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Visibility of business processes creates a set of standards for the company and

allows a company to figure out the best way to utilize all its available resources
in a more efficient manner. Coordinate business practices in a defined and
documented procedure.

Can be used for training purposes, ordering methods, verification methods,

production tasks, to financial record keeping procedures for both internal and
external use,
helps coordination of practices to add a value for the business.
Helps identify areas of improvement retaining to stalled time, under resource
utilization, and bottleneck identification
Reasons for process view of businesses

Effective management towards an objective or a service the company wants to provide

When all departments or areas in the organization can communicate and direct
information in a defined and in a successful process, a business is able to achieve
its objectives in a more efficient manner.

The need to establish effective communication and interconnections. If this area of

the process isn’t optimized, simple things for hand-off tactics get missed or
errors in information management occur
The process needs to be well defined and documented. If someone cannot look at the
process and identify the steps involved, then the person performing the task is at
risk for error themselves. Too cluttered, then the process cannot be well
Technological innovations and advancements help improve but implementation and
training are of high necessity and can cause delays in production
Changing in the business’s practices or customer basis results in a need of
redefining the process
Redesign for re-engineering, additional job requirements or redesign, change of
customer or vendor contracts.

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