Electrochemical Way of Converting Low-Grade Heat Into Electricity: The Cycle With Calcium Chloride Solution As Electrolyte

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JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

© 2021 Pushpa Publishing House, Prayagraj, India

Volume 24, Number 1, 2021, Pages 63-67 ISSN: 0973-5763



Sergei Vassel1 and Natalia Vassel2

1Southern Federal University
Rostov-on-Don, Russia
e-mail: sergei-vassel@yandex.ru
G. Razumovsky
Moscow State University of Technologies
and Management (the First Cossack University)


An interest of converting low-grade heat into electrical power grows

rapidly. One of the most perspective cycles is based on solutions
distilling in temperature gradient and electricity generation in
concentration galvanic cell. Earlier we report that acids or alkaline
solutions are the best electrolytes for this cycle, because not only
entropy factor is used in concentration galvanic cell, but also the
energy of acid or alkaline solvation. In current research, we studied the
same cycle with calcium chloride solution as electrolyte. It was shown
that concentration galvanic cells with calcium chloride solution as
electrolyte convert the energy of salt solvation into electrical energy
too, but calcium chloride is not so dangerous as alkaline or acid
Received: July 13, 2021; Accepted: August 16, 2021
Keywords and phrases: renewable energy, salinity gradient, concentration galvanic cell.
64 Sergei Vassel and Natalia Vassel
1. Introduction

An interest of novel devices for renewable energy generation grew

rapidly [1-6]. Low-grade heat (for example, natural temperature difference
or geothermal heat) seems to be one of the most perspective sources of
renewable energy [7-13].

Earlier we described the cycle, based on solutions distilling in

temperature gradient and further electricity generation in concentration
galvanic cell [14, 15]. According to our results, acids or alkaline solutions
were reported as the best electrolytes for this cycle. The electromotive force
of concentration galvanic cells with alkaline or acid electrolyte is higher than
predicted by the Nernst equation. We have this phenomenon because not
only entropy factor is used in concentration galvanic cell, but also the energy
of acid or alkaline solvation. Now, we are going to find the same effect in
salts solutions. Calcium chloride solution seems to be suitable for using as
electrolyte in described cycle because its solubility is rather high and
calcium chloride solvation is exothermic reaction.

The aim of our work was to find out, is it possible to convert an energy
of calcium chloride solvation into electrical energy in concentration galvanic

2. Materials and Methods

In our research, we used clean CaCl 2 , produced in Russia by

“Himreactivy” and standard silver chloride electrode.

The scheme of concentration galvanic cell was standard.

All the measurements were made at temperature 293K.

3. Results and Discussion

The results of our measurements are presented in Table 1. In Table 1,

1 is a potential difference, predicted by Nernst equation and 2 is an
Electrochemical Way of Converting Low-grade Heat … 65
experimental potential difference, and c1 and c2 are concentrations in
different vessels.

Table 1. Experimental values of electromotive force of concentration

galvanic cell with CaCl 2 electrolyte
No. c1, M c2 , M 1, V 2 , V 2 1

1 1 0,5 0,0175 0,0147 0,85

2 2 0,5 0,035 0,0447 1,27
3 3,5 0,5 0,049 0,0975 1,98
4 4,5 0,5 0,055 0,1457 2,65
5 4,5 2 0,021 0,1 4,2

So, as we can see in Table 1, if the concentration of CaCl 2 is higher

than 3 mole per liter, the experimental potential difference is considerably
higher than predicted by the Nernst equation. It is the consequence of
converting the energy of CaCl 2 dissolution into electrical energy.

4. Conclusions

(1) The electromotive force of concentration galvanic cells with calcium

chloride solution as electrolyte is considerably higher than predicted by the
Nernst equation in the case if the concentration of CaCl 2 in one vessel is
higher than 3 mole per liter.

(2) It makes calcium chloride solution a perspective electrolyte for the

cycle for converting low-grade heat into electrical energy based on solutions
distilling in temperature gradient and further electricity generation in
concentration galvanic cell.

(3) Also, one advantage of calcium chloride solution is that it is not so

dangerous as alkaline or acid solution.
66 Sergei Vassel and Natalia Vassel

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