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om SSS nen» Sot: Fin, ne 20211100 9m Te 6a) @ me got >) (EERE €¢orecovire> Sabet Sn Cpete Sth At ‘ood moringto you both ‘As previously ducussd the N2CBLACKCAPS ae due to particpate in tours of Bangladesh, Pakitar and india dring our wer. Potent arrangernents re stil nthe dacusson stage and have ya tobe confirma. ‘ew kep youtn th oop trough the procas andinthe meantime ve induded the following Information ona posible schedule Happy to sacs at any ime Regards om _BLACKCAPS WINTER TOURS. ‘Bangladesh ~2tst matches (Ohaka and Chatogram) 'BLACKCAPS wl rave to Bangladesh on 23 August, Pakistan: 3x00" n Kora (CWC Qualification) and 5x20 in Ravin 'BLACKCAPS wil ranafer to Paistan fom Bangladesh on 13 September India ~3 1120's pre-€CT20 Word Cup and 2x test matches post CC T20 Word Cup ‘LACRCAPS wil transfer to nd rom Pakistan on October | ron ke 1023 New Zest Major Events Security Committee Minutes Wednesday 19 May 2021, 1030 1215 hours ae eaves 39 May 2004 sme 1030-1200hous enue Nonicxemenee endees sonar ‘onc (cain ad re ea ‘14 (ot 3300) a cose ev) wee een ae rma tome) ie ea) od Meat od MAT (tem 3) a Naor Pee zoe a Note Rem 4: Any other international events 1. Action: The Chai would exeulate feedback rom the New Zealand Cricket Board meeting vith respect fo ary decisions around Black Caps rave his year Major Events Security Committee Minutes Friday 18 June 2021, 1030-1200 hours Time 20301200 ous venwe ERE tendees Hoya cmc (cot oon mac = cms aed cst 0248) wate ZS wae ad wat rE wear — ent i Ment rr Nave aE Nzpobee eT eros = Sport 2 tem2) Item 4: Any other international events ‘Black Caps tour Pakistan, Bangladesh and Inia 2, The Chai noted that Crk New Zealand was yeto make any decisions about the upconing tour and would keep the Commitee updated. 3. MFAT highlighted that fom a Consular perspective, supper to New Zealanders in Pakisan ‘would be changing, Major Events Security Committee Minutes ‘Wednesday 21 July 2021, 1030-1200 hours ate Weanesday 21 2021 : 5 i tends ac cs) oar ec aate-n esc secutty Alsor Crk 2 sect Manager = CW ‘tem 3: Black Caps Tour to Pakistan and Bangladesh 4, The chai welcomed SFO. Secuty Advisor or Cricket New Zealand (CNZ) othe meeting ho provided an overdew ofthe Black Caps tour to Bangladesh and Pakistan. NZ has engaged he serces ofa previously used seculyeorvatr, to provide ask and test aesossment onthe leur locations which is expeced next week. ‘5, The tourto Pakistan isl to be contmed, with the New Zealand Cricket board to meat in [August to decide on our progression. The ou of Bangladesh had been confmadby the board Jona secon, expecially in velaton to (TT 253cor> Sent Thursday, 5 August 202.325 pm Te 5:21 SS. Subject: Re: eetng wth 3 TAG Perfect and many thanks cheers 0 5/08/2001, 22:52 PO, Ep 20.2 wre — No problems, ve rescheduled Tuesday 1000. Will update the invite now, Cheers = or A 2 o> Sent Thursday, § August 2021 142 pm 1 £0402 & om Subject: Re: Meeting vith an CTAG ‘ve we abe to tring the meeting forward to Tuesdby of neat week? We are completing some ‘Secutty work on Wednesday ant would be go0d to have tis meeting frst. ve ncladed an undated proposed schedule high Level below, BLACKCAPS to Pakistan ‘The PCS have decided to play he ODI at Ravalinstaabed and he 1208 at Lahore s flows: Tsp 12-Sep-31 13-Sep-31 1aSep 21 15-Sep-21 ToS 17-Sep-21 18-Sep-21 19-Sep-21 20Sep-21 21-Sep-21 22-Sep-21 21 21 21 2 v2 21 21 Rogues (nm Tue, 3 Aug 2021 ot 13:02, (XN sm > wrote: [uncuassii) ‘Well meet you at eceptin and bring you up tothe fourth flor. ‘Meeting Between: DMC, CTAG, MFAT and NZ Cricket Seeuty AdWsr: 10 August 2021 1. The Cairo the Major Event Securty Commitee, Manage ofthe Combined Theat Assessment Group (CTAG] and Senior Of rm MAT Consular Dison ret with NZ Cie secant aio. 2. The purpose ofthe meeting wasto brief them onthe CTAG Theat Assessment which Was for Patton ond forthe lack Caps cricket our. 3. Nantes were tent the meting, however CTAG pepared 2 redacted brie for NZCrihet's Security advisor to esis hi th ing the Boar ring thei consideration of whether the Palisa le ofthe tour shoud goabeo. From Sent: Tuesday, 31 August 2021 2:26 pm SS: TT [Pre gota Subject: RE: New Zealand Cricket ZC) Tour of Pakistan (uncaassirieo) ‘Thanks NN forthe update and wel stayin touch TA 292.0 Sent: Tuesday, 31 AUS 202117 pn LN PI EON subject New Zenon Creat (ZC) Tour of akston ‘7 “rst al wel with you Fatlowing upon yesterday's conversation can confi that 41. The Goad of hen Zealand Cricket has determined thatthe NZC tour of Pakistan wi ahead a scheduled 2. Avongements hae been made to ensure thet (147 becomes the fey contac point between HZC and MESC. The NCC contact wi 0 be NI HRI General Manager of Cricket Operations, mobi IIRL ea SI: (ne personal note your support for NEC during the ime have ben inthis ole much appreciated Regards WENZC re ees: Tels enogen Stet crater, Avila, 1023 Now Zeiand Major Events Security Committee Minutes Wednesday 1 September 2021, 1300 - 1400 hours ae Wea Sperber 2021 time 1030.1115hous venue ‘ial Micros Teans eendees 0K ‘ome (ent =r omc I ens = ose se we a swe cad ec) i wat rem | sor aE zoe = zoe Item 3: Black Caps Tour to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka ° From RE °C) Sent: Fay, 17 September 2021 11:57 am Se eT ed SR 0 LOT EE MOET) ST 9:0. ee ee ——— aes Subjet: Watch Group: Threat Reporting concerning the Black Caps Importance: High (seemanyrestmcreD} Dea Al ‘Thisise heads upto inform you that DPMEClsconvening watch groupon MATS request tock the es around the threat othe Black Cap in Pakstan have booked SS for 32 pm meeting ‘We suggest etendess atthe enor offic eve fom the following agen cas ose Police 0 OST C5 ESS ‘Ait wil ome out in due couse via your Chie Executes. cheers, Do al (Operate Manager Natal Secrty Systems Directorate Department ofthe Prime Mine nd Cabinet rom OPEC Son: Fry, 7 September 2021 12:18 pn a TAG; *N2S0C: N250C °° SR ( Fm (OPN (OPC Guergana Guermanot 10°C NEN PCI (GERRI © png nl Taia Warburton (PMC B® pm gov.n Subject Wath Group: Threat othe Black Caps in Pakistan When: ry, 17 September 20211200 pn-00 pm (T1200) Auchan, Wellngton. er RT SSSR Importance: Heh [seeaaunestrcreD) Dear A, “Thisemalist alert youtoa Watch Group that wile held 2 ERR 2.00 pr ths fteron conceminga threat tothe Black Caps tur toPaistan. ‘tisrequested that your ageney send an appropriate representative to atendthe meeting. The ‘Your representatives wll psd to ave ear to ear secuny and meet the COV protocols ‘utes nthe tachment ve to urgency require to arrange ths Watch Group we have elected to nt Inform your chi exectves bt request that ou dos, gs ‘Operations Manager Nana Securty Syst Dectrale Department af te Prima ise nd Cabinet od ‘GE ODESC New Zealand Cricket Tour to Pakistan Watch Group #01 Minutes Friday 17 September 2021, 1400hrs Attendees ‘Marka Hughes (Chae) eS ao ‘Gergen Guemanot css ol 4 eR ' ae ae Napoice a) aie 00, Eine es eg ‘Sport nz Kor Introduction 1. The Chair welcomed altendees and thanked them for attending at short notice to eddess the issues. 2. The purpose of the Walch Group was to provide an update of the curentsituatbn, consider futher risks and recommendations, and discuss milgations forthe New Zealand Cticket Tour to Pakistan. Situation (Change of Treat Assessment 2 /MFAT ed contacted New Zealand Cricket and the team secufly manager and provided the relevant Information. In response, New Zealand Cricket had activated thelr Crieal Incident Team In New Zealand and, n conjunction with he secur manager would review th statin, 5. MFAT had advised New Zealand Crcke! the New Zealand Government would not advise ‘hal the eam needed todo, and that twas upto New Zealand Griket to decide whether {o cancel the game andor th tour MFAT were awaiting further Information from New Zealand Cricket and the team security manager on thelr decision and course of action and would advise agencies on the outcome, Key Issues, Risks and Implications Safty of Now Zealanders and otors 6. The Chai of he Major Events Securty Commit explaines that fulsome bring on tho toa vel Paistan an the our, had been provided tothe New Zealand Crk Board on 7 August 2021 by DPMG (MESC Chai, MFAT and CTAG, and noted the or had pogressod despite te NI heat evel 7. MEAT eiplaned hatter curetravel advice to Patan fects he NNN heat level, covering most stuatons nd inca that ue tert cts are expect including sgahst Wester gets, MFAT vas unaware ofthe cent number feted Now Zealanders in Pakistan bt expected it be NNN wth te ave {hat the true number was kl abe higher than those registred trough Safe Travel £8, There was 2 question srund the obligation tothe safety of New Zealanders in Pakisn rating te teat the our. There was also a concer around suey of tenes (Nz Zealanders snd Pakistanis) atthe games shoul he tou continue, MEAT bolioved the News Zealand Governments Wavel advice regarding Pakistan was cleat, However would consider resuing the travel edvice to communicate heightened concerns. Fisk fo New Zenlond Communities 10, New Zealand Pole highighted the potential ik to New Zealand groups, special ne Pakistani community, shoud the tour be canceled, oran attack be conducted against he tour shoud it continue. 11. Messaging wil be carat to take into account the eurent domestic conto, including ‘ongoing sentiment related to the 3 Seplember tererist attack and ovents in ‘Afghanistan, Should the game go ahead, consideration was given to contacting he Ninisty of Etnic Communities ta make sure they had the appropiate messaging to hand. 12,3 a contingency plan, Police have developed an Intel Notation for cise that they ‘wil cette ifthe game goes ahead, and are considering options such as targeed reassurance ptroling and ouroach, Communication 14, MFAT wit lead on developing appropriate messaging, working closely with Poce and [NSC Stategie Comms, making sure to engage with NZ Crickets communications team ‘9s wel. Messaging vill refect the issues discussed inthe meeting and wil also consier ‘how to respond if the game proceeds, butte threat ls mede pubic Triggers and Escalation 15, No ODESC meeting was recommended at his time, however agencies agreed to meet ‘again ander escalate shoul the folowing occur: [MEAT to consider ressuing the travel advice to communicate MFAT Increased threat concerns. From: Marta Hughes [DPMC] cara Hughes@dpmegov.n2> Sent: Fay, 17 September 2021 5:23 pn Ter Brook aringon [DPM] rook Barneton dpe gov n=> Tony yeh (OPMC| Toi Warburton [PMC] “Trfa Warburton dps. Gergana Guermanof [DPMCI

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