Selena Basdeo Social Studies S.B.A

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School Base Assessment (S.B.A)


Table of Content

Acknowledgment………………………………………………………………………………… 1
Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Statement of Problem……………………………………………………………………………. .3
Reason for Selecting the Area of Study……………………………………………………….…..4
Method of Investigation………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Data Collection Instrument………………………………………………………………………. 6
Procedures for Data collection…………………………………………………………………….7
Representation and Explanation of data…………………………………………………………...8-9
Analysis and interpretation of data………………………………………………………………..10
Statement of Findings……………………………………………………………………………..11
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to, firstly, God who gave me the strength each day to
do my research. Secondly, I would like to thank my Social Studies teacher “ Sir Suraj Mangal” for his guidance
and support in conducting this research. Thirdly, I would like to thank my principal “ Sir Nick Singh” for
providing me with all my facility that was require to do my research. Lastly, thank you to my parents to always
support me throughout this research. Special thanks to all.
Philadelphia is a small village in the East Bank Essequibo district. It is located on the East of the Essequibo
River; it is about 5 kilometers from the community to the capital. The Philadelphia community consist of
approximately 185 households. In the Philadelphia community unemployment is one of the major problems,
Unemployment can be defined as persons above a specified age not being in paid employment or self-
employment but currently available for work during the reference period.
Statement of Problem
The causes, effects and possible solution to unemployment in my community of Philadelphia.

Research Questions
1. What are the causes of unemployment among youths in the community?
2. How does unemployment among youths affect the community?
3. What can be done to reduce the level of unemployment among youths in the community?
4. What are the main reasons of youths’ unemployment in the community?
5. What are the possible solutions to unemployment in the community?
6. Why would u want to migrate because of unemployment?
Reason for the Selection the Area of Study
The reason for selecting this topic is because it is the foremost problem in my community, thus it is
important that an investigation be carried out to discover the causes, effects and possible solutions to this
problem. Unemployment in my community seems to be the foundation of a variety of social problems. The
problem created when parents lose their jobs has had an effect in providing the basic needs for their families,
also young people leaving high school and universities have been finding it more difficult to find jobs. When
persons who should be employed are not working there is a sense of hopelessness and health related problems
such as depression. However, training and retraining for available jobs need to be accessible to all who should
be working, in order to decrease unemployment. The researcher urge that skills learnt should be used to create
self- employment in order to avoid the downfalls of unemployment.
Method of Investigation

In order to collect information for the survey, the researcher used printed questionnaires.

The usage of questionnaires bought a series of advantages to the research. There are:

i. Responses are private so the residents and participants names are not required.
ii. It takes little time to be completed.
iii. Data can be collected and issued to residents at a given time.
Data Collection Instrument

Lot 4 Philadelphia,
East Bank Essequibo,
May 01,2021.

Dear Villagers;
This survey is being conducted in our village to ascertain causes, consequences and possible solution to
unemployment. This study is being carried out for my CXC Social Studies course as a fundamental part of my
School Based Assessment.
I have decided to use a printed questionnaire to gather data via this research. Please be completely
honest and truthful when answering the following questions. Since you are not required to write your names, all
information will remain confidential. There are no right or wrong answers. I am grateful for your cooperation.
All questions can be answer by simply placing a tick or mark an ‘x’ in the box ☒ provided.

Thank you!
Yours sincerely;
Selina Basdeo

1. What is your age? ☐15-20 years

☐20-30 years
☐30-40 years
☐40 years and below

2. What is your gender? ☐Male ☐Female

3. Do you have any child or children?

☐Yes ☐No

4. If so, how do you maintain your child or children need(s)?

☐Family assistance
☐Help from government
If others please state

5. Have you ever been employed?

☐Yes ☐No

6. How has unemployment affected you?

Unemployment has affected me by:
☐Not meeting basic needs.
☐Having a decline in the standard of living.
☐Not providing for my family.

If other please state:


7. Does your unemployment cause quarrel in your home?

☐Yes ☐No

8. Do you think that the government is doing their best to fight the unemployment issue?
☐Yes ☐No

9. Would you migrate for job opportunity overseas?

☐Yes ☐No

10. Why have you been unsuccessful in finding a job?

☐There are not enough jobs ☐You don’t have the right skills
☐You don’t have experience ☐Others

Procedures for Data Collection

The community Philadelphia has approximately 185 households. It was calculated that ten percent
(10%) was necessary in order to acquire a precise conclusion on the ratio of unemployed persons in the entire
community (10% of 182= 19).

A total of 19 questionnaires were organized and distributed among members of the community. I
therefore decided to choose the households by the process of random selection. 19 slips were prepared, each
were distributed among all households. These persons were given one week to complete the questionnaires that
were issued. A total of 19 questionnaires were collected at the end one the one week.

Presentation and explanation of Data

A total of 19 questionnaires were distributed to the citizens, in which all were returned of these
respondents, 10% were female and 9% were male.

Age group of persons who Number of persons Percentage(%)

Responded (in percentage)
16-20 10 53%
20-30 4 21%
30-40 5 26%
40 and below 0 0%

Age Group of persons who responded (in percentage)




16-20 20-30 30-40 40 and below

Figure 1: Pie chart showing the Age group of persons who responded (in percentage).

How persons that are Number of persons Percentage

unemployed maintain their child
or children
How need(s)
persons that are unemployed maintain their child or children need(s)
Begging 0 0%
Stealing 0 0%
Help from government
60% 8 42%
Family assistance 11 58%





Begging Stealing Help from government Family assistance
Figure 2: Bar chart showing how persons that are unemployed maintain their child or children need(s).

How was unemployment affected Number of persons Percentage

Not meeting basic needs 9 47%
Having a decline in standard of living 10 53%
Not providing for my family 0 0%

How has unemployment affected you?

Not meeting basic needs

Having a decline in standard of
47% living
Not providing for my family

Figure 3: Pie chart showing how has unemployment affected persons in the Philadelphia community.

Analysis and interpretation of Data

In doing my survey of Philadelphia community, out of 19 persons. Ten percent(10%) were female and
nine percent(9%) were male. The information gathered stated that the Age group of persons who are involved in
the respondents, the highest amount of respondent came from the ages 16-20 years which accounted for 53%
(10 persons). It can be concluded that age group 16-20 were the most persons unemployed.

Ways in which unemployed persons maintain the needs and wants of their child or children. Out of 10% of
the respondent, 58% which accounted for (11 persons) receive help from family members which included
cloths, books, money and other essentials. 42% percentage or (8 persons) received help from the government.
None of the respondent selected begging and stealing. Due to these results, it can be concluded that most
persons in the area supported by family.

It was noticed that unemployment affected a number of persons. Having a decline in the standard of living
affected most unemployed persons which accounted 53% or (10 persons). Not meeting basic needs was the
second highest factor that affected unemployed persons and there were no responds to not providing for my
family. Due to these results, it can be concluded that most persons are affected by unemployment.

In analyzing question 9, 95% of the respondents stated that they would migrate in search of job
opportunities. While the remaining 1% answered no to this question. It can be noted here that the jobs that
appeal to them rather than the low paid salaries they currently work for those unemployed would have the
opportunity to get a job.

It can be observed that there is a greater number of unemployed persons living in the community of
Philadelphia, and lesser are employed.

Statement of Findings

Three statement on what the researcher has obtain from this investigation on the social chosen are:
i. Most of the unemployed persons are male.
ii. Most unemployed persons maintain their child or children needs, primarily with the aid of family
iii. Unemployment is most common among age sixteen(16) to twenty(20).

 Modules in Social Studies

Author- Rampersad Ramsawak & Ralph R. Umraw

1. What is your age? ☐15-20 years

☒20-30 years
☐30-40 years
☐40 years and below

2. What is your gender? ☐Male ☒Female

3. Do you have any child or children?

☒Yes ☐No

4. If so, how do you maintain your child or children need(s)?

☒Family assistance
☐Help from government
If others please state

5. Have you ever been employed?

☐Yes ☒No

6. How has unemployment affected you?

Unemployment has affected me by:
☐Not meeting basic needs.
☒Having a decline in the standard of living.
☐Not providing for my family.

If other please state:


7. Does your unemployment cause quarrel in your home?

☒Yes ☐No

8. Do you think that the government is doing their best to fight the unemployment issue?
☐Yes ☒No

9. Would you migrate for job opportunity overseas?

☒Yes ☐No

10. Why have you been unsuccessful in finding a job?

☐There are not enough jobs ☒You don’t have the right skills
☐You don’t have experience ☐Others
In conclusion of this School Based Assessment, I can splendidly say that all the objectives were met. In
my community the main reason for unemployment was seasonal unemployment base on the survey. The gender
mostly unemployed was women and the overall age was above 30 years old. The most suitable solution to
decrease unemployment in my community would be fiscal policy. The government expenditure can provide
development projects providing jobs for unemployed. With all information that was research, it can be said that
the investigation was successful.

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