MDAS2020 Règlement Sélections Pays GB

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Rules for selections for the

International Confectionery Art

competition 2020
Mixed doubles in Haute-Pâtisserie

1. Competition fundamentals and values

“An exceptional competition with a unique concept: the only international

competition of haute-patisserie that imposes a man-woman team. The most
talented professionals on the international stage unite around the same

 Mixing:
o To encourage working in mixed teams
o To highlight women’s talents

 Excellence:
o To value the talent of professionals from around the world
o To allow pastry chefs, confectioners, chocolate makers, restaurant
pastry chefs, ice cream makers, from all over the world to fully
express their creativity
o Permit the discovery of new techniques, and bring out tomorrow’s
pastry stars

 Conviviality:
o Make this competition a unique experience both professionally and
o Allow each participant to live a unique moment sharing, exchange
while at the same time wanting to stand out from other nations

DGF – Association pour l’organisation du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés

7 rue Henri Navier – ZAC des Cettons 2 – 78 570 Chanteloup les Vignes – France
Tel : 33(0)1 39 22 22 30 – Fax : 33 (0)1 70 74 61 93
Rules for selections for the
International Confectionery Art
competition 2020
Mixed doubles in Haute-Pâtisserie

2. Description of the selection

The purpose of this selection
 To bring together the best professionals in a day of selection
 To evaluate their competency / their talent
 To name the team who will represent their country in the final of the International
Confectionery Art competition in 2020

Competition date To be defined

Place To be defined

Organiser The Association du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés

To present yourself as a male-female team

To be a food industry professional (pâtissier, chocolatier,
Conditions of eligibility confiseur, pâtissier de restauration, glacier)
To have French nationality

Requirements No age limit

Conditions of
See rules below
Number of participants To be defined
10h of practical assignments united around an open
theme selected by each team
Programme for Creations to make on-site:
production  Sugar and chocolate art creation
 Entremets
 Plated dessert
Association du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés
7 rue Henri Navier – ZAC des Cettons 2
Contact 78 570 CHANTELOUP LES VIGNES – France
Tél : + 33 (0)1 39 22 22 30 -

DGF – Association pour l’organisation du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés

7 rue Henri Navier – ZAC des Cettons 2 – 78 570 Chanteloup les Vignes – France
Tel : 33(0)1 39 22 22 30 – Fax : 33 (0)1 70 74 61 93
Rules for selections for the
International Confectionery Art
competition 2020
Mixed doubles in Haute-Pâtisserie

3. Competition rules

Article 1: Conditions of eligibility

To participate for the selection, each team is obliged to fill the following criteria:
 Present as a team, a man and a woman
 Be a food industry professional
 Have nationality of the country, or at least a status of permanent resident
If these 3 criteria are met, the team can then prepare a complete application file. To note
also that there is no age limit for participating in the selections.

Article 2: Application procedure

 Step 1: composition of the file
For an application to be complete and submitted for validation to the organising
committee, each team must present the following elements:
o Application form (document supplied by the Committee)
o Detailed CV of each candidate (document supplied by the Committee)
o High definition photo in professional attire (150 dpi minimum in JPEG format)
o Motivation letter for the team with reasons for their candidacy
o Signature of a letter of intent (document supplied by the Committee)
o High definition book of creations (150 dpi minimum in JPEG format): this book
is to evaluate technical / artistic competency
o Only fully completed application files will be presented to the organising
 Step 2: follow up of the application
When your application form is complete, you can send it to The Committee
can organize phone interview as a complement if they need any further information
about your application.
An application is considered as accepted when the team receive an official letter from the
Committee saying it has been accepted for the selection of the country.
 Step 3: confirmation of the application
If your application is accepted, we will directly contact you for the organization of the

DGF – Association pour l’organisation du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés

7 rue Henri Navier – ZAC des Cettons 2 – 78 570 Chanteloup les Vignes – France
Tel : 33(0)1 39 22 22 30 – Fax : 33 (0)1 70 74 61 93
Rules for selections for the
International Confectionery Art
competition 2020
Mixed doubles in Haute-Pâtisserie


Article 3: Date and place

Date and place to be confirmed.

Article 4: Planning
 The day before the competition
Selected teams must be present the evening before for their preparation in the
laboratory provided for this purpose. Each team will have 2 hours to set up.
Teams that do not have time to set up during the time allowed the day before the
competition must finish their installation on the morning of the competition.
 Day of the competition
The day will take place in the following manner: 9 hours and 30 minutes of tests (+ 30
minutes of assembly of the buffet and cleaning of the workspace).
This means that after 9 hours and 30 minutes, teams will have an additional 30 minutes to
set up their buffet, no technical work will be allowed.
You will receive a detailed schedule of the competition day a few weeks before the start
of the tests.

Article 5: Theme & recipes

Once you have been selected, you will begin to prepare your selection. Each team is free
to choose its own theme. All your creations must work within your theme. It will be your
Nevertheless, in order to allow our jury to evaluate you under the best conditions, you
will have to present yourself the day of the selection with the following files:
 Presentation document for the jury
o A4 format, bound, colour print, 8 copies
o Your first names, surnames, theme
o Explain the theme you have chosen in a few lines
 Tasting document for the jury
o A4 format, bound, colour print, 8 copies
o Your first names, surnames, theme
o Detail of your recipes and assembly

DGF – Association pour l’organisation du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés

7 rue Henri Navier – ZAC des Cettons 2 – 78 570 Chanteloup les Vignes – France
Tel : 33(0)1 39 22 22 30 – Fax : 33 (0)1 70 74 61 93
Rules for selections for the
International Confectionery Art
competition 2020
Mixed doubles in Haute-Pâtisserie

Article 6: Programme for what you will make

Free theme: You must choose a theme that will guide all that you will make. There must
be consistency between each creation. Part of the scoring will focus on the consistency
of your presentation buffet.
 1 sugar art creation and 1 chocolate art creation
 2 identical entremets - Tasting
 9 identical platted desserts – Tasting

Article 7: Detail for what you will make

Sugar art centrepiece: To make entirely on site
 Base
o Height of the base (stand included): 6 cm maximum
o Dimensions of the base: 50 x 50 cm maximum
 Piece
o On the base, the piece is made entirely from sugar and of free dimensions:
length, width and height
o Free shape of the piece
o Everything above the base must be edible
 Pastillage
o It is possible to bring in 4 kg of pastillage. It must be white or coloured in the
mass, unassembled and not glued. A commissioner will control the weight of
the pastillage before the competition
 A maximum number of sugar techniques are advised and requested (poured, blown,
pressed, pulled, etc.). The sugar centrepiece must be composed of a minimum of 50%
pulled sugar
o All sugar recipes are authorised (isomalt, etc.)
o Reheated sugar is authorised. If a candidate brings it, it must be in a ball,
unworked and ready to heat (=brut mass). It can also be brought in coloured
IMPORTANT: The sugar centrepiece must serve as a support for the entremets

Chocolate centrepiece: To make entirely on site

 Base
o Height of the base (base stand included): 6 cm maximum
o Dimensions of the base: 50 x 50 cm maximum
 Piece
o On the base, the piece is made entirely from chocolate and of free
dimensions: length, width and height

o Free shape of the piece


DGF – Association pour l’organisation du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés

7 rue Henri Navier – ZAC des Cettons 2 – 78 570 Chanteloup les Vignes – France
Tel : 33(0)1 39 22 22 30 – Fax : 33 (0)1 70 74 61 93
Rules for selections for the
International Confectionery Art
competition 2020
Mixed doubles in Haute-Pâtisserie

o Everything above the base stand must be edible

 A maximum number of chocolate techniques are advised and requested
o Plastic / modelling chocolate (for modelling) is allowed. It must, however, be
brought in in an unworked brut block and may be already coloured

Entremets: To make entirely on site

 2 identical entremets
 Non imposed shape & composition
 Non imposed fillings and flavours
 Weight: between 800 g and 1000 g
 The entremets must be dominant in chocolate and all must be made on site. No
finished product is authorised, only finishing products (i.e. fondant icings, glazes and
icings) may be brought to the competition
The entremets for tasting will be selected by 1 member of the committee for the tasting
IMPORTANT: the sugar centrepiece must serve as a support for the entremets

Plated dessert: To make entirely on site

 Plated dessert signifies a catered dessert that could be served in a restaurant
 9 identical plated desserts
 Textures and flavours: free choice
 Dimensions, height, type of plate: free
Within the plate, all must be edible; no inedible presentation will be accepted.
Candidates must bring their own plates.

Article 8: Planning of tastings

A draw will be made by the Organizing Committee a few weeks before the competition to
determine the order of the tastings and thus give visibility to the candidates.
However, you will find below information on the frequency of tastings:
 Tasting of plated desserts:
o Frequency of sending out: every les 10 min
o Time of sending out the first plate: To be defined
 Tasting of entremets:
o Frequency of sending out: all entremets at the same time
o Time of sending out the entremets: To define but you will have a minimum
of 7h working time before sending out the entremets

DGF – Association pour l’organisation du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés

7 rue Henri Navier – ZAC des Cettons 2 – 78 570 Chanteloup les Vignes – France
Tel : 33(0)1 39 22 22 30 – Fax : 33 (0)1 70 74 61 93
Rules for selections for the
International Confectionery Art
competition 2020
Mixed doubles in Haute-Pâtisserie

Article 9: Working space

 Each team will have enough space to perform their work in the best conditions.
The information will be communicated to you a few weeks before the selection.
 In addition, teams undertake to respect the internal rules of the institution in its
 Teams must imperatively return their working space in the state they received it.
Part of the scoring will focus on the cleanliness of your work station.

Article 10: Available equipment

Teams will provide their own small equipment for the competition, only large equipment
will be provided by the organisation committee. We will contact you as soon as possible
to give you more information.

Article 11: Fresh products and raw ingredients

Teams are responsible for bringing their raw materials for the competition. They are also
autonomous / independent on their expenses.

Article 12: Rating criteria

3 criteria are taken into account in the scoring process. They are all equal.
 Tasting
o Originality, creativity, presentation
o Organoleptic qualities
 Artistic
o Originality, creativity, performance, work quality and technical difficulty
 Work
o Cleanliness, calm, methodology & organisation
The content of each criterion is of course not exhaustive, the aim being to give you a
maximum of indicators to perform within.
The decision of the professionals composing the jury will be final. They will supervise the
smooth running of the competition and will guarantee the integrity of the Association du
Mondial Des Arts Sucrés. They will be neutral and impartial.
In addition, a commissioner will be appointed during the selection day to meet the
candidates' needs (defective equipment malfunctions, etc.). He/she will allow each
participant to work under the best conditions.

DGF – Association pour l’organisation du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés

7 rue Henri Navier – ZAC des Cettons 2 – 78 570 Chanteloup les Vignes – France
Tel : 33(0)1 39 22 22 30 – Fax : 33 (0)1 70 74 61 93
Rules for selections for the
International Confectionery Art
competition 2020
Mixed doubles in Haute-Pâtisserie

Article 13: Deliberation & replacement

Deliberation will take place in the wake of the selection day by the jury.
The selected team will then be autonomous with the management of its preparation
schedule in view of the final.
In addition, 1 substitute team will be appointed to replace the selected team in case of
failure to represent their country.

Article 14: Dress code

Teams must wear professional clothing (vests + trousers + shoes) during the competition
and throughout its duration. The Committee will provide one jacket per contestant during
the selection.

Article 15: Disputes

Any dispute will be judged by the president of the Organising Committee and may be
subject to an exclusion of a candidate.

Article 16: Cancelling the selection

The competition may be cancelled without prior notice or compensation in case of force

Article 17: Moral commitment

Given the content of the tests, teams must respect the rules of the competition, the
schedules of passage as well as the requirements related to the competition. Candidates
undertake to comply with the Committee's guidelines.
In addition, the pair selected to represent its country is committed to give all they can
prepare in the best possible manner for the final and thus defend the colours of their

Article 18: Responsibility

The Association du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés declines all responsibility for the breakage,
loss, theft or accidents that may occur during the course of the selection.

DGF – Association pour l’organisation du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés

7 rue Henri Navier – ZAC des Cettons 2 – 78 570 Chanteloup les Vignes – France
Tel : 33(0)1 39 22 22 30 – Fax : 33 (0)1 70 74 61 93
Rules for selections for the
International Confectionery Art
competition 2020
Mixed doubles in Haute-Pâtisserie

Article 19: Communication

 The teams tacitly agree to transfer:
o All image rights which will allow the association du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés
to promote the event
o All rights to the receips that will be made during the competition
 The Association du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés reserves the right to use any
photographs, films, recipes, or interviews for the international promotion of the
 All communications must be validated before publication

DGF – Association pour l’organisation du Mondial Des Arts Sucrés

7 rue Henri Navier – ZAC des Cettons 2 – 78 570 Chanteloup les Vignes – France
Tel : 33(0)1 39 22 22 30 – Fax : 33 (0)1 70 74 61 93

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