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P1 Mía: In winter, the queen sat embroidering by the

window, involuntarily pricking her finger with a needle, she

wished to give birth to a daughter with "teeth as white as
snow, lips as pink as blood, skin as black as the wood of a
• Shortly after, the wish comes true. The queen gave birth
to love and named it Snow White, but she died shortly
after giving birth.
• The following year, the king remarried to a young lady.
The queen has a magic mirror and often asks it to see
who is the most beautiful in the world, the mirror brings her
• The year Snow White is seven years old. The queen has
a magic mirror. Whenever she looks at herself in front of
the mirror, she often asks:
And the looking-glass would answer,
MVT: - Gương kia ngự ở trên tường,
Nước này ai đẹp được dường như ta.
MÍA And the looking-glass would answer,
Thảo - Muôn tâu hoàng hậu, hoàng hậu chính là người
đẹp nhất ở nước này.
p2 Mía And she was contented, for she knew that the
looking-glass spoke the truth. Now, Snow-white was
growing prettier and prettier, and when she was seven
years old she was as beautiful as day, far more so than
the queen herself. So one day when the queen went to her
mirror and said,
MVT- Gương kia ngự ở trên tường,
Nước này ai đẹp được dường như ta.
Mía :Gương trả lời: It answered,

Thảo- Thưa hoàng hậu,

Ở đây bà đẹp tuyệt trần
Nhưng còn Bạch Tuyết muôn phần đẹp hơn.
p3 MÍa: This gave the queen a great shock, and she
became yellow and green with envy, and from that hour
her heart turned against Snow-white, and she hated her.
And envy and pride like ill weeds grew in her heart higher
every day, until she had no peace day or night. At last she
sent for a huntsman, and said

MVT- Ngươi hãy mang con bé này vào trong rừng sâu, ta
không muốn nhìn mặt nó nữa. Ngươi hãy giết nó đi, mang
gan, phổi nó về cho ta để chứng tỏ ngươi đã giết nó.
P4 Thành : The huntsman consented, and led her away;
but when he drew his cutlass to pierce Snow-white's
innocent heart, she began to weep, and to say, 

THẢo ( bạch tuyết)- Trời ơi, bác thợ săn yêu quý, bác hãy
để cháu sống, cháu sẽ chạy trốn trong rừng hoang vu này,
cháu xin thề là sẽ không bao giờ trở lại cung nữa.
P5 Thành : And as she was so lovely the huntsman had
pity on her, and said

MÍa (THỢ Săn) - Con trốn vào rừng đi, tội nghiệp con quá.
P6 Thành The hunter saw the princess and felt
compassion for her, so he told her to escape, and killed a
wild boar to take his heart and liver to present to the
Now, when the poor child found herself quite alone in the
wild woods, she felt full of terror, even of the very leaves
on the trees, and she did not know what to do for fright.

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