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tween electrodes spaced one centimeter apart.

2 Equivalent Conductance at Infinite DilutiolL

electrolyte concentration. Indeed, the change
Conduction of electricity through an electro- Neither the volume of the solution nor the area The mobility of an ion in solution is governed
in conductance due to the addition of titrant
lyte solution involves migration of positively of the electrodes is specified; these vary to by four forces. An electrical force, equal to the
can become largely masked in solutions with
charged species toward the cathode and nega- satisfy the conditions of the definition. For product of the potential of the electrode and
high salt concentrations; under these circum-
tively charged ones toward the anode. The example, a 1.0N solution (1.0 gram equivalent the charge of the ion, tends to move the par-
stances, the method cannot be used.
conductance, which is a measure ofthe current per liter) would require electrod"es with indi- ticle toward one of the electrodes. This effect
that results from the application of a unit elec- vidual surface areas of 1000 em2; a O.lN solu- is partially balanced by a frictional force that
trical force, depends directly upon the number tion would need 10,000-cm2 electrodes. The is a characteristic property for each ion. These
of charged particles in the solution. All ions direct measurement of equivalent conductance are the only two effects that playa significant
contribute to the conduction process, but the is thus seldom, if ever, undertaken because of role in determining the conductivity of a dilute
fraction of current carried by any given species Upon application of a potential, ions in a so- the experimental inconvenience associated solution; under these circumstances the
is determined by its relative concentration and lution are essentially instantly accelerated to- with such relatively large electrodes. Instead, equivalent conductance of a salt is inde~ndent
its inherent mobility in the medium. ward the electrode of opposite charge. The rate this quantity is determined indirectly from of its concentration.
The application of direct conductance mea- at which they migrate, however, is limited by specific conductance data. By definition, A will At finite concentrations, two other factors,
surements to analysis is limited because of the the frictional forces generated by their motion. be equal to G when one gram equivalent of the electrophoretic effect and the relaxation ef-
nonselective nature of this property. The As in a metallic conductor, the velocity of the solute is contained between electrodes spaced fect, become important and cause the equiv-
principal uses of direct meaSurements have particles is linearly related to the applied field; one centimeter apart. The volume V of the alent conductance of a substance to decrease
been confined to the analysis of binary water/ Ohm's law is thus obeyed by electrolyte solution (em3) that will contain one gram as its concentration increases. The behavior
electrolyte mixtures and to the determination equivalent of solute is given by of a sodium chloride solution is typical and is
of total electrolyte concentration. The latter shown in Table 22-1.
measurement is particularly useful as a crite- V= 1000 The electrophoretic effect stems from the
rion of purity for distilled wa~er. Some Important Relationships C motion of the oppositely charged ions sur-
On the other hand, conductqnetric titrations, Conductance G. The conductance of a so- rounding the ion of interest. These ions carry
where C is the concentration in equivalents
in which conductance measurements are used lution is the reciprocal of the electrical resist- with them molecules of solvent; the motion of
per liter. This volume can also be expressed in
for end-point detection, can be applied to the the primary particle is thus retarded by the
ance and has the units of ohm - t. That is, terms of the dimensions of the cell
determination of numerous substances! flow of solvent in the opposite direction. The
The principal advantage to the conduc- G=.!.. V= IA relaxation effect also owes its genesis to move-
tometric end point is its applicability to the R With I fixed by definition at one centimeter, ment of the ionic atmosphere surrounding a
titration of very dilute solutions and to systems given particle. Here, however, the ion is slowed
where R is the resistance in ohms.
in which the reaction between the titrant and V= A = 1000 by the charge of opposite sign that builds up
Specific Conductance k. Conductance is di-
analyte is relatively incomplete. Thus, for C behind the moving particle.
rectly proportional to the cross-sectional area
example, the conductometric titration of an For strong electrolytes, a linear relation-
A and inversely proportional to the length I Substitution into Equation 22-2 thus gives
aqueous phenol (K.:::: to-10) solution is ship exists between equivalent conductance
of a uniform conductor; thus,
feasible, even though the change in pH at the A = l000k
equivalence point is insufficient for either a A C
potentiometric or an indicator end point. G=k-
Conductometric titrations become less accu- Equation 22-3 permits calculation of the equiv-
rate and less satisfactory wit~ increasing total where k is a proportionality constant called alent conductance from the experimental value TABLE 22-1 EFFECT OF
the specific conductance. Clearly, it is the con- of k for a solution of known concentration. CONCENTRATION ON
ductance when A and I are numerically equal. EQUIVALENT CONDUCTANCE
If these parameters are based upon the centi-
meter, k is the conductance of a cube of liquid Concentration of Nan eqfIiter A
1 For further discussion of conduetometric methods, see:
J. W. Loveland, in Treatlu 011 AlIGlytlc4l/ CMmIstry, eds. one centimeter on a side. The dimensions of 2 In the context of electrolytic conductance, the equiva- 0.1 106.7
I. M. Kolthoff and P. J. ElviJI&. New York: Intcncience, specific conductance are then ohm - t em - 1. lent is defined in terms of the number of cbarses carried 0.01 118.5
1963, Part I, vol. 4, Chapter SI; and T. SbedIoVlky and Equivalent Conductance. The equivalent by an ion and not upon its fate in a specific reaction. 0.001 123.7
L. Sbedlovsky, in Physkal Methods ofClrem&try, eds. A. Thus, the weight of one gram equivalent of Ba2 + is equal Infinite dilution 126.4(Ao)
conductance A is defined as the conductance
Weissberger and B. W. ROIIitor. New York: Wiley-inter- to the atomic weight of barium divided by two.
science, 1971, vol. I, Part llA, Chapter 3. of one gram equivalent of solute contained be-
The equivalent ionic conductance is a mea- conductance measurements are made at suf- power source S provides an alternating cur-
and square root of the concentration. Extrap-
sure of the mobility of an ion under the in- ficiently low frequencies so that the latter mech- rent in the frequency range of 60 to 1000 Hz
olation of this straight-line relationship to
fluence of an electric forCe field and is thus anisms are not important. Oscillometry, on the at a potential of 6 to 10 V. The resistances
zero concentration yields a value for the equiv-
a gauge of its capacity for transporting elec- other hand, makes use of radio frequencies; RAe and RBC can be calculated from the posi-
alent conductance at infinite dilution Ao. A
similar plot for a weak electrolyte is nonlinear, tricity. For example, the ionic conductance of here, the dielectric current becomes important. tion of C. The cell, of unknown resistance R",
a potassium ion is nearly the same as that of Oscillometric measurements are discussed at is placed in the upper left arm of the bridge
and direct evaluation ot Ao is difficult.
a chloride ion; therefore, electricity passing the end of this chapter. and a precision variable resistance R. is placed
At infinite dilution, interionic attractions
become nil; the overall conductance of the through a potassium chloride solution is car- in the right-hand side. A null detector N D is
solution then consists of the sum of the indi- ried nearly equaliy by the two species. The used to indicate the absence of current between
vidual equivalent ionic conductances situation is quite different with hydrochloric D and C. The detector may consist of a pair
acid; because of the greater mobility of the THE of ordinary headphones, since the ear is re-
Ao=.l.~ +.l.~ hydrogen ion, a larger fraction of the electric- MEASUREMENT sponsive to frequencies in the 1000 Hz range;
ity [3SO/(350 + 7~) = 0.82] is carried by that OF CONDUCTANCE alternatively, it may be a "magic eye" tube, a
where .l.~ and .l.~ are the equivalent ionic species in an electrolysis. cathode ray tube, or a microammeter.
conductances of the cation and the anion of Ionic conductance data permit comparison A conductance measurement requires a source Capacitance effects within R" cause an al-
the salt at infinite dilution. Individual ionic of the relative conductivity of various solutes. of electrical power, a cell to contain the solu- ternating-current device such as this to suffer
conductances can be determined from other Thus, we are juStified in saying that O.OIF tion, and a suitable bridge to measure the . a loss in sensitivity when very high resistances
electrolytic measurements; values for a number hydrochloric acid will have a greater conduc- resistance of the solution. are measured; in practice, a variable capaCi-
of common ions are given in Table 22-2. Note tivity than O.OIF sodium chloride because of tor across R. compensates for this effect.
that symbols such as tMgH, iFe3+, arid
the very large ionic conductance of the hy- Power Sources Conductance can also be determined by
tSOi - are used to emphasize that the con-
drogen ion. Such' conclusions are important means of a simple electronic circuit such as
centration units are in equivalents per liter. in predicting the pourse of a conductometric Use of an alternating current source elimi- that shown in Figure 3-21a (p. 62). Here, the
The differences that exist among the equiv- nates the effect of faradaic currents. There are,
titration. ' conductance is read directly from a dc meter
alent ionic conductances of various species however, both upper and lower limits to the fre- or a recorder.
(Table 22-2) arise primarily from differences quencies that can be employed; audio oscil-
in their size and the degree of their hydration. Alternating Currents in a Cell lators that produce signals of about 1000 Hz
are the most satisfactory. Cells
As was pointed out earlier (p. S05~ conduc-
tion of dc electricity across a solution/electrode For less refined work, an ordinary 6O-cycle Figure 22-1 depicts three common types of
interface is a faradaic process in which oxida- current, stepped down from 110 to perhaps cells for the measurement of conductivity. Each
tion and reduction must occur at the two 10 V, is also used. With such a source, how- contains a pair of electrodes firmly fixed in a
electrodes. An alternating current, on the other ever, faradaic processes often limit the accu- constant geometry with respect to one another.
TABLE 22-2 EQUIVALENT IONIC racy of the conductance measurements. On
hand, requires no electrochemical reaction at The electrodes are ordinarily platinized to
the electrodes (p. 506); here, electricity flows the other hand, the convenience and ready increase their effective surface and thus their
>..~ Anion >..!. availability of 6O-cycle power justify its use
Cation as a consequence of nonfaradaic processes. capacitances; faradaic currents are minimized
Because the changes associated with faradaic for many purposes. as a result.
H3O+ 349.8 ow 199.0
conduction can materially alter the electrical Power sources with frequencies much great- Determination of the Ceil Constant. Ac-
Li+ 38.7 Cl- 76.3
characteristics of a cell, conductometric mea- er than 1000 Hz create problems in conduc- cording to Equation 22-2, the specific conduc-
Na+ SO.1 Br- 78.1
surements are 8dvantageously based upon tance measurements with a bridge. Here, the tance k is related to the measured conductance
K+ 73.5 1- 76.8
nonfaradaic processes. cell capacitance and stray capacitances in other G by the ratio of the distance separating the
NHt 73.4 NO; 71.4
At low frequepcies, conduction of ac elec- parts of the circuit cause phase changes in the electrodes to their surface area. This ratio has
Ag+ 61.9 CIO; 67.3 tricity through ari electrolyte involves periodic current for which compensation is difficult. a fixed and constant value in any given cell
tMg2+ 53.1 C2H3Oi 40.9
motion of the ions toward and away from and is known as the cell constant. Its value is
teaH 59.5 -tSO~- 80.0 seldom determined directly. Instead, the <:on-
the electrodes, as noted earlier (p. 506);
tBaH 63.6 too~- 69.3
however, at radio frequencies, a significant
Resistance Bridges ductance of a solution whose specific conduc-
tPbH 69.5 te20~- 742 fraction of ac electricity is transported in the The Wheatstone bridge arrangement, shown tance is reliably known is measured; the cell
iFe3+ 68.0 iFe(CN):- 110.5
form of a dielectric current which results from in Figure 2-24 (p. 35), is typical of the appara- constant can then be calculated. Solutions of
iLa3+ 69.6 potassium chloride are commonly chosen for
induced and orientation polarization. Most tus used for conductance measurements. The
The two linear portions are then extrapolated, methods, which require observations under
the point of intersection being taken as the conditions where reaction is least complete, a
equivalence point. conductometric analysis can be employed suc-
Because reactions fail to proceed to ab- cessfully for titrations based upon relatively
solute completion, conductonietric titration unfavorable equilibria.
curves invariably show departures from strict The conductometric end point is completely
linearity in the region of the equivalence point. nonspecific. Although it is potentially adapt-
Curved regions become more pronounced as able to all types of volumetric reactions, the
the reaction in question becomes less favorable number of its useful applications to oxidation-
and as the solution becomes more dilute. The reduction systems is limited; the substantial
linear portions of the curve are best defined excess of hydrogen ions typically needed for
by measurements sufficiently removed from such reactions tends to mask conductivity
the equivalence point so that the common ion changes associated with the volumetric reac-
effect forces the reaction more nearly to com- tion.
pletion. It is in this respect thllt the conducto-
metric technique appears to 'best advantage;
Acid-Ba.e Titration.
in contrast to potentiometric or indicator
Neutralization titrations are particularly well
cell calibration.3 Typical data are shown in some specific level is not required for a suc-
adapted to the conductometric end point be-
Table 22-3. cessful conductometric titration. For many
cause of the large ionic conductances of
Once the value of the cell constant has purposes, it is sufficient to immerse the cell in
hydrogen and hydroxide ions compared with
been determined, conductivity data can be a reasonably large bath of water or oil, which \. i the conductances of the species that replace
is at room temperature.
easily converted to terms of specific conduct- \ them in solution.
ance with the aid of Equation 22-2. Titration of Strong Acids or Bases. The
Temperature Control The temperature
\ / solid line in Figure 22-2 represents a curve
coefficient for conductance measurements is
about 2"1oiC; as a consequence, some tem-
\ ~ / (corrected for volume change) obtained when

perature control is ordinarily required during Conductometric measurements provide a con-

\. \ /
hydrochloric- acid is titrated with sodium
hydroxide. Also plotted are the calculated
a conductometric measurement. Although a
constant temperature is necessary, control at
venient means for locating end points in titra-
tions. Sufficient measurements (three to four
\ 1\ / contributions of the individual ions to the
conductance of the solution. During neutral-
before and after the equivalence point) are
H.O·' r--.. / ,
ization, hydrogen ions are replaced by an
needed to define the titration curve. After being
\ \V // equivalent number ofless mobile sodium ions;
• G. Jones and B. C. Bradshaw, J. A"",r. C/oem. Soc, ss. corrected for volume change, the conductance
' , the conductance changes to lower values as a
-- .-
1780 (1933). data are plotted as a function of titrant volume.

/ -- .-~,-
result of this substitution. At the equivalence
point, the concentrations of hydrogen and
No' I--~1-- hydroxide ions are at a minimum and the
1-" solution exhibits its lowest conductance. A
reversal of slope occurs past the end point as
TABLE 22-3 CONDUCTANCE OF SOLUTIONS the sodium ion and hydroxide ion concentra-
FOR CELL CALIBRATION FIGURE 22-2 Conductonietrictitration of tions increase. With the exception of the im-
a strong acid with a strong base. The solid mediate equivalence-point region, an excellent
Grams KCI per Specific CODlIactance at ZSOC, line represents the titration curve, corrected linearity exists between conductance and the
1000I or Solutionin Vaa.n oIun-1 em-I
for volume change. Broken lines indicate the volume of base added; as a result, only three
71.1352 0.111342 contribution of the individual species, also or four observations on each side of the
7.41913 0.0128560 corrected for volume change, to the con- equivalence point are needed for an analysis.
0.745263 0.00140877 ductance of the solution. The percentage change in conductivity dur-
(K. = 6 x 10- 10) with strong base. This reac- species is so slight, however, that little or no what less mobile nitrate ions of the reagent· a
tion is so incomplete that a potentiometric or curvature occurs with the establishment of slight decrease in conductance results. After the
visual indicator end point is unsatisfactory. In the butTer region (see Figure 22-380 for exam- reaction is complete a rapid increase occurs
the early stages of the titration, a butTer is ple). As the strength ofthe acid (or base) be- owing to the addition of excess silver nitrate:
rapidly established that imparts to the solu- comes greater, so also does the extent of the . ?<>~uctometric methods based upon pre-
-C.10N " tion a relatively small and nearly constant hy- curvature in the early portions of the titration CipItatIon or complex-formation reactions are
VolumeNaOH drogen ion concentration. The added hydrox- curve. For weak acids or bases with dissocia- not so useful as those involving neutralization
-ide ions are consumed by this buffer and thus tion constants greater than about 10- 5, the processes. Conductance changes during these
do not directly contribute to the conductivity. curvature becomes so pronounced that an titrations are seldom as large as those observed

.A gradual increase in conductance does result, end point cannot be distinguished . with acid-base reactions because no other ion
:however, owing to the increase in concentra- Figure 22-3c illustrates the titration of the approaches the conductance of either the
tion of sodium and of borate ions. With attain- same weak acid as in Figure 22-3b, but with hydrogen or the hydroxide ion. Such factors
:ment of the equivalence point, no further aqueous ammonia instead of sodium hydrox- as slowness of reaction and coprecipitation
borate is produced; additions of base then ide. Here, because the titrant is a weak elec- represent further sources of difficulty with
VolumeHel . cause a more rapid increase in conductance trolyte, the curve is essentially horizontal past precipitation reactions.
Cd) : due to the highly mobile hydroxide ions. the equivalence point. Use of ammonia as
Figure 22·3b illustrates the titration of a titrant actually provides a curve that can be
moderately weak acid, such as acetic acid extrapolated with less uncertainty than the APPLICATIONS OF DIRECT
(K. ~ 10-51 with sodium hydroxide. Non- corresponding curve based upon titration CONDUCTANCE MEASUREMENTS
linearity in the early portions of the titration with sodium hydroxide.
curve creates problems in establishing the end Figure 22-3d represents the titration curve Direct conductometric measurements sutTer
point; with concentrated solutions, however, for a weak base, such as acetate ion, with a from a lack of selectivity, since any charged
Volume AgN03 the titration is feasible. As before, we can standard solution of hydrochloric acid. The species contributes to the total conductance
(fl interpret this curve in light of the changes in addition of strong acid results in formation of of a solution. On the other hand, the high
comJMiition that occur. Here, the solution sodium chloride and undissociated acetic acid. sensitivity of the procedure makes it an im-
FIGURE 22-3 Typicalconductometricti-
initially has a moderate concentration of hy- The net effect is a slight rise in conductance portant analytical tool for certain applica-
tration curves. Titration of (a) a very weak
acid (K. ::::10-1°) with sodium hydroxide; drogen ions (-10 - 3 M). Addition of base re- due to the greater mobility of the chloride ion tions. As we have noted, an important use of
(b) a weak acid (K.:::: 10-5) with sodium sults in the establishment of a buffer system over that of the acetate ion it replaces. After the method has been for estimating the purity
and a consequent diminution in the hydrogen the end point has been passed, a sharp rise in of distilled or deionized water. The specific
hydroxide (Note that for O.ot N solutions,
conductance'x 10 is plotted); (c) a weak acid ion concentration. Concurrent with this de- conductance attends' the addition of excess conductance of pure water is only about
(K. ::::10-5) with aqueous ammonia; (d) the crease is an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions. The conductometric method is S x 10- 8 ohm -I em -I; traces of an ionic im-
salt of a weak acid; (e) a mixture of hydro- sodium ions as well as the conjugate base convenient for the titration of salts whose purity will increase the conductance by an
chloric and acetic acids with sodium hy- of the acid. These two factors act in opposi- acidic or basic character is too weak to give order of magnitude or more.
droxide; and (I) chloride ion with silver tion to one another. At first, the decrease in satisfactory end points with indicators. Conductance measurements are also em-
hydrogen ion concentration predominates and Figure 22-3e is typical of the titration of a ployed for determining the concentration of
a decrease in conductance is observed. As the mixture of two acids that ditTer in degree of solutions containing a single strong electrolyte,
titration progresses, however, the pH becomes dissociation. The conductometric titration of such as solutions of the common alkalis or
stabilized (in the buffer region); the increase such mixtures frequently leads to more accu- acids. A nearly linear increase in conductance
ing the course of the titration of a strong acid in salt content then becomes the more im- rate results than those obtained with a poten- with concentration is observed for solutions
or base is the same regardless of the concen- portant factor, and a linear increase in con- tiometric method. containing as much as 20 % by weight of solute.
tration of the solution. Thus, very dilute solu- ductance finally' results. Beyond the equiv- Precipitation and Complex-Formation Analyses are based upon calibration curves.
tionS can be analyzed with an accuracy com- alence point, the curve steepens because of the TitratiolB. Figure 22-3fillustrates the con- Conductance measurements are also widely
parable to more concentrated ones. greater ionic conductance of hydroxide ion. ductance changes that occur during the titra- used to measure the salinity of sea water in
Titration of Weak Adds or Bases. Figure In principle, all titration curves for weak tion of sodium chloride with silver nitrate. oceanographic work.
22-3a illustrates application of the conducto- acids or bases contain the general features of The iriitial additions of reagent in effect cause Finally, conductance measurements yield
metric end point to the titration of boric acid Figure 22-3b. The ionization of very weak a substitution of chloride ions by the some- valuable information about association and
dissociation equilibria in aqueous solutions- Applications
are similar to those for conventional low-
provided, of course, that one or more of the
Analysis of Binary Mixtures. Oscillometric frequency condu~o~etric titrations. The ap-
reacting species is ionic.
measurements have been employed for the ~rance of the titration curves is often quite
determination of binary mixtures of nonionic ~ifferent, however; both V-shaped curves and
species. Such analyses are b8sed upon the Inverted V-type end points are encountered.
dielectric behavior of the mixtures and re- Curvature is also frequently observed; data
As mentioned earlier (p. 506~ the conduction quire that the dielectric constants for the two must, therefore, be collected in the immediate
of ac radio-frequency (10' to 107Hz) electricity co~ponents ~iffer significantly. For this appli- end-point region. For a given reaction the
through a solution is a complex process that cation, a~ Instrument based .on frequency titration curve depends upon the concentr~tion
involves not only ionic motion but also induced changes IS employed. Empirical calibration of the substance titrated as well as upon the
and orientation polarization of the molecules curves permit conversion of inStrument read- parameter measured (that is, the change in
in the medium. As a result of these various ings to concentration ratios. Examples of this frequency or the oscillator current).
conduction mechanisms, the impedance of a type of application include the analysis of The high-frequency method does not ap-
solution to the flow of current varies in an mIXtures of ethanol and nitrobenzene, benzene pear to yield titration data of higher accuracy
intricate way with the dielectric constant, the and chlorobenzene, alcohol and water and 0- than the classical method, and suffers the draw-
electrolyte concentration, and the frequency. and p-xylene. " backs of greater empiricism and of requiring
Interpretation ofthe relationships among these Titratio... Oscillometric measurements measurements near the end point. Thus, except
variables is difficult, and the use of high- ~ave ~ employed to locate the end point where the presence of electrodes interferes with
frequency currents could hardly be justified FIGURE 22-4 Sample cell and elec- In vanous types of titrations. The methods a titration, oscillometry offers little advantage.
were it not for the fact that the experimental trodes for high. frequency measurements.
measurement does not require direct contact
between the electrodes and the solution.
the sample and cell. In the former, one or more
variable capacitors are wired in parallel with For each ~f the' following problems, derive an approximate titration
Instruments the cell and the circuit is tuned to its resonance curve o~ specIfic conductance versus volume of reagent, employing the
assumptIon that
As shown in Figure 22-4, a typical cell for frequency in the absence of sample. The sample
is then introduced and the capacitance that (a) 100.0 ml of 1.00 x 1O-3N 50lution is being titrated with
high-frequency measurements consists of a 1.00 x 1O-2N reagent;
glass container designed to fit snugly between must be subtracted (by means of a calibrated
capacitor) to restore resonance is determined. (b) the volume change occurring as the titration proceeds can be
a pair of cylindrical metal electrodes. The elec- neglected;
trode and cell are then made part of the reso- For instruments based on the resistive im-
pedance of the sample, the change in oscillator (c) t~e .equivalen~ ionic conductances of the various ions are not
nant circuit of a sine-wave oscillator (p. 24); slgmficantly different from their equivalent ionic conductances at
the behavior of this resonant circuit can be current resulting from the introduction of
infinite dilution (Table 22-2).
interpreted by assuming that the solution in sample is measured.
Because of the limited scope of oscillometry, ~alcula~~ theoretical specific conductances of the mixtures after the follow-
the cell acts like a parallel capacitor and resis- Ing addItIons of reagent: 0.00, 2.00, 4.00, 6.00, 8.00, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0 ml.
tance. The capacitive reactance depends upon we shall not dwell further on the somewhat
complicated instrumentation and complex in- 1. Ba(OHh with HCI
frequency and the dielectric constant of the
terrelations associated with this technique; the 2. Phenpl with KOH (use K. = 1.0 X 10-10 and All. = 30 for C6H,O-)
solution; the resistive impedance is also fre-
quency-dependent and is related to the number reader is referred to the treatment of the subject 3. Sodium acetate with HCl04 (assume K. for acetic acid = 1.8 x 10-')
by Reilley4 and Pungor.' 4. P~oPllnoic acid (All. = 35.8 for CH3CH2COO- and K. = 1.3 x 10-')
and kinds of ions in the solution as well. At
high frequencies, the resistive impedance is WIth NaOH
generally lower than that measured with 5. Propanoic acid with NH3
currents in the l000-Hz range. 6. Pb(N03h with Naa
4 C. N. Rci11ey, in New lrutnunental Methods in Electro-
Instruments are available commercially that 7. Pb(N03h with LiCI
cltntlsrry, ed. P. Delahay. New York: Intenciencc, 19S4,
are based upon either the change in frequency Chapter IS.
or the change in oscillator circuit current (at • E. Punlor, Oscillometry and CondllCtometry. New York:
constant frequency) caused by the presence of Pergamon Press, 1965.

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