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Descrição de lugares turísticos em uma cidade

Top Tourist Attractions in Rio de Janeiro

Written by Barbara Radcliffe Rogers

Rio de Janeiro's setting between the mountains and the sea is so spectacular that
UNESCO cited "the staggering and beautiful location for one of the world's biggest cities"
in naming Rio a World Heritage Site. UNESCO's accolades weren't just for the natural
setting but also for the urban cultural landscape and the mix of architecture and planned
green space that characterized the city's growth.
Rio de Janeiro is the second major city in Brazil and was its capital from 1763 to 1960,
when Brasília was created. The city was founded by Portuguese colonists in the mid
1500s and became the port for the shipment of gold from the inland mining areas.
Throughout its history, Rio has seemed aware of its physical assets - the mountains
behind it, Sugarloaf towering above its harbor, and its long beaches that are its prime
tourist attractions - and has enhanced that landscape with distinguished buildings from
each era of its history and with a generous supply of urban parks and open spaces.
Discover the best the city has to offer with our list of the top attractions in Rio de Janeiro.

1)Choose the best synonym for the words below:

a) "the staggering and beautiful location…”

( ) strange
( ) astonishing
( ) weird
( ) boring

b) “UNESCO's accolades weren't just…”

( ) awards
( ) meanings
( ) discussions
( ) characteristics

c) “Sugarloaf towering above its harbor ,,,”

( ) beach
( ) sand
( ) island
( ) port

2) Responda em Português:
a) Cite duas razões pelas quais a cidade do Rio de Janeiro foi considerada Patrimônio
Cultural da Humanidade.

b) A que se refere o período de 1763 a 1960?


c) O que é apontado como maior ponto turístico da cidade?


d) O Rio de Janeiro é descrito como uma cidade apenas cheia de prédios? Justifique, em

Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer)

The giant statue of Christ overlooking the city from the 709-meter summit of
Corcovado is almost as widely recognized a symbol of Rio as the distinctive
shape of Sugarloaf. The world-famous landmark was erected between 1922
and 1931, financed almost entirely by contributions from Brazilian Catholics.
The Art Deco statue was created by Polish-French sculptor Paul Landowski
and built by the Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, in collaboration
with the French engineer Albert Caquot. Made of reinforced concrete and
soapstone, the figure itself is 30 meters tall with arms stretching 28 meters;
it weighs 1145 tons. Inside its eight-meter-high base is a chapel, where it's not uncommon
to find weddings and baptisms taking place. The Corcovado rack railway stretches from
Rua do Cosme Velho up the 3.5-kilometer track to the statue, through the Tijuca National
Park. You can see this monument without the usual crowds and by early morning light on
a guided Early Access to Christ Redeemer Statue with Optional Sugarloaf Mountain Tour.
A tour upgrade includes a cable car ride up Sugarloaf Mountain for more stunning views.

Responda em Português:
a) Complete os dados sobre o Cristo Redentor:
- Época em que foi erguido: ________________
- Altura em que foi colocado: _______________
- Altura da estátua: ____________________
- Peso da estátua: _________________
- Distância de um braço ao outro: _____________

b) Qual a nacionalidade da pessoa que criou o Cristo Redentor? _________________

c) Que tipos de celebrações costumam acontecer no local? ______________________

d) O que o autor recomenda no fim do texto?

Rio de Janeiro's best-known landmark is the rock peak of
Sugarloaf, towering 394 meters above the harbor. It sits on a point
of land that projects out into the bay and wraps around its harbor,
and is connected to the city by a low strip of land.
You can take a cable car from Praça General Tibúrcio to the top of the Morro da Urca, a
lower peak from which a second cableway runs to the summit of the Sugarloaf. From
there, you can see the entire mountainous coast that rings the bay and its islands.
Below, the 100-meter Praia da Urca beach, which is near Rio's original nucleus, between
Morro Cara de Cão and the Sugarloaf. On Cara de Cão, there are three forts from the
16th-century, including the star-shaped Forte São João, which is open to the public.

Responda em Português:

a) De acordo com o início do texto, como o autor classifica o Pão De Açúcar?


b) Qual a importância do Morro da Urca?


c) Onde fica localizada a Praia da Urca?


d) Cite duas informações dadas sobre o Forte São João:

________________________ ____________________________

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