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Module 2


Name: Jeric John T. Lazaro

Course & Year: BSED II-A

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan


Name: Date:
I find the activity to be fun, it is not Course
that difficult because some& Year:
of the questions are Score:
answered on the 1last module and are relatable as well, but despite that knowledge from the
last module I still lack many informations on many aspects, I still want to learn deeper and
more profound for me to expand my knowledge on this subject.

1. Does the temperature of a body depend on its size?

No, but the ability of the body to retain heat does. All humans are wired to maintain the same
core temperature, but a larger person has more body mass, so he would take more time to
release the same amount of heat to the surrounding environment. A very thin person loses
more heat, because the body's center of mass is closer to the surface, so the body would have
to work harder to maintain the same temperatur..

2. Liquids and solids have densities about 1000 times greater than gases. Explain how this implies
that the distances between atoms and molecules in gases are about 10 times greater than the size
of their atoms and molecules.
Atoms and molecules are close together in solid and liquid. In gases they are
separated in empty space. Thus gases have lower densities than liquids and solids.
Density is mass per unit volume, and volume is related to the size of the body if the distance between atom and molecule increases by a factor of 10,
then the volume occupied increases by a factor of 1000, and the density decreasea a
factor of 1000.

3. Explain why a cup of water (or soda) with ice cubes stays at 0ºC, even on a hot summer day.
The ice and liquid water are in thermal equilibrium, so that the temperature stays at the
freezing temperature as long as ice remains in the liquid. Once all of the ice melts, the water
temperature will start to rise.

4. energy transfer involved in a phase change? If so, will energy have to be supplied to change
phase from solid to liquid and liquid to gas? What about gas to liquid and liquid to solid? Why do
they spray the orange trees with water in Florida when the temperatures are near or just below
Yes energy transfer is involved in a phase change. Energy or heat is supplied to change phase
from solid to liquid like the butter for it to melt you need to heat it, as well as liquid to has where
you need to put the water on fire or on heat for it to be evaporated and turn to mist, Energy or
heat should be removed or transfer to another medium for the gas to turn into liquid or
condensate, and liquid to solid. They spray water on orange trees farmers can use to combat
this takes advantage of the fact that phase changes of water involve substantial amounts of
energy known as latent heats. Everyone knows that ice only melts into liquid water after some
energy has been supplied to the ice, the latent heat of melting. In the process, the environment
that surrounds the original ice becomes colder since it has been forced to spend some energy
to do the melting.This heat is enough to preserve the fruit inside from freezing. So,
paradoxically, causing ice to form on the fruit saves it from freezing.

5. does it mean to say that two systems are in thermal equilibrium?

Thermal equilibrium occurs when two bodies are in contact with each other and can freely
exchange energy. Systems are in thermal equilibrium when they have the same temperature.

3. Summarize your response.

Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Name: Date: Course & Year: Score:

Activity 2 (Use the space in Annex)

Two samples (A and B) of the same substance are kept in a lab. Someone adds 10
kilojoules (kJ) of heat to one sample, while 10 kJ of work is done on the other sample.
How can you tell to which sample the heat was added?

Heat and work both change the internal energy of the substance.
However, the properties of the sample only depend on the internal
energy so that it is impossible to tell whether heat was added to sample
A or B.

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Name: Date: Course & Year: Score:

Activity 3 (Use the space in Annex)

If 25 kJ is necessary to raise the temperature of a block from 25ºC to 30ºC , how much heat
is necessary to heat the block from 45ºC to 50ºC?

The heat transfer depends only on the temperature difference. Since the
temperature differences are the same in both cases, the same 25 kJ is necessary
in the second case.

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Activity 4 (Use the space in Annex)

Take-Home Experiment: Temperature Change of Land and Water
What heats faster, land or water?
To study differences in heat capacity:
• Place equal masses of dry sand (or soil) and water at the same temperature into
two small jars. (The average density of soil or sand is about 1.6 times that of water,
so you can achieve approximately equal masses by using 50% more water by
• Heat both (using an oven or a heat lamp) for the same amount of time.
• Record the final temperature of the two masses.
• Now bring both jars to the same temperature by heating for a longer period of time.
• Remove the jars from the heat source and measure their temperature every 5
minutes for about 30 minutes.
Which sample cools off the fastest? This activity replicates the phenomena responsible for
land breezes and sea breezes.

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Name: Date: Course & Year: Score:

Activity 5 (Use the space in Annex)

(a) How much heat transfer is required to raise the temperature of a 0.750-kg
aluminum pot containing 2.50 kg of water from 30.0ºC to the boiling point and then
boil away 0.750 kg of water?

(b) How long does this take if the rate of heat transfer is 500 W 1 watt = 1 joule/second
(1 W = 1 J/s) ?

Republic of the Philippines

Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Name: Date: Course & Year: Score:

Activity 6 (Use the space in Annex)

Why does snow remain on mountain slopes even when daytime temperatures are higher
than the freezing temperature?

There is an enormous amount of energy required for a certain

substance's phase change. Ice is a solid form of water formed by
fusion of water molecules. And for the snow to melt an enormous
amount of energy is required, even if the air surrounding the snow is
above the freezing point. So if the air is warmer, heat exchange can
be easier and the snow can melt faster. As for the snow not melting
even in day time it's because of the altitude of the area, As air rises,
the pressure decreases. It is this lower pressure at higher altitudes
that causes the temperature to be colder on top of a mountain than at
sea level.

Activity 7 (Use the space in Annex)

Name an example from daily life (different from the text) for each mechanism of heat

warming your back muscles with a heating pad.
warm-blooded animals employ convection to regulate the temperatures of the
body. The human heart is a pump and blood circulation in the human body is an
example of forced convection. The heat which is generated by the cells in the
body is transferred to air or water which is flowing over the skin.
The transmission of electromagnetic waves through the microwave oven.

Activity 8 (Use the space in Annex)
How does the rate of heat transfer by conduction change when all spatial dimensions are

Because area is the product of two spatial dimensions, it increases

by a factor of four when each dimension is doubled (Afinal = (2d)2 =
4d2 = 4Ainitial). The distance, however, simply doubles. Because the
temperature difference and the coefficient of thermal conductivity are
independent of the spatial dimensions, the rate of heat transfer by
conduction increases by a factor of four divided by two, or two

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Name: Date: Course & Year: Score:

Activity 9 (Use the space in Annex)

(a) Calculate the rate of heat conduction through house walls that are 13.0 cm thick and that have an
average thermal conductivity twice that of glass wool. Assume there are no windows or doors. The
surface area of the walls is 120 m2 and their inside surface is at 18.0ºC, while their outside surface
is at 5.00ºC.

(b) How many 1-kW room heaters would be needed to balance the heat transfer due to conduction?

10 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Activity 10 (Use the space in Annex)

Take-Home Experiment: Convection Rolls in a Heated Pan

Convection Rolls in a Heated Pan Take two small pots of water and use an eye dropper to place a drop of
food coloring near the bottom of each. Leave one on a bench top and heat the other over a stovetop.
Watch how the color spreads and how long it takes the color to reach the top. Watch how convective loops

11 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Name: Date: Course & Year: Score:

Activity 11 (Use the space in Annex)

54. A glass coffee pot has a circular bottom with a 9.00-cm diameter in contact with a heating element
that keeps the coffee warm with a continuous heat transfer rate of 50.0 W
(a) What is the temperature of the bottom of the pot, if it is 3.00 mm thick and the inside temperature
is 60.0ºC ?
(b) If the temperature of the coffee remains constant and all of the heat transfer is removed by
evaporation, how many grams per minute evaporate? Take the heat of vaporization to
be 2340 kJ/kg.

Republic of the Philippines

Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Name: Date: Course & Year: Score:

12 | P a g e
Activity 12 (Use the space in Annex)
Explain why using a fan in the summer feels refreshing !

Republic of the Philippines

Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Name: Date: Course & Year: Score:

Activity 13 (Use the space in Annex)

Take-Home Experiment: Temperature in the Sun

13 | P a g e
Place a thermometer out in the sunshine and shield it from direct sunlight using an aluminum foil. What is
the reading? Now remove the shield, and note what the thermometer reads. Take a handkerchief soaked in
nail polish remover, wrap it around the thermometer and place it in the sunshine. What does the
thermometer read?

Republic of the Philippines

Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Name: Date: Course & Year: Score:

Activity 14 (Use the space in Annex)

Suppose you walk into a sauna that has an ambient temperature of 50.0ºC.
(a) Calculate the rate of heat transfer to you by radiation given your skin temperature is
37.0ºC, the emissivity of skin is 0.98, and the surface area of your body is 1.50 m2 .

(b) If all other forms of heat transfer are balanced (the net heat transfer is zero), at what rate
will your body temperature increase if your mass is 75.0 kg?

14 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan

Name: Date: Course & Year: Score:

Activity 15 (Use the space in Annex)

What is the change in the rate of the radiated heat by a body at the temperature T1 = 20ºC compared to
when the body is at the temperature T2 = 40ºC ?

15 | P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan


Write at most 100 words as a reflection and responds to this subject matter. Use the space provide in

16 | P a g e
3 things I learned from this module

2 things I will do to apply what I learned

1 suggestion I have about the lesson

Republic of the Philippines

Main Campus Sumagdang, Isabela City, Basilan


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