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The Secret Power of Urine

and How to Use It

I really wish I could reveal so much to you all here, but as I
have always said, many of you read (which is good) but
alas, most of you do not participate. The topic of urine
was brought to my mind after speaking to one of my
students. She reminded me, while we spoke of some
things grandmothers in Jamaica used to do or teach the
younger ones how to do. We laughed as she told her tale
and of course it was of the use of urine told to her by her
grandmother. I recall once speaking to one of my stylists
in the hair salon I owned years ago. She laughingly told
me that she was walking in someones yard in Jamaica
once upon a time and spotted a hundred dollars. As she
was about to pick it up, her mind brought up a memory
from childhood, that she should not take money she
found randomly. I laughed with her that day and
confirmed to her that my mom had taught us that also.

But my stylist said the temptation to pick up the money

was so great, that it came to her mind to pee on it and
then pick it up. She said luckily she was in the yard at a
place where she would not be noticed so easily, and of
course she stooped and did exactly what her mind told
her. She picked up the saturated bill (drenched in urine)
and went off to spend it. Urine has unbelievable power,
I will not share most of it because some knowledge isn’t
good in the wrong hands. But this is the internet after all,
so I will be topical and share some things that are
valuable and that you can use for yourselves, your
business, your home and even your children. For those of
you thinking that this is gross, I too share the feeling.
However, power is power and can come through any
source. The human body has so much power, especially
the woman. Yes, women there is immense power within
us, unfortunately many of you can not know these keys
because there seems to be a very great revengeful spirit
written or coded within the feminine gender. If you are
given certain power, you must be responsible in how you
use it.

The Spiritual Power of Urine and How to Use It

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1. Finding Money On the Street and Picking it Up

At times, money may be set to destroy someone’s

prosperity (through the act of obeah). Often times coins
are used, but paper money are also used. The Obeah
may not have been set for you, the one who has found it,
but nevertheless it can still affect you, so be cautious. It
matters not if you believe or not, be certain that bad
obeah is real and can certainly latch unto the unintended.
Here is what you do if you do happen to be in this
situation: Use urine to sprinkle on the money before
touching it. It does not have to be saturated as my friend
did, but make sure the urine gets sprinkled all over it.
From there, you are free to do with it as you wish.
Africans even practice the same, so Jamaicans, you have
not forgotten what the Motherland taught your ancestors.

2. Eating In Your Dreams

If you have a dream, where you have eaten in the dream,

in most cases, this is a spiritual attack. It does not matter
if the food was given to you or prepared by your favorite
grandmother, the enemy can use your trust against you
and disguise himself as the person you trust most. That
lovely plate of curry goat you were served, was spiritually
a plate of nails. Here’s what you do if this should happen
to you: Get up in the morning, do not speak to anyone,
find something to pee in and (yes – I know this is gross)
drink a little sip of it. Three small sips is enough! Not a
whole cup full. Disgusting, yes, I know. However, what
has been given to you, to hurt, maim or even kill you, will
have no effect. Just think that it is your own urine and not
Captain Lou Albano’s own (remember him?) and you will
be fine.
3. Urine in Love Spells

I wanted to tell this one, but I thought better of it. Many

people use urine in love spells and it is indeed effective.
However I must warn you: Doing anything to bind a
person to you against their will is never good. It can
cause great harm in terms of illness or even cost a person
their life in the end. There are many “side effects” (for
lack of a better word) to performing a ritual like this on
someone, and can ultimately turn back against the
person who has performed it. Please do not even think of
doing this work, and for the purpose of not tempting
anyone, I will not give the remedy. I just want you to know
that it is used by those knowledgeable in binding jobs,
along with other things added, and something extra that
is extremely important for it to be effective.

4. Urine to Discipline Children

If a child is rude to his or her parent, cursing or fighting

them (a great taboo by the way), urine can be used by
the parents to bring the child back into line. I know your
imaginations are running all over the place as to how, but
again I can not reveal it because it’s not really a job that I
support. To be honest the work is not gross as in
ingesting the urine, but I believe there are other ways to
bring the dranco (de rude pickney) back in line, for
example two box and couple kick unda dem bumbo.

5. Removing Planted Evil (Juju) From Your Home or


Use urine to wash in front of your house to remove any

evil someone might have placed there. So if Matilda has
sprinkled your business place with bad obeah to stop
your business, or maybe sprinkled some “no mek she get
no customer powder“, do not worry. Guh peepee inna
sinting and wash off de place wid it, do it in de night. Just
pee into something and wash the area! It will probably
smell like a wild boar or public toilet, but hey, it’s effective

But if you really are worried about the smell, after 3 days
time you can wash it away with whatever cleaning
solution you choose. Matilda move har claaat!

5. Receiving Spiritually “Fixed” Money

If you believe you have been given bad money, use urine
to sprinkle the money, along with High John the
Conqueror Oil on the money (I am not a huge believer in
oils, but there are few that I know works, and this is one
of them). Set the money upon a plate with some
powdered blue inside the plate and say an incantation.
You will now wait 7 days before the obeah is removed
from the money where you can spend it without a
problem. This can also be used if you do not trust
someone but you must pay them money from your hand.
If you suspect they may take that money and hurt you
spiritually, the same instructions above can be used,
except you don’t have to make it wait for 7 days. But if
the person is suspicious of the money and does want to
take it from you or returns to you, you also can not use
the money right away because you have just fixed it
yourself. It must stay in that dish for 7 days.

6. Protection From Unwanted Entities

If you are going out, but you may be worried about

coming back late at night and what entity may want to
follow you home. Use urine to pour before your gate
before you enter, or use it before you leave the house and
say an incantation.

7. Gain Confidence with Your Urine

I am so happy to say that one of my students told me this

one. If you have a situation where you need confidence,
wait until the next morning and take your first morning’s
urine and dab a little on your face (I am being a little more
gentle with these instructions but if I were to use her own
words: “Take your urine and wash your face with it.”) And
then go out and face whatever it is you needed
confidence for. [click_to_tweet tweet=”From a
metaphysical point of view, urine comes out of your body
and therefore has your own spiritual essence with it –
you own magnetic power. So using it spiritually can
possibly call forth your warrior spirits to stand behind
you.” quote=”From a metaphysical point of view, urine
comes out of you and therefore has your own spiritual
essence with it – you own magnetic power, so maybe
granny is correct after all, and putting it on your face can
maybe call forth your warrior spirits to stand behind you”]
But this is just a theory in my mind.

8. Get Rid of a Bug In Your Ear

If you somehow get an insect stuck in your ear like my

daughter did, take warm urine and pour it into your ear.
The animal will come right out!

There you go! I have dropped some very good jewels for
you all. But these are just a few. Urine has so much
spiritual power and can achieve many things by itself.
Walk the good road and be responsible. The Universe
sees all so be sure you use knowledge for good. I will give
a class where I will go into this topic deeper and delve
into a few other surprising ones about the human body.
People, humans have power within and without. Your left
hand has a lot of power, your right hand also holds some
power. But spiritually, it is your left hand that has the
spiritual power if only you know how to use it…

Quick Fact:

Women your womb has power. If a woman reaches a

certain age where she no longer sees her period, she has
the ability to stop a bullet from entering the flesh for
anyone, by doing just one simple thing! A woman with her
period and without it are some of the most powerful
spiritual gifts. I’ll save the rest for class. I love you all,
Obara Meji

Upon falling, a youngster looks ahead (for help); an

elder looks back (for the cause) – Yoruba Proverb

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