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Metasploit 4.5.0-dev.

15713 Cheat Sheet

by TerrorByte (huntereight) via

Database Commands Core Commands (cont) Meterp​reter Core and File System (cont)

Conn​ect db_connect Route Traffic Through a route Load One or More Meterp​reter load
Connec​tion Extens​ions
Disc​onn​ect db_dis​connect

Export Database db_export Save Datast​ores save Migrate the Server to Another migrate
Search for Modules search
Import Scan Result db_import
Term​inate the Meterp​reter quit
Dump Session Listings and sessions
Status of Database db_status
Display Inform​ation about
Display Hosts hosts
Sessions Reads Data from a Channel read
Display Loot loot
Set Variable of a Module set Run the Commands Stored in a resource
Display Notes notes File
Set a Global Variable setg
Display Services services Executes a Meterp​reter Script or run
Display Modules of a Type, or All show
Display Vulner​abi​lit​ies vulns Post Module

Switch Between workspace Do Nothing for X Seconds sleep Write Data to a Channel write

Worksp​aces Read the Contents of a File to cat

Write All Output to a Files spool
NMAP Scan into Database db_nmap the Screen
Mani​pulate Threads threads
Change Direct​ory cd
Unload a Plugin unload
Core Commands
Download File to Your Computer download
Unset a Variable unset
Display Help ? or help Edit a File edit
Unset a Global Variable unsetg
Go Back back Print Local Working Direct​ory getlwd
Use a Module (by Name) use
Change Direct​ory cd Print Working Direct​ory getwd
Show Metasploit Info version
Toggle Color color Change Local Working lcd
Comm​unicate with a Host connect Direct​ory
Meterp​reter Core and File System
Exit Metasp​loit exit Print Local Working Direct​ory lpwd
Back​ground the Current background
Display Info of Module info Session List Files ls

Go into irb irb Kill a Background bgkill Make Direct​ory mkdir

Display and Manage Jobs jobs Meterp​reter Script Print Working Direct​ory pwd

Stop a Job kill Displays Info About channel Delete the Specified File rm
Active Channels
Load a Plugin load Remove Direct​ory rmdir
Close a Channel close
Load a Plugin from Path loadpath Search for Files search
Disables Encoding of disabl​e_u​nic​ode​_e
Print Commands Entered to a makerc Upload File to Target upload
Unicode Strings n​coding
Enable Encoding of enable​_un​ico​de_​e
Set Previous Module as Current previous
Unicode Strings nc​oding
Exit Meterp​reter Shell exit
Pops the Latest Module Off of the popm
Module Stack and Makes it Active Display Help help

Pushes the Active or List of pushm Display Info About Active info

Modules onto the Module Stack Post Module

Quit the Console quit Interact with a Channel interact

Run Commands Stored in a File resource Drop into irb Scripting irb

By TerrorByte (huntereight) Published 5th September, 2012. Sponsored by Last updated 5th September, 2012. Measure your website readability!
Page 1 of 2.
Metasploit 4.5.0-dev.15713 Cheat Sheet
by TerrorByte (huntereight) via

Meterp​reter User Interface Commands Meterp​reter System Commands (cont)

List All Accessible Desktops enumde​skt Shuts Down the Remote shutdown
and Window Stations ops Computer

Get the Current Meterp​reter getdesktop Attempt to Steal an steal_​toke

Desktop Impers​onation Token from the n

Display the Amount of Time the idletime Process

User has been Idle Gets Inform​ation About the sysinfo

Remote System
Start Capturing Keystr​okes keysca​n_st
Meterp​reter Priv Commands
Stop Capturing Keystr​okes keysca​n_st
op List Webcams webcam​_li
Dump the Keystroke Buffer keysca​n_d st
ump Take a Snapshot from the webcam​_s
Scre​enshot of the GUI screenshot Specified Webcam nap

Change the Meterp​reters setdesktop Attempt to Elevate your getsystem

Current Desktop Priviledge to that of Local
Control Some of the User uictl
Interface Compon​ents Dumps the Contents of the hashdump
SAM Database
Meterp​reter System Commands Mani​pulate MACE Attrib​utes timestomp

Clear the Event Log clearev

Reli​nqu​ishes Any Active drop_token

Impers​onation Token

Execute a Command execute

Get the Current Process getpid


Attempt to Enable All getprivs

Privileges Available to the
Current Process

Get the User that the Server is getuid

Running as

Term​inate a Process kill

List Running Proces​ses ps

Reboots the Remote Computer reboot

Interact with the Remote reg


Calls Revert​ToS​elf() on the rev2self

Remote Machine

Drop into a System Command shell


By TerrorByte (huntereight) Published 5th September, 2012. Sponsored by Last updated 5th September, 2012. Measure your website readability!
Page 2 of 2.

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