Cospas Sarsat

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Dramatic Rescues . .
What Is the System?
Emergency Transmitt ................................ 8-9
Space Segment . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . 10-11
Ground Segment . . . ............................... 12-13
Successes/Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Expanding into the Future .
For Additional I ............................. 16
Glossary . . . . .

Publication Date: August 1986

The antennas of the
COSPAS/SARSAT satellites are
aimed toward the Earth to
Satel Iites detect signals of distress. The
signals are transmitted to space enhancement activities. NOAA
directs the current operational
Save Lives from downed airplanes,
capsized boats, and other system within the United States.
emergency situations. The The U.S. Air Force, the U.S.
COSPAS/SARSAT system aids Coast Guard, and their
worldwide rescue centers in respective auxiliary
locating the sources of the organizations are performing the
signals to speed search and actual search and rescue tasks.
rescue efforts. The U.S. Air Force serves as the
central communications point
COSPAS (a Russian abbreviation for the United States search and
of Space System for Search of rescue activities and as a link to
Vessels in Distress) and SARSAT the international community.
(Search and Rescue Satellite-
Aided Tracking System) COSPAS/SARSAT is divided into
represent a model program of two systems to detect
international cooperation. The emergency beacons. The first
United States, Canada, France system broadcasts on the
(SARSAT), and the Soviet Union 12 1 . 5 / 2 4 3 MHz frequencies and
(COSPAS) are the founders of works with Emergency Locator
the program. As of mid 1986, Transmitters (ELTs) and
other participating countries are Emergency Position Indicating
Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) at those
Norway, and the United frequencies. This system is
Kingdom. Additional countries limited to a circular area within
(e.g., Brazil) are involved in a 3 , 2 2 0 km (2,000 miles) radius
negotiations for their of a ground station. A new
participation. system on the 4 0 6 MHz
frequency provides monitoring
Since COSPAS/SARSAT program for the entire Earth.
inception, the National
Aeronautics and Space In the first 3 years of the
Administration (NASA) has program, COSPAS/SARSAT has
provided ongoing research and been instrumental in saving over
development to create space 5 0 0 lives. In the future, the
and ground systems. NASA has expansion of COSPAS/SARSAT
collaborated closely with the will provide increasingly
U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Coast accurate locations worldwide,
Guard, and the National Oceanic improve distress detection, and
and Atmospheric Administration provide enhanced data handling
(NOAA) from the early phases to help speed up life-saving
through the ongoing activities.

escu es
The First Rescue

The would-be rescuers had been

looking for the young couple.
The couple’s plane went down
in British Columbia 2 months
earlier in July 1982 and was
never found. The Canadian
government mounted an
extensive search, costing almost
$2 million before it was
stopped. The young man’s
father did not give up hope.
The father, a pilot, and a friend
had embarked on their own
airborne search and rescue

During the search, their plane

had crashed and they were
injured and stranded in the
midst of 50 foot trees and 7,000
foot mountains. The Victoria
Rescue Coordination Center
(RCC) in Canada received a
report that the plane was
missing in British Columbia. The
crashed Cessna 172 was
inoperable, but the occupants
were alive and the ELT was

working. It was broadcasting
emergency signals up and out
into space.

Canada had just become an

international partner in a new
space-based search and rescue
network. The RCC contacted
the network’s ground station in
Ottawa. As the Soviet COSPAS I
satellite passed over the Cessna
crash site, it detected the
emergency beacon and repeated
the data to the Trenton Ontario
Air Rescue Station. The crash
location was determined and
the RCC sent a search aircraft.
The location was within 22.5
km (13.9 miles) of the crash
site. The father, pilot, and
friend became the first
individuals to be rescued with
the aid of a satellite.


system had been available for
the first crash, search risks and
costs would have been reduced
and the couple’s lives might
have been spared.

Global 406 System Rescue

America, and into Argentina. The 406 MHz frequency, still in
An unlikely turn of events . . . The race was a chance of a the experimental stage, allowed
until the COSPAS/SARSAT 406 lifetime. global reception of data that
MHz system was created. was unobtainable with the old
On New Year’s Eve, anticipation system. The signal was first
A Belgian race car driver and turned into fright as the car detected by SARSAT. The 406
his codriver were racing crashed and rolled over and MHz signal was stored in
through Somalia, Africa in their over. The driver was thrown SARSAT and “dumped” at the
Citroen. The competition was to from the car and his skull was next U.S. ground station that
take them a total of 30 weeks fractured. In the midst of came into view. The U.S. Air
from Cape Town to their goal remote Africa, there was neither Force notified the French
of Tierra del Fuego at the tip of a phone nor medical help. The government, whose diplomats in
South America. They were to codriver flipped on an Africa arranged for a doctor to
drive through Africa to Saudi experimental transmitter to start be flown to the injured driver.
Arabia, India, and China; by broadcasting its 406 MHz The driver was then evacuated
boat from Tokyo to Canada; emergency beacon into space. to a hospital in Belgium where
drive through the Western Someone, somewhere, might he recovered and later rejoined
Ucited States, Mexico, South hear the call for help. the race.

Rescue At Sea EPIRB. One of the crew
activated the EPIRB to signal for
The three men left from help. An HC- 130 helicopter was
Portland, Maine for England on dispatched from Elizabeth City,
October 9, 1982 in their A commercial airliner flying New Jersey to investigate. Based
trimaran GONZO. When they from New York to Madrid on the COSPAS/SARSAT location
had traveled about 480 km (300 picked up the EPIRB signal and information, the HC- 130 spotted
miles) southeast of Cape Cod, notified the Federal Aviation the GONZO emergency flare.
they encountered 20 foot waves Administration (FAA) New York The Coast Guard Vigorous and
with wind conditions of 30 to Oceanic Center. The FAA the merchant vessel California
50 knots. The GONZO capsized alerted the Coast Guard in New Cetty were diverted to the
on October 10 but the three York, who, in turn, called the scene. Despite heavy seas, the
men survived. They were well Mission Control Center (MCC) Vigorous, with some assistance
prepared with survival suits and for COSPAS/SARSAT location from the Cetty, was able to
emergency gear, including their assistance. recover the survivors.


All In A Day’s Work The mountain snows of October

1985 had come early. It was
Two Canadians in a Cessna 182 cold. As they waited, the ELT
crashed to the snow-covered was beaming its emergency The victims realized that their
ground after having fought message. COSPAS and SARSAT crashed plane was partially
strong downdrafts in Glacier both picked up the distress obscured by the snow and they
National Park. The plane flipped signals. The wreckage was watched as the rescue plane
over. They found themselves pinpointed to within 16 km (10 circled overhead. They sent a
hanging upside down with miles). The USMCC at Scott Air rescue signal by waving their
minimal cuts and bruises. After Force Base in Illinois notified orange tarp. The rescue
taking stock of the survival the Montana Aeronautics helicopter followed shortly
supplies onboard, they found Division to coordinate the thereafter to transport the
that they had coveralls, a down search and rescue effort. The victims to medical care . . . and
sleeping bag, a parka, an orange rescue plane flew out at within only 18 hours from the
tarp, and minimum rations. daybreak. time of the crash.
What Is the
System? equip their COSMOS satellites
with COSPAS repeaters and
processors. Norway added their
As soon as the first satellites participation in 1981,
were placed into Earth orbit representing Sweden as well.
during the late 1950’s, the
concept for a satellite-aided The year 1982 marked the
search and rescue project began beginning of the
to take shape. NASA began to COSPAS/SARSAT experimental
experiment with “random- operations. The first COSPAS
access Doppler tracking” on the launch took place and the initial
Nimbus satellite series in the operations of four North
1970’s. These experiments American ground stations began.
served to locate and verify The first satellite-aided rescue
transmissions from remote occurred not long after that
terrestrial sensors (weather launch. The United Kingdom
stations, buoys, drifting joined the program. The first
balloons, and other platforms). SARSAT satellite was launched
The first operational random- in 1983.
access Doppler system was the
French ARGOS on the N O M By 1984, the system had a
TIROS satellite series. The 406 constellation of tpvo COSPAS
MHz search and rescue system and two SARSAT satellites and
has evolved from this ARGOS operationally used the
system. 121.5/243 MHz frequencies.
Bulgaria and Finland joined the
The COSPAS/SARSAT program program. At this point, NASA
became an international effort in turned over the United States
1976 with the United States, SARSAT leadership to NOAA,
Canada, and France discussing the agency responsible for
the possibilities of satellite- operational U.S. civilian
aided search and rescue. Joint satellites. NASA continued its
SARSAT testing agreements in leadership role in the areas of
1979 stated that the United research and development.
States would supply the
satellites, Canada would supply The operational use of the 406
the space-borne repeaters for all MHz system, designed for
frequencies, and France would global coverage by satellite, was
supply space-borne processors initiated in 1985. The ground
for the 406 MHz frequency. The system is undergoing continual
Soviet Union joined the expansion of its data analysis
program in 1980, agreeing to and distribution capabilities.

automatic activation of an
emergency radio beam alerted
aircraft flying overhead. This
marked the initiation of
emergency search and rescue
activities. Frequently, however,
no airplane was overhead and Use of the 406 MHz system will
the signal was not heard. The enhance the ability of the
need for an ever-present COSPAYSARSAT to locate the
listening and positioning system position of the distress site. The
became apparent. Consequently, 406 MHz beacon contains a
the COSPAShARSAT satellite message format that provides
system was developed to identification data, nationality,
Emergency monitor the ELT transmissions.
The system was designed to
type of user, and sometimes, the
type of emergency.
Transmitters alert the ground stations in the
event of an ELT signal and to Emergency Position
provide location information Indicating Radio Beacon
The transmitters are the links (not obtainable via overflying (EPIRB)
from the point of emergency to aircraft). Today, more than
the point of rescue. The 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ELTs are in operation Known as the “floating
transmitters are built to survive by private and commercial beacon,” the EPIRBs are
crashes, hazardous terrain, and aircraft in the United States. employed by over 7,000
extreme weather. They are commercial or private marine
designed to send emergency Different types of ELTs are now vessels that venture into open
alerts and provide location being used, but all transmitters seas. The greatest expansion in
information through satellite include a stable frequency usage of COSPASEARSAT is
measurements. Signals sent on source, modulators, radio expected from the EPIRB users.
the 1 2 1 . 5 / 2 4 3 MHz frequencies frequency amplifiers, and Weather related dangers and
allow for location determination batteries. An omni-directional accidents, mechanical
within 20 km ( 1 2 miles) of the antenna, crash activation disabilities, or medical help
transmission site; signals sent on sensors, on/off/reset switch, requirements are among
the 4 0 6 MHz frequency allow cables, and mounting hardware common marine emergency
for location determination are standard equipment. During situations.
within 5 k m ( 3 . 1 miles) of the operation, the batteries will last
transmission site. The ability to between 24 and 48 hours at EPIRBs operate on the same
locate the precise signal point of minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit or frequencies and have the same
origin will improve even more lower. signal characteristics as ELTs.
as the transmitter technology The EPIRBs transmitting on the
and operational efficiency The first ELTs broadcast a 406 MHz frequency will
evolve over the next few years. characteristic audio signal on sometimes include within the
121.5 MHz and 2 4 3 MHz fre- message the “instant position
quencies. Although these listing” from the vessel’s latest
Emergency Locator transmitters had been designed update. The EPIRB is self-
Transmitter (ELT) for interaction with airplanes, activated by contact with water
they could also be used with or it can be activated manually.
The ELT became a vital satellites. Later, a more The EPIRB is waterproof and it
component of United States sophisticated ELT transmitting at floats. During operation, the
general aviation aircraft in the 4 0 6 MHz was designed batteries will last between 24
early 1970’s under congressional specifically for satellite and 48 hours at 20 degrees
mandate. Upon impact, the interaction. Fahrenheit or lower.

8 ~
Cooperation between
Ground organizations and countries
fosters the success of the
Segment COSPASlSARSAT mission. Both
SARSAT and COSPAS systems
are compatible with each other.
Life saving messages cross the antenna to receive the
international telecommunications unprocessed, real-time data at
network, regardless of political the 12 1.5/243 MHz frequencies
boundaries when lives are in the and preprocessed, real-time, and
balance. stored data at the 4 0 6 MHz
frequency downlinked from a
The COSPASISARSAT ground satellite on L-band (1544.5
segment is an intricate support MHz). The position of the
network that is continually beacon is determined from this
expanding to increase system information. Processing time for
efficiency. In the future, many the information is a matter of
countries will have LUTs and minutes and then the signal alert
MCCs to receive and process and location information are
data. Other participants will sent to the MCC. It is expected
have facilities to receive data that by 1987, there will be a
from MCCs to distribute to their total of 13 LUTs, with 3 in the
own RCCs. A network of United States, 3 in Canada, 1 in
Regional Data Distribution France, 4 in the Soviet Union, 1
Centers (RDDCs) is being in the United Kingdom, 1 in
developed for the efficient Norway, and 1 in Brazil.
distribution of global distress
data that are received via
satellite. Mission Control Centers
Local User Terminals
(LUTs) The MCCs collect and edit
information from the LUTs and
That LUTs are the ground forward the data to the
stations that receive the distress appropriate RCC. If the
signals from the satellites. In emergency is located in another
the United States, the ground- country, the appropriate
based equipment consists of an international MCC is notified.

geographically sorted and
As of early 1986, MCCs were distributed to the 11 U.S. Coast
located in the United States, Guard RCCs. Data relevant to
Canada, France, the Soviet inland downed airplane
Union, Norway, and the United situations are sorted
Kingdom. Specific duties vary geographically and transmitted
slightly in each country. The to the U.S. Air Force RCC (at
MCCs in the United States and Scott Air Force Base) and to the
the Soviet Union maintain and Alaska Air Command RCC (at
distribute satellite orbit and Elmendorf Air Force Base). With
status information. an international emergency, the
USMCC and the MCCs of other organization, the Civil Air
nations share information via Patrol. The U.S. Coast Guard
commercial communication responds to maritime incidents
lines. that happen within 320 km (200
miles) of the United States
Rescue Coordination coastline. From that point on,
Centers (RCCs) the U.S. Air Force continues the
COSPAS/SARSAT provides early
alerts and valuable location Effective coordination,
information to RCCs that are in communication, and controls
charge of actual rescues. The ensure that every possible effort
The USMCC is located at Scott type of rescue effort varies is made on the part of search
Air Force Base in Illinois. In the according to the needs of the and rescue forces to locate each
future, NOAA will be assuming particular national geography emergency in a timely and
responsibility for the operation and available resources. In the accurate manner. The precise
of the USMCC, which will then United States, the U.S. Air Forc:e locations provided by
be located at Suitland, Maryland. coordinates inland airplane COSPASISARSAT help reduce
The USMCC receives ELT/EPIRB location and rescue attempts. the hours spent in search and
data from LUTs or international The U.S. Air Force frequently rescue attempts that often occur
MCCs. Data relevant to maritime works through its volunteer in situations very hazardous to
distress situations are auxiliary the rescuers.

For Additional

In the United States, information on the various aspects of the

COSPAS/SARSAT system can be obtained from:

General Information: Office of Public Affairs

Code 130
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Research and Development NASA SAR Mission Manager

History and Future: METSAT Project, Code 480
Flight Projects Directorate
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt. MD 20771

General Operational System NOAA

and Future USMCC: National Environmental Satellite,
Data, and Information Service
SARSAT Program Manager
Suitland Federal Center
Washington, D.C. 20233
RCOS Frenc
on NOAA satellites

Emergency Locator Transmitter

Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
km Kilometer
LUT Local User Terminal (Ground Station)
MCC Mission Control Center
MHz Mega-Hertz (1O6 Hertz)
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Also, NOAA series of satellites
RCC Rescue Coordination Center
RDDC Regional Data Distribution Cen
SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking System
TIROS Televisionhfrared Observation Satellite
USMCC United States Mission Control Center
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771

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