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Majesty Ann J.

Urdaneta City University (Section 3)

As a pharmacist we interpret the prescription to dispense and give the medication/s

prescribed to the patient. A pharmacist should check all the details and information's that is
written in the prescription like, the patient info, the date the prescription written if it’s still
valid, the inscription, subscription, signa, prescribers info and also if there is special
instructions written. The most important part is checking and reading thoroughly the
medications prescribed and also the subscription and signa, because sometimes some of the
doctors hand written is not understandable so it’s very crucial to make a mistake in
interpreting because the health of patient is at risk.
In this prescription attached, the prescription is already invalid because it’s been 2 years
and we know that a validity of prescription is just 1 year so it can’t be filled anymore. The
patient information is written so it’s good even though there is no age written but its okay,
the prescribed medication is readable which Amoxicillin as well as the direction to the
patient which is Take 1 capsule 3x a day for 7 days the prescribers information is also written
overall it is a good prescription kudos to the doctors hand writing.

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