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Where is the measurement problem manifested?












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Wave function returns the probability amplitude of a position or momentum for a subatomic

Secondly I will discuss the Copenhagen interpretation which also gives a certain primacy to
the observer


C60 atoms have been interfered with

 Nairz O, Arndt M, and Zeilinger A. Quantum interference experiments with large

molecules. American Journal of Physics, 2003; 71:319-325.

Wigner¶s Friend

The Paradox of Wigner¶s friend is intended to examine the consequences of this. In this
thought experiment, it posits a friend of Wigner who performs the Schrödinger's
cat experiment in a locked room after Wigner leaves the laboratory. Only when he returns
does Wigner learn the result of the experiment from his friend, that is, whether the cat is alive
or dead. The question is raised: was the state of the system a superposition of "dead cat/sad
friend" and "live cat/happy friend," only determined when Wigner learned the result of the
experiment, or was it determined at some previous point and is it the case that consciousness
causes the collapse? Because of the iterative process of µobservation¶ is it the case that a
fourth person and so on is need to observe the combination of Wigner, his friend and the cat
to ensure an eigenvalue for the state and so on...

From Stanford

³The theory of relativity reminds us of the subjective [observer dependent] character of all
physical phenomena, a character which depends essentially upon the state of motion of the

If a quantity u is measured in system at time then u has a particular value in at .[1

Bohr proposed that, like temporal relations in special relativity, properties in QM exhibit a
hidden relationalism ² ³hidden´, that is, from a classical, Newtonian point of view. Paul
Feyerabend gave a clear exposition of this Bohrian position in his ³Problems of
Microphysics´ essay (Feyerabend, 1962). It can also be found in earlier commentaries upon
Bohr by Vladimir Fock and Philip Frank (Jammer 1974, section 6.5).

Heisenberg anti realist

³It would be difficult to find a textbook of the period [1930-1950] which denied that the
numerical value of a physical quantity has no meaning whatsoever until an observation has
been performed´

)ƍ It is meaningless to assign Q a value " for at unless u is measured to have

value " for at .


But if you feed electrons with known y-spin into the device (and therefore unknown x-spin),
you get something weird: They will emerge from the device with the same y-spin as they had
going in; i.e., the x-spin box, in this case, fails to disrupt the value of the y-spin. So if an
electron with known y-spin up goes in, it will, with 100% probability, come out at A.
Similarly, one with y-spin down will certainly come out at B. This is what actually happens,
contrary to our expectation stated two paragraphs ago.
there is a limit on the information we can extract,

interference happens iff it is impossible theory

hidden variable


if we interact with the photon, we fix one route of the photon. The universes differ.


Some questions:

What does the µgroup of people mean¶

If it is referring to Many observers? Or at least one oserver

many worlds

The wavefunction passes through both splits because it doesn¶t collapse

, it does it in a particular (some what obvious) way: it combines the states ³left/not right´ and
³not left/right´. Superpositon

The dynamics of how ȥ (the wavefunction) changes over time is given by the Schrödinger
equation but the postulate of collapse is in direct contradiction to this. The dynamical
equations of motion are deterministic and wave-like but the postulate of collapse is
probabilistic and particle-like.

Theories of superposition and wavefunction collapse lie in opposition to each other. How do
we reconcile them?

while wha Physicists say that the observable always µcollapses¶ from a wavefunction into a
definite state when we measure it. t is measured is never a wavefunction ± it is a particle.

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