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Social Media is a series of websites and applications designed to allow

people to share content quickly, efficiently and in real time. Most people today

define social media as applications on their smart phone or tablet, but the truth is,

the ability to share photos, opinions, event etc. In real time transforming the way

we do life and it is also transforming the way we do business, (Hudson 2017).

Social Media’s effect on our ability to interact and communicate is visible

throughout all areas of society, so what does this mean for interpersonal

communication? According to Paul Booth, PhD., an assistant professor of media

and cinema studies in the college of communication at DePaul University in

Chicago, Social Media certainly effects how we engage with one another across

all venues and ages. There is a shift in the way we communicate; rather than

face-to-face interaction, we’re tending to prefer medicated communication and

we’d rather than chat or e-mail than meet; we’d rather text than talk on the

phone. Experts agree that clinicians must be aware that people are changing the

way we communicate. “we may rely on the weak connections we’re making on

social media more than on the strong connections we might have when we’re

meeting face-to-face” Booth says.

The Impacts of Social Media may vary. Using Social Media can improve

our interpersonal communication with others because of its wide range of

connection, we are able to talk with people who is miles away. Since that social

media normally became part of our lives, it has different impacts that can affect

interpersonal communication.

This is why the researchers is motivated to conduct a study about the

impact of Social Media in Interpersonal Communication as Perceived by Senior

High School HUMSS-12 of Nicolites Montessori School S.Y. 2017-2018.

Background of the Study

In the new advancement of Social Media in Electronic Technology

progressing everyday, it’s rising popularity in society, and it’s constant, continued

use within the society, social media has become the biggest platform for

communication throughout the world. Whether business, advertising and

marketing, charities and groups for raising awareness and fund raising or

families, friends and individuals simply seeking information; wanting to build and

maintain relationships with those around them, near and far, the purpose of

social media allows for one specific task to be executed efficiently and effectively

in easiest possible way – spreading a message.

With the world swallowing up this new means of communication and with

social media usage progressively continuing to skyrocket, this form of technology

opens up a new channel of tightly woven interconnectivity and interactivity with

the individuals forever changing the way the world population interacts,

communicates, spreads it messages and ultimately forms relationships. And as

statistics, activities, frequencies and volume of social media users continue to

rise along with the amount of time users spend consuming social media

platforms per day, while interpersonal communication relationships and social

skills continue to diminish, two important questions to emerge – the first one

regarding why a significant social media every single day in such volumes, while

concrete interpersonal relationships slowly take a back seat and the second

question ultimately asking how such time – consuming virtual relationships with

individuals they cross paths with in reality.

But these questions together collectively ask the most important question

of all what does this mean for interpersonal communication in using social media.

It is in the light of the foregoing study that the researchers would like to

determine the impacts of social media in Interpersonal Communication as

Perceived by Senior High School HUMSS – 12 of Nicolites Montessori School,

S.Y. 2017-2018.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the theory of Berger (2015). It’s through

interpersonal communication that you can show the real you. But the invention

(or intervention) of social media affects the way you want the world to see you.

You might feel that everyone looks better on social media can either make you

feel instant happiness or in the worst scenario, a sudden loser.

Conceptual Framework

Applying the foregoing theory of Berger (2015), it’s through interpersonal

communication that you can show the real you, but the invention (or intervention)

of social media affects the way you see the world.

The research paradigm of this study is illustrated in Figure 1.


The first box shows the input which is the respondent’s profile such as age

and sex, this box also includes the Respondent’s level of awareness about the

common social media apps that can affect interpersonal communication, level of

awareness of the respondents regarding the causes of using social media and

the level of agreement of the respondents regarding the impacts of social media

in interpersonal communication.

The second box reflects the process involved such as making a survey

questionnaire. It also includes the analysis of data gathered and treating the data

using the appropriate tools.

The third box shows output of this study which is the implementation of the

proper using of social media.


Input Process Output

A. Demographic
profile of the
 Age;
 Sex
B. Respondent’s
level of
awareness about
the common
Social Media
 Making a survey  The
apps that can
questionnaire implementation
interpersonal  Analyzing the of the proper
data gathered using of social
 Treating the data media.
C. The level of
awareness of the using the
respondents appropriate
regarding the statistical tools
causes of using
social media.
D. The level of
agreement of the
regarding the
impacts of social
media in

Figure 1: Research Paradigm of the Study

Impact of Social Media in Interpersonal Communication
As Perceived by Senior High School HUMSS-12
Of Nicolites Montessori School
S.Y. 2017-2018

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the Impact of Social Media in Interpersonal

Communication As Perceived by Senior High School HUMSS-12 of Nicolites

Montessori School.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents according to their:

1.1. Age; and

1.2. Sex?

2. What level of awareness did the students have regarding the common social

media applications that can affect the interpersonal communication?

3. In what level of awareness did the students have regarding the possible

causes of using social media?

4. What level of agreement did the students of HUMSS-12 have regarding the

impacts of social media in interpersonal communication?

Significance of the Study

The findings deemed significant to the following groups of individuals:

Nicolites Montessori School. This study will be the source of information and

can be an alternative topic to be included in a particular lesson which is

applicable to the students. This study will also serve as an idea regarding the

impacts of social media in interpersonal communication.


Students. This study will help the learners to guide regarding the appropriate

using of social media. The results will also provide the students with some

knowledge about the impacts of social media in interpersonal communication.

Researchers. The findings in this study will be the lesson to the researchers and

they can use those results in their everyday lives.

Future Researchers. This can give the future researchers background

information and a source of concepts regarding the impacts of social media in

interpersonal communication. In connection to this, future researchers will benefit

from the said study and when they are conducting their own study.

Parents. The findings will help the parents in giving their son/daughter a proper

guidance in using the social media.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study focused the Impact of Social Media in Interpersonal

Communication as Perceived by HUMSS – 12 of Senior High School of Nicolites

Montessori School S.Y. 2017-2018.

The study was conducted at Nicolites Montessori School located at the

San Roque St., Brgy. 4, Nasugbu, Batangas.

The study is limited only to the HUMSS – 12 students of Nicolites

Montessori School S.Y: 2017-2018 second semester and delimits to all Senior

High School students of Nicolites Montessori School.


Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined operationally in this study.

Anxiety. It refers to an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and

fear often marked by psychological signs by doubt concerning the reality and

nature of the threat and by self-doubt and one’s capacity to cope with it.

App/Application. It pertains to the software and a tool used in communication in

just a perfect of time.

Communication. It refers by which information is exchanged between


Depression. It pertains to the mood disorder caused by sadness and in difficulty

in thinking.

Facebook. It refers to the most populated social media app; the most common

used app where the person can interact and exchange ideas and thoughts by

pictures, text, videos etc.

HUMSS 12 Senior High School. It pertains to the strand of Senior High School

that will be the respondents of the study.

Interpersonal. It refers on being related to or involving relations between


Isolation/Isolated. It pertains to the condition and action of being alone.

Juvenile. It refers to the reflecting psychological or intellectual immaturity.


Mental illness. It pertains in any of a broad range of medical conditions that are

marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind or emotions to

impair normal functioning.




This chapter presents the Review and Related Literature and Studies that

have bearing the present study. It also includes the researchers taken from

theses and dissertations that are significant to the present undertaking.

A. Review of Related Literature


According to Ultius (2015), it is clear enough that social media

fundamentally exists in order to enhance interpersonal relationships. The scope

of social media is thus global, and the technology opens up possibilities for

communication that were almost literally unthinkable prior to its advent. It is now

possible to keep in touch with friends and family, no matter how far one moves

away from them; and especially through facebook. It is also possible to find long

lost persons from one’s own past in an extremely easy and straight forward way.

These can be understood as real gains for the sustence of interpersonal


According to Zakaria (2015), it can not only bring people together, but also

(and somewhat paradoxically) alienate people from each other. Social Media

may cause people to become absent from their immediate situate, because

people begin to invest significant amounts to their attention and energy into

abstract realm of virtual space.

According to Reider (2014), our communication over social media

is affecting positive and negatively. Young people are using social networks to

engage in various content and express themselves not only for socializing and

leisure, but also for public issues or topics of interest.

According to Rampages (2015), whether or not people want to accept it,

social media has severe negative impacts on their daily lives. Despite some of

its vast benefits, they as culture have to limit their use of social media to a

manageable amount. Social media needs to be recognized as a tool to be

utilized to a certain extent and not let it take over their lives like it seems to be

heading towards everyday.


According to Dreemurr (2016), Social networking is a tool for a better

communication. You are able to communicate with other people especially with

the OFW’s. The social networking apps like Skype, Facebook and Messenger

are the tools for fast communication and where you can share your thoughts

and interests.

According to Tony (2017), People spend a lot of time on social media.

This has reduced the amount of tine people spend with each other. They also

end up mainly creating virtual relationships. This hampers the ability of these

people to properly communicate with each other in real life.

According to Ease Technology (2016), Social media has also made it

easier to connect to friends and families more than ever. Communicating online

is now the latest trend in communication, and this improve the way we

communicate, it also has downsides. There is more people who is active in

socializing online than in person. Also interpersonal communication skills of an

individual is being affected in the process.


B. Review of Related Studies


According to Drussel (2012), increased utilization of computers and

cellphones to communicate, task that have historically required interpersonal

skills and face to face interaction, may be altering the means in which young

people attain and practice skills that are necessary to function in their lives.

According to Norah (2015), Since social media communication

technologies have appeared, they have been affected by human behavior,

thought, relationship and lifestyles. These social networks attracted people

around the world because it gives them chance to communicate with other


According to Hinduja and Patchin (2008), it was found that benefits of

online interaction include that it provides a means in which to learn the ability to

relate to others, express thoughts and feelings in a healthy way and practice

critical thinking skills that communicating with others on the internet is an

opportunity to explore self-identity and enhance self-discovery.


According to Cruz & Tombado (2010), Social Media influences

productivity and Interpersonal Communication. It allows them to stay connected

and updater with their social network even during work hours, and it also help

them accomplish their work-related tasks and it also saves as a venue for

information seeking.

According to FMA (2015), Social Media serves as the internet to Majority

of Filipino online users. The Pervasive use of social media in the Philippines

greatly affected the manner by which Filipinos interact and communicate.

According to Papa (2002), An interpersonal relationship is a relatively

long-term association between two or more people. This association may be

based on emotions like love and liking, regular business interactions, or some

other social commitments. These people can affect the user’s interpersonal

relationship with other people close to him/her. This influence can either be

good or bad for the user.

C. Synthesis of the Study

Both foreign and local researchers stated in the study attempted to

present various ideas on the Impacts of Social Medial in Interpersonal

Communication Nicolites Montessori School S.Y. 2017-2018.

The study made by Tony (2017) is related to the present study because it

shows the details and information regarding the Impacts of Social Media in

Interpersonal Communication.

However, the present study differed from the review study of many

aspects because those are based from the perspectives and ideas of the

researchers. And the researchers believe that those were included in this chapter

will help to familiarize the information that are relevant and similar to the present




This chapter presents the research method that used in study. It also

includes description of the respondents, research instrument, construction and

validation of the instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment

of data.

Research Method

The researchers used the descriptive design for this is the most

appropriate means of evaluating and getting the information about the impacts

of social media in interpersonal communication. This type of research design

involves survey questionnaire for getting the data from respondents.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the students of HUMSS 12 Senior High

School of Nicolites Montessori School. The researchers used the total

population in answering the survey questionnaire.

Research Instrument

The researchers used the questionnaire as research instrument in

gathering and collecting data. It is subdivided into two parts. Part I was the

demographic profile of the respondents and Part II was the questionnaire

regarding the Impacts of Social Media in Interpersonal Communication. Each

item in the questionnaire is rated according to five levels to be chosen by the

subjects of the study.


Construction and validation of the instruments

The researchers took extensive reading of different studies and other

questionnaires to give substance to his own questionnaire. Through the help of

this adviser / subject teacher, the researchers prepared the first draft of the

questionnaire. After make it in substantive context, it was gave to several

knowledgeable persons who are requested to pass judgements on each other


The questionnaire is then set for validation. The researcher consulted

these experts to validate the questionnaire to test the reliability of the

questionnaire, the researchers used Fleiss Kappa to obtain an estimate of the

internal consistency of the questionnaire, the researchers used the test of

reliability in finding the validity of the questionnaire.

Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to the administration of the data gathering instrument the

researchers sought the permission of the School President for the approval of the

request letter to involve HUMSS – 12 students in the locale of the present study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

After gathering the data needed, the researchers analyzed the gathered

data with the use of weighted mean. This formula was introduced by Pogoso


Problem 1: The Profile of the Respondents

1.1 : Data analysis involves computation of frequencies and


Problem 2: The common Social Media apps that can affect interpersonal


Problem 3: The causes of using social media.

Problem 4: The impacts of social media in interpersonal communication.




This chapter covers the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered from the respondents for determining the Impact of Social Media in

Interpersonal Communication as perceived by Senior High School HUMSS-12 of

Nicolites Montessori School S.Y. 2017-2018.

I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1.1. Age

Table 1

Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

17 years old 17 38%
18 years old 28 62%
TOTAL 45 100%

Table 1 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their age.

As presented above, 17 out of 45 respondents or 38% are 17 years old. On the

other hand, there are 28 out of 45 respondents or 62% are 18 years old.

Therefore, most of the respondents are 18 years old.

1.2. Sex

Table 2

Sex of the Respondents

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 22 49%
Female 23 51%
TOTAL 45 100%

Table 2 presents the distribution of the respondents according to their sex.

There are 22 male respondents out of 45 that is equivalent to 49%. There are 23

female respondents out of 45 that is equivalent to 51%. As reflected in the table,

the majority of the respondents are female.

II. Level of Awareness Regarding the Common Social Media Applications

that can affect Interpersonal Communication

Table 3

Level of Awareness Regarding the Common Social Media Applications that

can affect Interpersonal Communication

Common Social Media Applications Weighted Verbal Ranking

Mean Interpretatio
1. Facebook 4.76 SA 1
2. Instagram 4.31 SA 2
3. Twitter 4.27 SA 3
4. Snapchat 4.11 MA 4
5. Tumblr 3.38 MA 7
6. Tinder 2.98 A 10
7. Whats app 3.09 A 9
8. Telegram 3.13 A 8
9. Skype 3.73 MA 5
10. Yahoo 3.64 MA 6
Composite Mean 3.74 Moderately

The Table 3 exhibits the level of awareness regarding the common social

media applications that can affect interpersonal communication as perceived by

the Grade 12 HUMSS students of Nicolites Montessori School. The item 1 which

is Facebook got the first rank with the weighted mean of 4.76 that is equivalent to

Strongly Aware. On the other hand, item 6 which is Tinder got the 10 th spot in

ranking with the weighted mean of 2.98.

III. Level of Awareness with regards on causes of using Social Media

Table 4

Level of Awareness with regards on causes of using Social Media

Causes of Social Media Weighted Verbal Ranking

Mean Interpretatio
1. Lack of time management in 4.33 SA 1
using social media.
2. Information overload. 4.24 SA 4
3. Lack of privacy. 4 MA 7.5
4. Weak connection of face-to-face 4.02 MA 6
5. Lack of advices and motivations 4.24 SA 4
from the parents.
6. Too much curiosity. 4.27 SA 2
7. Interference with school 4 MA 7.5
performance on your offline
social life.
8. Escaping from the real-life 3.96 MA 9
9. Lack of courage to express 4.24 SA 4
his/her feelings personally to
10. Insomnia. 3.87 MA 10
Composite Mean 4.12 Moderately

Table 4 manifests the level of awareness with regards on causes of using

social media as perceived by the Grade 12 HUMSS students of Nicolites

Montessori School. The item 1 that stated lack of time management in using

social media got the first rank with the weighted mean of 4.33. While the item 10

which is insomnia got the last rank with the weighted mean of 3.87.

IV. Level of Agreement about the Impacts of Social Media in Interpersonal


Table 5

Level of Agreement about the Impacts of Social Media in Interpersonal


Impacts of Social Media in Weighted Verbal Ranking

Interpersonal Communication Mean Interpretation
1. It brings closer when they can’t 4.47 SA 1
always be together physically.
2. People only tend to publicly 4.11 MA 4
share the best thing while
keeping the real things.
3. It causes depression. 3.91 MA 8.5
4. It causes poor self-esteem. 3.91 MA 8.5
5. Social media has led to the era of 4.16 MA 3
virtual relationships.
6. Social media makes the 4.07 MA 5
communication easier and
7. Social media makes the face-to- 3.89 MA 10
face interaction ineffective.
8. Social media affects the users 4.04 MA 6
emotionally and behaviorally.
9. Social media leads to 4.18 MA 2
misunderstanding and wrong
10. The user tend to follow and 3.93 MA 7
interact with people who agree

with the user’s point of view to

the user aren’t getting the same
diversity of viewpoint.
Composite Mean 4.07 Moderately

The Table 5 indicates the level of agreement about the impacts of social

media in interpersonal communication as perceived by the Grade 12 HUMSS

students of Nicolites Montessori School. As reflected in the Table, item 1 stated it

brings closer when they can’t always be together physically got the first rank with

the weighted mean of 4.47. On the other hand, item 7 got the last rank, which

stated that social media makes the face-to-face interaction ineffective.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and


This study aimed to determine the Impact of Social Media in Interpersonal

Communication As Perceived by Senior High School HUMSS-12 of Nicolites

Montessori School.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents according to their:


1.1 . Age; and

1.2 . Sex?

2. What level of awareness does the students have regarding the common

social media applications that can affect the interpersonal communication?

3. In what level of awareness does the students have regarding the possible

causes of using social media?

4. What level of agreement does the students of HUMSS-12 have regarding the

impacts of social media in interpersonal communication?


After a careful thorough analysis of the data gathered, yielded the

following findings.

1.1. As reflected in the Table, the majority of the respondents are 18 years old.

1.2. As observed in the Table, most of the respondents are female students.

2. The Table shows that Facebook is the social media application that can affect

interpersonal communication.

3. The majority of the respondents are aware that the main reason of using

social media is lack of time management in using it.

4. Most of the respondents agreed that it brings closer when they can’t always

be together physically as the impact of social media in interpersonal



Based on the findings derived from this study, the following conclusions

were drawn.

1.1. The researchers conclude that the students who are 18 years old are

more aware regarding the impact of social media in interpersonal


1.2. The researchers conclude that the female students are more aware about

the impacts of social media in interpersonal communication than the male


2. The researchers conclude that most of the respondents are aware that the

facebook is the common social media application that can affect interpersonal


3. The researchers conclude that most of the respondents are lack of time

management so that they ended up in using social media.

4. The researchers conclude that the main impact of social media in

interpersonal communication is it brings closer to the people when they can’t

always be together physically.


Based on the result of study, the following recommendations are hereby


1. The finding suggests that the students should make a proper time

management in order to minimize the usage of social media.

2. In relation with the result of this study, it may be constructed that the

students should use the social media in a proper way that can lead to a

better results.

3. The researchers suggest that the parents should build closer bonds with

their children and motivates them by giving an advice in order for them to

avoid using social media.

4. The researchers recommend that the students should learn to express

their feelings and emotions verbally and personally instead of posting it in

social media.

5. The researchers suggest that all the users of social media should become

mature and open-minded to avoid misunderstanding.



March 1, 2018


School Principal
This Institution


As part of the requirements for the subject Inquiries, Investigations and

Immersion, the researchers are conducting a study which entitled “Impacts of
Social Media in Interpersonal Communication as perceived by Senior High
School HUMSS-12 of Nicolites Montessori School S.Y. 2017-2018.”

In view of this, researchers hereby request from your good office to allow us to
gather responses from the students of Nicolites Montessori School as we are
going to use them as the participants in our survey. Let we assure you of the
sincerest confidentiality of any collected data from this study.

We do hope for your kind consideration on our request.

Thank you very much!

Very yours truly,







Subject Teacher

We are the Grade-12 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
students from Nicolites Montessori School conducting a study on the “Impacts
of Social Media in Interpersonal Communication as Perceived by Senior
High School HUMSS-12 of Nicolites Montessori School S.Y. 2017-2018” in
compliance with our Applied Track Subject: Inquiries, Investigation and
In connection with this, we are requesting your cooperation in
answering this questionnaire for the fulfilment of our study. Your honesty answer
shall be greatly appreciated. Rest assured that the information gathered will be
held in strictest confidentiality.
-The Researchers

Directions: Please answer the questionnaire correctly. Do not leave any

item/question an unanswered. Put a check mark on the correct information
provided for. Please be assured that the data gathered will be treated with strict
confidentiality and will be used solely for study.
I.Demographic profile of the respondents
Name: (Optional)__________________________ Sex: ( ) Female ( ) Male
Grade level: ____________ Age: ( ) 17 years old
( ) 18 years old
II.Level of awareness regarding the common social media applications that can
affect interpersonal communications.
5 – Extremely Aware 4 – Moderately Aware 3 – Aware
2 – Slightly Aware 1 – Not at all aware

Common Social Media Applications 5 4 3 2 1

1. Facebook
2. Instagram
3. Twitter
4. Snapchat
5. Tumblr
6. Tinder
7. Whats app
8. Telegram
9. Skype
10. Yahoo

III. Level of Awareness with regards on causes of using social media.

Causes of Using Social Media 5 4 3 2 1

1. Lack of time management in using social media.

2. Information overload.

3. Lack of privacy.

4. Weak connection of face-to-face interaction.


5. Lack of advices and motivations from the parents.

6. Too much curiosity.

7. Interference with school performance on your offline
social life.
8. Escaping from the real-life conflicts.
9. Lack of courage to express his/her feelings personally
to people.
10. Insomnia.
5 –Extremely Aware 4- Moderately Aware 3 – Aware
2 – Slightly Aware 1- Not at all Aware

IV. Level of agreement about the impacts of social media in interpersonal


5 – Strongly Agree 4 – Moderately Agree 3 – Agree

2 – Not Agree 1 – Strongly not agree
Impacts of Social Media in Interpersonal
5 4 3 2 1
1. It brings people closer when they can’t always
be together physically.
2. People only tend to publicly share the best
thing while keeping the real things.
3. It causes depression.
4. It causes poor self-esteem.
5. Social media has led to the era of virtual
6. Social media makes the communication easier
and convenient.
7. Social media makes the face-to-face
interaction ineffective.
8. Social media affects the users emotionally and
9. Social media leads to misunderstanding and
wrong impression.
10. The user tend to follow and interact with
people who agree with user’s point of view so
the user aren’t getting the same diversity of
view points.


Address: Brgy. Catandaan, Nasugbu, Batangas
E-mail Address:



Nickname: Jasmine

Date of Birth: September 25, 1999

Place of Birth: Apacible Memorial Hospital

Nasugbu, Batangas

Age: 18 years old

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Name of Father: Gregorio C. Mercado

Name of Mother: Maxima H. Mercado


Elementary: Nasugbu West Central School

Brgy. 4, Concepcion St., Nas, Bats.

2005 – 2012

Junior High School: Bilaran National High School

Brgy. Bilaran, Nasugbu, Batangas

2012 – 2016

Senior High School: Nicolites Montessori School

Brgy.4 San Roque St., Nas., Bats.

2016 up to present



Address: Brgy. Lumbangan, Nasugbu, Batangas
E-mail Address:



Nickname: Bless and Sheila


Date of Birth: September 06, 1999

Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea

Age: 18 years old

Religion: Born Again Christian

Civil Status: Single

Name of Father: Sherwin R. Napoles

Name of Mother: Susana E. Napoles


Elementary: St. Paul Foundational Learning

And Excellence Centre Campus

Campo Avejar Brgy. Lumbangan

Nasugbu, Batangas

2005 – 2012

Junior High School: St. Paul Foundational Learning

And Excellence Centre Campus

Campo Avejar Brgy. Lumbangan

Nasugbu, Batangas

2012 – 2016

Senior High School: Nicolites Montessori School

Brgy.4 San Roque St., Nas., Bats.

2016 up to present



Address: Brgy. Looc, Nasugbu, Batangas



Nickname: King

Date of Birth: March 27, 2000

Place of Birth: Brgy. Looc, Nasugbu, Batangas

Age: 17 years old

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Name of Father: Marvin Bautista

Name of Mother: Shyren Sarmiento


Elementary: Looc Elementary School

Brgy. Looc, Nasugbu, Batangas

2005 – 2012

Junior High School: Looc National High School

Brgy. Looc, Nasugbu, Batangas

2012 – 2016

Senior High School: Nicolites Montessori School

Brgy.4 San Roque St., Nas., Bats.

2016 up to present

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