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*¿Which of the 20 Must-Visit attractions in Colombia? (or any other place) is your
favorite? And why?

My favorite place is San Andres and Providencia since they are two very beautiful
islands of Colombia located in the Caribbean Sea. These two islands have very
clean white sand beaches and the sea of seven schools, perfect for swimming. It
has a tasty climate, also has a large reef with different varietie’s of fish perfect for

*¿Where is located?
It is located in the Caribbean Sea, just off the coast of Panama.

*Make a list of ten Word describe that city or place.

- Clean
- Beautiful
- Warm
- Beach
- Sea
- Reef
- Tourism
- Swim
- Hotels
- Fishes.

Hacienda Napoles.

Doradal, Antioquia highway


- Swimming pool.
- Animals.
- Slide.
- Museum.
- Fishes.
- Lakes.
- Food.
- Zoo.
- Sunny.
- Attractions

A vacation last year, we went for a walk to the department of Antioquia to a well-known

place in the country called La Hacienda Napoles in the municipality of Puerto Triunfo. It

is a sunny place with an average temperature of 30 ° C, the internal facilities are new, it

has a new water park, different swimming pools and also a zoo with a great variety of

animals. The photo was taken in the center of the municipality with my niece Hannah.

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