Reference: London - Tourist Attractions

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Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova

State University of Physical Education and Sports

Faculty of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy

London –Tourist Attractions

Verified: Nastas Natalia

Elaborated: Ionascu Nicoleta

Chișinău 2021.
Popular Tourist Attractions In London
The Museum of Wax Figures, Madame Tussauds .

The Museum of Wax Figures, known as Madame Tussauds, is one of

London's most visited sights
Millions and millions of people
have flocked through the doors of
Madame Tussauds since they first
opened over 200 years ago and it
remains just as popular as it ever
was. In this well-known museum of
London there are wax models of the famous and
infamous, both living and dead, from every walk of life. You can take
photos together by the great personalities of the world. This museum is
named after the creator of the first wax
figures, Marie Tussaud, and was inaugurated
in 1884.
Every year new figures from political, sports
or film life are
added. Marie
Tussauds was born
in France and
learned the art of
sculpture from Dr. Philippe Curtius, in whose
house she grew up. She made wax sculptures
for the French nobility and her sculptures were
famous in the French court. Her first exhibition
was at
La Palais Royal in Paris and the
first works carved in wax were
Voltaire and Benjamin Franklin.
Over 800 hours of measuring, painting and sculpting goes into making
each figure. A small
army of highly trained
wax sculptors can
replicate a Hollywood
celebrities or world
leader so exactly that
you’ll believe that you
are face to face with a
real person.
Measurements and
exact photos are needed
before work on the figure can begin. Finally, hundreds of hours after the
careful job, its show time for the finished figure at Madame Tussauds

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