Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics Mcgill University Cive327 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Assignment No. 5

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Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics

McGill University


Assignment No. 5

1. If the F-L-T system of unit were used, what would be the dimensions on each of the following?
(a) mass flux (d) bulk modulus of elasticity (g) dynamic viscosity
(b) kinetic energy flux (e) fluid power (h) kinematic viscosity
(c) momentum flux (f) surface tension

Solution :
[mass flux] = [m& ] =
(b) [kinetic energy flux] = [P] =
(c) [momentum flux] = [Fm]= F
(d) [bulk modulus of elasticity] =[B] =
(e) [ ]
[fluid power] = W& =
[surface tension] = [σ ] =
[dynamic viscosity] = [µ ] =
(h) [kinematic viscosity] = [ν ] =

2. Find an expression for the average velocity in a smooth pipe if it depends on the viscosity, the
diameter, and the pressure gradient, . (Potter & Wiggert 6.15)
The relevant variables are

 dp 
V = f  µ , D, 
 dx 

where, V = average velocity (m/s)

µ = dynamic viscosity (kg/m.s)
D = diameter of pipe (m)
= pressure gradient (kg/m2s2)
There are 4 variables with 3 basic dimensions. Therefore, according to the Buckingham π-theorem, n
– m = 4 – 3 = 1 dimensionless parameter is needed to describe the problem. The dependence on
density and roughness are ignored in this question. The pressure is related to the velocity by the
Bernoulli theorem. The following has the same pressure dimension on both sides,
 dp   µV 
 dx D  =  D 

The one and only dimensionless parameter is:

dp D 2
π1 = = constant
dx µV
dp D 2
V = constant ⋅
dx µ

This is a fine example showing the use of dimensionless analysis. The linear relation between the
velocity and the piezometric gradient is simply the consequence of dimensional reasoning.

3. The surface wave in a shallow layer of liquid depends on the layer’s depth, h, gravity, g, surface
tension, σ, and the liquid density, ρ. Find an expression for the wave speed c (see Figure P6.21
on p. 264).
c h

Figure P6.21

The expression relating the variables is

c = f (h , g ,σ , ρ )

where, c = wave speed (m/s)

h = shallow layer’s depth (m)
g = gravity (m/s2)
σ = surface tension (kg/s2)
ρ = liquid density (kg/m3)

There are 5 variables with 3 basic dimensions. Therefore, n – m = 5 – 3 = 2 dimensionless terms. The
functional relation between the two is π 1 = f (π 2 ) . The goal of the analysis is to correlate surface
tension effect with the wave speed. Therefore, one of the π is to depend only on c while the other
only on σ. We may take Froude number as the parameter that depend on c:

π1 = Fr = =
The other dimensionless parameter is the ratio of gravity to surface tension:

Fr 2 V 2 σ σ
π2 = = ⋅ =
We gh ρV h ρgh 2

The relation between π 1 and π 2 can be re-written into the form as follows:
c  σ 
= f  
 ρgh
gh 

4. The flow rate over a weir, Q, depends on the head of water, H, the width of the weir, w, gravity,
g, viscosity, µ, density, ρ, and surface tension, σ (see Potter & Wiggert 6.31 and Fig. 10.10 on p.
497). Find the relevant independent dimensionless variables, and then the expression for the flow

η v2 Nappe



1 2 1 2
(a) (b)
Figure 10.10 Rectangular sharp-crested weir: (a) ideal flow; (b) actual flow

The relevant variables and the relation between them are

Q = f (H , w, g , µ , ρ ,σ )

where, Q = flow rate (m3/s)

H = head of water (m)
w = width of weir (m)
g = gravity (m/s2)
µ = dynamic viscosity (kg/m.s)
ρ = density (kg/m3)
σ = surface tension (kg/s2)

There are 7 variables with 3 basic dimensions. Therefore, n – m = 7 – 3 = 4 dimensionless terms. The
functional relation is π 1 = fn (π 2 ,π 3 ,π 4 ) .

Because we need to find an expression for the flow rate, only one of the π's can be expressed in term
of Q. The parameter on Q can be the Froude number,
π1 = Fr = =
gH gH 5

Froude is used here, as gravity is expected to be the dominant effect. The other π's, which do not
depend on Q are obtained by inspection as follows,

π2 = Geometric relation =
Fr V µ µ
π3 = = ⋅ =
Re gH ρVH ρ gH 3
Fr 2 V 2 σ σ
π4 = = ⋅ =
We gH ρV H ρgH 22

w µ σ 
Q = gH 5 f  , '
 H ρ gH 3 ρgH 2 
 

If the Reynolds number is high and if the dimension of the weir is sufficiently large, the viscous and
surface tension effects would be negligible. Under this condition, the function, fn1 would be constant,
and Q = gH 5 .

5. The prototype flow rate over a weir is 2 m3/s of water. A 1:10 scale model of the weir is tested in
a water channel. (Potter & Wiggert 6.53)
(a) What model flow rate should be used?
(b) If a force of 12 N is measured on the model, what force would be expected on the prototype?

Lm 1
Given Qp = 2 m3/s; and =
L p 10
Froude number of similarity,
Frm = Frp
Vm Vp
gLm gL p
Vm Lm 1
= =
Vp Lp 10

(a) The ratio of flow rates is found recognizing that Q = VA,

Qm Q
= p2
Vm Lm V p L p
Vm L2m
Qm = Q p
V p L2p
1 1
Qm = 2 × ×   = 6.325 × 10–3 m3/s
10  10 

(b) The ratio of force over inertia,

Fm Fp
1 1
ρVm2 L2m ρV p2 L2p
2 2
V p2 L2p
Fp = Fm 2 2
Vm Lm
( ) 2
Fp = 12 × 10 × 10 2 = 12 kN

6. The propeller of a ship is to be studied with a 1:10 scale model. (Potter & Wiggert 6.55)
(a) Assume the propeller operate close to the surface, select the propeller speed of the model if
the prototype is 600 rpm.
(b) What torque would be expected if 1.2 Nm is measured on the model?

L 1
Given m =
L p 10

By neglecting viscous effect, and having Froude number of similarity,

Frm = Frp
Vm Vp
gLm gL p
Vm Lm 1
= =
Vp Lp 10

(a) By kinematic similarity,

Vm V
= p
ωm Lm ω p L p
Vm L p
ωm = ω p
V p Lm
ωm = 600 × × 10 = 1897.37 rpm

(b) By torque similarity,

Tm Tp
1 1
ρVm2 L3m ρV p2 L3p
2 2
V 2 L3
Tp = Tm p2 3p
Vm Lm
( ) 2
Tp = 1.2 × 10 × 103 = 12 kNm

7. A 1:10 scale model of a propeller on a ship is to be tested in a water channel. What should be
rotating speed of the model if the rotational speed of the prototype propeller is 2000 rpm, and if
(a) the Froude number governs the model-prototype similarity, or if
(b) Reynolds number governs the similarity. (Potter & Wiggert 6.63)

L 1
Given m = ; ωp = 2000 rpm
L p 10

(a) Froude number similarity,

Frm = Frp
Vm Vp
gLm gL p
Vm Lm 1
= =
Vp Lp 10

By kinematic similarity,
Vm V
= p
ωm Lm ω p L p
Vm L p
ωm = ω p
V p Lm
ωm = 2000 × × 10 = 6324.56 rpm

(b) Reynolds number similarity,

Rem = Rep
ρVm Lm ρV p L p
µ µ
Vm L
= p = 10
Vp Lm

By kinematic similarity,
Vm V
= p
ωm Lm ω p L p
Vm L p
ωm = ω p
V p Lm
ωm = 2000 × 10 × 10 = 200,000 rpm

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