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Good evening miss Roxana, my name is Allison Gonzales Quiroz and my partner is
Percy Olaechea Zuñiga. In this opportunity we are going to talk about a success story
from Peru. We choose two important Peruvian people. Let’s start with the conversation
my friend.


ALLISON: Hi Percy! What’s been going on?  

PERCY: Hello Allison. I was checking some information about successful Peruvian
people. Do you know one?

ALLISON: Interesting. Yeah. I consider that Gaston Acurio has a success story from
our country.

PERCY: Really? Please, tell me about him. When was he born?

ALLISON: A Peruvian great person called Gaston Alvaro Acurio Jaramillo was born on
October 30th in 1967 in Lima, Peru.

PERCY: Oh! In this month. Mmm... What did they parents do?

ALLISON: Well, Gaston is the son of former senator and former conservative minister
Gaston Acurio Velarde and Jesusa Jaramillo Razuri.

PERCY: I didn’t know that information. Cool. What did he do when he turned 18?

ALLISON: In 1980, Acurio began his studies in law school. But his passion for food
was stronger, so he decided to pursue a culinary arts career at Le Cordon Bleu Paris.

PERCY: Amazing. Is he married?

ALLISON: While abroad, Acurio met his wife Astrid, a German woman who was also
working toward a career in the kitchen. In addition, he married to her and they had two
daughters. In 1994, the couple returned to Peru and founded their restaurant "Astrid &

PERCY: A beautiful delicious match. What has he become?

ALLISON: In 2000, Gaston opened a new "Astrid & Gaston" in Chile, which in that
same year was chosen as the best restaurant in the country. In 2003, he opened the
first Tanta restaurant and a pair of years later in others countries. In 2009, he has had
become president of the Peruvian Gastronomy Society.
PERCY: Great! What important awards has he received?

ALLISON: In 2011, seventeen years after "Astrid & Gaston" opened its doors, the
restaurant was included in San Pellegrino's World's 50 Best Restaurants list. Also, he
received in Stockholm, from the hands of Prince Carlos Felipe, the Global Gastronomy
Award 2013. In fact, Gaston has won the Prince Claus Award and the World Cookbook

PERCY: Pretty cool! I feel hungry!

ALLISON: hahahaha. What about you? Do you have a success person that you

PERCY: Now that we talk about food, I remembered Christian Bravo, do you know

ALLISON: Yes, I've heard of him. But tell me more information...when was he born?

PERCY: He was born in Lima on 1971. He is a very reserved person, so not much is
known about his family environment, what is known is that he is a very versatile

ALLISON: Wow! So, he's a very mysterious guy. And tell me, what do you mean to be

PERCY: He is a versatile man because apart from being a chef, he has been an
entrepreneur, television host, dj, graphic designer, 3d animator and publicity

ALLISON: Interesting. He has had several fairly varied jobs from what I see. What else
do you know about Christian?

PERCY: Mmmm. Well, he studied at the Le Cordon Bleu cooking institute. Also, in
2011 was recognized as a representative of the Peru brand and has participated in the
Mistura events, which are the Peruvian gastronomy events in which only chefs who
attend they are recognized by Gaston Acurio.

ALLISON: Just listening to you is making me hungry, hahaha

PERCY: I'm also getting hungry! Oh! He has two restaurants. One called "Bravo
Restaurant" and the other that opened just a few months ago called "Smoke Fuego
House". It is more a well-known youtuber went there a week ago, and I saw some
dishes that I would like to try.
ALLISON: Cool! So, is he still cooking? I want to meet him.

PERCY: Yes, he cooks in this last restaurant. Actually, it is his new project. He is
almost every day serving and cooking. He takes pictures with the clients and he is a
very friendly man with good vibes. Wait! What are you saying? Would you like to go eat

ALLISON: Are you inviting me to eat? Today?

PERCY: Of course! Talking about food makes you hungry and I was thinking of going
to this restaurant. Why don’t we go today? What do you say?

ALLISON: Okay! Let's go as fast as we can because I'm starving. hahahaha

PERCY: Don’t worries, I ask for the taxi to get there fast.

ALLISON: Perfect!

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