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Task 2 - All in Perspective

Jannia Janeth Solis García
Code: 41959245

English V
Code: 518010

Monica del Rosario Guillen

October 06, 2021

Step 2: Answer the following questions directly in the forum of the activity

*Have you ever had the idea of something you have not done yet?

Yes, I have had several ideas, but I had not been able to fulfill it either, I am in the process, which is
the important thing.

*Why do you think you have not done it?

I think there have always been some obstacles, such as money, commitments and family.

*Is there something you had done before that has influenced what you are nowadays?

Yes, everything I have done has influenced my life, everything we do has influenced for good and

*Do you think you have done in your life all that you wanted?

I have not done everything I want to do; I still have many things to do, everything comes in due

*What had your family said, when you decided to be an English teacher?

At first, they did not like the idea very much because mainly my mother wanted me to lean
towards the branch of health, not that I had decided to study to be a teacher, I always had
played to be a teacher when I was a little girl, and English has been my passion, so that is a
very personal decision.

*What has been the biggest decision you have made during your life?

The most important decision that I have made during my life is having married and in the blink of
an eye, I had realized that I had formed a small family.

Step 3:

Create a writing where you talk about unfinished tasks based on your previous
answers. Please post this text directly on the forum. It is mandatory to use the verb
tenses for this academic unit.

My mother had always wanted me to study nursing or medicine like her, but I had
been with her all the time seeing how she had cured the farmer who came to her
because the peasants always suffered accidents and I had been her assistant and since
then I had felt useful to see all kinds of wounds and blood and my mother had
dreamed for me to see myself become a doctor or nurse
I had lived in the country since I was little and had started studying music at the
conservatory, but I had thought about being a singer, I had learned to play the piano,
the guitar, then I had dreamed of being a teacher, traveling the world. I had always
dreamed of having a university degree, and most importantly, I had started to have the
idea of learning a language and I had always liked English, and I had a good job but I
had not supported my family, at that time I lost a lot of time. While I had worked, I
could have studied in the city and I did not take advantage of it and until now I have
started studying. but as I said before it is never too late to start and everything comes
in due time!

Step 4: Record a video of no more than 3 minutes where you talk about what do you consider
the unfinished tasks in your life, you must not read during the video, and it won't be necessary
to create any presentation to support your speech. You must show your face during the video
and the correct use of present and past perfect will be so important during the development of
this recording. Upload your video to YouTube and please be sure it won't be a private content.

Step 2: Answer the following questions directly in the activity forum

* Have you ever had an idea for something you haven't done yet?

Yes, I had several ideas, but I have not fulfilled them, I am in the process, which is the important

* Why do you think you haven't?

I think I had priorities, like getting a job, I supported my family with a little money and, I had helped
with the other commitments of my family.

* Is there anything you have done before that has influenced who you are today?

Yes, everything I have done has influenced my life, everything I did influenced for good and bad.

* Do you think you have done everything you wanted in your life?

No, not yet. I thought many things to do, everything had come in due time.

* What had your family said when you decided to be an English teacher?

At first my mother did not like the idea, because mainly she wanted me to have been a doctor, I
decided to study to be a teacher, because I had always liked to teach, when I was a little girl, English
had been my passion, so I took My decision.

* What has been the most important decision you have made in your life?

The most important decision I have made in my life is to get married.

Step 3:

Create writing in which you talk about unfinished tasks based on your

answers. Post this text directly on the forum. It is mandatory to use the verb

verb tenses of this academic unit.

My mother wanted me to study nursing or medicine like her, she said me “ you have the opportunity
to improve this profession and practice with me” but I repeated no though I was with her all the
time seeing how she had cured the peasant who came to her, because peasants always suffered
accidents and I was her assistant and although I felt strong to see everything type of wounds, blood,
etc., I was not struck by what she wanted.

I lived in the country since I was little and had started studying music at the conservatory, but I
thought about being a singer, I had learned to play the piano and gave concerts, I tried to play guitar,
but then I dreamed of being a teacher, and traveling the world. I had always dreamed of having a
university degree, and I started to have the idea of learning a language because I always liked
English, so I wanted to have a good job, since my family needed me at that time. While I was working,
I did not study in the city and I did not take advantage of it and until now I have started studying,
but as I said before, it was never too late to start, and everything has come in due time.

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