Discrete-Time Signals and Systems

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Signals & Systems

Ch. 6
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems

❑ Discrete- time signal: Definition
▪ discrete-time signal is defined only at integer-valued times.

▪ A digital signal is a discrete-time signal that has been also quantized to a finite
number of values and then stored and processed using bits (0 or 1).

▪ In the digital domain, a signal is composed of a sequence of binary numbers, 1s

and 0s.

▪ Conversion of a continuous-time signal x(t) into a binary sequence entails two

discretization processes: one involving time and another involving the
amplitude of x(t).
▪ A digital signal is a coded discrete time discrete-amplitude signal.

▪ Discretization in time is accomplished by sampling x(t) every Ts seconds to

generate a discrete-time signal x[n] defined as:


❑ Discrete Signal Notation and Properties

o Time Shifting

o Time Reversal

❑ Discrete Signal Notation and Properties
o Time Shifting

❑ Discrete Signal Notation and Properties
o Time Reversal

❑ Discrete Signal Notation and Properties

o Time Scaling

❑ Discrete Signal Notation and Properties
o Up-Sampling

❑ Discrete Signal Notation and Properties
o Down-Sampling

❑ Discrete- time signal: Elementary Signals
• Unit impulse function
1, n = 0,
 ( n) = 
0, n  0.
• Unit step function
0, n  0,
u ( n) = 
1, n  0.
• Relation between unit impulse function and unit step function

❑ Discrete- time signal: Elementary Signals
• Exponential function
x(n) = exp(n)

• Complex exponential function

x(n) = exp( j0 n) = cos(0 n) + j sin( 0 n)
• A sinusoidal sequence can be expressed as

• Any sequence x[n] can be expressed as:

❑ Discrete- time signal: Classification
• Energy signal v.s. Power signal
– Energy: N
E = lim 
x ( n)
N →
n=− N
– Power:
P = lim 
x ( n)
N → 2 N + 1
n=− N

– Energy signal: E

– Power signal: P

❑ Discrete- time signal: Classification
• Periodic signal v.s. aperiodic signal
– Periodic signal x(n) = x(n + N )
• The smallest value of N that satisfies this relation is the
fundamental periods.
– Is cos(n) periodic?
cos(n) is periodic if 2 k is integer for integer k.

– Example:
1 − cos(3n) : 3N = 2 → N = ( Aperiodic)
2 − cos(n) : N = 2 → N = 2( Periodic)
3 3 8k
3 − cos( n) : N = k 2 → N = , N = 8, ( Periodic)
4 4 3
 
4 − sin n: N = k 2 → N = 6( periodic)
3 3

❑ Discrete-time systems: Systems

❑ LTI systems: Convolution Sum Derivation
• Impulse response of LTI system

❑ Discrete-time systems: Convolution Sum

• Convolution sum
– The convolution sum of two signals x(n) and h(n) is

• Response of LTI system

– The output of a LTI system is the convolution sum of the input and
the impulse response of the system.

❑ Discrete-time systems: Convolution Sum

❑ Discrete-time systems: Combination of Systems
• Combination of systems

❑ Discrete-time systems: Z- Transform-Definitions

• Bilateral Z-transform
X ( z) =  x (
n = −
n )z −n

• Unilateral Z-transform z is a complex number

X ( z ) =  x(n)z − n
n =0

• Z-transform:
– Ease of analysis
– Doesn’t have any physical meaning (the frequency domain
representation of discrete-time signal can be obtained through
discrete-time Fourier transform)
– Counterpart for continuous-time systems: Laplace transform.

❑ Discrete-time systems: Z- Transform-Definitions

❑ Discrete-time systems: The System Function of Discrete-Time LTI Systems

• LTI System
– In general, the discrete-time counterpart to a continuous-time
LCCDE Difference equation representation

– Z-domain representation

N −i  M −i 

i =0a k z Y ( z ) = 
i =0bk z  X ( z )

– Transfer function (System Function)

M −i 
 b z
Y ( z ) i =0 k 
H ( z) = =
X ( z)  N −i 

k =0a i z 
 

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