PD Nose

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First is to identify the patient

May I your name, and age.

Explain the procedure, today I will be assessing your nose and your sinuses, in order to do that I will be
needing your cooperation for us to get the accurate assessment.

Inspect the external nose for any deviations in shape, size, color, flaring, or discharge from nares.

The nose must appear symmetric, straight, and uniform in color, no presence of discharge or flaring.

Lightly palpate the external nose to determine areas of tenderness, masses, displacement of bone and
cartilage when lightly palpated there are no tenderness and lesions

Determine patency of both nasal cavities though the nostrils by occluding one nostril at a time and
asking the patient to sniff

Inspect nasal cavities using flashlight or nasal speculum for the presence of redness, swelling, growths
and discharge. The nasal mucosa is dark pink, moist, and free of exudate

Palpate the maxillary and frontal sinuses for tenderness,

Palpate the frontal sinuses by using the thumb to press up on the brow on each side of the nose then
palpate the maxillary sinuses by pressing the thumbs on the maxillary sinuses.

Percuss the sinuses by lightly tapping over the frontal sinuses and over the maxillary sinuses for

Frontal and maxillary sinuses are non-tender on palpation and percussion

Document findings in the patients record.

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