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18.09.2021, 13:07 The Importance of Being Mindful.

Mindfulness is the key to a happy and… | by Andrea Howell | Ascent Publication

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The Importance of Being Mindful

Mindfulness is the key to a happy and fulfilled life

Andrea Howell Follow

Jun 26, 2019 · 4 min read

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Do you know what one of the biggest causes of unhappiness is?


And unfortunately, overthinking is an easy trap to fall into. It’s easy to

overthink when you have so much going on in your life. It all starts with one
“what if” thought, and it can only get worse from there. I’ve been there. It
isn’t fun. It brings so much unnecessary stress and anxiety into your life.

When you’re overthinking, you are thinking of all the wrong things rather
than the right things. You are missing the most precious moment of all time,
which is the present moment. When you are overthinking, you are too busy
thinking about the past or future to actually pay attention to the only
moment that matters the most. It’s the moment you are in every second of
the day — the present moment. 1/4
18.09.2021, 13:07 The Importance of Being Mindful. Mindfulness is the key to a happy and… | by Andrea Howell | Ascent Publication

It’s truly so powerful and beautiful to be mindful. Mindfulness has changed

my life and will continue to change my life.

It doesn’t matter where you are in life, being mindful can benefit everyone.
After practicing it for myself, I can truly say practicing mindfulness is one of
the best ways to improve your life.

I used to be a huge over-thinker to the point where it would control my life.

I would have uncontrollable thoughts that were all over the place. It led me
to toss and turn and even wake up in panics throughout the night. It caused
a lot of unnecessary baggage in my relationships. It caused me to fear the
little things and be afraid of what was to come. I was also highly emotional
and let other people easily get to me. Above all, I was unhappy.

Now, looking back, I’m aware of what was causing me to be so unhappy. It

was my thoughts. If I knew then what I know now, I would’ve practiced
mindfulness a long time ago. Because now, I’m the one who controls my
thoughts. Now, I am able to fully experience life without letting my
obsessive thoughts take over.

It is so important to be fully aware of your thoughts. Why?

Because when you are fully aware of your thoughts, you have total control
over your life. It is so powerful.

So, what is mindfulness anyway?

Mindfulness is when the mind is fully attending to what is happening, to
what you’re doing and to what you’re thinking. It’s when you are being
aware of each and every moment.

Mindfulness is being in the present moment without your thoughts taking

you elsewhere. It is very helpful for over-thinkers. When you are mindful,
you’re able to catch yourself from overthinking and return to the present
moment at any given time. You are able to calmly acknowledge your
thoughts and feelings without judgment and react in a reasonable and
logical way.

How can you practice mindfulness?

I personally believe the best way to practice mindfulness is through
meditation. I used to be so wary of mediation. It looked so silly to me and I
didn’t believe in it. It was after I was rushed to the hospital when I believed I
was having a heart attack due to intense chest pains, that I realized I should
give everything and anything a try. Come to find out, it was a panic attack. I
knew something had to change. I went to therapy and she highly
recommended that I try meditating. I’m so happy that all that had
happened because it changed everything for me.

I love meditating and I am so much happier now. 2/4
18.09.2021, 13:07 The Importance of Being Mindful. Mindfulness is the key to a happy and… | by Andrea Howell | Ascent Publication

I am not the same girl I used to be. I am no longer the anxious girl who
constantly bites her nails and cries over everything. Now, thanks to
meditation, I am a strong, independent woman who can handle anything
that comes my way. I am in control.

The great thing about meditation is that there is no right or wrong way to
do it. You simply just have to close your eyes, sit down, and breath. It’s okay
to have wandering thoughts when you meditate, but when you’re busy
focusing on your breathing, it brings you right back into the present

I’m not saying meditation is for everyone, but it could be for everyone if
they gave it a try and committed to it. The benefits are life-changing.

What are the benefits of mindfulness?

Mindfulness allows you to become more self-aware. When you’re more self-
aware, you begin to find out who you truly are without letting the outside
world having any influence over you. It helps to center your mind, bringing
more clarity into your life. It helps you to let go of fears, doubts, and anger.
It opens up your mind to of all of the amazing things that used to go right
over your head. You simply become aware of how amazing life is. There is
nothing to lose with mindfulness. You only gain some and more.

“The past is already gone, the future is not yet here.

There’s only one moment for you to live.”

So if ever you find yourself getting stuck in the horrible trap of

overthinking, there is one thing that you can do to get out of it. You can take
a moment, sit down, close your eyes, and just breath.

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Mindfulness Meditation Anxiety Thoughts Self Improvement

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