Tech Interview Report Example

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Staffing Engineering Services - 2020

Interview Results (Example)

These are the result details related to the interview to ENGINEER NAME:

Analysis & Problem Solving

• He explained and analyzed how the MVC architectural pattern should work in a UI context and he
could explain the basics about how it works.
o We added some cases to see how he reacts in terms on analysis and he had some
difficulties now to understand the things he did not know about it.
o His analysis was not so quick as we want but he was able to follow the path we were
marking, and he could relate better how the MVC pattern interacts against the cases
we put as part of his analysis.

Technical skills/experience

• He mentioned that he has experience with WordPress (4 years), PHS, JS, HTML, CSS, VUE.JS,

Object Oriented Programming

• He was able to explain what polymorphism is.
o He was not able to explain which if the override occurs in runtime or compilation time.
• He was able to explain the difference between an abstract class and an interface.
• He was not able to explain when to use a singleton vs a static class.

Design/Architectural Patterns
• He just mentioned that he knows 1 design pattern (Observer) but his explanation was not
reflecting the complete concept.
• He explained the purpose of the MVC pattern, but he had many conflicts by explaining the
interaction between layers.

• He mentioned that he has experience with React.js and Context.
o According to the questions in these technologies we could see that he has a good
domain over them.
o He could answer questions about the library like what is props and status, the
differences between ComponentWillMount and ComponondeDidMOunt
• He could not use Redux but he understands the use of context. He was able to explain the purpose
of a Single page application.
• He was able to explain what AJAX is.
• He could explain some new things that are available in the HTML5 version.
• He was able to explain the purpose of the CSS preprocessors.
• He also uses Fire-base for authentication in his own project.

• He mentioned that his experience in the back-end area was only for 1 year.
• He mentioned that he had experience by working with ORMs (Eloquent in PHP and Hibernate in
Staffing Engineering Services - 2020
RESTful Web Services
• He mentioned he knows about creation and consumption of RESTful services.
• He was able to recognize only 4 HTTP verbs in REST practices.
• He did not know about HTTP status codes to be returned for success cases in a CRUD operation.
• He did not know about a “Resource”.
• He was able to define endpoint for CRUD operations but without best practices.
• He was not able to explain about versioning in a REST Service.

Test-Driven Development
• He explained the concept of that practice wat his explanation was not clear.

• He mentioned he has experience with MySQL.
• He did not what Normalization is during the modeling of a relational DB.
• He was able to explain how works a couple of DML statements like Join and Left Join.

Agile Methodologies
• He could give only a brief explanation about the purpose of the Scrum methodology, but he
was not sure about the whole methodology concepts.

Leadership skills
• He did not have the change to have this role.
• He was able to give a good explanation about the responsibilities of a leadership.
• It seems that this role is not part of his interests.

Communication skills
• He could understand and speak without problems in English.
• We could have a conversation with fluency.
• His communication in Spanish was good he does not have problems to communicate his ideas.
• He communicates what he wants to say without being aggressive and he is always listening with


We could see that he has some domain knowledge about the Front-end area and technologies
associated but there were many concepts that he was not able to explain clearly, and he was not
remembering well. In some cases, he was trying to convince us about some concepts that were
totally wrong.
He needs to work more in knowing the best practices of the standards or technologies he is using.

According to that we think that he can be accepted as a Junior developer, but he will need to

reinforce the mentioned aspects to start growing through the next level.

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