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St Karen’s High School

Civics-Chapter 5
Parliamentary Government:The Union
Class 8
C.Answer the following questions in not more than 40 words:
Q1.How is India ‘s president elected?
Ans. The president of India is elected indirectly.He is elected by a body called an electoral
college,composed of the elected members of the Lok Sabha,the Rajya Sabha and the state
legislative assemblies.

Q2.When can the president declare a state of emergency?

Ans. The president can declare a state of emergency on the advice of the council of ministers if
the country faces an attack from outside,an armed internal revolt or a serious financial crisis.

Q3.What are the main functions of the prime minister?

Ans.The prime minister heads the union executive and the central council of ministers.He
chooses the ministers,presided over their meetings and coordinates their work. The prime
minister communicates executive decisions to the president. The president acts on the advice
of the prime minister.

Q4.Discuss the main functions of the council of ministers.

Ans. The council of ministers
*Takes all the executive decisions,though in the president ‘s name
*Prepares the yearly union budget
*Gives effect to laws passed by the parliament
*Ministers introduce bills concerning their departments in parliament.

D.Answer the following questions in not more than 100 words:

Q1.Mention some of the powers of the president of India.
Ans.The president is formally the head of the union executive.Executive actions are taken in his
name.He appoints the prime minister,members of the central council of ministers,governors of
states and judges of the Supreme Court and the high court.As supreme commander of the
armed forces,he appoints the chiefs of the army,navy and air force.
A bill becomes a law only after the president ‘s signature.He can dissolve the parliament and
declare a state of emergency if advised by the council of ministers.He can impose president ‘s
rule on a state if its constitutional machinery breaks down.
The president can,on a petition for mercy,reduce or cancel the sentence by a court.He can even
change a death sentence.

Q2.The council of ministers is collectively responsible to the parliament.Explain this statement.

Ans.The prime minister and his council of ministers work on the principle of collective
responsibility.This means that all the members work as a team.They are jointly responsible to
the parliament for any decision taken by the council.Hence,if a vote of no confidence is passed
against any member of the council the whole council has to resign.

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