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. What is the attitude of High School Students towards artificial Contraceptives?

a. Physical Contraceptives
b. Physiologic Contraceptives
2. Is there a significant difference on the attitudes of high school students towards artificial
contraceptives when grouped according to:
a. School Affiliation
b. Living arrangement

Methods and Procedure

 Non experimental, Quantitative descriptive research design.
 Third year and Fourth year high school
o Saint Louis University Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS)
o Baguio City National High School (BCNHS)
 stratified random sampling
 sampling formula (Slovin’s Formula)
 structured questionnaire
 based on books, journals and internet articles
 undergone content validity
 Mrs. Genevieve Dulawan, a faculty of SLU-School of Nursing who finished
Masters of Science in Nursing
 Mrs. Grace W. De Castro, who is a Head Nurse of the Family Planning Clinic at
Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center
 A pretest was conducted to test the reliability of the questionnaire
 Cronbach’s alpha; the test garnered a score of 0.78 which is considered as reliable.
 The first part contains the profile of the respondents, specifically the school affiliation
and the living arrangement
 The second part is composed of items on artificial contraceptives and consists of two
sections with ten items each: physical artificial contraceptives (condoms) and
physiological artificial contraceptives (oral contraceptive pills)
 data gathered had undergone statistical treatment including weighted mean, t-test and
f-test. The mean was used to determine the attitude of high school students towards
artificial contraceptives.
 T-test was utilized in determining the significant difference on the attitudes of high
school students towards artificial contraceptives according to school affiliation
 On the other hand, F-test was used to determine if living arrangement is a significant
variable affecting the attitude of high school students towards artificial contraceptives.
The following scale of interpretation was utilized

Range Extent of Attitude Interpretation

3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree The high school students strongly agree on

artificial contraceptives
2.50-3.24 Agree The high school students moderately or fairly
agree on artificial contraceptives
1.75-2.49 Disagree The high school students moderately or fairly
disagree on artificial contraceptives
1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree The high school students strongly disagree
on artificial contraceptives


Table 1
Attitude of High School Students towards Artificial Contraceptives
Type xˉ Interpretation

Physical Contraceptives 2.55 Agree

Physiological Contraceptives 2.38 Disagree

General Weighted Mean = 2.46

Interpretation = Disagree

Table 1 shows that high school students disagree on issues of artificial contraceptives.

May be due to:

 the standard of morality that considers sex a taboo. Christianity is the religion of
most people in the Philippines. As stated in the bible any sexual act or intercourse
performed outside of marriage is a sin ( “For sexual immorality is a sin against your
own body” 1 Corinthians 6:18, 2003/1971).

On one hand, high school students agree on issues regarding physical artificial
Reliable campaigns of the Department of Health:
 Family Planning
 The Adolescent and Youth Health and Development Program
 Condoms were the contraceptive method most known by the students (Kanku, 2010).
The male condom is the most common contraceptive method used; it was used by
66percent of sexually experienced females and 71% of males (Elders, 2008).
 Generally, high school students disagree on issues of physiological contraceptives
 > Several health risks and disadvantages should be of concern with the use of
contraceptive pills. The birth control pill increases the risk of breast cancer by over 40%
if it is taken before a woman delivers her first baby. It also increases the risk of
developing liver and cervical cancer.

Table 2
Attitude of High School Students
Towards Artificial Contraceptives according to School Affiliation



CV= 16.16 TV= + 1.96 CV= +1.96 TV= - 1.501

Decision: Reject Ho Decision: Accept Ho
Interpretation: there is a Interpretation: there is no
Significant difference Significant difference


> There is a significant difference in the attitude of high school students towards physical
artificial contraceptives when they are grouped according to school affiliation.
> There is no significant difference on the attitude of high school students when grouped
according to school affiliation with regards to physiologic artificial contraceptives

Table 3
Attitude of High School Students Towards Artificial Contraceptives according to Living

Living arrangement Physical Contraceptives Physiological Contraceptives

xˉ interpretation xˉ interpretation

Both Parents 2.57 Agree 2.39 Disagree

Single Parent 2.66 Agree 2.41 Disagree

Guardian 2.56 Agree 2.34 Disagree

TV : 3.32 CV : 0.0002 TV : 3.32 CV : 0.0002

Decision :Accept Decision :Accept Ho
Level of Significance: 0.05 Level of Significance: 0.05
Interpretation: No significant difference Interpretation: No significant

High School Students disagree that their parents should know whether they are using
> Poor parent-children relationship(Maldonado, 2004).
> Most parents feel uncomfortable talking about sex to their children (Eisenberg, 2004).
High school students living with their guardians agree that adolescents should inform their
guardians when they are using artificial contraceptives.
>Parents are more strict compared to guardians—they are afraid that their children might
follow the shortcomings in the past (State of the Philippine Population Report2, 2003).
Students who live with single parents agree on artificial contraceptives, however,
respondents with both parents and those living with their guardian disagreed
>Parents have lesser time to be with their children because they are preoccupied with their
work in order to provide their basic needs (Dhavale, 2010)
The highest mean obtained by high school students living with single parents with that of
their attitude towards condoms.
>It was found out that being raised by a single mother leads to an approval of pre-marital
sex by their children, in contrary, being raised by father alone resulted to a lower approval
rate among adolescents (Zablan, 1995).


Generally, High schools students disagree on issues regarding artificial contraceptives

However, High school students agree on issues about physical artificial contraceptives. On the
other hand, they disagree on issues of physiological artificial contraceptives

There is a significant difference on the attitude of high school students when they are
grouped according to school affiliation
Private high school students agree on issues about physical artificial contraceptives ,
however, public high school students disagree on issues about physical artificial
When it comes to physiological artificial contraceptives, both private and public high
school students disagree on the different issues
There is no significant difference on the attitude towards artificial contraceptives when
they are grouped according to living arrangement
High school students living with both parents, single parent and guardian agree on
physical artificial contraceptives while they disagree on physiological artificial contraceptives

The attitude of high school students towards artificial contraceptives is influenced by
school affiliation. Hence, it is only proper that their attitudes are to be assessed so as to
serve as a basis for health teaching
High school students may be knowledgeable or has no knowledge at all about this
methods of contraception
The results of the study give the nurse practitioner an idea on how an intervention can
be possibly introduced. It also gives better understanding on the needs of high schoolers
especially on sensitive issues like these.

The government should implement appropriate programs such as seminars on proper
parenting to guide parents in rearing and dealing with their adolescent children
Guidance, quality time, communication and understanding are the most valuable
things that a parent can share with their children – these can prevent occurrence of
depression and anxiety within the adolescents which could result from negative outcomes
such as involvement in early sexual activities
The researcher recommends that other variables can also be included such as age and

• Narrow participants
• Though it was able to determine the attitude of high school students, the study was
only conducted in Baguio City. Results may or may not be applicable on other gender

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