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What is use of the scriptures, mythology and other
variety of religious and philosophical literature?

What is the value of creative poetry incorporating

sublime dreams for the society?

What is the relevance of magnum opus such as Benhur

or Dr. Ziwago; in terms of social development?

What is the use of bombardment of sermons on ethics,

nonviolence, abiding etc; in schools, colleges and on other

The indiscriminate, malevolent, malicious and vicious

violence and crimes; do not seem to reduce! Violence in
Germany is followed by, violence in Hiroshima, Vietnam,
Cambodia (Kampuchea), Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia,
Uganda, Rwanda and so on.

The optimist can argue and try to show the examples

kindness! But the question; “Are the expressions and
creations; depicting vision and dreams of justice, peace,
brotherhood and so on; mere emotional outbursts of
illusory or subjective nature; of some unrealistically
sensitive individuals?”; keeps nagging; causing stress!
The realization of the vision and dreams of justice, peace
and brotherhood to increasingly greater extent; requires
unification of the point of focus, reverence and priority;
of billions! Such unification and subsequent universal
harmony is possible through the objective process of;
consistent and conscious evolutionary transformation; in
billions, through generations. This requires unhesitant,
single minded, simultaneous and consistent commitment
to and practice of NAMASMARAN by billons of people
in the world through generations (analogous to
generations working for the construction of Belur temple
and sculpting of Ajanta).

Artistic, scientific and even prophetic expressions, visions

and dreams; are periodic harbingers; of this global mega
process spread over millennia! It appears to keep on
eluding us (producing stress) at any given time, because,
we can at best see its small fraction, in our life time, as it
involves many generations; all over the world!

Thus the visions and dreams of unity of spiritualism and

materialism; produce stress in us; as our life and
consciousness; are too limited to “see and fathom” them.
But we can transcend individual consciousness; through
NAMASMARAN and “see and appreciate” these
otherwise stressful visions and dreams actually being
realized; and thus conquer the stress!

In other words; through NAMASMARAN and in

NAMASMARAN; we reunite with cosmic root; that
generated us, our pursuits, our blossoming; and in fact
everything and thus dynamically appreciate; “our”
visions and dreams as ongoing contingents within us!

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