02.2020 Linking Words For Contrast All

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Despite/ In spite of + Ving/noun (the fact that), clause.

In spite of bad weather, I decided to take a walk.

Although/Even though/Though + clause, clause.

Although the work was hard, I never gave up.

However/Nevertheless/Nonetheless + clause

I love London. However, the weather, however, is bad, however.

Choose 'despite', 'however' or 'although'.

1) ______the rain, we still went to the park.

2) ______it was raining, we still went to the park.

3) It was raining. ______, we still went to the park.

4) John bought the watch, ______the fact that it was expensive.

5) John bought the watch. ______, it was expensive.

6) ______it was expensive, John bought the watch.

7) I finished the homework. It, ______, wasn't easy.

8) I finished the homework, ______it wasn't easy.

9) ______the fact that it wasn't easy, I finished the homework.

10) She went for a long walk,______ being cold.

11) ______she was cold, she went for a long walk.

12) She was cold. She went for a long walk, ______.

13) The restaurant has a good reputation. ______, the food was terrible.

14) ______the restaurant's good reputation, the food was terrible.

15) ______the restaurant has a good reputation, the food was terrible.

1. ................................ of the headache, I enjoyed the movie.


In spite


2. .......................... I don't agree with him, I think he is honest.




3. ....................................... working hard, he couldn’t pass the test.

In spite of



4. ....................................... it was late, we decided to go out.




5. ............................................. being rich, she is not happy.




6. ................................................. having a bad teacher, she passed her test.

In spite of



7. ......................................... she lives next door, we rarely see each other.



8. ............................................... facing many setbacks, he didn’t lose hope.



In spite of

9. ............................................ being a foreigner, she speaks English remarkably well.

In spite of



10. ............................................. she earns a good salary, she finds it difficult to make both ends meet.




11. .................................................. living close to her office, she is always late for work.



In spite of

12. ................................................ working three jobs in a day, she makes it a point to spend quality time with her




In spite of

13. He passed the test. ............................, he didn't get the job.




14. We understood him ................................ his strong accent.



Linking words for contrast:

Yet: add something that is surprising after the first sentence which is mentioned before.

The weather was snowy,  yet it was not cold.

Conversely: express an idea that is different from or opposite the other idea mentioned before.

Women want a lot of things from their husbands. Conversely, men don’t want many things from their wifes. His

family made a lot of effort to make their son’s lessons better, conversely, he never made any effort.

In/by contrast: act of comparing in order to show differences.

Some people are extroverts. In contrast, some people are introverts. Children like crowds. By contrast, elders

prefer solitude.

On the contrary: used to show that a thought or feel which is the opposite of what has just stated.

I’m not sad; on the contrary, I’m very happy.

Whereas/ While/Whilst: comparing two things which have significant differences from each other 

Chicken meat is white, whereas  cow meat is red.

But … (even so/all the same): adding statement which is surprising after what you have said before.

They heard us  but, even so, they did not understand what we said.

Instead: in place of something or someone else.

There is no chocolate now, I can give you some sugar instead.

1) He hasn't come to his nephew's wedding, instead/ on the contrary he had promised.

2) I brought the wedding present myself instead of sending/contrary sending it. It was much quicker, cheaper,
and much more pleasant!

3) Paula said they already have two tea services on the contrary /whereas they still don't have a coffee set.

4) Barbara was wearing a long pink dress. Instead /On the contrary/ By contrast, Stella had a short purple one.

5) On the contrary of leaving/ Instead of leaving for their honeymoon right away, they have decided to work for

two more months.

6) He wanted to go to Hawaï whereas/instead she wanted to go to Paris.

7) Finally, they have decided to go to Venice instead / by contrast.

8) We called her five times, but even so/instead she didn't pick up the phone.

9) You need only one year of training to be a technician, whereas/instead you need more than 7 years of study to

be a doctor.

10) While/Conversely I understand your point of view, I still don't agree with you.

11) In the south much of the land is flat. By contrast/conversely, in the north there are hills and mountains


12) He didn’t seem offended by her criticisms; yet/on the contrary, he seemed to enjoy them. 

13) Instead/conversely of complaining, you should try to be a constructivist.

14) This dive may be dangerous for us on the contrary/ but, even so, we have to do it.
15) This child is short and fat. In contrast/Conversely, her sister is tall and thin.

16) You can do what you want outdoors, whereas/yet it’s impossible to do that things at home.

17) A: “Have you written the letter?”

B: On the contrary/But even so, I have not even started writing.

18) My daughter is very active. By contrast/on the contrary, my son is so moody.

19) He is a very handsome but all the same/ instead he is very rude person.

20) This election will not bring prosperity to the country. On the contrary/ yet, chaos will increase.

21) Her hair has a natural wave, yet/whereas her sister’s hair just straight.

22) I thought she would not come to the party; conversely/by contrast, she came to the party with her boyfriend.

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