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Finovel Writer Works Collaboration Rules

About us
Finovel is a free reading platform for quality novels, integrating
high-quality novels all over the world. We are dedicated to providing
users with the best reading experience. Currently, we are open for
collaboration for all online writers, committed to training and creating the
next class of excellent online novel writers, and building an online
writing ecology that encourages innovation and quality.
Writers who sign with us will be able to earn big earnings. In addition,
Finovel also provides excellent original writers with cover design,
copyright derivative development, other kinds of rewards, as well as huge
publicity and packaging resources in an attempt to make writers and
works world-renowned.

Target object:
All writers who signed with Finovel.

Date of implementation: 2021.6.1

1. How to sign with us:

1.1 After publishing 20 chapters (30,000 words or more) on our website
and getting approved by our audit team, you can apply for
contract-signing with us. ( Works applying for contract-signing shall have
a clear copyright path). Works that have been created and/ or publish on
other platform shall be signed as non-exclusive contract; Works that
haven’t been published on other platform but cannot be exclusively
authorized shall be signed as non-exclusive contract; Works that have not
been published on other platforms and voluntarily accept the exclusive
conditions can apply for exclusive contract.
1.2 After editors review your work, the writer will be notified via the
writer center on the website whether or not the requirement of signing
contract has been met.

2. Signing mode:
(1) Non-exclusive contract

Target audience: Works that have been published on other platforms or

works that have not been published on other platforms but for which the
writer is unable or unwilling to grant an exclusive license, both
completed and ongoing are accepted.

Requirements to be met: The writer has completed 20 chapters with an

average of 1,500-2,000 words per chapter, or 30,000 words or more in
total, the work must be original with a clear copyright and meet other
criteria we require.
Available income:

Grade Word count Reading bonus The bonus percentage

(not the sole condition) from readers’
★ 30000-60000 $ 0.02/ 1000 chapters read 40%

★★ 60000-80000 $ 0.03/ 1000 chapters read 50%

★★★ 80000-130000 $ 0.04/ 1000 chapters read 60%

★★★★ 130000-180000 $ 0.06/ 1000 chapters read 70%

★★★★ 180000 or above $ 0.08/ 1000 chapters read 80%

(2) Exclusive contract (exclusive)

Target audience: Works that have not been published on other platforms
and for which the writer has full copyright ownership.

Requirements to be met: Writer completes 20 chapters with an average

of 1,500-2,000 words per chapter, or 30,000 words or more in total, the
work must be original with a clear copyright and meet other criteria we
Available income:

Grade Word count Reading bonus The bonus percentage

(not the sole condition) from readers’
★ 30000-60000 $ 0.04/ 1000 chapters read 60%

★★ 60000-80000 $ 0.05/ 1000 chapters read 70%

★★★ 80000-130000 $ 0.07/ 1000 chapters read 80%

★★★★ 130000-180000 $ 0.08/ 1000 chapters read 90%

★★★★ 180000 or above $ 0.1/ 1000 chapters read 100%

Withdrawal rules:
1. Earnings of the last month can only be withdrawn after the 5th of the
month. For example, all earnings from January 2021 will be included in
the available amount on February 5, at which time all earnings from
January 2021 and before can be withdrawn.
2. Withdrawals can be made when the withdrawal amount reaches $80.
When the withdrawal amount is greater than $80, you can withdraw by
clicking the withdrawal button. After verifying the receiving account by
the staff, your withdrawal request will be processed.
3. For withdrawals made on or before the 15th of each month, the money
will be remitted at the end of the month. For withdrawals made after the
15th of each month, the remittance will be deferred to the end of the
following month. The remittance fee and related taxes will be borne by
the withdrawal party.

3. Concept explanation:
Star Rating
1. Star rating of the work is divided into 5 stars according to the quality
of the novel, the sales and users’ rating of the work, the available income
for each star varies.
2. Contracted work will be given a star rating based on previous month
on the 5th working day of every month, and the earnings of last month
will also be determined by corresponding star rating. The writer can view
their adjusted star rating and monthly income on the writing platform.

Grading Criteria
The rating of the work will be based on: novel's originality, richness of
content, chapter word count, user reading data, user evaluation score,
editorial judgment and etc.
1. Ongoing works shall maintain daily updates, which is an important
criterion for the rating.
2. The word count of a single chapter is recommended to be no less than
1500-2000 words, and that will also be used as one of the criteria for the
editor's star rating.

4. Apply for a star contract

1. Writers register an account in the writing platform and upload their
works. When reaching 30,000 words or 20 chapters or more, the work
can be submitted by the writer to the editor for review, please fill in
personal information and works related information truthfully, so that the
editor can review and set the star.
2. After the editor approves the work, the writer can apply for a contract.
If the work is not approved, the editor will make an explanation and the
writer needs to modify the corresponding content.
3. The writer must ensure that the contract work is original and has
complete copyright, and its content shall not violate any national laws
and regulations and international conventions and treaties; if the writer's
work occurs any infringement and violation of any national laws and
regulations, the platform has the right to collect all the writer's income
and pursue its legal responsibility, and the writer shall compensate for all
the losses caused by this to us and the platform Losses.

5. Growth and Achievement

1.Communication with authors
Gathering will be held regularly with online and offline writers to invite
them for sharing their experience and writing skills with us, and through
these events, get more like-minded friends to develop and grow with you.
2. Writing training
Joining Finovel, you will receive professional writing training. In
addition to the excellent editorial staff of our platform, we have many
professionals in the field who are ready to advise you; we will also offer
writing training courses and invite professionals to teach you how to
3. Producing IP (Intellectual Property)
Here, your work can be developed into various forms, and your story is
not only written. We will design covers for the best works, and through
our IP creation program, your work will have the opportunity to be
illustrated by characters, published, adapted into audiobooks, comics,
games, movies, etc.
You will see first-hand how your story develops from written form to a
4. Multi-Channel Promotion
With a wide variety of offline and online channels, and in order to do our
job well, we will vigorously promote your work to help you find the most
appropriate audience. More than that, we will also expand to various
countries/regions and assist you in developing your work into a world
masterpiece by our professional translation team.

Kindly note that:

In order to protect the rights and interests of Finovel writers, the above
benefits will be adjusted on a quarterly basis.
In order to protect the rights of Finovel writers and maintain a free and
rigorous creative environment for original literature, the platform will
deem the following acts as illegal.
1. The work under the contract violates Singapore's regulations.
2. Plagiarism, malicious miswriting, misappropriation of old manuscripts,
malicious duplication of chapters, and other obvious violations of the
writer's professional ethics appear in the work under the contract.
3. Privately authorize others to use any copyright in the contracted work
without our written consent during the contract period.
4. Violate the confidentiality agreement by privately disclosing the details
of the contract to others.
5. Maliciously defame the website and its staff, or bribe the editor of the
If any of the above violations occur, the platform will cancel the current
month or all earnings and benefits. If the violation causes serious damage
to the platform, the platform has the legal right to pursue responsibility.
The copyright of the work must be clear from the signing of the contract
to the subsequent creation process. Plagiarism or scribbling is prohibited.
Once found, the work will not enjoy any profit. If significant damage is
caused, legal responsibility will be pursued according to law.
The "Finovel Writer's Benefit" will take effect on June 1, 2021.
Finovel reserves the right to make final interpretations of this benefit
program and to modify it and its specific operating rights.

Special Note: The writer authorizes Finovel to make any

modifications and adjustments to the Cooperation Rules (including,
but not limited to, the Benefit Plan, etc.) at any time and undertakes
to recognize, accept and not object to the modified and/or adjusted
Cooperation Rules and to voluntarily assume the legal liability
arising therefrom, provided that the Platform guarantees that the
modified and/or adjusted Cooperation Rules will not be too harsh
compared to the Cooperation Rules before the modification and/or
adjustment. (The criterion for being too harsh is a 50% or more
decrease in the writer's benefits and other income in the case where
the writer has contributed and provided the same star rating as
before and has fully and properly fulfilled the cooperation rules and
the contractual agreement signed between the parties, unless
otherwise agreed by the parties).

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