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The abortion debate is not over.
Help us stop more abortions >

Society for the Protection

of Unborn Children (SPUC)
3 Whitacre Mews, Stannary Street, London, SE11 4AB
(020) 7091 7091 Visit:
Upholding human life from the very start
Abortion_leaflet_AW 21/8/08 09:23 Page 2

4,000 babies are aborted every week in Britain

What do you think about abortion? Pro-abortion MPs also want restrictions on
Some doctors see it as a back-up pregnancy counsellors who don’t refer
to contraception. women for abortions.
For many women it’s a desperate last If these amendments are passed it is
resort – few take it lightly. likely to mean more abortions than ever
Some expectant fathers see it as a way before: more babies will die. Reluctant
out of their responsibilities. women will face more pressure than ever
to submit to abortions.
We believe…
Legalised abortion degrades the medical Women deserve better than
profession. It offers expectant mothers a abortion – act now:
hideous choice – the choice of killing a ask your MP to vote against widening
baby. Many women say it is the only abortion access - contact him/her at the
“choice” they are offered. Abortion allows House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
irresponsible men to shirk their duty, but it or on (020) 7219 3000. (To find out your
causes great distress to men who care MP's name or email him/her, visit
about their unborn child.
MPs have the real choice: to vote for write to Prime Minister Gordon Brown
more abortions - or against. asking him to oppose the pro-abortion
amendments, at 10 Downing Street,
If you agree that 4,000 abortions is too
London, SW1A 2AA.
many, please tell your MP. Because
pro-abortion MPs are now seeking to help spread the campaign - return the
widen the Abortion Act. They want to coupon below.
abolish safeguards like needing a second Society for the Protection of Unborn
doctor to authorise an abortion. They want Children (SPUC)
nurses and midwives to perform abortions
3 Whitacre Mews, Stannary Street,
(which makes it cheaper, but not safer).
London, SE11 4AB
And they want the Abortion Act extended
to Northern Ireland against the wishes of Email
the vast majority of people living there.

Reply Coupon
1. Please send me 20 , 100 , 500 , other of this leaflet to distribute.
2. Please send me more information about the pro-abortion amendments
3. I would like to join SPUC: I support the aims and objects of SPUC and I wish to become a member.
Subscription: £10 (ordinary annual) £3 (concessionary) £250 (life)
4. My donation: £ Please make cheques payable to “S.P.U.C.”
5. Please send me information on pledging a legacy to SPUC
Mr/Mrs/Miss/other Full name
Code HFEB 08e

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