Agrarian Movements - PPT

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Agrarian Agitations/Movements/Rebellions

‘Restorative Transformative Rebellions’ [Kathleen Gough]

Started by affected local rulers, Mughal officials and dispossessed Zamindars/Poligars
Supported by local peasants n most cases (not due to political consciousness)

(At Least 29 such rebellions between 1767-1857) (Gough)

1778-81 (Awadh): Revolt of Raja Chait Singh and others
1799 (Awadh): Revolt by Nawab of Awadh, Vizier Ali
1800-1830 (Awadh): Series of small rebellions against revenue collectors
1842 (Bundelkhand): Rajput chiefs disrupted agricultural activities and trade routes
1799-1805 (Arcot): Resistance by ‘poligars’ (Ryotwari imposed here)
1796-1805 (Malabar/Travancore): Velu Thampi led armed rebellion of peasant volunteers and soldiers

Rangpur rebellion, Bengal (1783); Nagar rebellion, Mysore (1830-31) (Restorative but peasant led)
a) Invocation of pre-colonial state system with leader termed ‘nawab’
b) Met with brutal suppression

British Response
a) Military Suppression
b) Reinstating rebel leaders with more lenient revenue terms
Religious-Peasant Movements (Transformative)
(At least 50 as per Stephen Fuchs, 1965)

I) Sanyasi and Fakir rebellion, Bengal and Bihar (1763-1800)

II) Pagalpanthis rebellion, Bengal (1800-1833)

III) Tariqa-i-Muhammadiya rebellion, Bengal (1820s)

IV) Faraizi movement, Bengal (1830s-1870s)

V) Moplah/Mapilla rebellion, Malabar (1840s-1850s)

VI) Moamariah Rebellion, Assam (1830s)

Social Banditry:Thugees

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Social Banditry
• Kallars of Madurai • Lodhas of Midnapore
Others (Mass Insurrections)
Indigo/Neel Rebellion, Bengal (1859-67)

Pabna Rebellion, Bengal (1872-73)

Deccan Revolts, (1875)

Moplah Rebellion (1921)

Communist led peasant movements
Tebhaga (1946)

Telengana (196-48)
1857 Rebellion and Peasants (RESTORATIVE)

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