducer.
2. Prepare the container to hold the oil.
3. Unscrew the oil level checking plug.
4. Unscrew the drain plug.
5. Drain the used oil into the prepared container.
6. Install the drain plug.
7. Refill the new oil from the filler, until the new oil comes out of the oil level checking hole.
8. Install the filling plug.
9. Install the oil level checking plug.

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6.3 Slewing reducer - checking the brake

Only trained and experienced experts can perform this work. If the braking is not thorough,
it can lead to accidents.

Check whether the slewing reducer brake has any leakage, and whether the operation is
Must regularly check the brake of the slewing reducer.
Check the base, crawler and superstructure when the bottom jib section of the main boom does not
have any devices.

Fig. 6-3 Brake position of slewing reducer

Check the brake of the slewing reducer according to the following procedure:
1. Start the superstructure engine.
2. The free slipping switch is set to “off” position, and the brake is in the braking status.
3. Operate the left handle, and shortly rotate the superstructure of the crane towards the right and
left, stalling overflow.
4. Set the handle in the middle position at the chosen position.
5. If the crane stays in the original position, the brake position of the slewing reducer is correct.
6. If the crane is not in the original position, the braking performance of the slewing reducer
must be checked.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

7 Hoisting Winch

7.1 Main hoisting winch

7.1.1 Main hoisting winch - checking the oil level

The oil level must reach the position of the oil level plug.
Please refer to Section 7.1.2 “changing the oil” for the operating of filling lubricant.

Danger of drawing-in.
Pay special attention while implementing the maintenance, examination and installation,
because there is danger of being drawn in between the winch and winch rope.

Fig. 7-1 Diagram of oil level check of the main winch

Examination steps:
1. Park the machine on flat ground,
2. Remove the oil level plug,
3. If the oil surface can be seen, then the oil is sufficient, otherwise the oil is insufficient.

If oil leakage is detected while checking the oil level, the operation must be temporarily
stopped, and the system should be disassembled for examination.

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7.1.2 Main hoisting winch – replacing the lubricating oil

Try to be environment-friendly when disposing the used oil.

When changing the oil, drain it when the oil is hot, i.e. change the oil after the machine has been
operating for a long period.

Fig. 7-2 Diagram for oil changing of the main winch

1. Unscrew the filling plug on the reducer;

2. Prepare the container for oil;
3. Unscrew the oil level check plug;
4. Unscrew the drain plug;
5. Drain the used oil into the prepared container;
6. Install the drain plug;
7. Then fill new oil from the filler, until the new oil comes out of the oil level check hole;
8. Install the filling plug;
9. Install the oil level check plug.

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7.1.3 Hoisting winch – lubrication of rope drum bearing

Fig. 7-3 Diagram for hoisting winch bearing lubrication

Lubricating method: Fill into the pouring orifice at one side of the drum.

7.1.4 Main hoisting winch - checking the brake

In order to ensure normal braking, the braking performance of the braking disc of the
hoisting winch must be regularly checked.

Before restarting the work, make sure to replace all defective components, and clean the
If the oil stains on the braking disc bushing cannot be completely removed, theses bushings must be

If the braking disc is defective, or has become dry although it has been applied with oil, the
weight of the borne load must be reduced.

This work can only be performed by trained and experienced experts.

If the braking is not thorough, it can lead to accidents.

When there’s no tensioning device, the loosening of the braking disc will leak to serious

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Fig. 7-4 Diagram for the brake position of main hoisting winch
Check the hoisting winch brake according to the following procedure:
1. Start the superstructure engine, and run at a high speed at no load.
2. Load the corresponding hoisting winch with the max. load the rope can bear;
3. Operate the handle backwards; the load is lifted from the ground.
4. When the load is freely hanging on the hook, loosen the corresponding winch handle to the
middle position.
5. Mark “X” on the corresponding winch drum and at certain position of the superstructure
6. Operate the superstructure, so that the load is freely hanging in the air for about 2-3 minutes.
7. During this period, do not move the winch drum. The sign “X” on the winch drum must be
consistent with its frame. Otherwise, the winch brake must be checked.

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7.2 Auxiliary hoisting winch

7.2.1 Auxiliary hoisting winch - checking the oil level

The oil level must reach the position of the oil level plug.
Please refer to Section 7.2.2 “Changing the oil” for the operation of feeding lubricating oil.

Danger of drawing-in.
Pay special attention while implementing the maintenance, examination and installation,
because there is danger of being drawn in between the winch and winch rope.

Figure 7-6 Inspecting Oil Level of Auxiliary Hoisting Winch

Examination steps:
1. Park the machine on flat ground,
2. Remove the oil level plug,
3. If the oil surface can be seen,
Then the oil is sufficient
Otherwise the oil is insufficient

If oil leakage is detected while checking the oil level, the operation must be temporarily
stopped, and the system should be disassembled for examination.

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7.2.2 Auxiliary hoisting winch - replacing the lubricating oil

Try to be environment-friendly when disposing used oil.

When changing the oil, drain it when the oil is hot, i.e. change the oil after the machine has
been operating for a long period
1. Unscrew the filling plug on the reducer;
2. Prepare the container for oil;
3. Unscrew the oil level check plug;
4. Unscrew the drain plug;
5. Drain the used oil into the prepared container;
6. Install the drain plug;
7. Then fill new oil from the filler, until the new oil comes out of the oil level check hole;
8. Install the filling plug;
9. Install the oil level check plug.

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7.2.3 Auxiliary hoisting winch - lubrication of the drum bearing

Fig. 7-8 Auxiliary hoisting winch bearing lubrication diagram

Lubricating method: Feed into the pouring orifice at one side of the drum

7.2.4 Auxiliary hoisting winch - checking the brake

In order to ensure proper braking, the braking performance of the braking disc of the
hoisting winch must be regularly checked.

Before restarting the work, make sure to replace all defective components and clean the
If the oil stains on the braking disc bushing cannot be completely removed, these bushings must be

If the braking disc is defective, or has become dry although it has been applied with oil, the
weight of load it carries must be reduced.

This work can only be performed by trained specialists.

If the braking is not thorough, it can lead to accidents.

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When there’s no tensioning device, the loosening of the brake disc will lead to serious

Fig. 7-9 Diagram for brake position of auxiliary hoisting winch

Check the hoisting winch brake according to the following procedure:
1. Start the superstructure engine, and run at a high speed at no load.
2. Load the corresponding auxiliary hoisting winch with the max. load the rope can bear:
3. Operate the handle backwards, the load is lifted from the ground.
4. When the load is freely hanging on the hook, loosen the corresponding winch handle to the
middle position.
5. Mark “X” on the corresponding winch drum and at certain position of the superstructure
6. Operate the superstructure, so that the load is freely hanging in the air for about 2-3 minutes.
7. During this period, do not move the winch drum. The sign “X” on the winch drum must be
consistent with its frame. Otherwise, the winch brake must be checked.

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8 Luffing Winch
8.1 Main luffing winch

8.1.1 Main luffing winch - checking the oil level

Please refer to Section 8.1.2 “changing the oil” for the operating of filling lubricant.

Danger of drawing-in.
Pay special attention while implementing the maintenance, examination and installation,
because there is danger of being drawn in between the luffing winch and winch rope.

If oil leakage is detected while checking the oil level, the operation must be temporarily
stopped, and the system should be disassembled for examination.

Fig. 8-1 Luffing winch position

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Fig. 8-2 Diagram for oil changing of main luffing winch

Park the machine on flat ground, remove the oil level plug. If the oil surface can be seen, then the
oil is sufficient.

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8.1.2 Main luffing winch – changing the oil

(Fig. 8-2)

When changing the oil, drain it when the oil is hot, i.e. change the oil after the machine
has been operating for a long period.
Try to be environment-friendly when disposing the used oil.
When changing the oil, usually the main boom is first horizontally placed or disassembled.
1. Unscrew the filling plug on the reducer;
2. Prepare the container for oil;
3. Unscrew the oil level check plug;
4. Unscrew the drain plug;
5. Drain the used oil into the prepared container;
6. Install the drain plug;
7. Then fill new oil from the filler, until the new oil comes out of the oil level check hole;
8. Install the filling plug;
9. Install the oil level check plug.

8.1.3 Main luffing winch - checking the brake

In order to ensure normal braking, the braking performance of the braking disc of the
luffing winch must be regularly checked.

Before restarting the work, make sure to replace all defective components, and clean
the brake.
If the oil stains on the braking disc bushing cannot be completely removed, theses bushings must
be replaced.

Check whether the brake of the luffing winch reducer has leakage and whether the
operation is in order

If the braking disc is defective, or has become dry although it has been applied with oil, the
weight of the borne load must be reduced.

This work can only be performed by trained specialists.

If the braking is not thorough, it can lead to accidents.

When there’s no tensioning device, the loosening of the brake disc will lead to serious damage.

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Fig. 8-4 Diagram for brake position of main luffing winch

Check the brake of the luffing reducer in the following conditions:

- When lifting with the longest main boom + the longest fly jib or the longest main boom,
- When lifting the max. load

Brake checking when lifting max. load:

1. Use the winch to lift up the load, so that it’s merely above the ground (around 10cm).
2. Interrupt the load lifting operation.
- The superstructure engine runs, but does not perform various actions.
- All control handles in the crane driver’s cab are in the middle position.
3. Mark “×” on the drum and the superstructure bracket of the luffing reducer.
4. Keep the crane in this position for around 2 minutes.
5. Check the sign “×”on the winding drum and the superstructure bracket:
- The sign is not changed = the brake works properly
- The sign is changed (luffing winch slipping) = the brake has problem; repair the brake.

Before performing each lifting operation, the brake on the main luffing reducer should be

1. Perform hoisting as described in the installation instructions (Part 4).

2. While performing the lifting operation, lift up the last equipment component parked on the
ground so that it merely leaves the ground.
3. Interrupt the load lifting operation.
- The superstructure engine runs, but does not perform various actions.
- All control handles in the crane driver’s cab are in the middle position.
4. Make a sign on the corresponding winding drum and A-frame.
5. Keep the crane in this position for around 2 minutes.
6. Check the sign on the winding drum and the A-frame:
- - The sign is not changed = the brake works properly
- The sign is changed (luffing winch slipping) = the brake has problem; repair the brake.

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8.2 Auxiliary luffing winch

8.2.1 Auxiliary luffing winch - checking the oil level

Please refer to Section 8.2.2 “changing the oil” for the operation of filling lubricant.

Danger of drawing-in.
Pay special attention while implementing the maintenance, examination and installation,
because there is danger of being drawn in between the luffing winch and winch rope.

If oil leakage is detected while checking the oil level, the operation must be temporarily
stopped, and the system should be disassembled for examination.

Fig. 8-6 Position of the luffing winch

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Figure 8-7 Replacing Oil of Auxiliary Luffing Winch

Park the machine on flat ground, remove the oil level plug. If the oil surface can be seen, then the
oil is sufficient.

8.2.2 Auxiliary luffing winch - changing the oil

(Fig. 8-7)

When changing the oil, drain it when the oil is hot, i.e. change the oil after the machine
has been operating for a long period.
Try to be environment-friendly when disposing the used oil.
When changing the oil, usually the main boom is first horizontally placed or disassembled.
1. Unscrew the filling plug on the reducer;
2. Prepare the container for oil;
3. Unscrew the oil level check plug;
4. Unscrew the drain plug;
5. Drain the used oil into the prepared container;
6. Install the drain plug;
7. Then fill new oil from the filler, until the new oil comes out of the oil level check hole;
8. Install the filling plug;
9. Install the oil level check plug.

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8.2.3 Auxiliary luffing winch - lubrication of rope drum bearing

Fig. 8-8 Auxiliary hoisting winch bearing lubrication diagram

Lubricating method: Fill into the pouring orifice at one side of the drum.

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8.2.4 Auxiliary luffing winch - checking the brake

In order to ensure normal braking, the braking disc of the luffing winch must be regularly

Before restarting the work, make sure to replace all defective components, and clean the
brake. If the oil stains on the braking disc bushing cannot be completely removed, theses bushings
must be replaced.
Check whether the brake of the luffing winch reducer has leakage and whether the operation is in

If the braking disc is defective, or has become dry although it has been applied with oil, the
weight of the borne load must be reduced.

This work can only be performed by trained specialists.

If the braking is not thorough, it can lead to accidents.

When there’s no tensioning device, the loosening of the brake disc will lead to serious

Fig. 8-9 Diagram for brake position of main hoisting winch

Check the brake of the luffing reducer in the following conditions:

- When lifting with the longest main boom + the longest fly jib or the longest main boom,
- When lifting the max. load

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Brake checking when lifting max. load:

1. Use the winch to lift up the load, so that it’s merely above the ground (around 10cm).
2. Interrupt the load lifting operation.
- The superstructure engine runs, but does not perform various actions.
- All control handles in the crane driver’s cab are in the middle position.
3. Mark “×” on the drum and the superstructure bracket of the luffing reducer.
4 Keep the crane in this position for around 2 minutes.
5. Check the sign “×”on the winding drum and the superstructure bracket:
- The sign is not changed = the brake works properly
- The sign is changed (luffing winch slipping) = the brake has problem; repair the brake.

Before performing each lifting operation with main boom+fly jib, the brake on the main
luffing reducer should be checked.
1. Perform hoisting as described in the installation instructions (Part 4).
2. While performing the lifting operation, lift up the last equipment component parked on the
ground so that it merely leaves the ground.
3. Interrupt the load lifting operation.
- The superstructure engine runs, but does not perform various actions.
- All control handles in the crane driver’s cab are in the middle position.
4 Make a sign on the corresponding winding drum and A-frame.
5 Keep the crane in this position for around 2 minutes.
6 Check the sign on the winding drum and the A-frame:
- The sign is not changed= the brake works properly
- The sign is changed (luffing winch slipping) = the brake has problem; repair the brake.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

9 Underchassis
9.1 Checking the oil level of the travel reducer

Danger during slewing of the crawler and upper structure.

Be especially careful while performing maintenance, examination and hoisting work in this

Driving motor must be firstly turned off before making any operation to the Underchassis.

If oil leakage is still detected while checking the oil level, the operation must be temporarily
stopped and disassembled to check.

Fig. 9-1 Diagram of oil level check positions for travel reducer
1. Unscrew the oil level check plug.
2. When the crane is parked on flat ground, if the lubricating oil reaches the inspection hole, the
oil level is correct.
3. When necessary, add lubricating oil.
4. Screw up the oil level check plug.

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9.2 Replacing the oil in the travel reducer

(Fig. 9-1)

Make sure to be environment-friendly while disposing used oil.

Oil filling needs to be done with, special tools

When changing the oil, drain it when the oil is hot, i.e. change the oil after the machine has been
operating for a long period
1. Unscrew the drain plug and oil level check plug, and drain the oil into appropriate container.
2. Before filling new oil, flushing oil (warm and clean oil) should be used to clean the gear and
remove the worn stuff and impurities.
3. Screw down the drain plug, and fill new oil. If the lubricating oil reaches the inspection hole,
then the oil level is correct.
4. Check the cleaning and then screw down the oil level check plug.

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9.3 Examination and lubrication of the crawler

Before every hoisting job, all connecting pins must be thoroughly lubricated.

Lubricate the crawler connecting pin among the crawler components, and check the crawler
tensioning in case of operating noise

After cleaning the crawler, and before tensioning the crawler components, lubricate the
track pin.

When the crawler is dirty, it is absolutely important to clean it.

Fig. 9-5 Track shoe and connecting pin

Normally insufficient lubrication of crawler connecting pin or improper tightening of track shoe
will lead to operating noise and early friction, and dirty crawler will also lead to such conditions.
Therefore, the following contents should be regularly checked, at least check once every month or
check before every operation, or check after the crane has traveled for a long distance.
Travel device of the crawler (friction, lubrication level of the crawler pin and tightening of the
track shoe).
Thrust wheel or supporting wheel of the crawler (friction, lubrication level and function of roller)
Driving device of the crawler (friction, lubrication level of the reducer)
Crawler smudges.
When the crawler is dirty, more energy needs to be consumed to make the crane move. Therefore,
the friction at the mobile part of the crawler is especially severe.
Lubrication of the track shoe
At the upper part of the crawler, use lubricant to spray the track shoe shaft at the joint, or
frequently spray used oil on track shoe pin.
Drive the crane forward, until the lower part of the crawler is on the supporting wheel. Use
lubricant to spray the track shoe of this part.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

9.4 Maintenance of hydraulic cylinder of the Underchassis

For cranes operating in corrosive environment (seaside, chemical plant, or steel works), if the
crane has stopped working for over one day, acid-free protective lubricating grease must be used
on the exposed chromium surface of piston rods to avoid corrosion.

9.5 Adjustment of crawler tensioning device

(Fig. 9-2, Fig. 9-3, Fig. 9-4)

Before checking the tensioning of the crawler transmission, the track shoe must be

Fig. 9-2 Four wheels and one belt in the crawler travel device

Fig. 9-3 Diagram of crawler relaxation check

Tensioning check of crawler drive:
The relaxation of the crawler component is the standard to check whether the crawler component
is sufficiently fastened (Fig. 9-2).
If the crawler component has been properly cleaned and fastened, its relaxation must be 40±5mm.
If it is too loose or too tight, the crawler component must be fastened or loosened.

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The adjustment of crawler tightening must be performed with the machine on flat ground.
Before the adjustment, move the crane a little ahead, so that the relaxed part of the crawler is
concentrated above the driving wheel, which facilitates the adjustment.

Fig. 9-4 Crawler tightening adjustment

Adjustment steps:
1) Remove the bolts and covers on both sides;
2) Align both hydraulic jacks in natural status respectively with the shaft;
3) Two persons slowly press the jack handle at the same time, so that it pushes the shaft and the
guide wheel to move forward, meanwhile there will be a gap between track frame and gasket
set A;
4) After adjusting to proper crawler tightening, stop the action of the hydraulic jack, select
appropriate gasket in gasket set B to fill the gap between the track frame and gasket set A,
and then mount the cover.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

10 Hydraulic system
10.1 Hydraulic oil tank - checking the oil level

Burning danger.
Please pay special attention to the hydraulic system components under the engine cover,
which will have heat danger.
Ensure sufficient cooling time, or wear overalls etc.

Fig. 10-1 Hydraulic oil tank structure

1 Box body 2 Return oil pipe 3 Return oil filter
4 Return oil filter 5 Baffle 6 Return oil pipe
7 Bolt 8 Plate 9 Oil scale
10 O-ring 11 Cleaning side cap 12 Ball valve
Oil temperature
13 14 Baffle 15 Cleaning side cap

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Before the engine starts, make sure to check the oil volume of hydraulic oil tank, if the
oil in the tank is found to be decreasing too fast, it means there’s some leakage in the pipeline or
hydraulic components, the pipeline joint should be tightened or hydraulic components should be
replaced. Besides, the hydraulic oil temperature is too low (below 20℃), and oil has bad liquidity,
operating in a rush at this time might lead to damage of the hydraulic components, when the
temperature is too high (above 80℃), then the deterioration speed of hydraulic oil will be
accelerated, which ultimately can shorten the service life of the hydraulic components. Therefore,
after the engine starts in low temperature environment, perform sufficient warm-up operation, so
that the oil temperature can reach around 20℃.

Fig. 10-2 Hydraulic oil tank profile

The oil level of the hydraulic oil tank can be checked through the level gauge on the hydraulic oil
When the crane is placed horizontally, if the hydraulic oil reaches the oil level marking of the level
gauge, then the level is correct:

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10.2 Hydraulic fuel tank –Replacing Return Oil Filter Element

This working step should be repeated for all filtering devices.

Cycle of replacement: filter element of the filter should be cleaned and/or replaced every 500 hours.
If the sealing gasket is damaged, it should be replaced.

10.3 Hydraulic fuel tank – cleaning oil absorbing filter

This working step should be repeated for all filtering devices.

Figure 10-4 Position of fuel absorbing filter

Cleaning process of fuel absorbing filter:

1. Fuel absorbing filter is installed side the hydraulic fuel tank; unload the aeration equipment
and fuel absorbing filter can be seen;
2. Take out the fuel absorbing filter from hole of the aeration equipment; filter element of fuel
absorbing filter can be re-used after being cleaned.
3. Clear off metallic powder on the handle when cleaning the filter element.

10.4 Hydraulic fuel tank –replacing filtering core of air filter

Filter element of air filter should be replaced frequently if the surrounding circumstance is especially
1. Release blocked filter element.
2. Screw on the new filter element.

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□10.5b Replacing filtering core of pipeline filter (R Rexroth)

Element of the pipeline filter includes: servo system filter element, slewing pump filter
element (only for Rexroth system).
Use a wrench to screw the hexagon head below the outer shell to pull downward at the same
time so as to pull out the filter element together with the outer shell. Replace the filter element and
clean inside the shell.

When replacing the filter element, note that the filter should not be installed reversely
otherwise it shall cause severe result.
Table of Filter Element Models (Rexroth System)
A222100000467 FAX-800×20 On top of hydraulic oil tank 1

A222100000468 JX-800X100 Inside hydraulic oil tank 1

21017920 0060D010BN3HC At rear of main platform on the left 1

21020609 WU-63X100-J Inside fallback guarding hydraulic oil tank 1

B222100000585 R902601380 At rear of main platform on the left 1

Filter element replacing cycle:

The first time shall be 250 hours after leaving the factory; after that, replace every 500
Replace element of the hydraulic filter regularly is an important job that guarantees the
hydraulic system shall work normally for a long period.

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10.6 Checking and replacing hydraulic oil

10.6.1 Checking hydraulic oil
Table 10-1 Check of other objects mixed into hydraulic fuel and deteriorated hydraulic fuel
Checking Other Experimental
Judging method
contents object container
Dust and
metallic Test tube When the engine is started, take out sample from
powder (transparent), hydraulic fuel tank or pipeline to compare its
from fresh fuel turbidity with fresh fuel.
Other Fuel inside hydraulic fuel tank becomes muddy; heat
objects up muddy fuel sample slightly, and water can be
mixed Test tube or found at the bottom; take out muddy fuel sample and
transparent plug in hot iron piece, and it shall give a sound like
container, water dropping onto heated iron plate. Before
fresh fuel starting the engine, screw open fuel discharging
valve of the hydraulic fuel tank to take out fuel
sample to observe water descending.
Take out fuel sample from hydraulic fuel tank or
Test tube or
pipeline to inject into the container to compare its
Deteriorating color and smell with fresh fuel; oxide or deteriorated
fuel shall become gray tan in color and heavily
fresh fuel
deteriorated fuel shall exert stinky smell.

10.6.2 Replacing hydraulic oil Recommendation form of hydraulic oil

Recommendation form of hydraulic oil

Suitable temperature℃
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
N46 antiwear hydraulic oil
N32 low temperature
hydraulic oil
Note: Temperature in the table refers to the ambient temperature the main machine is in. Check of liquid level:

Before the engine starts, make sure to check the oil volume of hydraulic oil tank, oil level
of hydraulic oil tank can be checked through liquid level meter on the hydraulic oil tank.
When the crane is placed horizontally, if the hydraulic oil reaches the oil level marking of the level
gauge, then the level is correct. Replacing hydraulic oil

If the check finds abnormality in hydraulic fuel, it should be replaced no matter how

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long the machine has been operated. If the time when hydraulic fuel is polluted or
deteriorated, check out the cause first and then replace the fuel.

If volume of the hydraulic fuel is found insufficient in maintenance and repairing, it

is required to add fuel till the amount regulated by the fuel pointer; the fuel added should be
of the same brand and number with that in the fuel tank.

Even all cylinders have stretched out, fuel level added should not be lower than the low level
mark (minimum filling fuel level); otherwise, the hydraulic pump may be damaged.

It is required to use the designated hydraulic fuel, prevent dust and sand from entering the
fuel tank, wash clean the fuel tank and filter. If hydraulic fuel replaced is different from
original hydraulic fuel, the fuel tank should be cleaned thoroughly and hydraulic fuel inside
the pipeline and hydraulic components should be completely replaced.

Pay attention to environment protection when dealing with hydraulic fuel.

When replacing hydraulic fuel, the crane should be put horizontally.
Discharge hydraulic fuel into proper container through fuel outlet at bottom of the fuel tank.
Clean the hydraulic fuel tank and seal well the fuel outlet.
Screw down the screw nail and tear apart upper lid of air filter; add in fresh hydraulic fuel
through filtering net to standard line of liquid-temperature liquid-level meter. Operation at low temperature

When the ambient temperature is below 0℃, it is required to perform the following heat-up
operation to ensure the hydraulic system is safe: (1). Start the engine to run at idle speed for 7~10
minutes and then raise the speed to 1000~1200r/min. Do not implement any operation with the
crane and make it run without load for 30~40 minutes or longer to increase temperature of
hydraulic oil to more than 20 ℃. (2). After completing the above heating up operation, start
normal construction operation. At the same time properly adjust the heat-up time as per the
ambient temperature. When entering normal construction operation, action of operation handle
and pedal valve should be slow and attention should be paid to system operation. Work when the
hydraulic oil is at a temperature below 20 ℃ may damage the hydraulic part. Notices
In case the user has no special requirement, our company fills in: N46 antiwear hydraulic oil.
When the crane is used at ambient temperature of -30℃~0℃, it is required to use N32 low
temperature hydraulic oil; we recommend using hydraulic oil Tellus T32/D209L (pour point is -42
degrees) produced by Shell for the low temperature circumstance。This requirement shall be
judged and proposed by the user. Before the main machine leaves the factory our company shall
be responsible to replace the oil (paid); after it leaves the factory, the user shall be responsible.
When the ambient temperature is below 0℃, it is required to heat up the temperature to
ensure the hydraulic system is safe.

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10.6.3 Discharging water from hydraulic oil tank

As influenced by the circumstance, water may enter the hydraulic oil. So it is required to
discharge water from the oil tank regularly to prevent the hydraulic oil from deteriorating and
emulsification so as to affect normal work of the system. It is regulated that water should be
discharged monthly, for area with great humidity, half a month. The specific method is as below:
park the machine on horizontal position to stop for more than 24 hours. Open the oil release plug
on the oil tank to discharge about 4L oil each time. If there is much water, it is allowed to
discharge more. But it is required to refill hydraulic oil to regulated position.

10.6.4 Hydraulic oil replacement cycle:

The new machine used for the first time should be replaced after 1000 hours or after half a
year; after that, it shall be replaced after every 2000 hours or annually.
Volume of hydraulic oil: For Kawasaki system the hydraulic oil tank can be filled with 400L
hydraulic oil and the entire machine uses 450L oil.
For Rexroth system the hydraulic oil tank can be filled with 480L hydraulic oil and the entire
machine uses 530L oil.

Pay attention to environment protection when dealing with hydraulic fuel.

When replacing hydraulic fuel, the crane should be put horizontally and the hydraulic fuel should
be at working temperature.
1. Discharge hydraulic fuel into proper container through fuel outlet at bottom of the fuel tank.
2. Clean the hydraulic fuel tank and seal well the fuel outlet.
3. Screw down the screw nail and tear apart upper lid of air filter; add in fresh hydraulic fuel
through filtering net to standard line of liquid-temperature liquid-level meter.

10.7 Checking whether the hydraulic system has leakage

Pipeline and connection of hydraulic pump inside the engine damaged due to mechanical
effect/heat effect or other effect should be replaced.
Ensure that all pipelines and hoses should be enough distance away from engine parts with
high temperature (like air exhaust system) and that they shall not rub each other.

10.8 Checking the pressure hose

Check whether all hoses have leakage regularly. Even though the damage found in visual
check is the smallest, the defective hose should be replaced immediately.

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Pipeline and connector of hydraulic pump inside the engine damaged due to mechanical effect/heat
effect or other effect should be replaced.
Ensure that all pipelines and hoses should be enough distance away from engine parts with high
temperature (like air exhaust system) and that they shall not rub each other.

Figure 10-5 Profile of hydraulic rubber pipe assembly

Defects that may occur to hose:
1. Connector slides inside the hose;
2. The exterior layer is damaged, cut, worn (any strengthening layer is exposed);
3. The hose hardens, is full of cracks or burnt;
4. The connector has crack, or is damaged, severely corroded;
5. The connector or hose leaks;
6. The hose winds, or is broken, pressed flat, twisted;
7. Exterior layer of the hose bubbles or softens.
Other contents for visual check:
The following items should be screwed tightly, repaired, or replaced as needed:
1. Fuel leaks at fuel holes on the machine;
2. Dirty object blocks in the way;
3. Pipe clip, protective sleeve, protective object;
4. System fuel level, fluid category, air detaining.

10.9 Replacing pressure hose

Even if identified as not damaged, the hose should be replaced after at most 6 years of use,
including longest storage period of 2 years.

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10.9.1 Types of hydraulic hose

Figure 10-6 Types of hydraulic rubber pipe

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10.9.2 Identification of hydraulic hose

Calculate working time and storage time based on manufacturing date marked on
hydraulic hose.
When removing sleeve-type pipe connector, new sleeve and pipe connected should be used to
All components of hydraulic pipeline should be cleaned and then installed.

Figure 10-7 Identification of hydraulic hose

On the hydraulic hose are printed with the following items:
1) Manufacturer
2) Hose type (category)
3) Nominal diameter
4) Standard DIN Diagram
5) Manufacturing date (manufacturing season and year)

10.10 Hydraulic system – checking initial air pressure in the accumulator

This check can be performed only by professionals who are trained in fuel filling and device testing.

Figure 10-8 Check pressure of the accumulator

Test the accumulator in the following order and add fuel when necessary:
1. Shut down the engine on the superstructure and set ignition switch to “OFF”.
2. Reduce pressure of the hydraulic system.
3. Empty hydraulic fuel out of accumulator (2) completely.
4. If there is testing joint, this check can be done by pressure meter or by slowly releasing connector nut on
hydraulic pipeline of fuel pipe connector of the accumulator. When the pressure meter indicates no
pressure or hydraulic fuel no longer escapes at connector nut, pressure of the system is successfully
5. Remove safeguard (1) on air valve of accumulator (2) and screw on filling and testing device (3).
6. Open the air valve by the filling and testing device screwed on and read out pressure growth on pressure

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meter of the testing device.

Pre-loading pressure of the accumulator: 30 bar(14.5psi)
7. If pre-loading pressure is not enough, it is required to fill nitrogen into the accumulator through filling
device (3) to reach relative pre-loading pressure.
8. After initial filling, wait for 2~3 minutes and then check the pre-loading pressure; refill when necessary.

Only nitrogen can be filled into the accumulator. If value of pre-loading pressure is found reduced
largely (about 60%) in initial check, it is required to check the accumulator again after about 3~4
weeks. If by then the pressure value keeps reducing, the accumulator should be replaced.

Only nitrogen can be filled into the accumulator. Pressure reducer (5) should be installed on the nitrogen
gas bottle (4). The accumulator can be repaired only by the manufacturer or workshop approved by the
The repaired accumulator should be checked and accepted by approved experts.
A new inspection certificate should be issued for the accumulator.

To check original air pressure inside the air bag, it is required to use filling and testing
The crane’s hydraulic system adopts membrane accumulator or airbag accumulator to be filled
with nitrogen gas. They are fixed on the platform.
Only when the accumulator installed is filled with regulated original pressure can its relative parts
run normally.
It is necessary to check original pressure value regularly.

When filling the accumulator with initial pressure, check the pressure meter at the testing
If pressure in relative hydraulic loop does not increase when filling air pressure of the accumulator,
it indicates that membrane inside the accumulator has defect. The accumulator should be replaced.

10.11 Notices on maintenance and keeping of hydraulic system

1. Life span and performance reliability of hydraulic machine and it hydraulic components are
related to reasonableness of its use and maintenance. If you want your equipment to run
without fault for a long time, attention should be paid to the following:
1) Understand details of hydraulic system of the crawler crane through careful reading of
the operation manual.
2) Perform correct routine maintenance and regular keeping of the hydraulic system as per
requirements. Incorrect maintenance and keeping shall be harmful to the system.
3) Correctly use the hydraulic oil. Be sure to fill in clean hydraulic oil pursuant to specific
4) Replace element of the hydraulic filter regularly is an important job that

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guarantees the hydraulic system shall work normally for a long period.
5) When replacing hydraulic components, hydraulic hose or filling in hydraulic oil, make
sure to pay attention to protect the hydraulic system clean.
6) Clean circumstance——when dismantling the damaged hydraulic part and hydraulic
hose, it is required to carefully clean pollutants close to the hydraulic part or hose
connector. Make sure no pollutant enters the hydraulic system in process of dismantling.
It is not allowed to dismantle part or hose off the hydraulic system when no protective
measure is taken in heavy sand wind and rainy weather.
7) Clean hydraulic oil——Pay attention to the degree to which the hydraulic oil is polluted
and its humidity to avoid any pollutant entering the hydraulic oil tank. Oil filled in
should be filtered. It would be better to fill in the oil by use of oil filtering trolley with
intensive filtering device.
8) Clean new part——strictly check whether the new part or hydraulic hose is clean. The
new part should have anti-corrosion oil inside. Check whether the part is damaged
during transportation.
2. After the hydraulic system was repaired and maintained and before it is restarted, the
following items should be checked:
1) Whether the oil tank is clean and filled with hydraulic oil as required?
2) Is the pipeline clean and well installed?
3) Is precision of the filter element correspondent with system requirements?
4) When necessary, add oil into the oil pump and shell of the motor.

10.12 Tightening the Connecting Bolts

As a rubber flexible pipe is used to connect the suction ports of oil tank and pump,
connection bolts at both ends of the pipe usually become loose after vibration. As a result, the
sealing of two flange faces is destroyed, which may cause empty absorbing of the pump.
Therefore, it is required to check these connection bolts everyday.
Connecting 1 as shown in the figure:

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Connecting 2 as shown in the figure:

Tightening Torque of Connection Bolts

Size Grade Torque(Nm)(ft lb) Anaerobic Adhesive
M16 8.8 116~144(86~106) ○

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

10.12 Check Valve and Oil Can at Drain Port of Hydraulic Motor

A check valve and an oil can are installed at the drain ports of all hydraulic motors that use
quick couplings (seen in Fig. Q250 122 014 for Kawasaki hydraulic motor and Fig. Q250 122
015) to prevent pressure boasting in case of a blockage occurs in the draining pipeline.

In case the quick coupling of drain port falls accidentally and it causes the draining pipeline
blocked, pressure in the draining pipeline will boast as a result. When the pressure increases to a
certain value, the oil in the pipeline will flow into the oil can through the check valve, which
protects the motor from damage.
Due to the sealing of the check valve, small amount of oil might leak out to the oil can in
normal conditions. Please check the oil level in the oil can every week; and remove the oil when
the oil level exceeds the max. level line.
Notice: oil collected in the oil can cannot be pour back to the oil tank for reuse.
Notice: if there is large amount of oil leaking out during operation, please stop the crane
and inform our technical personnel. DO NOT modify the oil circuit without authorization!

Serial No. Name Serial No. Name

1 Check Valve 2 Oil Can

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11 Electric System
11.1 Check of lighting system
Check whether the system can run normally and repair any fault immediately.

11.2 Check of limit switch

See “Safety Devices” in “Operation Instructions”.

11.3 Battery maintenance and keeping

Battery is the power supply used by this machine to start the engine, control electric apparatus,
light and auxiliary electric equipment. Its technical performances meet regulations made by PRC
Standard on Starting Lead-acid Battery, functioning very important. Hence, it is necessary to
maintain it in perfect condition so that it can keep at normal state.

11.3.1 Maintenance and keeping when used

1. The battery should be maintained and checked every 50 hours.
2. Check whether connection terminal of the batter is tightly fixed in case ignition in a loose
state will affect normal use of the battery.
3. Surface of the battery should keep clean to avoid corrosion. Outside the connection terminal
can coat some dry butter or Vaseline.
4. Keep vent plug in state of being screwed tightly to prevent the acid liquid from splashing.
5. Check the electrolyte to control its height within regulated scope; electrolyte should be within
15mm-20mm(9/16“~13/16”) higher than the spacer; when the liquid surface is caused to
reduce due to use of evaporated electrolyte, it is required to add distilled water; it is not
allowed to add electrolyte.
6. Each day check charging status of the machine’s charging circuit to observe whether electric
monitor in the cab can normally indicate.
7. In the following cases the battery should be charged in a common way:
① Electrolyte density reduces to below 1.17g/cm3(9.9lb/gal) (25℃).
② The light is dim, the voltage is not enough and when discharging, voltage of each grid
measured is lower than 1.8V.

11.3.2 Maintenance and keeping when not used

1. When not used, the battery should be taken down to store in a clean, dry ventilating
warehouse with a circumstance temperature between 5℃-40℃. It is improper to store the
battery with electrolyte. If it is required to be stored together with electrolyte in special case,
or after the battery is discharged, every month it should be charged once and every 3 months it
should be completely discharged once.
2. Take care not to use water from river, well, or water with impurity substance to make
3. When the battery installed on the machine is not used, make sure to unload one end of the
connector to check every month; it should be charged in time; when reused, it should be
charged before use.

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4. Electrolyte used by battery contains sulphuric acid, which has corrosive function toward skin,
eye and clothes. Attention should be paid to prevent electrolyte from overflowing. In case of
accident, the following methods can be adopted for proper treatment:
① External contamination should be washed immediately.
② After entering the mouth, rinse the mouth immediately, drink huge amount of water or
milk and then go to see doctor.
5. The battery can produce a little combustible gas inside; so the exhaust hole on filler plug
should be kept unblocked. Use or storage of battery should be off from open fire to prevent
gathered combustible gas from meeting open fire to cause explosion accident.

11.4 Preventive measures to prevent cable from fire accident

11.4.1 Reasons why fire is caused by electric parts or cable

Current can be only identified through its effects, one of which is heat effect.

In time of short circuit, the fuse can protect cable of the electric system.
The fuse cannot be bridged, even the easiest one.
Fuse with a larger value (high current) cannot be used in any circumstance.
Fire breaks out to electric parts or cable of electric system is not due to technical fault, but caused
by carelessness or improper operation of relative parts or circuit. Besides, when replacing parts in
repairing, it is absolutely important to use original parts.
Impact on electric system caused by use of non-original parts are neglected due to huge difficulty
in checking so as to cause fault in each circuit.
Charged conducting wire gives out usually slightly. Therefore, strong current not allowed shall
lead to high temperature and may cause fire accident.
To prevent high temperature, even fire accident, caused by strong current, fuse should be installed
in each circuit. If the current exceeds the maximum value allowed, the fuse can cut off current
Fuse fault is one of the main reasons that lead to cable on fire.
Other reasons that lead to cable on fire may be:
1. Use of cable or cable joint (in case the cable is not long enough) that is not allowed to use or
2. Use of consumable part or operation unit (relay, motor, switch, light, etc.) that is not allowed
to use or defective.
3. Excessive consumable part is connected to a fuse (cable and fuse is overloaded).
4. Installation of battery with excessive size and different design (battery box of excessive size is
installed, positive earthing has danger of short circuit).
5. After using water or steam injection device to clean, water permeates into electric system
6. Due to insufficient maintenance and inspection work, the electric system is in bad state.
The above reasons may work independently or combine to cause scorching hot or lead to cable on

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11.4.2 Measures to prevent fire caused by electric parts or cable

If the following methods are observed, the above problems can be effectively prevented.
1. The crane’s electric equipment should be checked / inspected regularly.
2. Some insufficiency should be corrected immediately, such as loose connection, hot cable.
Similarly, causes of these problems should be checked and removed in time.
3. Check whether all cables, connectors and terminals are loose or damaged (whether oxide is
formed at the terminal or on battery poles), and correct any damage found immediately.
4. Only use original spare parts and original fuse with regulated intensity (refer to Contents of
Spare Parts or Circuit Diagram);
5. If power supply is at fault, the crane should be shut down immediately.
6. Electric system should not be changed and/or supplemented and modified without permit by
the manufacturer.
7. Ensure that the expert inspects in line with working conditions and application for operating
the electric system; the inspection should be carried out at least annually.

Only qualified electrician or other worker guided and supervised by qualified electrician is allowed to
carry out this job on the electric system or electric equipment as per electrical and technical regulations.

11.5 Overview of fuses

Table 11.1 Rexroth System Fuse Specifications
Position of Optional
Code Value/ampere Hidden path Description
the part path
F1 30 distribution Engine ignition system
F2 5 distribution Diagnosis indicator
Fuse box in Fault code signal
F3 5
driver cab Throttle signal
F4 30 distribution Power-ground
F5 5 distribution Navigation light
Fuse box in Indoor light
F6 10 driver cab Dashboard lamp
Working light
Fuse box in
F8 5 Radio receiver
driver cab
F9 31 distribution Air conditioner
F10 7.5 distribution Oil-filling machine
F18 10 distribution Lubricating system
Fuse box in
F11 10 Wiper system
driver cab

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Fuse box in Pitching cylinder in driver

driver cab cab
Installation mode relay
Slewing brake removing
Slewing/auxiliary luffing
F13 15 switch electromagnetic
General unload switch
Oil channel valve in driver
Oil channel valve of chassis
Power Counterweight oil channel
F14 5 distribution switch
box Remote control box 1
Power Emergent stop
distribution Safety valve
box Left-hand track bolt cylinder
Left-hand track bolt cylinder
Front outrigger cylinder 1
F15 10
Front outrigger cylinder 2
Rear outrigger cylinder 1
Rear outrigger cylinder 2
Right-hand track bolt
cylinder 1
Right-hand track bolt
cylinder 1
Fuse box in
driver cab
Tower duty selection
Displayer of moment limiter
F16 5

Power Three-color light

distribution Acousto-optical alarm
box Anti-empty absorbing alarm
F17 10
Fuel filter blocked alarm
Power Main winch 3-ring
distribution protection
F19 10
box Auxiliary winch 3-ring
F20 20 distribution PLC power supply
F21 1 distribution PLC power supply
F22 5 distribution
Fuel level sensor

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Table 11.2 Kawasaki System Fuse Specifications

Position of Optional Hidden
Code Value/ampere Description
the part path path
Fuse box in
F1 30 Engine ignition system
driver cab
Fuse box in
F3 5 Throttle signal
driver cab
Fuse box in
F4 30 Power-ground
driver cab
Fuse box in
F5 5 Navigation light
driver cab
Fuse box in Indoor light
F6 10 driver cab dashboard lamp
Working light
Fuse box in
F8 5 Radio receiver
driver cab
Fuse box in
F9 31 Air conditioner
driver cab
Fuse box in
F10 7.5 Oil-filling machine
driver cab
Fuse box in
F18 10 Lubricating system
driver cab
Fuse box in
F11 10 Wiper system
driver cab
Fuse box in Pitching cylinder in driver cab
driver cab Installation mode relay
Slewing brake removing
Quick travel electromagnetic
F13 15
General unload switch
General unload switch indicator
Oil channel valve of chassis
Auxiliary winch oil channel
Auto load/unload valve
F14 5 distribution Remote control box 1
Fuse box in Free slipping
driver cab Slewing micro-movement
Main quick hoist option
F23 15 Auxiliary quick hoist option
Main quick luffing option
Servo micro-movement
Emergent stop
distribution Safety valve
box Left-hand track bolt cylinder 1
Left-hand track bolt cylinder 2
Front outrigger cylinder 1
F15 10 Front outrigger cylinder 2
Rear outrigger cylinder 1
Rear outrigger cylinder 2
Right-hand track bolt cylinder 1
Right-hand track bolt cylinder 1

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Fuse box in
driver cab

Displayer of moment limiter

F16 5 Horn

Three-color light
F17 10 distribution
Acousto-optical alarm
Power Main winch 3-ring protection
F19 10 distribution Auxiliary winch 3-ring
box protection
F20 20 distribution PLC power supply
F21 1 distribution PLC power supply
F22 5 distribution
Fuel level sensor

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12 Air Conditioning Device

12.1 Check of air conditioning equipment

12.1.1 Composition of air conditioning equipment

Figure 12-1 Composition of Air Conditioning equipment

1) Evaporator
Evaporator can make liquid refrigerant to absorb hear in the air after throttling expansion through
expansion valve and use evaporating fan to blow cold wind into the cab.
2) Temperature sensor
Temperature sensor can sense temperature of exhaust air and return air in evaporator room to
control pull-in of compressor’s clutch to keep indoor temperature within the scope set up and
prevent the evaporator from freezing.
Note) The sensor should be installed at regulated position (as designed by air conditioner
3) Expansion valve
① Expansion valve is to throttle and reduce pressure of liquid refrigerant at high temperature and
high pressure to become foggy refrigerant at low temperature and low pressure to enter the
evaporator (that is, separate refrigerants at high pressure side and low pressure side).
② Adjust refrigerant flow automatically.
③ Control refrigerant flow to prevent liquid hit and abnormal over-heat.
4) Heating
Heating is a heat exchanger that injects heated cooling water in the engine into heater core to heat
up indoor through cold air in the room.
5) Inner/outer air filtering net
It can block foreign matter such as dust when absorbing inner and outer air.
Note) The filtering net should be cleaned or replaced regularly.
6) Compressor
Compressor can obtain power through the engine’s belt drive to absorb evaporated coolant at low

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temperature and low pressure from evaporator to transform into coolant in gas state at high
temperature and high pressure compressed to send into condenser.
7) Condenser
Condenser is a heat exchanger that uses fan of the engine’s water tank to transform refrigerant gas
at high temperature high pressure into high temperature low pressure liquid refrigerant.
8) Dehydrator
Dehydrator can filter impurity from liquid refrigerant in the condenser to store the refrigerant by
moisture its absorbing system.

12.1.2 Check of air conditioning equipment

To ensure the air conditioning equipment can work normally, it should be checked regularly. See
checking contents in the attached table on next page.
We advice it be checked at primary cooling stage.
At primary stage, middle stage and end of the cooling, the following maintenance work should be
1. Check the belt tension and installation of compressor.
2. Check refrigerant filled.

Figure 12-1 Profile and composition of A/C compressor

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Table 12-1 Contents for regular check

Checking time
Items Checking contents
Daily Half a year 1 year
Ill fastening, with clearance √ √
Pipeline assembly
Connection is loose, nut and bolt loosened √ √
Connection is loose, nut and bolt loosened
Connection bolt √ √
and falling off
Loose and bending √ √
Transmission belt Degrading: Abrasion, scar, crack √ √
Noise, bad smell or abnormal heat √
Radiating fins lodging √
Blocked by foreign matter (rubbish, dust,
assembly √ √ √
insect or grass, etc)
Starting inspection, wind quantity, switch
√ √
A/C wind switch control
Switching function √ √
Leakage at pipeline connections √ √
Refrigerant Leakage inside parts and components
leaked (compressor, condenser, evaporator, √
Volume of Check refrigerant volume (observe
√ √
refrigerant through liquid checking window)
Compressor (including without load) √
Condenser fan, evaporator fan √
Difference in
Difference in dehydrator temperature
dehydrator √
indicates that dehydrator is blocked.

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12.2 Maintenance and keeping of air conditioning equipment

When filter element is blocked, wind quantity will reduce and power of air conditioner shall
decrease. The filter element should be checked every 3 months to clean or replace.
1. Inner filter element
Dismantle: Lift up filter element’s hanging hook lightly and take down filter element to clean or
2. Outer filter element
Dismantle: Release upper and lower bolt hook, and take down outer filter element to clean or

12.3 Notices on use

(1) When used for a long time, the operation room should be supplied with fresh air all the time.
(2) Do not adjust the temperature too low.
(3) To lubricate the compressor, air conditioning equipment should be opened at least 10 minutes
each month.

Table 12-1 Checking contents for regular check

Items Checking contents
Daily Half a year 1 year
Pipeline Ill fastening, with clearance √ √
assembly Connection is loose, nut and bolt loosened √ √
Connection Connection is loose, nut and bolt loosened
√ √
bolt and falling off
Loose and bending √ √
Degrading: Abrasion, scar, crack √ √
Noise, bad smell or abnormal heat √
Radiating fins lodging √
Blocked by foreign matter (rubbish, dust,
assembly √ √ √
insect or grass, etc)
Starting inspection, wind quantity, switch
A/C wind √ √
Switching function √ √
Leakage at pipeline connections √ √
Refrigerant Leakage inside parts and components
leaked (compressor, condenser, evaporator, √
Volume of Check refrigerant volume (observe through
√ √
refrigerant liquid checking window)
Compressor (including without load) √
Condenser fan, evaporator fan √
Difference in
Difference in dehydrator temperature
dehydrator √
indicates that dehydrator is blocked.

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13 Driver’s Cab




Figure 13-1 Driver cab

Before winter comes, water should be added with proper amount of anti-freezing liquid
(depends on temperature).

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

13.1 Check of wiper

Every week check whether the wipe can work normally.

13.2 Check of sliding door

If close to seaside or humid area, open the sliding door once in a week in case the sliding door
may become damp and hard to open.

13.3 Adding water into spraying kettle of front windshield glass washer
The water spraying kettle is at left side of driver’s seat. Open the air conditioner’s inspection cover
to add water into the kettle which should be refilled with water frequently and when necessary
added with a little cleaning agent.

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14 Others
14.1 Lubricating pin axle of hoisting boom

Before each installation of crane equipment, connection pin axle installed in relative pin
axle hole should be well lubricated.

Figure 14-1 Lubricating pin axle at lower hinge point of main boom

Lubricate connection pin axle of main boom and platform.

Lubricate connection pin axle of main boom and fly jib.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

14.2 Lubricating hoisting hook

There is danger of being dragged.

When implementing maintenance, inspection and installation services, special attention to be paid to danger of
being involved or dragged into area between the hook’s sheave and the steel rope.

Figure 14-2 Hoisting hook’s lubricating nozzle

“A” – “13.5T(14.8USt)” hoisting hook It should be disassembled to add lubricating grease.
“B” – “35T(38.5USt)” hoisting hook
“C” – “800T(88.2USt)” hoisting hook
“D” – “100T(110.2USt)” hoisting hook
“E” – “150T(165.3USt)” hoisting hook
“F” – “250T(275.6USt)” hoisting hook

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

14.3 Steel rope

Metal wire protruding on the steel rope is dangerous.

When putting steel rope in order, the protruding steel rope may cause hurt.
It is required to wear gloves to protect the hands.

There is danger of being dragged.

When implementing maintenance, inspection and installation services, special attention to
be paid to danger of being involved or dragged into the following equipment.

Steel rope on winch with rope

Steel rope on sheave of main boom or other hoisting boom
Steel rope on sheave of hoisting hook
They should be treated carefully.

There is danger of scrape and scratching.

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14.3.1 Lubricating steel rope

In manufacturing, the steel rope should be well lubricated. In this way, the steel rope can be
rustproof and improved, and friction factor between steel rope and sheave or between steel rope
and winch can be improved. This primary lubrication effect can keep within limited time.
Therefore, the steel rope should be lubricated regularly.
The steel rope should be lubricated regularly in accordance with specific working conditions,
especially the bending areas. If the steel rope cannot be lubricated when operating, expected lift
span of the steel rope shall shorten. Therefore, it is required to pay close attention to steel rope.
See the following diagram for impacts of lubrication and repeated lubrication on life span of the
steel rope (Figure 14-3).

Figure 14-3 Impact of different lubricating methods on life span of steel rope

x Interval bending number (%)

y Tension stress (N/mm2) (psi)
a Lubrication and repeated lubrication
b Lubrication
c Remove oil contaminant

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

To prolong the steel rope’s life span and prevent it from getting rusty, it should be greased
frequently, as shown by Figure 14-4:

The steel rope should be lubricated from the very beginning, instead lubricating when
damage is found.
Keep to all prevailing standards or national rules.

Figure 14-4 Steel rope greasing method

14.3.2 Cleaning steel rope

Dirty steel rope should be cleaned frequently on the outside, especially when used in a strongly
corrosive circumstance, or at a place quite close to active chemical material.

14.3.3 Check of steel rope Overview
Steel rope is one basic consumable product with limited service life. Many features of the steel
rope shall change in the entire service life. For example, its breaking force shall first increase
when starting and keeping using it, but will decrease quickly when arriving at certain maximum
The reason why the breaking force reduces is increased percentage of metal loss caused by
abrasion and corrosion, both of which are caused by broken rope share and changed structure of
the steel rope. Interval
ISO 4309 standard suggests that visual check of the steel rope and fixture of steel rope ends should
be implemented routinely to prevent any possible damage.
Besides, safety operation inspection of the steel rope should be carried out regularly by well
trained expert.
After bearing huge load or when invisible damage is anticipated, inspection interval should be
shortened relatively (when necessary, just several hours). This check should be carried out if it is
required to be reused after long time unused, or before operating the crane each time the crane is
disassembled and moved to a new operating place, or after accident, or when damage is related to
operation of the steel rope. Scope of check

Life span of steel rope varies with operation of the machine. No matter whether the steel rope is

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

used to hoist, luffing and hang weight, it should be strictly checked regularly. Once damage is
found, it should be replaced immediately. Check
1. Routine check: Any visible part of the steel rope should be inspected as much as possible on
each working day so as to find out damage and deformation in time. Special attention should
be paid to the steel rope’s part fixed on the machine. Any obvious change found should be
reported to find out the cause and dispose in time.
2. The responsible personnel should carry out regular check (as required by check of common
parts and rope ends (excluding hauling rope))
To identify inspection cycle, the following should be considered:
(1) State laws and requirements on the crane;
(2) Crane type and working circumstance;
(3) Crane’s working level;
(4) Results of former inspections;
(5) Time period that the steel rope has been used;

3. Special inspection as regulated by check of common parts and rope ends (excluding hauling
(1) The steel rope should be checked when accident is caused by damage to the steel rope and/or
its fixed end or before the steel rope is reinstalled for use after it is disassembled.
(2) If the hoisting device has not been used for more than 3 months, the steel rope should be
checked before using this hoisting device again.
4. When outer layer of steel rope that is singly used or partially used in the sheave that is set off
by synthetic material, metal material or inlaid with synthetic material has obvious sign of
broken thread or abrasion, there may be a large number of broken threads already appearing
inside it. Thus, s special steel rope inspection schedule should be made in accordance with
history records of the steel rope, considering regular check in use and detailed inspection
record of the steel rope.
Rope section on which the lubricant has dried or deteriorated should be maintained with special
care. Standard to report steel rope used exclusively for hoisting equipment should be based on
information exchanged between hoisting equipment manufacturer and steel rope manufacturer.
5. Check of common parts:
Although the steel rope should be entirely inspected, special attention should be paid to the
following parts:
(1) Beginning and ending terminals of steel rope movement and fixing.
(2) Rope section passing through sheave set and winding through sheave. When the mechanism
repeats operation, special attention should be paid to the part that winds through the sheave
when hoisting.
(3) Rope section at fixed sheave;
(4) Rope section that may be worn out due to external factors.
(5) Internal inspection of corrosion and fatigue.
(6) Rope section in hot circumstance.
6. Check of rope ends (excluding hauling rope)
Steel rope drawn forth from the end fixed should be inspected because it is dangerous for this part
to be fatigued (with broken thread) and corroded. Deformation or abrasion of the fixing device
itself should be checked.
Fixing device at rope terminal that uses pressing or forging rope hoop should be inspected
similarly. And check whether the rope hoop material has crack and whether there is possibility to
slip between rope hoop and steel rope.
Removable devices (wedge connector, rope clip, pressing plate, etc.) should be checked for
conditions of inner rope section and broken thread of rope ends; ensure the wedge connector and
steel rope clip are tight; the inspection should also include whether device at rope ends completely
meets requirements by relative standards and operation rules.
Woven ring like buckle rope end should only be used on rear of the connector to avoid hurting
hand by protruding steel wire at rope end. Remaining parts of the connector should be checked by
naked eyes of its broken thread at any time.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

If broken thread obviously occurs nearby rope-end device or inside rope-end device, the steel rope
can be cut short and reinstalled onto rope-end fixing device for use and length of the steel rope
should satisfy requirements for minimum cycles winding on the winch.

14.3.4 Replacement of steel rope

Whether the steel rope should be replaced depends on conditions of broken thread, abrasion and
corrosion. In case of any one of the following, the steel rope should be replaced immediately.

(1) Broken thread

More than 10% of single threads in one twist distance of the steel rope are broken (excluding filled
steel threads).

(2) Broken rope

When broken thread appears at rope end or nearby, it indicates that tension at this part is very high
even the quantity is a few. If rope length allows, the part with broken thread(s) should be cut off
and reinstalled reasonably.

(3) Regionally gathered broken threads

Broken threads are close to each other within a rope length less than 6d (d: diameter of the steel
rope) or gathered within any rope share, even quantity of broken threads is small.

(4) Broken threads increase in number

Broken threads start to appear after the steel rope is put to use for a period and the number of
broken threads keep increasing at shorter and shorter intervals.

(5) Broken rope share

An entire rope share is broken and rope diameter reduces due to damage to rope core.

(6) Elasticity reduces

All these are phenomena that elasticity reduces: rope diameter is reduced; twist distance of the
steel rope is prolonged; all parts are mutually pressed tightly; clearance is not enough between
steel wires and between rope distances. Although no broken thread appears at this time, but the
steel rope is obviously uneasy to be bent, which will lead to sudden broken under moving load.
The steel rope should be reported as waste.

(7) Corrosion
When serious corrosion occurs to external and internal steel rope, the steel rope’s static breaking
force shall be reduced and its operation stability be decreased because corrosion shall decrease
average value of the steel rope.

(8) Abrasion
Abrasion of the steel rope can be “internal abrasion” and “external abrasion”. Internal abrasion is
caused by friction between rope share and thread when the steel rope bends upward or downward,
while external abrasion s caused by movement between steel rope and sheave or dragging the steel
rope on the ground.
If lubrication is insufficient or in lack and dust exists, abrasion will be more serious. If compared
with nominal diameter, diameter of the steel rope reduces by 10% or more, the steel rope should
be replaced even no broken rope share is found.

(9) Deformation
Deformation of the steel rope is visible change in the steel rope’s structure. Deformation is often
caused by loosened area in external steel rope. From external appearance, there are important
deformation differences in the following:
1. Spiral deformation
2. Ball-shape deformation
3. Formation of thread loop
4. Single thread or rope share becomes loose

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5. Knot
6. Contraction
7. Flattening
8. Crimped deformation
9. Break and bending

(10) Permanent extension rate;

(11) Rope diameter reduction, including damage to rope core;

In addition to the above, fatigue is main reason that leads to damage in the steel rope in some
applications. Even when the defect cannot be found externally, there may be broken thread inside.
Hence, the above steel rope that is checked qualified but actually has worked 2000 hours has come
to the time to be replaced, and should be replaced with new steel rope in time.

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Figure 14-5 Spiral deformation

If deformation X has reached 1/3 d or larger (d is nominal diameter of the steel rope), the
steel rope should be replaced.

Figure 14-6 Ball-shape deformation

When external bearing of the thread is loose or external rope share is longer than inner rope
share, steel rope with steel core will form ball-shape deformation.
If position of inner thread or rope share contrasted with external thread or rope share slips, then
the excessive length shall bend to some place.

If ball-shape deformation is formed, the steel rope should be replaced.

Figure 14-7 Formation of thread loop

If thread loop is formed, a share of threads or a group of threads will protrude structure of the
steel rope on one side to face the sheave like hair.

If huge change occurs to structure of the steel rope due to thread loop formed, the steel
rope should be replaced.

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Figure 14-8 Single thread or rope share becomes loose

If single thread or rope share becomes loose, outer thread of steel rope or rope share shall move and load.
This means that they do not bear the tension assigned to them at this time, so as to cause other threads or rope
shares to be overloaded.
If steel rope operates on the sheave, it will lead to increase of bending tension so as to break the thread earlier.

If the thread becomes loose due to rust and abrasion, it should be replaced. If it is loose due to other
reasons, it is required to judge whether to replace it by the break.

Figure 14-9 Knot

Knot refers to thickened rope that appears repeatedly for a long time. Matter inserted in the thickened part
often protrudes out of the steel rope.
Rope shares at the thickened part form an arch, leading to broken rope.

Steel rope with more knots should be replaced.

Figure 14-10 Contraction

Contraction refers to diameter reduction of the steel rope in short expansion direction.
Check carefully whether steel rope parts in front of fixed parts at the rear contract. Contraction of these parts is
hard to find.

Steel rope that contracts at more places should be replaced.

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Figure 14-11 Flattening

Flattening refers to permanent deformation of the steel rope caused by press.

Flattening leads to increase of rope cracks.

Crimped deformation
Crimped deformation is produced when dragging bearing steel rope at the edge.

Steel rope with crimped deformation should be replaced.

Figure 14-12 Break

Break refers to deformation of steel rope produced when directly dragging steel rope in shape of small hole.
Steel rope does not rotate around its axle to set off this deformation.

Steel rope that bends at one or more places should be replaced.

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Figure 14-13 Bending

Bending is deformation of the steel rope caused by huge external impact.

In addition to the above, fatigue is main reason that leads to damage in the steel rope in some
applications. Even when the defect cannot be found externally, there may be broken thread inside. Hence, the
above steel rope that is checked qualified but actually has worked 2000 hours has come to the time to be
replaced, and should be replaced with new steel rope in time.

The bending steel rope should be replaced.

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14.3.5 Overall instructions on operation and installation Transmission

Figure 14-14 Transmission diagram of bundle Figure 14-15 Transmission diagram of steel rope
of steel rope on scroll
For steel rope, there may be problem even in stage of transmission: outrigger of forklift that moves
below the scroll or into the rope bundle may damage surface of the steel rope.
When passing bundle of steel rope or scroll of steel rope, it is required to keep the steel rope from
contacting the hook or forklift outrigger directly. On the contrary, hoisting belt should be used to
The best method to hoist the scroll is to hoist by pole of its central axle. Storage
Steel rope should be stored in shady, clean, dry and shielded circumstance. It cannot be kept on the
ground directly. But it can be placed on goods tray.
If steel rope cannot be stored indoors, at least it should be covered to avoid moisture.
Plastic film can prevent rainfall perfectly but condensed water below it cannot be avoided and
cannot escape, hence causing permanent damage to the steel rope. In this case, a layer of hemp
bags can be inserted between to solve the problem.
When storing a large number of spare parts, the general principle is first entering first leaving.
That is, when delivering the steel rope, the same order should be used. In this way, it can be
avoided to store the steel rope for many years before putting it into use. Installation
When installing steel rope, make sure all the time that steel rope is winding onto the system from
scroll or bundle of steel rope and that the steel rope does not twist or is not damaged externally.
The method to keep the bundle of steel rope from twisting is to use turntable or to drag out on the
ground. When the second method is used, the ground should maintain as clean as possible. For
example, if sand sticks to lubricant of the steel rope, when it enters between sheave of the
equipment and the steel rope, it shall cause damage to the steel rope.
The better method to spread steel rope that winds on revolving axle is use of turntable or bracket.
One method often recommended by relative material is to roll the steel rope roll on the ground.
But in fact the effect of this method is not good.

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Figure 14-16 Dragging out steel rope laterally leads to damage

In case, it is not allowed to drag the steel rope laterally from the scroll or bundle of steel ropes.
Dragging steel rope laterally from the scroll or bundle of steel ropes will produce resistance to
torque on the steel rope and form rings. When the steel rope bears load, these rings shall be
dragged into knots, leading to deformation that cannot be recovered. Steel rope with knot is not
safe and should not be used. It should be replaced. Installation procedures

Best installation method varies with the system. In each case, use typical work schedule to select
proper method which should be a method that will most impossibly twist or damage the steel rope
by contact with structural parts.
For some equipment, it is advised that old steel rope be removed first and new steel rope be
installed. For other equipment, especially large scale equipment, it is suggested that old steel rope
be used to drag new steel rope.
There is still another possibility, especially when starting to wind the steel rope, to use thinner
auxiliary rope to drag the actual steel rope in.
In each case, consider using which method to wind the steel rope, by dragging the steel rope on to
winding device, or first winding the steel rope directly on to winding winch and then winding it
manually or by use of auxiliary rope.
If one end of the steel rope cannot be disassembled, then the only way is to drag the free end (the
other end) of the steel rope to wind through the rope winding device.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual Re-winding

Figure 14-17 Diagram of rewinding

From perspective of manufacturing, each steel rope has certain bending tendency because steel
rope is dragged out of basket stranding machine through transfer tray. Hence the steel rope
provide to the user shall bend to this direction. When winding the steel rope from the scroll to
winch, the steel rope should be wound along this direction.
If winding along a direction opposite to the steel rope’s bending direction, the steel rope may
rotate between the scroll and the winch or after the operation to reach ideal direction. Both will
lead to change in structure. Using auxiliary rope winding to drag the steel rope

If using the steel rope to be dismantled or using auxiliary rope to drag the new steel rope,
make sure these ropes are tightly fastened. In addition, make sure the auxiliary rope is not twisted
together with the new steel rope. For example, steel rope not further twisted or triangular strand
rope is especially fit for use of auxiliary rope. When using traditional steel rope, make sure at least
their stranding direction are similar with the steel rope to be dragged.

When using old steel rope to drag new steel rope, ends of both steel ropes are frequently
welded together. This connection may cause the old steel rope to twist in operation and transfer to
new steel rope, even lead to wide damage to the new steel rope in installation stage.

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14-18 Profile of steel rope connected

Steel rope connection method that has few problems is to weld the two loops or chain
links on both ends of the steel rope. They can be connected by use of rope share or thin rope.
This connection can have satisfactory load bearing capacity, can be bent, and can prevent twist
being transferred from old steel rope to new steel rope. By using two rope shares, number of
rotations in the rope shares after installation can display to what degree the old steel rope on the
equipment is twisted.

Figure 14-19 Diagram of using wiring sleeve to connect steel rope

Using wiring sleeve to connect steel rope has bigger potentials. Wiring sleeve is a rope
share composed to connect to end of the steel rope and use glue tape to fix. When loaded, the
wiring sleeve is dragged tightly so end of the steel rope gets stuck by friction force.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual Winding steel rope when loaded

The steel rope should be wound onto the winch correctly. It should be wound onto the winch when
pulled tightly, which is very important to multi-layer winding, especially when using Lebus
winding system.
If the layer below is too loose, the layer above may be pressed into between rope shares of the
layer below when the steel rope bears load. This may cause the steel rope to be damaged widely.
Because the steel rope drawn out may even stick to this part, winding direction of the winch may
reverse suddenly to cause the load moving downward to be lifted suddenly.
The steel rope should be imposed with a minimum breaking force of about 1~2% in advance.

Figure 14-20 Use brake disc on the scroll to Figure 14-21 Use a board to brake the wire disc
brake the wire disc flange flange
A board or brake disc on the scroll can be used to brake the wire disc flange. Steel rope
manufacturer provides the brake rope (hemp rope with steel core).

Figure 14-22 Do not attempt to impose tension in advance on the steel rope by squeezing the
steel rope

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual Winding in
After the steel rope is installed and before it is operated, it is required to implement certain number
of small load cycling. The steel rope should be “drawn back” so that each part of the steel rope can
be fixed to fit the new circumstance.
But usually the actual situation is just the opposite: after the steel rope is installed, overloading
check is usually implemented with load, which is more than the value allowed by the system’s
bearing capacity. Dividing into sections

Often the user should divide the steel rope into several parts or cut short the steel rope. There are
several methods to do so. The steel rope with a cutting diameter of 8mm can be divided by a steel
rope cutter. For steel rope with larger diameter, mechanical or hydraulic cutter can be used. But if
configured with power supply, it is advised that air operated or electric right angled grinder be
In each case, the steel rope should be carefully connected to the nearest separating point in case
end of the steel rope is worn out or change occurs to length of lay between the steel rope and rope
It is required to use iron wire to tie up ends of steel ropes because insulating tape cannot prevent
the steel rope from structural change. (Figure 14-23)

Figure 14-23 Steps to cut into sections

First use chalk or insulating tape to mark separating point. Place one end of the steel wire at length
that is 4 times of the steel rope’s diameter along the steel rope and then tie the steel wire together
with the steel rope at the separating point (a).
Now twine with the steel rope tightly (b) along the steel rope at a length that is about 3 times of
the steel rope’s diameter.
Then use the pliers to pull the steel wire twined tightly and twist it together with the other end (c).
Use the pliers to shorten length of the steel wire to about diameter of the steel rope and then strike
them slightly so that terminals of the steel wire enter the dent between two external shares of the
steel rope. By so doing, it can prevent accident.
After separating point on the other side is relatively prepared, the steel rope can be cut off (d).
3 coils at a length close to the steel rope’s diameter can be wound on each side of the separating
point. Do not use a longer coil.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

14.4 Sheave

14.4.1 Checking bearing on the sheave

There is danger of being dragged.

When implementing maintenance, inspection and installation services, special attention to be
paid to danger of being involved or dragged into area between the sheave and the steel rope.

Figure 14-24 Sheave

The sheave should be checked yearly, including:

- Whether the lubricating grease appears
- Part sealed up at axle end
- Elastic ring
- Operation noise, rolling resistance
- Bearing gap
If roller bearing on relative sheave has defect, make sure it is replaced.
If the elastic ring is found damaged in the check, make sure it is replaced.

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14.4.2 Check of sheave

The sheave with damage like crack, sunken fissure should be replaced immediately.

Figure 14-25 Checking the sheave

Checking contents:
1. Check whether all sheaves have crack, sunken fissure or other similar damage.
2. Check whether all sheaves are worn:
- Bottom “X” longest 3mm(1/8”)
Distance “X” equals to difference between new bottom and actual bottom.
- Side “Y” longest 5mm(3/16”)
Distance “Y” equals to length between steel rope and surface of the sheave.

The sheave that arrives at maximum abrasion degree should be replaced.

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14.4.3 Lubricating sheave bearing

Use lubricating nozzle (1) to lubricate each sheave.

Figure 14-25 Lubrication of sheave bearing

14.5 Measures to protect exposed rod parts

Although the quality is superior, the surface can be easily corroded in a corrosive situation. If
shut-down time of the crane exceeds one day, it is required to coat protective lubricating grease
that contains no acid to avoid corrosion on exposed surface.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

15 Check of the Crane

15.1 Visual check

Each day before operating the following parts, visual check should be made.

Figure 15-1 Diagram of checking parts of main machine

A = Slewing bearing – check whether the teeth are sufficiently lubricated.

B = Check whether lubricating fuel film on the steel rope is perfect and whether the steel rope is damaged.
C = Check whether the hydraulic system exists leakage or damage and check the fuel level.
D = Check whether the machine cover is lost, damaged, loosened or lack of bolt.
Safety signs should be visible and perfect.
E = Check the engine to see whether it leaks, whether the fuel leaks, is dirty or polluted.
F = Check whether the cooling system leaks, whether it is damaged or polluted.
G = Check whether all apparatus and displayers function normally and whether there is any damage.
H = Check the tension mechanism to see whether the pilot roller is damaged and whether tension degree of the
tracks is correct.
I = Check whether travel drive device leaks.
Q = Use safety device to check all hoisting booms and their connection pin to see whether there is damage.
The crane operator is responsible for regular check of the crane in line with applicable national
and international regulations.
The following information is based upon contents related to regular routine check of the crane
regulated by “Crane accident prevention”.

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Implementing check
Routine check is mainly visual check and function check.
Mainly including:
- Check whether the crane is in line with information in Inspection Handbook (Crane Log).
- Check damage, abrasion, corrosion and other changes in the parts and equipment.
Check perfection and effectiveness of safety equipment and brakes.

Check of the crane is responsibility of expert and trained personnel.

Checking results should be recorded in Inspection Handbook and certified by the inspector.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

15.2 Regular check

15.2.1 Check of large scale steel structure Superstructure and chassis


Structural parts Outrigger/seat Slewing support Track travel Track plate



Structural parts
Figure 15-2 Diagram of checking parts of superstructure and chassis

Checking contents:
Safety and tightness of parts loosened,
Corrosion and anti-corrosion.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual Working equipment


Main boom Fly jib Luffing mast A-frame Support rod Connection

Figure 15-3 Diagram of checking parts of working equipment

Checking contents
Safety and tightness of parts loosened,
Free movement of the bearing,
Components and steel rope,
Corrosion and anti-corrosion,
Extension rate
Plasticity deformation
Painting work
Installation of steel rope and auxiliary pipe Counterweight

Counterweight block Counterweight tray

Figure 15-4 Diagram of checking parts of counterweight

Checking contents
Whether all parts are perfect and correctly connected.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual Transmission gear


Travel drive Drive of slewing Winch drive


Figure 15-5 Diagram of Diagram of checking parts of transmission device

Checking contents
Safety and tightness of parts loosened,
Status, function and noise,
Whether start and stop steadily,
Idling operation,
Coupling and the brake’s abrasion,
Effectiveness of slewing locking device.
Installation of steel rope and auxiliary pipe Transmission of steel rope

Steel rope transmission

Winch Sheave

Figure 15-6 Diagram of checking parts of steel rope

Checking contents
Configuration and storage of winch and sheave (abrasion of rope slot and flanged wheel).

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual Hydraulic equipment


Hydraulic Hydraulic Cylinder Valve Fuel tank Hydraulic Rubber Filter

pump motor pipe

Figure 15-7 Diagram of checking parts of hydraulic equipment

Checking contents
Connection between equipment,
Working status,
Status and volume of hydraulic fuel
Inflation pressure Electric equipment


Motor of Resistance Lighting Conducting Switch Fuse Battery Circuit Alarm

equipment wire protective
the relay device

Figure 15-8 Diagram of checking parts of electric equipment

Checking contents
Prevent direct contact with parts with electricity
Prevent indirect contact

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual Controlling device of travel driving

Checking contents
Shut down
Steady operation
Idling operation of the moveable device (clearance at axle terminals)
Lights and display of signals
Check the brake Checking controlling devices of all parts’ driving units

Control device

Winch Luffing speed Slewing speed Brake

reducer reducer

Figure 15-9 Diagram of checking parts of drive device

Checking contents
Shut down
Function of fixing gear
Check the brake with load (test load within hoisting capacity). Check controlling devices of auxiliary equipment

Checking contents

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

15.2.2 Check of winches

It is not enough to check the outside by visual check. Improper maintenance, use of
defective sealing components, operation by non-professional or overloading shall shorten life span
of the winch. Thus, special worker should be sent to conduct the following inspection.
Checking contents
Check intervals – every 1000 working hours, at least once every year.
Check the fuel level.
Check the fuel color.
Check whether there is other matter-this check should be performed by qualified laboratory.
Check visually.
Check the brake on winch transmission device.

Load levels Load lineage rate KP Definition

K P ≤0.125 Seldom hoist rated working load, frequently
Light Q1
light weight
Hoist a few rated working load, frequently
Middle Q2 0.125< K P ≤0.25 middle weight
Sometime hoist rated working load, often heavy
Heavy Q3 0.250< K P ≤0.500 weight
Heavier Q4 0.500< K P ≤1.000 Often hoist rated working load

15.2.3 Check of hooks

Check of the hooks should be done by experts annually. This check can find fault at an
earlier time to prevent accident. Any fault found and correction measure taken should be recorded,
and then check whether the fault found is solved.
Checking object and contents
Jaw deformation
Regional cooling deformed and broken
Abrasion and rust
Locking device of the nut

If it is required to further dispose after the corrosion is removed, size of screw thread core
should not exceed 5% during the disposal; otherwise, the hook should be replaced.

Nut on the axle should be taken down. Check whether the screw thread and working axle are
corroded and worn out.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

15.3 Check of other parts

15.3.1 Ladder
Parts Checking contents
Ladder Firmness and status

15.3.2 Guardrail
Parts Checking contents
Bottom plate, Firmness and status
Cover plate, Perfection
handrail Effectiveness

15.3.3 Safety device

Parts Checking contents
Moment limiter Firmness and status
Hoisting boom limit device Perfection
Hoisting hook overwinding guard device Function
Switch equipment
Alarm device
Locking device

15.3.4 Safety signs

Parts Checking contents
Plate Perfection and readability

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

15.4 Check and maintenance in special working conditions

15.4.1 Working in mud, water, rain, snow

1. Before operation: Check whether the plugs and pins are loosened.
2. After operation: Clean the crane and check whether bolt and nut are loosened and falling off.
Add fuel and lubricating grease.

15.4.2 Working at seaside

1. Before operation: Check whether the plugs and pins are loosened; paint oil grease onto the
rusty and corroded part, especially connection rod and operation rod.
2. After operation: Thoroughly clean salt off the machine and paint oil grease onto the rusty part;
maintain electric components carefully to avoid corrosion.

15.4.3 Dusty circumstances

1. Air filter: Clean filter element and dust collector in advance.
2. Radiator: Clean radiator central part frequently to avoid being blocked.
3. Fuel device: Clean filter’s components in advance.
4. Electric parts: Clean contact surface of the starter and sensor carefully.

15.4.4 Stony circumstances

Tension of the tracks should be less tight than in common circumstance. Pay attention whether the
travel part is damaged, cracked, worn out, hurt, etc. and whether bolt and nut are loosened and
falling off.

15.4.5 Site with falling stones: The cab should be equipped with protective cover.

15.4.6 Chilly area

Use lubricant with good viscidity and less viscosity. Battery should be charged in advance.

15.4.7 Other working conditions

1. Abrasion of sheaves on main luffing mast, sheave set at platform’s rear and working
equipment varies with their location; when checking routinely, check sheave abrasion and
replace in time.
2. When repairing and reinstall the track roller, its direction should be changed to prolong life
span of surface of guiding rail.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

16 Guides to Judge and Remove Common Failures

Table 16.1 Disposal Reference Table of Failures in the Engine

No. Failure Reason Disposal

1. The fuse 23F13 is open circuit; 1. Replace the same capability fuse;
Start motor has no
1 response when 2. Engine has fault(including relay and 2. Adjust, replace or repair by the
igniting. motor); professional;
3. Starting relay 5KM3 has fault; 3. Replace the starting relay;
2 Engine is hard to 1. Fuel level inside the fuel tank is low; 1. Refuel;
start or cannot start 2. Low battery voltage; 2. Check the battery and power
(with smoke supply circuit;
discharged) 3. Rotating speed of the engine is slow; 3. If the engine’s rotating speed is
less than 150 cycles per minute, refer
to engine symptom tree;

4. Vehicle additional power is too high; 4. Check whether it can be started

with load;
5. Fuel leakage; 5. Check whether fuel pipe, fuel pipe
connector, or fuel filter leaks;

6. Resistance of air inlet system exceeds 6. Check resistance of air inlet

technical specification; system. If necessary, clean or replace
air filter and air inlet pipe;

7. Fuel level differs from applicable type 7. Use fuel satisfying the codes;
or fuel quality is too low with impurity;

8. Fuel filter is blocked; 8. Measure fuel pressure at fuel

filter’s inlet and outlet;

9. Fuel supply is not enough; 9. Check fuel flow through the

filter to find out where the fuel is
10. Fuel pump overflowing valve has 10. Check overflowing valve; if
fault; necessary, replace;

11. Fault with fuel transmitting pump; 11. Check whether the fuel
transmitting pump runs normally;
check output pressure of the pump. If
necessary, replace fuel transmitting
12. Adjustment of throttle pull rod is 12. Check and adjust the throttle.
13. Cannot work normally due to cold 13. Check, repair or replace starting
weather; assisting device for cold weather;

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14. Oil system has air inside. 14. Release air from oil system and
check whether fuel absorbing pipe
leaks air.

1. Fuel level of fuel tank is low or no 1. Refuel;

fuel in fuel tank;
2. Fuel level differs from applicable type 2. Use fuel satisfying the codes;
or fuel quality is too low with impurity;

3. Fault with fuel cut-off valve; 3. Check whether the conducting

wire is loosened and verify that fuel
cut-off valve functions;
4. Fault with OEM engine protection 4. Isolate OEM engine protection
system; system;
5. Battery voltage is low; 5. Check the battery and power
6. Fault with key switch circuit; 6. Check circuit of key switch;
7. Voltage of battery that supply power 7. Check battery connector;
to ECM is low, suspended or the circuit
is broken;
8. Connector of conducting wire bundle 8. Use electric cleaner to dry the
is wet; connector;
9. Oil system has air inside; 9. Check whether oil system has air
inside; screw tight or replace fuel
Engine rotates but pipe, fuel pipe connector and fuel
3 cannot start (no filter when necessary;
smoke discharged) 10. ECM is locked; 10. Break off battery cable for 30
seconds; connect battery cable and
start the engine;
11. Fuel filter is blocked; 11. Measure fuel pressure at fuel
filter’s inlet and outlet;

12. Fault with fuel pump overflowing 12. Check overflowing valve and
valve; when necessary replace it;

13. Fault with fuel transmitting pump; 13. Check whether the fuel
transmitting pump runs normally;
check output pressure of the pump. If
necessary, replace fuel transmitting
14. Fuel return pipe is blocked; 14. Confirm whether the fuel return
pipe is smooth.

15. Throttle pull rod is adjusted 15. Adjust or repair the throttle.
incorrectly or damaged;

Engine can be 1. Oil system has air inside; 1. Release air from oil system and
4 started but cannot check whether oil supply pipe leaks
keep running air.

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2. Fuel filter is blocked; 2. Discharge fuel separator or replace

fuel filter;

3. Fuel solidification due to cold 3. Replace with fuel used for cold
weather; weather;
4. Fuel has impurity. 4. Filter or replace the fuel.
1. Fault with fuel cut-off valve; 1. Check whether the conducting
wire is loosened and verify that fuel
cut-off valve functions; check and
Engine cannot be confirm cut-off control rod is at
5 shut down RUN;
normally 2. Air inlet system absorbs smoke when 2. Check air intake pipeline, find out
the engine is running; and isolate smoke source;
3. Fuel leaks. 3. Check whether fuel pipe, fuel pipe
connector and fuel filter leak.
1. Fuel level differs from applicable type 1. Use fuel satisfying the codes;
or fuel quality is too low with impurity;
2. Leakage in air inlet or exhaust; 2. Check whether there is loosened
or damaged pipeline connector or
lost pipe plug. Check turbocharger
and exhaust manifold;
Large amount of
black smoke 3. Resistance of air inlet system is too 3. Check resistance of air inlet
high; system; if necessary, clean or replace
air inlet filter and air inlet pipe;

4. Air intercooler is damaged or blocked; 4. Check whether air intercooler is

blocked or leaks;

7 Large amount of 1. Incorrect startup procedures; 1. Verify correct startup procedures;

white smoke
2. Engine is too cold; 2. Warm up the engine to working
3. Engine is operated in a lower 3. Take heat protection measures on
circumstance temperature; the engine.

4. Fault with starting assisting device; 4. Check whether cold starting

assisting device can work normally;

5. Temperature of cooling liquid is lower 5. Temperature of referred cooling

than technical specification; liquid is lower than normal value;

6. Fuel level differs from applicable type 6. Use fuel satisfying the codes;
or fuel quality is too low with impurity;

7. Leakage in air inlet or exhaust; 7. Check whether there is loosened

or damaged pipeline connector or
lost pipe plug. Check turbocharger
and exhaust manifold;

8. Resistance of air inlet system is higher 8. Check resistance of air inlet

than technical specification; system; if necessary, clean or replace
air inlet filter and air inlet pipe;

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9. Air intercooler is damaged or blocked; 9. Check whether air intercooler is

blocked or leaks;

1. Engine runs for a long time with small 1. Avoid running the engine for a
load or no load; long time with small load or no load;

2. Machine oil or fuel enters 2. Disassemble air intake pipe to

turbocharger; check whether there is machine oil or
Turbocharger leaks fuel;
machine oil or fuel 3. Turbocharger fuel return pipe is 3. Disassemble turbocharger fuel
blocked; return pipe and check resistance.

4. Machine oil supply pipe of 4. If necessary, check and tighten

turbocharger is loose or leaking. connector of machine oil supply
Cooling liquid has rusty soot, without Discharge and rinse the cooling
Cooling liquid has
9 using cooling liquid meeting technical system and fill cooling liquid that
specification. meets technical specification.
1. Resistance of air inlet system is too 1. Check resistance of air inlet
high; system; if necessary, clean or replace
air inlet filter and air inlet pipe;

There is fuel or 2. Turbocharger fuel return pipe is 2. Disassemble turbocharger fuel

machine oil inside blocked; return pipe and check whether it is
the exhaust blocked, clean or replace fuel return
manifold. pipe.
3. Leakage at fuel seal of turbocharger; 3. Check whether there is machine
oil in air inlet and exhaust pipes; if
necessary, replace fuel seal of
1. Leakage in air inlet or exhaust; 1. Check whether there is loosened
or damaged pipeline connector or
lost pipe plug. Check installation of
turbocharger and exhaust pipe;
2. Resistance of air inlet system is higher 2. Check resistance of air inlet
than technical specification; system; if necessary, clean or replace
Pressure of air
air inlet filter and air inlet pipe;
intake manifold is
lower than normal
value 3. Air intercooler is damaged or blocked; 3. Check whether air intercooler is
blocked or leaks;

4. Electric fault code functions; 4. Refer to instruction on how to read

current fault code; if fault code
functions, contact with engine
repairing center specially appointed.
12 Engine is unstable 1. Fuel level of the fuel tank is too low; 1. Add fuel into fuel tank;
at idle Speed 2. Electric fault code functions; 2. Refer to instruction on how to read
current fault code; if fault code
functions, contact with engine
repairing center specially appointed.
3. Connector of conducting wire bundle 3. Use electric cleaner to dry the
is wet; connector;

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4. Oil system has air inside; 4. Release air from oil system and
check whether fuel absorbing pipe
leaks air;
5. Fuel filter is blocked; 5. Measure fuel pressure at fuel
filter’s inlet and outlet;

6. Fuel supply is not sufficient; 6. Check fuel flow through the

filter to find out where the fuel is
7. Load too large at idle speed; 7. Use PTO feature if loaded when
running the engine at low speed;

8. Fuel level differs from applicable type 8. Use superior or recommended

or fuel quality is too low with impurity; fuel;

1. Liquid level of cooling liquid is too 1. Add cooling liquid;

2. Thermal foil of water tank is damaged 2. Check thermal foil of water tank
Temperature of or is blocked by impurity; to clean and repair;
13 cooling liquid is
too high 3. Fan drive belt is loose; 3. Check belt tension pulley;
4. The sensor is damaged. 4. Check temperature sensor and

1. Water tank or heater leaks; 1. Check water tank, heater, hose and
connector to find out leakage;
Loss of cooling
14 2. Leakage outside engine. 2. Check whether there is leakage at
seal or gasket of the engine and its
Machine oil has
15 Too much machine oil sedimentation. Replace machine oil or filter.
1. Engine load is big; 1. Reduce load or change to low
Too much smoke shift.
16 2. Oil system has air inside; 2. Discharge air from oil system;
when loaded
3. Air filter is blocked. 3. Clean or replace air filter.
Engine cannot 1. Overloaded. 1. Reduce load or use low shift.
reach rated 2. Fault with rotation speed meter. 2. Check rotation speed meter.
rotation speed
when loaded
18 Fuel knock 1. Engine is overloaded; 1. Change to low shift;
2. Engine is too cold; 2. Warm up the engine to working
3. Oil system has air inside; 3. Check whether oil system has air
inside; screw tight or replace fuel
pipe, fuel pipe connector, fuel tank
fuel absorbing pipe and fuel filter
when necessary;
4. Fuel level differs from applicable type 4. Use superior or recommended
or fuel quality is too low with impurity; fuel;

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5. Fuel leaks; 5. Check whether fuel pipe

connector, fuel pipe and fuel filter
6. Fuel filter is blocked; 6. Measure fuel pressure at fuel
filter’s inlet and outlet;
7. Fuel supply is not sufficient; 7. Check fuel flow through the
filter to find out where the fuel is
8. Fault with fuel pump; 8. Check whether fuel transmitting
pump runs normally and check pump
output pressure;
9. Engine suspension is worn out, 9. Check engine suspension;
damaged or incorrect;
10. Connector of conducting wire bundle 10. Use electric cleaner to dry the
is wet; connector;

1. Fuel has impurity. 1. Replace with superior fuel.

2. Oil system has air inside; 2. Release air from oil system and
check whether fuel absorbing pipe
19 Engine stalls.
leaks air.
3. Fault with power supply of engine 3. Check power supply of controller,
controller. conducting wire and fuse.
1. Vehicle is overloaded. 1. Reduce load or change to low
2. Machine oil level is too high. 2. Discharge machine oil to proper
fuel level.
3. Oil system has air inside; 3. Release air from oil system and
Output power is
20 check whether fuel absorbing pipe
too low.
leaks air.
4. Fuel quality is bad. 4. Use superior fuel.
5. Valve clearance is incorrect. 5. Adjust valve clearance.
6. Fuel injector is damaged. 6. Replace fuel injector.
21 Excessive fuel 1. Operation technology is incorrect; 1. Check and repair where leaks.
consumption 2. Electric fault code functions; 2. Refer to instruction on how to read
current fault code; if fault code
functions, contact with engine
repairing center specially appointed.
3. Fuel leaks; 3. Use superior fuel.
4. Leakage in air inlet or exhaust; 4. Check whether there is loosened
or damaged pipeline connector or
lost pipe plug. Check installation of
turbocharger and exhaust pipe;
5. Resistance of air inlet system is higher 5. Check resistance of air inlet
than technical specification; system; if necessary, clean or replace
air inlet filter and air inlet pipe;

6. Oil level of machine oil is lower than 6. Check oil level of machine oil. If
technical specification; necessary add or remove machine

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7. Turbocharger fuel return pipe is 7. Disassemble turbocharger fuel

blocked; return pipe and check whether it is
blocked, clean or replace fuel return
8. Leakage at fuel seal of turbocharger 8. Check whether there is machine
oil in air inlet and exhaust pipes; if
necessary, replace fuel seal of
9. Fuel quality is bad. 9. Change shift, reduce speed and
operate at idle speed correctly.
1. Fan drive belt is loose, tight or not 1. Check fan drive belt.
2. Machine oil is too thin or is diluted; 2. Refer to technical specification of
machine oil
3. Vibration damper is damaged; 3. Check the vibration damper
4. Leakage in air inlet or exhaust; 4. Check whether there is loosened
or damaged pipeline connector or
lost pipe plug. Check turbocharger
and exhaust manifold;
5. Resistance of air inlet system is higher 5. Check resistance of air inlet;
than technical specification;
Engine noise is too
loud 6. Temperature of cooling liquid is 6. Temperature of referred cooling
higher than technical specification; liquid is higher than normal value;
7. Engine suspension is worn out, 7. Check engine suspension
damaged or incorrect;

8. Noise of fan clutch, hydraulic pump 8. Isolate each component and check
or compressor is too loud; the noise
9. Fan is loosened, damaged, or hub 9. Check the fan
axial clearance is too large.

Consumption of 1. Ventilating system of crankcase is 1. Check and clean respirator and

23 machine oil is blocked; ventilating pipe of crankcase;
2. Machine oil is polluted by cooling 2. Replace machine oil and filter.
liquid and fuel; Use recommended machine oil;
3. Time to replace machine oil is too 3. Verify time to replace machine oil
long; is correct;
4. Machine oil leakage (outside) ; 4. Check whether there is machine
oil leaked out of engine. Screw tight
the bolt, pipe plug and pipe
connector. Replace the gasket when
5. Leakage at fuel seal of turbocharger; 5. Check whether there is machine
oil in air inlet and exhaust pipes;
6. Piston ring is broken or overlap in 6. Check whether the exhaust has
opening direction; blue smoke;

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7. Verify amount of machine oil 7. Check ratio between amount of

consumed. machine oil consumed and operation

1. Too much machine oil mud; 1. Replace machine oil and filter.
Refer to symptom tree of too much
oil mud deposit in crankcase;
2. Machine oil is polluted by cooling 2. Replace machine oil and filter;
liquid and fuel;
3. Fault with fuel transmitting pump; 3. Check whether the fuel
machine oil transmitting pump runs normally;
polluted check output pressure of the pump. If
necessary, replace fuel transmitting
4. Machine oil in bulk is polluted. 4. Check machine oil in bulk
supplied. Empty machine oil and use
unpolluted machine oil to replace.
Replace machine oil filter.
1. Machine oil leakage (outside) ; 1. Check whether there is machine
oil leaked out of engine. Screw tight
the bolt, pipe plug and pipe
connector. Replace the gasket when
2. Oil level of machine oil is lower than 2. Check oil level of machine oil.
technical specification; Add or remove machine oil when
3. Machine oil does not meet technical 3. Replace machine oil and filter;
specification under the working
4. Fault with machine oil pressure 4. Check whether machine oil
Loss of machine switch, machine oil pressure meter, pressure switch, machine oil pressure
25 machine oil pressure sensor or in correct meter, machine oil pressure sensor
installation position; can work normally and whether
installation position is correct;
5. Electric fault code functions; 5. Refer to instruction on how to read
current fault code;

6. Leakage on machine oil cooler; 6. Check whether machine oil cooler

has leakage or crack;

7. Mixed with air seriously; 7. Check whether mixed with air

8. Leakage at fuel seal of turbocharger 8. Check whether fuel seal of
turbocharger leaks.
Too much oil mud 1. Machine oil in bulk is polluted; 1. Check machine oil supplied in
26 deposited in bulk;
2. Temperature of cooling liquid is lower 2. Temperature of referred cooling
than technical specification; liquid is lower than normal value;
3. Ventilating system of crankcase is 3. Check and clean respirator and
blocked; ventilating pipe of crankcase;

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4. Fuel level differs from applicable type 4. Use fuel satisfying the codes;
or fuel quality is too low;
5. Machine oil does not meet technical 5. Replace machine oil and filter;
specification under the working
1. Temperature of cooling liquid is lower 1. Check the cooling system;
than technical specification;
2. Machine oil does not meet technical 2. Replace machine oil and filter;
specification under the working
3. Fault with machine oil pressure 3. Check whether machine oil
Machine oil switch, machine oil pressure meter, pressure switch, machine oil pressure
pressure is high machine oil pressure sensor or in correct meter, machine oil pressure sensor
installation position; can work normally and whether
installation position is correct;
4. Electric fault code functions; 4. Refer to instruction on how to read
current fault code;

1. Performance curve when running 1. Refer to data table of engine’s

engine exceeds technical specification; technical specification;
2. Machine oil does not meet technical 2. Replace machine oil and filter;
specification under the working
3. Machine oil is diluted by water; 3. Check whether machine oil ruler,
rainproof lid or lid of filling hole is
lost; replace machine oil;
4. Machine oil filter is blocked; 4. Replace machine oil and machine
oil filter;
5. Machine oil is polluted by cooling 5. Refer to pollution symptom tree of
liquid and fuel; machine oil;
6. Machine oil leakage (outside) ; 6. Check whether there is machine
machine oil oil leaked out of engine. Screw tight
pressure is low the bolt, pipe plug and pipe
connector. Replace the gasket when
7. Oil level of machine oil is higher or 7. Check oil level of machine oil.
lower than technical specification; Add or remove machine oil when
8. Electric fault code functions; 8. Refer to instruction on how to read
current fault code;

9. Fault with machine oil pressure 9. Check whether machine oil

switch, machine oil pressure meter, pressure switch, machine oil pressure
machine oil pressure sensor or in correct meter, machine oil pressure sensor
installation position; can work normally and whether
installation position is correct;
A.C. generator 1. Battery connector is loose or 1. Clean and rotate battery connector.
cannot charge or is corroded.
not sufficiently 2. AC generator belt slips. 2. Check, and adjust belt tension
charged pulley.
3. AC generator belt pulley is loose. 3. Rotate tight fixing screw of belt

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4. Generator earthing is not good. 4. Check the earthing wire.

5. Diode at D+ terminal is damaged or 5. Check the diode and conducting

conducting wire is damaged. wire.

During operation,
the engine Connection pipe between intercooler and
30 explodes and then turbocharger (a huge size neck loop) is
black smoke boils broken.
Fuel volume is not
31 The sensor is damaged. Replace the sensor.
The engine stalls
32 when running at Fuel inlet pipe is aging and damaged. Replace diesel oil inlet pipe.
idle speed.
Water tank’s water
33 Water tank’s water pipe is aging. Replace the water pipe
pipe leaks

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Table 16.2 Disposal Reference Table of Common Failures in Electrical Appliances System

No. Failure Reason Disposal

1. Battery connection is 1. Check battery terminal
broken. wiring.
The entire crane has no 2. Battery is wrongly
1 2. Reconnect.
power supply. connected.
3. Power contactor contacts
3. Check the contactor.
not well.
1. The circuit is broken. 1. Check circuit terminals.
The engine cannot be
2 2. Check whether the relay is
2. The relay does not act.
Check whether the battery is
Not enough power to The battery is lack of
3 lack of electricity; if yes, it
start the engine electricity.
should be charged.
All rotating speed
meter, water
temperature meter,
4 machine oil pressure The fuse is damaged. Replace the fuse.
meter do not work, and
generation indicator is

The buzzer alarms 1. Check whether limit switch is

1. Limit switch has fault.
abnormally and the normal.
alarm light is on at the
same time. 2. Check whether the circuit is
2. The circuit is broken.
1. Removing button has
1. Check removing button.
Working indicator is
6 2. The indicator is damaged. 2. Replace the indicator.
3. Check whether the circuit is
3. Broken circuit
Auxiliary winch alarms
frequently and
7 The circuit is broken. Reconnect the circuit.
anemometer does not
Foot throttle has no Resistance of foot throttle
8 Replace the resistance.
action. circuit is damaged.
Circuit of servo filter
9 pressure switch is Replace the filter.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Table 16.3 Disposal Reference Table of Common Failures in Moment Limiter

No. Failure Reason Disposal

1. Fuse has open circuit; 1. Check and repair the fuse;
Moment limiter has 2. The cable is not well
1 2. Check and repair the cables;
blank screen. connected;
3. The displayer is damaged. 3. Replace the displayer.

1. Inaccurate data; 1. Readjust;

2. Inaccurate selection of
2. Readjust;
Moment limiter operation condition;
2 3. Interface of the sensor is 3. Reconnect the cable and
displays inaccurately
not well connected; interface;
4. The sensor is damaged. 4. Replace the sensor.
1. Data is not downloaded; 1. Download data again;
Moment limiter does
3 2. Motherboard of moment
not display data. 2. Replace moment limiter.
limiter is damaged.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Table 16.4 Disposal Reference Table of Common Failures in Air Conditioning

No. Failure Reason Disposal

1. Heating switch is damaged 1. Replace switch or turn
or not turn to heating; control switch to heat ;

2. Hot water valve is not 2. Open hot water valve;

1 Cannot heat

3. Water temperature of the 3. Raise engine rotating speed;

engine is too low;
4. No hot wind; the cable is 4. Connect grounding.
incorrectly connected.
1. The compressor is 1. Replace compressor;
2. Compressor strap skid; 2. Replace or adjust strap;
3. Condenser high pressure 3. Replace high pressure pipe;
pipe leaks;
4. System switch is off; 4. Replace pressure switch or
2 Cannot refrigerate adjust system pressure;

5. Condensing fan is 5. Check or Replace

damaged; condensing fan;
6. Temperature controller is 6. Replace temperature
damaged; controller;
7. Cryogen is too little. 7. Add cryogen.

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Table 16.5 Disposal Reference Table of Common Failures in Combined Meter

No. Failure Reason Disposal

1. Fuse has open circuit; Replace the fuse.
2. The circuit is not well
1 Black screen Check circuit again;
3. The displayer is
Replace the displayer.
1. Cable plug is damaged; 1. Replace the cable plug;
2. Interface of the sensor is 2. Reconnect the cable and
2 Displays inaccurately
not well connected; interface;
3. The sensor is damaged. 3. Replace the sensor.
1. The circuit is not well
1. Reconnect the circuit;
connected or is damaged;
2. Electric contact of limit
Main boom limit 2. Replace limit switch;
3 switch is not good;
doesn’t alarm.
3. Limit stroke is too large; 3. Adjust stroke switch;
4. Limit switch is damaged. 4. Replace limit switch.
1. The circuit is broken; 1. Check and repair the
Main and auxiliary
4 2. The relay is damaged. 2. Replace the relay.
winch alarms wrongly.
3. Limit switch is damaged. 3. Replace limit switch.

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ChapterⅤ Maintenance SCC2500C Operating Manual

Table 16.6 Disposal Reference Table of Common Failures in Auxiliary System

No. Failure Reason Disposal

1. Fuse has open circuit; 1. Replace the fuse;
2. Rocker switch is damaged; 2. Replace rocker switch;
1 Wiper does not work 3. fault with electric motor; 3. Replace the motor;
4. The transmission
4. Repair transmission
mechanism gets stuck or is
mechanism of the wiper.
1. Fuse has open circuit; 1. Replace the fuse;
2. Resistance wire is burned
2. Replace the resistance wire;
Ignition lighter does not broken;
2 3. The circuit is connected
work 3. Check and repair the circuit;
4. The switch contact is not
4. Check or replace the switch.
1. Fuse has open circuit; 1. Replace the fuse;
The radio receiver does 2. The circuit is broken; 2. Check and repair the circuit;
not work
3. The radio receiver is
3. Replace the radio receiver.

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Table 16.7 Disposal Reference Table of Failures in Hydraulic System

No. Failure Reason Disposal

There is violent sound of It is caused by impact of
impact when starting the high-pressure fuel;
auxiliary luffing motor but not Valve core of hydraulic valve is
when working normally. stuck or acts badly.
1. Core of electromagnetic valve 1. Clean or replace
is blocked; electromagnetic valve;
Main and auxiliary luffing
2 2. Main and auxiliary luffing
pawl cannot reset. 2. Clean pawl cylinder or
pawl cylinders get stuck or the
replace the spring.
spring is broken.
1. Core of main valve that 1. Clean valve core or
controls the main winch is stuck; replace;
3 Main winch does not act. 2. The brake is not turned on; 2. Turn on the brake;
3. No servo pressure or the main 3. Check servo oil way or
pump is damaged. the main pump.
1. Fuel discharging pipe of the
brake has an excessive back
pressure that causes the static
When the main winch is
parking moment to be reduced;
4 stopped in the air, the hook
2. Core of liquid control valve
may be paused.
gets stuck, causing the brake to be
turned on continually;
3. The brake lining is damaged;
1. Electric apparatus’s fuel Replace the sensor;
temperature sensor is damaged;
2. Coil of electromagnetic valve Replace electromagnetic
that controls the radiator is burnt or valve;
Fuel temperature is too high
5 the valve core is damaged;
but fuel radiator does not work.
3. Auxiliary gear pump or motor Replace gear pump or motor;
is damaged;
4. Button in drive cab is shifted to Switch to working mode.
chassis mode.
Pipe connector of
6 electromagnetic valve leaks O-ring is aging or damaged. Replace O-ring.
Core of electromagnetic valve is
Cab hoisting cylinder does not Clean and reinstall; check and
8 blocked, or the circuit does not
work. repair relative circuit.
Hydraulic filter element is
9 Filter element is blocked. Replace the valve core.
blocked to alarm.
Safety valve leaks fuel 1. Installing bolt is loose; 1. Screw tight the bolt;
abnormally. 2. The sealing ring is damaged. 2. Replace the sealing ring.
Air hole of pawl cylinder’s
The electromagnetic valve is Replace electromagnetic
11 electromagnetic valve leaks
damaged. valve.
Quick connector is blocked or Clean or replace quick
12 The quick connector leaks fuel.
damaged. connector.

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ChapterⅤMaintenance SCC2500C Operation Manual

Table 16.8 Disposal Reference Table of Failures in Mechanical Transmission

No. Failure Reason Disposal

1. Tension of left and right tracks
1. Adjust tension device.
1 Travel runs off tracking differ;
2. The track gets loose. 2. Adjust tension device.

1. The track is tensioned too tightly; 1. Adjust track’s tension device

2 Huge travel damp.
2. Feed and pack to make the road
2. Road surface is soft.
surface hard and even
1. The track gets loose 1. Adjust and tension the track
3 The track skids.
2. The track plate is worn 2. Replace the track plate
Loosen the bolt and add a 1mm
Installing surface of the track roller is
Track roller leaks or cannot thick iron piece to keep the gap not
4 not even, causing sealing gasket of
rotate more than 1mm and then screw the
the track roller to deform.
bolt tightly.
1. The track is too loose. 1. Use jack to tension the track;
Drive wheel and track plate
5 2. Drive wheel cast bites with teeth 2. Wear and correct edge of driving
bites abnormally
of the track plate not smoothly. wheel to wear it into round corner.
Luffing motor damp is
6 loose, fuel supply is not Damp bolt gets loose Fasten damp bolt
equal, and motor vibrates
Main winch vibrates No damp is installed on main winch Install damp to main winch balance
severely balance valve valve
Slewing locking soft axle is
8 stuck and hard to be locked Soft axle is damaged. Replace the soft axle.
There is clearance between
Add adjusting gasket onto sheave
9 head of main boom upper
section and the sheave.

Version: 02 Total 144 pages, Page 144 5-17

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