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(AC-S11) Week 11 - Task: Assignment - Old

vs. modern
Now it's time for you to do the Task for this week. I invite you to check the
instructions below. Remember that if you need to review a topic, you can always
go back as many times as you need. Keep in mind that you have to present this
homework during week 11.

1. Lesson Outcome:
Through this activity, students compare the old and new version of a technological
device using the vocabulary and grammar structures learned during the
week. Then, they share it in a video. (2 min).

2. Description:
 Step 1:
o Work in pairs or in groups of three.
o Think about all the technological devices you know.
o Each student must choose the one she/he likes the most.
o Look for pictures showing the old and the modern version of the
chosen devices. (To show them in the video)

 Step 2:
o Compare the technological devices; price, color, etc. 
o Write sentences using comparative adjectives.
 E.g:
 TV1 is heavier than TV2.
 TV1 is cheaper than TV2.
 TV2 is lighter than TV1.
 TV2 is more modern than TV1.

 Step 3:
o Each student must compare two devices using comparative adjectives.
o Get together with your partner(s), share your information and decide the
order of presentation in the video.
o Look at the following chart as a guide:
Student A: My favorite technological device is
____________ There are two TVs in my house, one is in
my bedroom and the other one in my parents' bedroom.
But they are different. My TV is________ than my
parents' TV...
Student B: My favorite technological device is

o *Student A: Compares 2 technological devices.

o *Student B: Compares 2 other technological devices. (not the same as
Student A)

 Step 4:
o Record a video to share this information.
o Remember: each student must compare two technological devices using
comparative adjectives.
o Your video must last 2 minutes.
o Remember: In the video, show pictures about the old and the modern
version of the chosen devices.

3. Materials
 Grammar: Comparative adjectives
 Vocabulary: Adjectives and comparative adjectives to describe
technological devices: long / short / cool / cheap / expensive / modern / slow /
soft / large / small / nice / good / bad /old /new/expensive / cheap / effective /
technological / traditional / heavy / big / light / fast / useful / practical / relaxing 
 Canvas Material week 11.

 Additional materials:
o Dictionary Cambridge
english/ (Links to an external site.)
o Oxford American English
2883.001.0001/acref-9780195392883 (Links to an external site.)
o Englisch-Hilfen: (Links to an external
o All things Grammar:
simple.html (Links to an external site.)
o Raymond Murphy - English Grammar In Use
use-with-answers-elementarypdf-6ng2exg9rjlv (Links to an external site.)

4. Presentation
 Number of participants: 2-3
 Format: Video (mp4) or Word format with Youtube link.

 Duration of the video: 2 minutes

 Channel: Online - Delivery in Canvas
 Deadline: Sunday of Week 11

Instructions and recommendations for the task

De acuerdo al artículo 46 del Reglamento de Disciplina, toda evidencia de plagio, durante o

posterior a la evaluación, anulará el resultado de la evaluación.

Se considera plagio a la copia de información parcial o total de fuentes de información o de

páginas de internet, así como a la copia del trabajo de otro grupo, estudiante, docente, o consulta a
persona externa a la universidad.

En los casos a que se refiere el párrafo anterior, si se comprueba la falta, el estudiante obtiene la
calificación de “cero anulado” (0A) como nota final del curso, sin perjuicio de recibir la sanción
disciplinaria correspondiente.

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