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CI Furniture’s

Interface Evaluation.

Saif Elmlah
UX Designer, UX Researcher
What’s All this About?
Within this mini or micro brief, call it what you want, I try to improve the design of some critical
pages within the De-Ci website, by discovering the flaws in the current design and trying to
improve them. 

You will start with the product page which’s a crucial step in user flow to make a conversion, then
I move to a note on the top nave bar.

Although I got a lot of comments especially on the Home screen which follows no order, it looks
messy and it doesn’t try to lead the user to pursue a specific flow, but I can’t be sure about it
without having data regarding the user behavior within the site and even before he decides to
give the site a try, so I’d be happy if we had a chat regarding it later.
2 CTA Buttons.

Heuristic Violated: Minimalistic Design &
 Prioritization Issue

Flexibility and Efficiency of Use.

 Why to prioritize such obvious

info about shipping on a

It will take you some seconds to set the quantity, 
 valuable info about when the

then to figure out the difference between
 customer will recieve that

“Add to Cart” & “Buy Now”. item?


Product Page

The secret behind the sense of elegance

of the De-Ci Website is the minimalistic

Design, But the product’s page doesn’t

follow that concept, instead of making

the design clean, we see here a lot of

elements, most of them are unnecessary.

Unnecessary Jargon.

Heuristic Violated: Minimalistic Design.

Who among the customers would know what SKU

means? and why should they care?

It’s better to eliminate it and prioritize such valuable

info like the dimensions.


Product Page - Enhanced

Simply, less visual clutter plus good

hierarchy means a less complex

interface and lessens the time a

customer would take to make an order.

Note : I thought of eliminating the quantity button next

to the “ADD TO CART” button, but since you’re selling

high end items, i changed my mind.

Where am I?
Heuristic Violated: Recognition over Recall.

Although on the top of the screen you will find the title
of the page you’re in, once you scroll down, it’s gone.
Imagine you got distracted and then you came again
to the site, I bet you will take seconds to remember
what page you’re in.


Category’s Page
It’s better to let you know in which part of
the site you’re in, maybe your goal was
just to have a look, for future purchase.

Category’s Page -Enhanced-

Just a small indicator to remind you of

where you’re to help you decide where to

go next.
Laste Note on HomePage
The homepage is the acctual interaction between De-Ci and it’s customers or potentials, so it’s the
most critical step in their user flow, but with all these elements within the page, you can’t notice
and specific flow that De-Ci tries to make it’s website users to go through it, so in my opinion it
need a serious review. -unfortunately that pattern is common withing giant ecommerce sites-

All what I have in mind about the homepage stays as assumptions, it can be validated through
KPI’s like bounce rate, the average number of pages a user visit before making a purchase,
average time spent on this page by users,....etc 

All these KPI’s can give us some solid quanitative data but the most important will be knowing the
contexts in which users come to visit De-Ci site in first place, this where the UX Research comes in.
Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Saif Elmlah


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