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Unit 1 – Task 2 – Writing Production

Presentado Por:

Yesica Hasbleidy Guzman

CC 100592589

Grupo: 900003_14

Presentado a Tutora:

Rosa Inés Martínez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Administrativas Contables Económicas y de Negocios ECACEN

Contaduría Publica

Ingles B1

Septiembre de 2020

• What is your job?

R= Auxiliary Supermarket Colsubsidio

• Where do you work? Describe your place of work.

R= My workplace is spacious nice and cozy.

• What responsibilities do you have at work?

R= In my work I have to guarantee excellent customer service and motivate the sale of
the warehouse.

• Describe your activities at work. Do you like your job? Yes, No. Why?

R= My activities are customer service, cash flow management (money), merchandise

reception and general marketing service. I like my work because I feel good and they
motivate me to improve myself every day.

• Describe your skills and weaknesses for this job.

R= One of my main skills is verbal communication. I am in a position to express myself

and that improves my work; one of my weaknesses is a lack of patience. This may alter
my performance.

• What was your first day at work like?

R= My first day of work was quite uncomfortable because I had nerves and anguish I
was afraid of doing something wrong or making mistakes.

 Do you have or know about any superstition in your business/work/office?

R= In my work we always have the ideology that if the work evironment is tense the
sale will be demotivated.

• What do you study?
R= I study public accounting.

• Where do you study?

R= I study at the national open and distance university UNAD cead Gacheta

• What is your favorite subject?

R= My favorite people are my family and Friends who always support me.

• What are your responsibilities at University?

R= Be a high-quality student having excellent learning.

• Describe your activities at University. Do you like your career? Yes, No. Why?

R= My activities at the university is to participate in the we conference and cipas to

increase my knowledge. I am passionate about my career is great.

 What was your first day at University like?

R= The first day I traveled to the university I was afraid since it was something
unknown to me but I liked it a lot.

• Do you have or know about any superstition in your school/University?

R= My university is the most prestigious in the virtual modality which fills me with
pride, always unadista.

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