What Tone Is Used?

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What tone is used?

This text has a scary tone. Just at the beginning of this story, the main
character asks if his safety is guaranteed and gets the answer “we
guarantee nothing” which is a reason why I find the tone scary. That’s
the beginning of the story and it indicates that the story may be
scary. They later say that he wants to hunt the “most incredible
monster in the history”. A metaphor is used in this sentence.
Monsters are imaginary creatures and a lot of people are scared from
them. This sentence is another factor why this story uses a scary

How is the main character presented? Explain the

personality traits.

The main character, Eckles, is a hunter who is interested in

safaris and wants to go back through time to hunt a T-rex. He is very
brave to able to try killing a t-rex because as I stated before T-rex is
called “the most incredible monster in the history”. That shows how
brave the main character is. He is also careless because he doesn’t
obey and make that “Butterfly” effect happen.
How are feeling Revealed?

The feeling in this story is mostly revealed by dialogues. “Get me out

of here, I was always sure I’d come through alive”. In this dialogue,
we can see how Eckles gets stressed and worried. Expressions
included like “I’m sorry” also helps to reveal those feelings in this
story. The feelings are also revealed by a descriptive language as an
example sentence “Far birds' cries blew on a wind, and the smell of
tar and an old salt sea, moist grasses, and flowers the color of blood.”
The scent of “an old salt sea” or “moist grasses” indicate a calm

What particularly in the story has an impact on

real life?

The “Butterfly Effect” which played an important role in the story can
be given examples from real life and those things that this effect
create can have serious impacts on real life. As an example that was
said in the story “thousands, a million, a billion possible mice” aren’t
to be even born. Not just that, of course, something “really small”
Eckles does in the past effects the world in a really unexpected way
and things such as election results, the English language are a lot
different from how it was. In real life, we do “small things” just like
Eckles did and don’t even know the results those small things we do.
They have a lot of consequences and can affect the future in a really
bad way, plus, we wouldn’t even know what would’ve happened
instead if we didn’t make those “small things”.
If you were to change a certain part of the story,
what would it be?
I didn’t like the last part of the story where Eckles is killed so I would
change the story there.

Eckles started thinking “It can’t be, I just killed a butterfly, I changed
the whole world, I ruined it, it’s all my fault”. Travis got his gun up
pointing it towards Eckles. He started screaming “Can’t we just
change it all back, fix it we can go to the past and prevent myself
from doing those, please is there no other way please don’t kill me”.
"Stop or I’ll fire you” said the manager calmly. When hearing it Travis
put his gun back unwillingly, still staring at Eckles. Travis started
shouting “Why don’t we just kill him nobody should know, if we get
caught the foundation is dead. The manager answered, “There is a
way Travis, calm down, it is very dangerous but it is still possible”.
With a blank stare, “How, as far as I know, if we see ourselves in the
past that would cause a paradox and destroy the whole universe”
said Travis still wondering how it can be possible. Eckles stood up
from where he was lying “That’s only true if we come face to face
with ourselves…” said Eckles calmly but still shaking from the
adrenaline, “nothing will happen if the past us doesn’t see the
current us”. Travis, still curious, asked, “How are you planning to tell
yourself not to do what you did without coming face to face”. The
manager suddenly stood up and said: “Why don’t we use our current
technology and make a robot talk to Eckles instead of you guys”.
Eckles, happy that he won’t be killed, “Yes that’s really smart and
simple, we can fix the timeline without ruining it again”. Suddenly
they realized some clicking noises and searched for it to see where it
comes from, surprisingly they saw a guy that was typing with his
keyboard in the corner of the room. “Whoa, what the heck” cried
Eckles, “has he been listening to us all this time?”. Manager, again,
calmly “Well he is my assistant and a software engineer, he gets
everything I need done, so I’m guessing he is coding the robot we
were just talking about, am I right John?”. “Yes, sir” said the guy in
the corner “It will be ready within 5 minutes”. So they just sat and
waited for it… After 5 minutes that felt like an eternity “Its done” said
John. “What are we waiting for then?” asked Travis and so they just
went into the time machine. “Good luck guys” said the manager and
the machine started working, it is day, then night, day, night, day,
night, day, night… And They were there in the past they quickly got
out of the time machine and hided in the shadow of a tree. They saw
themselves getting out of the time machine so they activated the
robot, the robot started walking and went near the “past” them.
“Hello, I’m from the future, Eckles you ruin the future by acting
inappropriately if you don’t behave yourself this time you will be
executed, please act as needed”. The robot disappeared in the dark
coming back to its owners. Eckles looked at Travis “I’m pretty sure I
will behave, that “past” me must have missed a heartbeat!”. After
saying that without another word they jumped back to the time
travel machine. When they were back to the future everything was
perfect, back to normal, they were really glad they succeeded.

Written by: Demir Özdemir 9\I 70146

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