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Pray for All People

2 1First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings

be made for all people, 2 vfor kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a

peaceful and quiet life, godly and wdignified in every way. 3 This is good, and xit is

pleasing in the sight of yGod our Savior, 4 who desires zall people to be saved and ato

come to bthe knowledge of the truth. 

1 Timoteo 2:1-4 RTPV05

Una sa lahat, ipinapakiusap kong idulog ninyo sa Diyos ang inyong mga kahilingan, panalangin,
pagsamo, at pasasalamat para sa lahat ng tao. Idalangin rin ninyo ang mga hari at
maykapangyarihan, upang tayo'y makapamuhay nang matahimik, mapayapa, maka-Diyos at
marangal. Ito ang mabuti at nakalulugod sa Diyos na ating Tagapagligtas. Ibig niyang ang lahat
ng tao ay maligtas at makaalam ng katotohanang ito.

Paul write this letter for the young Pastor na si Timothy para incourage sya to fulfill duties nya as
a pastor incharge dahil nga madaming mga false teaching na pumapasok , so one of the
instruction na natangap nya kay paul is to pray for the leaders and authority.

Paul asking a prayer request para ipnanalangin yung mga nasa leadership position, and when you
observe it was in urgent request ni Paul kay Timothy , you see the word he used First of all. Una
sa lahat we have to pray all the people.
hindi sinabi doon some people, kahit yan yung pinka kinaiisisan mong ksa mo sa trabaho na
ibang lahi ay you need to pray for them also in any condition.

Prayer for Nation is not an option isa syang command ng ating Panginoon bilang isang
nakakilala sa kanya. And may be some of us specially sa ating mga personal prayer hindi natin
binibigyang pansin sa isama sa ating mga personal prayer to pray other nation or other country.
Since this is a command dapat nating gawin ito hindi lang sa prayer meeting natin
napapanalangin ang ibang bansa kundi narin sa ating mga personal prayer or individual quit

Today encouragement ng Lord is ma open yung Puso at Isipan natin na Ipanalangin ang Ibang
Bansa sa ating mga Personal Prayer Though we pray them in Prayer meeting every Thursday but
iba parin kung isasama mo sya sa personal quite time mo ..
Bakit nga ba dapat nating silang Ipanalangin.
Why should we Pray for them? 2b

That we may live peaceful and quite lives in all godliness and holiness.
upang tayo'y makapamuhay nang matahimik, mapayapa, maka-Diyos at marangal.

Upang Mabuhay ng mapayapa at tahimik To live in peace & quiet .

We have to pray for them that

God will open a Door ( Good News )

So our target in our prayer for that country is the Leader .

We must pray for the leaders to open the door of evangelism Good news gospel .
Upang makapasok ang mabuting balita ng ating Panginoon doon sa mga bansa na .
Dahil ang president , minister , kings o yung mga namumuno ng Bansa na un ay Di
mananampalataya , mahihirapan po ang Salita ng diyos ay makapasok.
They are the one controlling para hindi makapasok ang mabuting balita ng Diyos.
So we will pray to God will open door to enter his Good news ( Gospel )

Example ; Movies

kung ang leaders is un righteous off course sin will over rule , self centeredness , grap
and corruption , prostitution , puberty kahirapan , so ang mag sasuffer ay ang mga tao
they are all , There will be no peace in that nation .

As a Christian we have a responsibilities to Pray for them , because all of them is blind sa
katotohanan , Sino ang mananalangin para sa Kanila. Its our part being a Christian to
pray for them , to open a door of salvation.

4 who desires zall people to be saved and ato come to bthe knowledge of the truth. 

Hindi natin sila madadala sa paanan ng Diyos kung walang mananalangin para kanila.

Without Jesus there is no peace

New King James Version John 16:33

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have
tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.'

10/40 windows :
The majority of these countries are closed countries. This means that
evangelism of the Christian faith is against the law. In some countries,
if you are caught or suspected of trying to proselytize you will be
deported or imprisoned. In other countries, however, proselytizing or
even merely being a Christian can get you tortured and killed.

Approximately 61% of the individuals in the 10/40 Window live in an unreached

people group. The 10/40 Window is home to some of the largest unreached people
groups in the world such as 
After po nating mapangian ang encouragement ng hindi mo pwedeng baliwalain na

sundin kc si bigat na burden na nilagay ng Diyos sa Puso , na Malaki pala ang magagawa

ng aking panalangin para sa kapayapaan ng isang bansa.

We are praying kung ano ung will ng Lord this Covid 19, maaring ito ay isa sa mga

window ng panginoon na binubuksan para makapsok sa mga bansa ito sa pamamagitan

ng Technology .

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