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 The story that you did as an activity of week three of project three, you must tell it in
a dramatized form (you can use your creativity) through a
video of at least two minutes, you must keep in mind the points that I will place below: 
Scoring Rubric Drama 
                                            3,5 1,75 0,85 0,45 
Organization The play has a clear be-
The play has a begin- ning, The play may begin or
ginning, middle, and end,
middle, and end, and is
The play begins or ends in a
end in a confusing way, confusing way, or it
and and is logically di- vided
divided into acts, but the or lack develop- ment in lacks devel- opment in the
Overall Impact  into acts and, if needed,
order of the action may not the middle. Di- vision into middle. It is not divided into
scenes. The order of the
be acts or scenes may be acts or scenes. Scenes change
action is clearly completely chronologi- cal or illogical or missing. The without warn- ing. There is
chronological, or shifts in easy to follow. Similarly, order of the action or no
time are clear and easy shifts in place may not be changes in setting may be dis- cernible intended mes-
to fol- low. Shifts in place sig- naled by new acts, new con- fusing. The intended sage, theme, or emotional
are signaled by new acts, scenes, or appropriate stage message, theme, impact. 
new scenes, directions. To some degree, or emotional impact 
or appro- priate stage the drama expresses a mes- may be unclear
directions. The drama sage, conveys a theme, or or contradictory. 
clearly and effectively delivers an
expresses a message, emo- tional impact. 
conveys a theme, or
delivers an emotional
Elements of Drama  There is a In most places, dia- logue is In some The central confl ict
strong cen- tral conflict. used to de- velop the conflict places, dia- logue is used
is missing or
Dialogue is used and characters, but both to de- velop the conflict
effectively to develop the conflict and characters could and characters, but both unclear. Characters
characters and the conflict. be more fully and conflict and lack devel- opment.
Clear stage directions pro- dramatically de- veloped. characters lack Dialogue does not
vide useful information Stage direc- tions are development. 
for the reader and for present, but should be more Some stage directions are
anyone who stages concise in places.  unclear or missing.  the charac- ters or
the play.  the plot. Stage
directi ons are
unclear or missing. 

Grammar, Usage, There are few or no errors There are some errors in The play is difficult to The play is consistently
in usage, gram- mar, or usage, grammar, or spelling. understand because of difficult to understand
spelling. Mechanical conventions errors in usage, gram- because of numerous and
and Spelling  Me- chanical conventions specific to drama, such as mar, spelling, and serious errors in usage,
specific to drama, such as those that show speakers, me- chanical conventions grammar, spelling,
those that show speakers, speakers’ lines, and stage specific to drama, such as and mechani- cal conventions
speakers’ lines, and directions, have been used those that show speakers, specific to drama, such as
stage direc- tions, have correctly in most places.  speakers’ lines, and those that show speakers,
been used stage directions.  speakers’ lines, and
correctly throughout.  stage directions.. 
 Send me the video for WhatsApp indicating the names of the student, course and paralell until
September 22, 2021

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