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Biodiesel production using supercritical methyl acetate in a tubular packed

bed reactor

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Lucio Cardozo Filho Camila Silva

Universidade Estadual de Maringá Universidade Estadual de Maringá


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Fuel Processing Technology 106 (2013) 605–610

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Biodiesel production using supercritical methyl acetate in a tubular packed

bed reactor
G. Doná a, L. Cardozo-Filho b, C. Silva c, F. Castilhos a,⁎
Department of Chemical Engineering, Paraná Federal University, (UFPR), 81531–990, Curitiba-PR, Brazil
Department of Chemical Engineering, Maringá State University, (UEM). Maringá, PR, 87020–900, Brazil
Department of Technology, Maringá State University, (UEM). Umuarama, PR, 87506–370, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work investigates the biodiesel production with supercritical methyl acetate in a tubular packed bed reactor.
Received 26 June 2012 The influence of temperature, oil to methyl acetate mass ratio and reaction time was evaluated throughout ex-
Received in revised form 24 September 2012 periments performed at pressure of 20 MPa. The temperature ranged between 300 and 400 °C, and the oil to
Accepted 25 September 2012
methyl acetate mass ratio varied between 1:2 and 1:5. Two different oils with very different composition and
Available online 24 October 2012
free fatty acid content were utilized: soybean oil and macauba oil. According to the results obtained, 44% was
the highest ester yield obtained for soybean oil at 350 °C, 45 min of reaction time and oil to methyl acetate
Supercritical biodiesel mass ratio of 1:5. In this condition a decomposition of 48% was also achieved. For the macauba oil, the highest
Soybean oil ester yield was 83% with a decomposition of 17%, achieved at 325 °C, oil to methyl acetate mass ratio of 1:5
Macauba oil and 45 min of reaction time. A comparison between the oils allows pointing out that macauba oil presented bet-
Continuous process ter performance, probably due to its high free fatty acid content.
Catalyst-free process © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Methyl acetate

1. Introduction Independently of the method used to produce biodiesel, the

transesterification reaction with an alcohol will result in the glycerol
Biodiesel use has a great potential in whole world, with a growing production. As the biodiesel production is increasing in the last years
market due to its great environmental benefits to the reduced levels in the whole world, the glycerin has been overproduced, causing its
of environment pollution, mainly in the metropolitan areas. Also, devaluation in the market [9].
this combustive has been seen as a strategic source of renewable en- Some studies available in the literature have pointed out alterna-
ergy to substitute the diesel and other petroleum derivates. tives to produce biodiesel and avoid the excessive glycerol produc-
The commonly chemical processes used in order to transform vege- tion. Some researches as Ilham and Saka [10] and Fabri et al. [11]
tal oils in biodiesel are esterification, cracking and transesterification re- have reported the use of dimethyl carbonate in the biodiesel produc-
actions. Among them, the transesterification reaction is industrially the tion. Although this method does not produce glycerol, it utilizes the
most used process. The transesterification consists of the chemical reac- alkaline catalyst, which is difficult to be adapted for some waste oils
tion between a triglyceride with an alcohol to produce esters and a by- and fats.
product, the glycerin. It can be conducted by catalytic and non-catalytic Another approach considers the biodiesel production from triglycer-
routes. In the catalytic method, the transesterification process can use ides and methyl acetate. Xu et al. [12] proposed the use of methyl ace-
different types of chemical catalysts, as acids and bases, and enzymatic tate for the first time with a biocatalyst, but the process was not
catalysts. Several researches can be found in the literature discussing considered be feasible due to the high reaction time, approximately
the advantages and drawbacks about the use of each catalyst [1–3]. 10 h. Orçaire et al. [13] produced biodiesel from sunflower oil and
Regarding the non-catalytic methods, the transesterification reac- methyl acetate but with a low ester yield and long reaction time,
tions in supercritical conditions provide a higher solubility between about 200 h. More recently, others researches have reported the use
possible heterogeneous phases [4–6], reducing the transport limita- of supercritical methyl acetate [9,14,15]. In these studies, the authors
tions between them and increasing the reaction rates. Besides, the pointed out that the supercritical condition can reduce the reaction
products separation steps are simplified [7,8]. times, increasing biodiesel yields and producing as a by-product the
triacetin, which can be used as a biodiesel additive. According to Saka
and Isayama [9], the global production of biodiesel can be considered
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 41 3361 3589; fax: +55 41 3361 3424. not only the fatty acids methyl esters, but also the triacetin content.
E-mail address: (F. Castilhos). As it can be verified, just a few reports concern the use of methyl

0378-3820/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
606 G. Doná et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 106 (2013) 605–610

acetate, where the majority of them adopted the batch mode for biodie- methyl acetate mass ratio adopted was between 1:2 and 1:5. For soy-
sel production. bean oil, the mass ratio of 1:2 corresponds to a 1:20 molar ratio, as the
In this context, the main goal of this work is to investigate the bio- 1:4 mass ratio corresponds to a 1:40 molar ratio and finally, the 1:5
diesel production via transesterification with supercritical methyl ace- mass ratio refers to the 1:60 molar ratio.
tate in a tubular packed bed reactor. For this purpose, two different Samples were collected periodically in a glass vial placed at the re-
vegetable oils were used in the experiments: soybean and macauba actor outlet after reaching the steady state condition, i.e., after a reac-
oil. Soybean oil is well known raw material commonly used in the bio- tor space-time had been elapsed at least three times. The steadiness
diesel production and the macauba oil, on the other hand, presents a of results and the low overall experimental error found for each
very high concentration of free fatty acids and higher water content. mean value (less than 5%) indicated excellent system stabilization.
Therefore, the first contribution of this work is about the production The overall experimental error was determined by the execution of
of biodiesel with methyl acetate in a packed bed reactor, which to the experiments in triplicate.
knowledge of these authors is not available in the literature. And the
second one refers to the influence of the vegetable oil utilized in the 2.3. Analytical methods
ester yield.
2.3.1. Gas chromatography (GC) analysis of fatty acid methyl esters
2. Experimental section (FAME)
Samples were first submitted to methyl acetate evaporation to con-
2.1. Materials stant weight (65 °C) and then diluted with 10 mL of n-heptane. After-
wards, a little amount was transferred to a 1 mL flask in order to obtain
Commercial refined soybean oil (Soya), macauba (Acrocomiaaculeata) a concentration of 4000 ppm and then it was added the internal standard
oil (CocalBrasil) and methyl acetate (Sigma-Aldrich 99.9%) were used as at a concentration of 1000 ppm using n-heptane as solvent. After that,
substrates without further treatment. Other solvents, standards and re- 1μL of solution was injected in duplicate in the gas chromatograph
agents used in the derivatization step required for the analysis were sup- (Agilent GC 7890), equipped with FID and a capillary column (ZB-WAX,
plied by Sigma-Aldrich. Chemical composition of major fatty acids, acid 30 m×0.25 mm×0.25 μm). Column temperature was programmed
value (mg KOH/g) and water content (mass%, Karl Fischer titration meth- from 100 °C, heating to 230 °C at 8 °C/min, holding 3 min. Helium was
od, DL 50, Mettler-Toledo) present in the vegetable oils used in this work used as carrier gas, and the injection and detector temperatures were
were shown in Table 1. 250 °C with split ratio: 1:50.
Compounds were quantified upon analysis following the standard
2.2. Apparatus and experimental procedure UNE-EN 14103 [17] and the percentage yield of fatty acid methyl es-
ters (YFAME) was defined according to the literature [14]:
The experimental reaction system used in this work, schematically
presented in Fig. 1, was constructed based on apparatus used previ- measured amount of FAME in the sample
Y FAME ¼ 100  ð1Þ
ously by Silva et al. [16]. In order to improve mass transfer, reactions theoretical amount f rom the initial oil content
were carried out in duplicate using a tubular reactor with packed bed
(TRPB). Reactor had a volume of 57.7 mL and it was made of stainless
steel tubing (316 L 1/4 in OD inner diameter 3.2 mm HIP) and stain- 2.3.2. Decomposition of fatty acids
less steel tubing (304 L 30.5 mm OD inner diameter 13 mm HIP) Samples were treated with BF3/MeOH in order to derivatize all the
packed with glass beads (diameter of 2.5 mm). Deviation obtained fatty acids (mono-, di- and triglycerides, free fatty acids) to the corre-
between duplicates did not exceed 5%. The substrates, methyl acetate sponding methyl esters, and then analyzed by GC as described above.
and oil, were placed in a closed erlenmeyer and mixed by means of a For the evaluation of the degradation percentage, palmitic acid was
mechanical stirring device and then were fed into the reaction system assumed not liable to degradation, considering its high stability
by a high-pressure liquid pump (Acuflow). The reactor was placed in [18,19]. Degradation was thus calculated according to the following
a furnace with controlled temperature and monitored by three ther- equation, as described by Vieitez et al. [20,21] and Bertoldi et al. [22]:
mocouples directly connected at the inlet and outlet of the tubular re-      
actor, and outlet of packed bed. With this arrangement, the reaction ∑P i P 16:0
decomposition ð% Þ ¼ 100  1−  ð2Þ
temperature was controlled with accuracy better than 5 °C. The sys- P 16:0 S ∑P i O
tem pressure was controlled by a back-pressure valve and monitored
by a pressure indicator. In this work the residence time was comput- where ΣPi is the summation of all fatty acid methyl ester percentages,
ed dividing the volume of the reactor (mL) by the flow rate of sub- P16:0 is the percentage of 16:0 ethyl ester, and subscripts s and o indi-
strates (mL/min) set in the liquid pump. cate that the expressions between brackets were evaluated consider-
In this work, all the experiments were conducted at pressure of ing the composition of the sample product and the original oil,
20 MPa. The temperature ranged between 300 and 400 °C, the oil to respectively.
methyl acetate mass ratio varied between 1:2 and 1:5 and the reac- It is worthwhile to point out that, in this work, the use of the term
tion times adopted were 18, 24, 36 and 45 min. In this work, oil to “decomposition” of fatty acids refers to the decrease in its percentage
(determined by gas chromatography analysis) due to the formation of
Table 1
other compounds. It does not necessarily imply in the dissociation of
Chemical composition of soybean and macauba oils utilized. the fatty acids, may be involving some type of alteration.

Chemical composition Soybean oil Macauba oil

3. Results and discussion
Palmitic acid (mass %) 10.80 14.87
Palmitoleic acid (mass %) – 3.96
3.1. Soybean oil
Stearic acid (mass %) 3.80 1.09
Oleic acid (mass %) 27.70 67.38
Linoleic acid (mass %) 50.80 12.16 Fig. 2 shows the effect of temperature and reaction time on YFAME
Linolenic acid (mass %) 4.40 0.55 and on total decomposition of fatty acids for soybean oil. It can be
Acid value (mg KOH/g) 0.20 79.24 verified that up to 400 °C and short reaction times, the temperature
Water content (mass %) 0.04 0.70
presents a positive influence on the ester yield. At longer reaction
G. Doná et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 106 (2013) 605–610 607

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus. RM, reactional mixture; MS, mechanical stirring device; LP, high-pressure liquid pump; CV, check-valve; F, furnace; TR, tubular
reactor; PB, packed bed; T1, temperature indicator at the tubular reactor inlet; T2, temperature indicator at the tubular reactor outlet; T3, temperature indicator at the packed bed outlet;
CS, cooling system; PI, pressure indicator; V, pressure control valve; S, glass collector.

times, as 45 min, the yield decreases for higher temperatures. Regard- using a batch reactor was reported by Niza et al. [23] and the results
ing the degradation, Fig. 2b clearly presents the effect of temperature shown at 1:30 (Jatropha oil to methyl acetate molar ratio), 30 min of re-
and reaction time. It can be noted that even at lowest temperatures, action and pressure above 4.7 MPa, 22.31% and 39.36% of ester yields at
degradation is already relevant for soybean oil and at higher tempera- 360 and 400 °C, respectively. Campanelli et al. [14] present ester yield
tures; degradation phenomenon contributes to ester yield decreasing. about 100% in a batch reactor for the transesterification of soybean oil
Based on these results, it can be concluded that the temperature of and supercritical methyl acetate at 345 °C and 50 min of reaction. The
350 °C is the most appropriate to perform the reaction, since it can difference between the ester yields obtained in this work in continuous
reach the highest ester yield and that the highest temperatures of 375 reactor and the results available in the literature in batch mode can be
and 400 °C are very disadvantageous for this system. explained making an analysis of the reaction time in these two circum-
These results are in accordance with the reported in the literature. stances. According to the references available in the literature, in batch
The biodiesel production by non-catalytic supercritical methyl acetate mode the reaction time is computed not taking into account the time
spent in heating and cooling steps, which occur before and after the re-
action time. Nevertheless, in these previous and posterior periods, the
reaction still occurs since they are not instantaneous. On the other
hand, in continuous mode, the temperature and pressure are stabilized
before reaction time computing and samples obtaining. Another reason
that can also be considered is the vigorous stirring present in the reac-
tion carried out in batch mode that results in a more homogeneous re-
action medium compared to the continuous mode.
These authors also reported a yield decreasing with long reaction
times at 345 °C which was attributed to the degradation phenomenon.
Tan et al. [15] studied the transesterification of triglycerides with meth-
yl acetate and verified that the temperature has a great influence in the
ester yield. The study showed by Niza et al. [23] revealed that the ther-
mal stability of poly-unsaturated esters decreases dramatically as tem-
perature is increased from 330 to 420 °C. Degradation has been related
in literature for the transesterification of soybean oil with supercritical
ethanol and methanol [20,21,24–26]. Quesada-Medina and Olivares-
Carrillo [24] obtained about 30 wt.% of fatty acid decomposition for re-
actions of soybean oil at batch mode conducted at 623 K, 43 MPa, oil to
methanol molar ratio of 1:43 and 90 min of reaction.
To evaluate the effect of oil to methyl acetate mass ratio, experi-
ments were performed at 350 °C in the range of 1:2 to 1:5. The ester
yield and decomposition are presented in Fig. 3. As expected, the ester
yield increased with the oil to methyl acetate mass ratio, with a little dif-
ference between the 1:4 and 1:5 mass ratios. It is well known that an in-
crease in the oil to methyl acetate mass ratio is expected to shift the
reaction to methyl ester formation, but these results can be an evidence
of a limit for this phenomenon. With reference to decomposition shown
Fig. 2. Effect of temperature on ester yield (a) and decomposition (b) with oil to meth- in Fig. 3b, it can be noticed an insignificant difference between the de-
yl acetate mass ratio of 1:2 for soybean oil. composition values for the three oil to methyl acetate mass ratios,
608 G. Doná et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 106 (2013) 605–610

compared with the difference with the reaction time. From these re- This positive effect of the oil to methyl acetate mass ratio becomes
sults, it can be concluded that the oil to methyl acetate mass ratio of more evident at the temperature of 325 °C, as shown in Fig. 6. The
1:4 is more advantageous for this process. strong effect can be seen, for 24 min, by means of the ester yield in-
Similar results can be found in the literature. Campanelli et al. [14] crease from 54% to 72% with the raise of the mass ratio from 1:2 to
and Saka and Isayama [9] evaluated the oil to methyl acetate molar 1:5. Besides, in comparison with the results presented in Fig. 5, it can
ratio effect on the transesterification with supercritical methyl acetate be noted that higher ester yields are achieved at 325 °C for the same
for the soybean oil and for the rapeseed oil in a batch reactor. Both the mass ratio and reaction times, as expected. Regarding the degradation
researchers found that the best ester yield was 1:42 molar ratio. Tan phenomenon, higher values were obtained at 325 °C, evidencing the
et al. [15] performed experiments in the range of 1:20 to 1:60 molar temperature effect on the decomposition reactions. Moreover, the de-
ratio and noticed that the ester yield increased up to 1:30 oil to methyl composition values with mass ratio of 1:2 were superior to the decom-
acetate molar ratio. Niza et al. [27] performed the transesterification of position values obtained with higher mass ratios, which is a similar
the Jatropha curcas oil with supercritical methyl acetate in batch mode. behavior already reported in the literature for soybean oil and supercrit-
These authors investigated the influence of oil to methyl acetate molar ical ethanol [25].
ratio and concluded that at long reaction times, it is more advantageous
to use low molar ratios. 3.3. Comparison between the oils

In order to compare the results obtained with both oils, ester yields
3.2. Macauba oil and decomposition values are shown in Fig. 7 at 325 °C and oil to meth-
yl acetate mass ratio of 1:2. It can be verified the great difference be-
In order to assess the temperature effect on the transesterification tween the both oils, where the macauba oil reached a superior yield
with macauba oil and supercritical methyl acetate, experiments were for all reaction times. For the reaction time of 18 min, macauba oil
conducted with oil to methyl acetate mass ratio of 1:2 and temperatures achieved about 50% of ester yield while soybean oil achieved only 8%.
of 300 and 325 °C. The ester yield and decomposition are presented in In relation to decomposition shown in Fig. 7b, it can be verified that a
Fig. 4. In this figure, it can be noted that the temperature has a positive slight difference between the oils for all reaction times.
effect on the yield together the reaction time, as expected. The same be- This significant difference in ester yield can be associated to the
havior is demonstrated in relation to decomposition in Fig. 4b. different composition between the oil, mainly the major content of
The effect of the oil to methyl acetate mass ratio was investigated at free fatty acids of the macauba oil, as shown in Table 1. According
300 and 325 °C, in the range of 1:2 to 1:5 mass ratios. Fig. 5 shows the to the literature [9,28], free fatty acids react with methyl acetate in
ester yield and decomposition for different oil to methyl acetate mass the esterification reaction yielding methyl esters and acetic acid.
ratio at 300 °C. It can be observed that the mass ratio has a positive ef- Saka and Isayama [9] investigated the hypothesis that acetic acid
fect on the ester yield and the highest yield is reached with mass ratio of would be a catalyst in the transesterification with supercritical meth-
1:5. The decomposition values shown in Fig. 5 are very close for differ- yl acetate. The authors concluded that the ester yield increased with
ent reaction times and mass ratios. Therefore, it can be pointed out that the acetic acid content added to the reaction medium, in a short peri-
the difference between the ester yields in Fig. 5a is due to the reaction od of time. According to Campanelli et al. [14] a little amount of acetic
equilibrium displacement.

Fig. 3. Effect of oil to methyl acetate mass ratio on ester yield (a) and decomposition Fig. 4. Effect of temperature on ester yield (a) and decomposition (b) with oil to meth-
(b) at 350 °C for soybean oil. yl acetate mass ratio of 1:2 for macauba oil.
G. Doná et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 106 (2013) 605–610 609

Fig. 5. Effect of oil to methyl acetate mass ratio on ester yield (a) and decomposition
(b) at 300 °C for macauba oil.
Fig. 7. Ester yield (a) and decomposition (b) for soybean and macauba oils at 325 °C
and an oil to methyl acetate mass ratio of 1:2.

acid added improve the global production of biodiesel due to its cat-
alyst effect and also due to reduce the thermal degradation of
triacetin. These results, available in the literature, can explain the re-
sults shown in Fig. 7. Therefore, these results can be seen as an indic-
ative that acetic acid is produced by esterification of FFA and is
catalyzing the transesterification reaction.
Further, from the results presented in Figs. 3 and 5, it can be conclud-
ed that macauba oil allows producing biodiesel via transesterification
with supercritical methyl acetate in milder conditions compared to soy-
bean oil. For instance, about 38% of ester yield were obtained for soy-
bean oil at 350 °C with an oil to methyl acetate mass ratio of 1:4 and
36 min of reaction time, while for the macauba oil a close yield (43%)
was obtained at 300 °C with an oil to methyl acetate mass ratio of 1:2
and in a shorter reaction time, 18 min. In relation to decomposition
values obtained in the conditions cited above, macauba oil also showed
to be advantageous, since soybean oil presented decomposition value
about 45% and macauba oil, about 17%. Campanelli et al. [14] present
some results for different raw materials, as Jatropha curcas oil, sunflow-
er oil and soybean oil in the transesterification with supercritical methyl
acetate and the results show a little difference in ester yield between
these raw materials. Despite the different compositions of these oils,
the free fatty acids content and the acid value are low, as reported by
the authors.

4. Conclusions

In this study, transesterification with supercritical methyl acetate

was investigated with soybean oil and macauba oil. Experiments were
conducted in a tubular packed bed reactor varying the reaction time,
temperature and oil to methyl acetate mass ratio. The highest ester
Fig. 6. Effect of oil to methyl acetate mass ratio on ester yield (a) and decomposition yield obtained for the soybean oil was 44% at 350 °C with oil to methyl
(b) at 325 °C for macauba oil. acetate mass ratio of 1:5 and 45 min of reaction time, but in this
610 G. Doná et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 106 (2013) 605–610

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